<@Dreol> [Power Sliders Session 1] <@Dreol> [As the light brightens you all find yourselves standing on a cobblestone island, surrounded by a golden fence in the middle of a void. There are six of you all on the same chunk of rock. Up ahead are stairs leading down to a bridge at the end of which is a door.] <@Dreol> [Begin] * Cassiopeia looks around, and momentarily ignores the others as she begins searching around the island. "There's *always* something on the first screen..." * Lex looks around, trying to get enough information to figure out what's going on and what to do about it. * Henry blink, he's a tall, skinny teenager with brown hair, brown eyes, and horrible acne. "Uh, what just happened?" * Katsuo looks around and comments to himself in japenese. "" * Micah stretches out, a lanky older teen with short cut black hair and dark eyes, he's in jeans and a rock band T. He scoffs a bit. "I fucking knew it had to be aliens or something a damn bit more insane then vegas." * Kyler freezes, and then spins around, clutching his backpack, looking a little wild-eyed at the circumstances and the people. "What in the fu--" he pauses as he catches sight of the girls, and tries again. "What the heck is going on here?" * Henry looks at the other people but none of them were from the pokemon championship. "Aliens?" * Lex glances at the others, but waits to speak. She's a stocky girl in her late teens, of about average height, with coffee-black hair pulled back in a stubby little ponytail at the base of her neck. * Cassiopeia maneuvers around and through the group, searching the ground carefully. She's a short (~5'2), slightly built young woman with dark curly hair down to her shoulderblades, covered in a dark purple bandanna. Tanned skin speaks to a Mediterranian background. * Micah laughs a bit. "Some damn noob told me all the disappearances were because vegas was fixing the odds. I think we got proof this ain't vegas. So... let's see, nope don't know any of you shits so you weren't doing good at Halo." * Kyler is a tall, lean young man in his early twenties with dark mussed hair under an whitish visor-cap. Other than that, he's also wearing a blue polo shirt with his university seal, name, and the Greek letters Sigma Phi Epsilon over the breast, khaki shorts, and a pair of Adidases. An old red backpack is slung over his shoulder, with the monogram KMTF. * Cassiopeia is wearing a piratey longcoat with a multitude of pockets, a t- shirt with a cow standing upright with a pirate hat on wielding a cutlass, and cargo pants. <@Dreol> [The ground appears to have nothing, Cass. It is plain gray cobblestone] * Lex shoves her hands deep into the pockets of a black zip-up hoodie and forces herself calm. "Anyone have any idea where we are, aside from not Vegas?" * Kyler spares time for a glance at the cusser as he takes in his surroundings. "Hey, dude. Ladies present." * Katsuo is an older, middle-aged japanese man. He appears, well, very average for those not familiar with him. He's aged reasonably well in that he doesn't look like he has any physical ailments. He's dressed in a casual business suit with a metroid tie, and around 5'7". * Lex is, aside from the hoodie, wearing a black T-shirt, beat up jeans, and regulation black Converses. Mmmhmmm and the ladies could probably kick your ass and make me blush, gamer chicks are freaks man. Don't get your panties in a bunch. * Cassiopeia frowns. "Nothing in the beginning area? Well crap." She looks back up, and seems to notice the others for the first time. "... hi?" Beginning area? This isn't a video game. Hi! I'm Henry. * Katsuo , if you DO know your video game professionals, is nicknamed 'Jiji' in the professional circuts, and has been around for as long as gaming competetions have been. He speaks in semi-broken english. "You young people, you know what happening? This no heaven or there be more people like me." He laughs. * Lex blinks at Henry from behind square-rimmed glasses. "Lex." * Kyler rolls his eyes and gives the guy another flat look, but is then distracted by Henry and the long-haired chick starting introductions before he can start a fight. He turns to the welcome distractions and sticks out a hand to Henry, as he was the first to give his name. "Kyler. Good to meetcha." * Henry looks around. "If this heaven, shouldn't there be angels and things? Yes, which how I know it not. You'd expect it to be bigger, too. For the ranks of angels, if not the human population. Cassiopeia. Everyone calls me Cass. Shorter to type. * Lex glances at Cass, startled, but decides there are more important things to worry about right now. Well, now that we know what it's not... Stairs? * Kyler kneels down a little and raps on the stone with his knuckles, then does the same with the fence. * Katsuo starts looking at the young kids, mentally documenting their names. That's what I was thinking. But - we don't know anything. Not that we seem to have many other options, either... Longest journey start with single step. What ever. I'm Micha, Deathfly, but you guys wouldn't know that. Then we go down the stairs, through the door, and hope it ain't an instadeath. ...feels real... I am, ah, Katsuo Yamamoto. 'Jiji'. Nice to meet you. * Lex suppresses a sigh. "Wait - Micah? was it you who said we were gamerchicks? Are we all from Ubercon?" * Katsuo holds his hand out for the kids to shake. * Micah blinks and stares at the old dude. "Shit, going for the best of the fucking best. Well if I gotta be fucked with, least I'm in good company." Ah, yes, Ubercon. New games! Fly all the way from the West Coast to play. * Kyler shakes Katsuo's hand! "Nice to meetya, even if the circumstances aren't...normal." I was at Ubercon too! * Cassiopeia absently shakes hands with Katsuo. "Yeah, me too. Was just about to win, too." Don't know what happen, though. Was playing game, got morph ball, then darkness everywhere! Well I am, and Jiji over there wasn't he was hacking some game to make little boys cry when he beat it in thirty seconds. Rumors are that's the shit that found the first mario warp pipe. * Katsuo laughs. "I find warp pipe in arcade. Designer not think I would look there, but I did." * Kyler has a touch of southern in his accent, but nothing overdone. "Tell me about it. But we won't be doin' anything but burning sunshine by stayin' on this rock." He has apparently decided to discreetly ignore Micah for now. Ah, no instadeath for walking through door. That bad game design. * Cassiopeia nods, and starts down the stairs towards the door. * Kyler gestures for Cass, Lex, and Katsuo to go first before followin'. * Lex snorts, almost involuntarily, and reluctantly follows Cass. "But how do we know this is a *game*? I admit I don't know what else it could be..." Maybe it's some super secret Ubercon prize thing? I doubt it, then they'd've waited until we'd actually won for sure. Well, it's pretty obvious, see a high score? a frag count? a ghost you need to pop pills to eat? Then it's a damn game. Till then it's reality. <@Dreol> [As you cross the narrow bridge you get a really good view of what is below you. Which is nothing. It is simply black void. The door is a simple wooden door which is attached to two stone columns.] If it were, you'd think we would have won first. That's a long way down... You all good players, yes? I not remember any of you from tele. Except Micah and, ah... Kyler, was name? Only see you briefly on store tele. * Cassiopeia pauses at the door for a moment, then shrugs and tries to open it. "Doors are meant to be opened." * Katsuo walks to the door and prepares to grab Cassiopeia and drag her back if something grabs her from inside. * Lex mutters, "Not all of them..." * Kyler pauses and glances down, twitches a bit, then goes on. He grins briefly at Katsuo's comment. "Yup, that's my name. Did a season on Madden Nation." Yes, but you good at some game, yes? <@Dreol> [The door opens. Through the door you see a larger island at the center of which is a street lamp and an old man in a suit and bowler hat sleeping against the lamp post. Behind the lamp is a large door which appears to lead into the void.] * Henry double checks that his DS is, in fact still with him. "Yeah, I just won the pokemon competition..." * Kyler laughs a little at that one. "Yeah, Madden's a football simulator. Well, the name's attached to some other things too, but Madden NFL is my specialty." See? Bowler hat. So we're either in a video game or England. * Micah laughs "F.E.A.R. Touney. I'm...pretty sure this isn't how England works. * Henry blinks. "Uhm... I'm gonna go with the in a video game idea." I was playing Metroid. Very tricky game, but good when hit shelves. Yeah, England has rain all the time doesn't it? Monkey Island here. Three time defending Freestyle Insult Fighting Champion. Will sell well. Random fenced islands in the middle of a sea of darkness, bridges over nowhere, mysterious doors...pretty sure I would have heard if that's how you get into England. Any of the rest of you ever play Chrono Trigger? One of my suitemates did a study abroad there. * Cassiopeia shakes her head. "Nah, computer gamer all the way." ...I don't think so. * Lex shakes head. "No." Dude what sick ass game has trigger in it's name but isn't a shooter? I was so jipped out of 50 bucks for that lame ass anime crap. * Kyler replies before he remembers how much he's ignoring Micah. "What, you couldn't look at the box before you bought it?" * Lex glances at Micah. "Didn't you read any reviews or - yeah." * Cassiopeia looks back at Micah and grins sweetly. "The kind targetted at people who can read the back of the box?" She glances over at Kyler, and gives him a thumbs up. Box art very good! Happy with artist's work on Chrono Trigger. Very good game. Uh, yeah. * Henry points at the old guy with the hat. "Uhm, he kinda runs the bit outside the universe with the time machine." Hey. Anyone going to try *talking* to the guy in the bowler hat? Shit, didn't have time for that, gotta make sure the rent's don't see the art. * Kyler notices the thumbs'-up, and dimplesmirks back a little. No? The...bit outside the universe? * Kyler stares at Henry. "The what inside the whatnow?" * Katsuo looks at the young'ns and decides he might as well take the first step. So he does! And walks in to address Mr. Bowlerhat. Yeah, he shows up at the end of time after everything's over and you have to go back and fix it. ...ohhhkay. That sounds real great for us. <@Dreol> [Mr. Bowlerhat is fast asleep.] * Lex follows Katsuo. Because even if she doesn't know what's going on, she can at least try to do something about it. * Kyler follows as well. * Henry walks up him and waves since he's not sure how to do nothing but eplses in real life. Then he pokes the old guy in the arm. * Micah follows but stays his distance, not sure about all this. * Katsuo bows shortly and polietly to the man, then claps his hands to wake him up. "Excuse me. You know where we are?" * Lex looks sideways at Henry, and reaches out to gently shakes Mr. Bowlerhat's shoulder. "Sir?" <@Dreol> [The old man wakes up, looks towards Henry and nods. "Welcome to the End of Time. I was expecting you. My name is Gaspar."] Expecting...who exactly? <@Dreol> Why, you six. The Power Sliders. Why? ...that sounds like a midnight munchies special at the Tavern. * Lex snorts. Or fast food sandwich. * Kyler shakes himself out of it. "Wait, what does that even mean, really? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I'm not a mini burger." wasn't there some shit scifi show about that? Wormhole jumping, red means go, elvis ain't dead, and some blackguy sings opera? I think an electric slip'n slide would be dangerous. *pauses* But awesome. So what power slider mean, Gaspar? <@Dreol> [Gaspar simply shrugs. "It is what you are called. The ones who are given the quest to save the worlds."] ...us. Really. Specifically us? <@Dreol> "Yes. You see, you have been brought here because a dark wanderer who goes by the name of Xelion has appeared and has wreaked havoc upon the worlds that you call "video games. As experts on these worlds you have been summoned to protect them. If you fail, this void is what remains." ... oh cool. *puffs her pirate coat a bit* * Lex takes a deep breath. "Who decided to give us a quest to save worlds?" Okay, this is getting a bit tooooo close to a wet dream I like. Where's the hot chick? Ahhaookaay. What do we have to do? This so weird. And why the hell did they think it was a good idea to kidnap us all? * Kyler blinks. "Well, that's..." He glances at Gaspar, obviously trying to be polite. "Not at all obviously completely insane." Are we the only ones? Or have there been others before us? Another good question. He say six. <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to Henry. "Ah yes well, you must collect the items of power." He then turns to Kyler. "No. It has always been you six."] No, that was us. Us six. Always been? We be here before? Time travel's weird like that. ....so those other disappearances are *probably* unrelated... * Cassiopeia smirks. "Always comes down to item collection." * Kyler mutters to himself. "I *knew* Dallas was just a shithole." I never like Dallas. Too hot! What happens if we don't? So, what are the items, and uh... when and where are they? Okay, dude, look, I like the interface and all, but let's ask the big question, are you saying all video games are real? <@Dreol> [Gaspar answers Micah first. "What you call "video games" are worlds that have been created by people from your world. Once created they exist as do the people in them. To the inhabitants of those worlds they are not fiction. They are real."] So where's this Xelloss come from, then? Do they say the same things over and over when you talk them or is that just in games? Right. Fuck this insanity. If you're telling me the L Block exissts and cares that it's the fucking joke winner of best character ever... Shit, that's so crazy I can't fucking insult it. Good question! * Cassiopeia winces. "Oh god, I feel so bad for the guys in Sierra games. And Nethack. Oh lord, Nethack." <@Dreol> [He then turns to Henry. "Ah yes, well... I'm getting to that. You are going to be given these bracelets." He outstretches his hand, in it are six metal wrist guards which have a few buttons and a screen. The wrist guards themselves appear to be made out of a metal that constantly shifts in color."] * Henry blinks. "What do they do?" <@Dreol> "These bracelets will allow you to connect yourselves to different worlds. You will be able to grow in power as if you were part of that world, and you will gain abilities to reflect that. In addition the bracelet will change in appearance to be less conspicuous based on the world you are in." Oh. Cool. * Micah looks at the person closest to him, Lex, and half whispers in disbelief. "Did...did he just combine the power glove with captian planet?" <@Dreol> "Additionally, these bracelets will automatically detect and allow you to comprehend and speak the language of any being you come across." <@Dreol> You need them in order to find the items of power. Aha! Our first stuff! * Lex pulls her hands out of her pockets to take one and turns it over in her hands. * Kyler eyes the bracers. "How many...items of power...did you say there were again?" * Cassiopeia takes one of the bracelets, and puts it on her wrist. <@Dreol> [Gaspar looks off into the void for a moment and then looks back at Kyler. "Each of world has one item of power. It is an item that's essence is linked to the world itself."] <@Dreol> [The bracelet shimmers in the dim light reflecting a rainbow of colors.] ...gotcha. And we need to go to...*all*...of these worlds? * Lex bursts out before she can stop herself. "*Each world*? Every single video game world? That's insane!" * Katsuo takes one of the bracelets and puts it on. As he does you can see that he also has a Mario watch. Ah, maybe we stop bad guy, we no need to fix other worlds? ...right, but like I was sayin' before, where does this bad guy even come from, anyway? Is he from a video game, too, or from the real world, or like something else completely? * Henry reaches for one, stops, remembers that there's a TIME MACHINE here, and then picks up a bracelet. * Micah looks back where they came from and sighs. "Right, fuck, no other way out. What ever, give me mine." <@Dreol> [Gaspar shakes his head. "You must go to the world that Xelion is in." He suddenly appears to remember Kyler's other question. "Xelion has just appeared recently. He comes from another world. He cloaks himself somehow, beyond my ability to see."] ...oh. Well, okay then. That...makes more sense. Obviously. Sneaky past veeery important for villian. Or you uncover story much too quickly! <@Dreol> "You must acquire the items of power before Xelion." So we don't know shit, we don't get to know shit, we don't know what we're up against, and you're just here to open the portal. You're a damn interactive loading screen. * Kyler shakes his head, half-shrugs, and reaches out for one of the remaining bracelets and puts it on his left wrist, behind his watch, ahead of a random manly bracelet. * Lex 's burning desire for information overcomes her usual preference for staying quiet. "You didn't answer my question, either. What happens if we don't?" How go from world to world? We don't, he wins, world ends. <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to Lex. "If you don't than Xelion will gain control over that world."] And? Then he wins? <@Dreol> "And destroy it." ...wait. But what's stopping us in the real world from just making the game again? Or how does that even affect the real world? Not to be insensitive about it. * Micah sighs and then pushes his way through the group, oh SURE he could have probably not bumped into you all, but he does and he grabs one of those wrist thingies and slaps it on his right hand. Hey! * Micah just glares at Henry. "I fucking asked nicely for it. You could have been a team player." * Kyler gets distracted by that and glares right back at Micah. "Last time I checked, "whatever, gimme" wasn't a nice way of asking for anything." Yeah. * Lex glances at Micah in disgust, but decides that he isn't, comparatively, that important, and focuses back on the guy with the information. We figured you were used to grabbing things yourself. <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to Kyler. "Once a world is destroyed the building blocks of it are gone forever. While a similar world can be created, a mirror image even, the world itself and all its inhabitants will be gone forever."] Translation, they just made the sixth sequal and all the damn joy is sucked from it. * Lex mutters to herself. "There's a reason I was never interested in games like this..." * Kyler turns away from Micah at Gaspar's explanation. "...hm." Actually, what effects *does* it have in the re--in our world, though? I mean, just for curiosity. And I'm guessing nothing too fun happens to us if we don't fix this, right? Because right now, we're in the worlds whatsisface is trying to destroy. <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to Henry for a minute. "In fact, young man. I believe you have a game called "Pokemon." Why don't you turn it on."] Oh, so like new Sonic games? <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to Katsuo. "It's more as if a new sonic game were the only sonic game. And none of the others existed. Imagine each world in a "series" as you call it a continuation of a persistant world. Once the world has been destroyed, the "series" is gone and the new world becomes completely independent."] Oh, like the Star Trek movie. So like bad spin-off. Shit, I fucking said that. <@Dreol> [Gaspar makes another attempt. "Imagine if all of you were to cease to exist, but a world like yours was made somewhere else where copies of you were created. That is what it would be like."] Inferior copies? <@Dreol> [Gaspar shrugs. "That would depend on your perspective. Certainly you would think they were inferior, because they were not you, exactly."] Like clone. * Henry digs out his DS and flips it open. "I hope getting here didn't do anything to my save file." <@Dreol> [Blank screen.] * Henry pokes the power button. <@Dreol> [The pokemon game doesn't exist. The cartridge simply boots up to a white screen.] Oh man... the play time on that was in daaays. <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to Henry. "It still is. Before the world was destroyed."] * Kyler pats Henry on the shoulder. "Dang, dude, that sucks." Aww, dude, lost save... that's terrible. So we gotta go back in time to before he wrecked my game to get it back? <@Dreol> [Gaspar nods. "Yes. That is correct."] <@Dreol> "You will be sent back to the current world that Xelion is in at the time that you were taken from." Did he get the rest of my games too? <@Dreol> All that is left is this void. ...aaand are we going to have to rumble with him? Or will just getting the items chase him out? But...if we fail, no one back home will be able to tell the difference? Except for lost games and the fact that we'll never reappear, of course... Aw maan. <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to Lex. "Nothing will change except all the worlds will be destroyed."] Basically, he's gonna destroy all video games. * Micah must respect lost saves or something, he's being quiet for now. <@Dreol> ["In order to accomplish this task you need this device." He hands out a blue vaguely key-shaped object.] Well - no, if I'm understanding him right. He'll just destroy the current ones, and the people in our world will create new ones. The only people who will notice are the ones in the video game worlds. I think. * Lex is not entirely sure she is following the insanity of all this. * Henry nods and takes it. "And anybody who's got a save game." Yeah. Wait, is the fuckers real name Jack Thompson? * Lex laughs a little. "That is going to be the worst system failure ever." <@Dreol> [Gaspar continues "This device is a Dimensional Key and it is linked to Xelion. Any world he visits you will also visit. He, and you, cannot leave the world until a certain event occurs within the world's timeline."] * Kyler actually lets out a snerk at that line from Micah. How do we know what that event is? * Henry doesn't get the joke, but nods at Gaspar. * Kyler then nods at Gaspar's explanation. "...aaand I guess," he sighs a huge sigh. "That if we die in the game, we...die in real life." He sounds mighty ashamed of himself for saying that. <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to Lex. "You won't." Then to Kyler. "Of course."] That sucks. <@Dreol> Keep in mind at the time of the event whoever held control over the item will gain control over the world and you and Xelion will slide to a new world. The Dimensional Key will react to the item of power when you come in contact with it. <@Dreol> It is very important that the item of power is present during the critical event. If it is not, another item will become more significant and will become the new item of power. And we'll have a new critical event, too? * Micah perks up a bit at that. "Wait, Control? Hell Yes!" <@Dreol> [Gaspar shakes his head. "No. The critical event will occur the same. The item will change to one more significant."] * Katsuo listens, like any good jRPG protagonist. <@Dreol> [He motions to the key that Henry took. "This key is the item of power for my world. So now that you have it you will be able to gain powers as if you were beings of this world."] One that's actually at the event, then? <@Dreol> [Gaspar nods. "Yes. One that is significant. It might be in anyone's posession, even Xelion's"] Cheers. So we can level up and learn magic and dual techs and all of that stuff? bleh, bleh, bleh, bleh, where are the damn guns? <@Dreol> [Gaspar nods. "Yes, something like that. In fact..." the key it glows and so do your bracelets. The screen on your bracelets then displays the Dimensional Key for a moment and then it fades. "There. it is now activated."] * Cassiopeia blinks as he bracelet flashes, and starts examining it a bit closer now. Uh, I think Lucca makes them. <@Dreol> [Gaspar looks at Micah and then at the rest of you. "I think it may help you if you go into the door behind me."] * Micah is over at Henry's side. "Okay, let me make sure I know the rules here, there are bad guys, we stand five feet across from each other, we take turns, and when it's my turn I'm legally obligated to blow the ever living shit out of them till they don't move any more or I get bored of the explosions?" <@Dreol> [Gaspar tilts his head. "There are no turns, Micah. Nobody waits patiently to destroy the world."] * Lex is finally exasperated enough to look at Micah. "Adapt or die, Micah." Only if you want to? This door where learn magic? * Micah starts laughing a bit "Come o....oh. shit. Mr. Dapper over there just explained that the folks are real in that snoozefest, didn't he?" * Cassiopeia walks over to the door, and tries to open it. "World ain't saving itself, people!" * Lex glances at Gaspar. Anything else we need to know before we walk through? Yeah? And Chrono Trigger's a good game. * Katsuo goes to open the door. "Walk around room three times!" * Micah shrugs and follows, though his energy is muted a bit. <@Ardweden> [The door opens, no problem! Behind it is another stone room, with another gold fence, and a spotlight in the center on... what looks like a dude half your height, all rolly polly with pointy ears and white fur? Yup, that's it. He looks up at you, excitedly, and bounces from one stubby foot to the other. "It's about time you showed up!"] * Lex has moved beyond bogglement. "And you are...?" That, uh, uh... We're late, we're late, increadably late? * Cassiopeia looks back at the others, and waves for them to c'mon. * Katsuo seems to have forgotten who exactly it is. <@Ardweden> ["Spekkio, MASTER OF WAR!" He bows. Er, seems to bow - there's not much waist there. "Pleased to meet you."] * Henry follows. * Katsuo bows to Spekkio. "Nice to meet you Spekkio!" Master of what war? He, uh, teaches magic, and fights people. <@Ardweden> ["Pretty much!" He eyes the lot of you. "And you guys have a long way to go." Funny words from a fuzzy marshmallow midget.] * Henry nods glumly. "I don't know anything about fighting real things." You ain't kiddin'. * Micah says pretty flatly. "I know it's ugly and I don't like real blood." Doesn't seem like we have much choice, though. <@Ardweden> ["That's true, but don't let it get you down. You know more than you think. It's why Gaspar sent you to me." Pause. "Well, that and you really, really need all the help you can get. So! Ready to get started?"] * Henry looks nerviously at the others. "If I say no, nothing happens till I say yes, right?" Hai! So say yes. Damn skippy. For now, I guess, but I doubt it'll stay that way. Okay. I guess I'm ready. screw this, I'm ready. <@Ardweden> ["Great! But we're not going to fight yet, unless you REALLY want to. Instead, I'm going to teach you about items."] * Henry sways a bit. * Micah puts his hand to his face and mutters out a very long string of curse words. * Cassiopeia beams. * Lex just waits. * Katsuo waits for the tutorial. He remembers when games DIDN'T have tutorials and DIDN'T have instruction manuals. And you had to figure it all out ON YOUR OWN. Like that second menu in Ultima. <@Ardweden> [Spekkio waves to his right, and the lot of you suddenly notice a table covered with weapons of various sorts. "Items, like these, come from the worlds you're going to be sliding into. But you can't take them with you unless they're more connected to you than the world they're from. Got it?"] wait, what does that shit even mean? Gotta make 'em our own, or else we leave 'em behind. <@Ardweden> ["You can't take it with you, especially if you're dead."] <@Ardweden> ["Unless- yeah, you're a very smart girl!"] * Henry nods. Yeah, but fuck it sounded like we had no clipping on for the damn items * Cassiopeia nodnods. And how do we make them our own? Bond with them? <@Ardweden> [Spekkio beams at Cass, then continues, "Anyway, THESE weapons have no masters, not even this world, because it's just about dead. They're stranded at the End of Time. So if you just pick one up and decide it's yours, you can take it with you."] <@Ardweden> ["They've been waiting a long time for you, so I think you should go claim them."] * Lex puts her hands in her pockets and walks over to the table, then. * Cassiopeia walks over to the table, and looks around. * Katsuo looks at the weapons on the table. "That sad." * Micah will head over looking for a gun or failing that the biggest, nastiest looking "my penis ain't small" statement there is. * Henry follows Lex and looks at the table. "Uhm, what's easy to use?" <@Ardweden> [Those who approach the table can see the following: a katana, a blaster pistol, a crossbow, a spiked gauntlet, a longsword, and a scythe. All of them come with appropriate ammunition/holster/scabbard, because otherwise they'd probably be a pain to carry around.] <@Ardweden> [Lex got there first, so she can probably pick one up before anyone else does.] * Lex glances at the objects on the table, then runs her fingers down the stock of the crossbow. She picks it up. * Katsuo looks over the items, and seems torn between the blaster pistol and the katana. Blaster weaponry is awesome, but so is GLORIOUS NIPPON. * Katsuo picks up the blaster after a moment. Ranged weaponry is so important it's not even funny. * Cassiopeia looks around at the table. "... I can't use any of these." She eyes the sword, then frowns. "Bah, not a cutlass." She then picks up the scythe. "... like a giant fishhook. This could work. Maybe?" * Henry looks over the table. "I don't know what I want." This'd be easier if I could see their stats. * Kyler glances over everything and steps back politely, letting everyone else take items first. * Micah shrugs and pushes his way in front of Henry and... grabs the gauntlets. "Do they channel electricity?" * Lex steps a little way away to experiment quietly with loading the crossbow. * Henry looks between the two swords that are left and then at Kyler. "Which one do you want?" * Kyler shrugs. * Henry picks up the smaller one then, katana for him. * Kyler picks up the remaining sword. "Not like I know how to use either one, anyway." This's heavier than I thought it was. * Cassiopeia steps back from the group, and takes a few experimental swings with the scythe. "I am I tiny piratey death. This almost kinda works." * Katsuo checks the pistol and the ammo reserves. What DOES it use? * Kyler shrugs again and holds his sword out to Henry. "Want to try this one, then?" <@Ardweden> [It doesn't have ammo reserves - it has what looks like a glowing battery, or something.] * Henry swaps it over. "Yeah." * Kyler picks up the other one and quickly finds he needs to use two hands on it. "Huh. Heavier than it looks." Wow. This thing is hip! Yeah. <@Ardweden> [Spekkio lets you guys work your mojo out, bopping from one foot to the other occasionally and waiting for things to settle in.] * Henry finds he can use this sword one handed. * Katsuo looks over at Kyler. "Katana always use with 2-hands. Much better swing with 2-hands!" * Micah is getting used to the metal gloves, giving envious glances to the gun a bit, but he doesn't seem all that upset. * Kyler looks at Katsuo and nods. "Well, okay...." <@Ardweden> ["So are you guys settled in? Don't forget to grab the scabbards and holsters! You have to carry them somehow."] * Henry tries to belt on the scabbard, finds it's a bit wide for the belt loops in his pants and just buckles it over. ...what the hell do I holst these things in? * Kyler looks between the table and the sword a bit, then sets down the katana, puts on the scabbard, and *then* sheathes it. Frat boy with a katana, nothin' more to see here. * Cassiopeia places the holster for her scythe over her shoulder and across her chest. "Got it." * Katsuo picks up the holster and straps it around his upper body, adjusting for the pistol and holstering it. <@Ardweden> [Micah can see something that looks like a holster or something for his gauntlet on the table. Seems they go around his waist and he can keep them hanging from there with minimal difficulty.] * Lex picks up what is apparently her crossbow holster and tries to figure out how to use it. <@Ardweden> [Though it'll probably take some getting used to.] <@Ardweden> [Lex can sling her crossbow on her back, because really, where else would she put it?] * Micah looks at that...thing and then at the gauntlets and back again, he'll start messing with it for a bit, and some how, you're not show how, got the gauntlets hanging down his front, fists balled up, he does a few sudden jerky squat thusts with them like that and just smirks to himself. I feel like real American cop now. Have gun! <@Ardweden> ["Okay, good!" Spekkio chirps, like he has any idea what an American is. "NOW we get to the really fun part! Magic."] * Henry focuses. "Okay!" Okay, sure, what ever, at this point I'm willing to believe I can summon a fire god and three fat furries in bee suits. * Kyler looks over at Micah and his obvious teabagging stance and *facepalms*. He then shakes his head and adjusts the sheath on his belt. <@Ardweden> [Spekkio nods. "Magic is a force of your inner nature, projected into the outer world. There are many different elements, and each individual embodies that element. Or should, anyway." He frowns for a second, then continues, "Anyway, in order to unlock your potential, you have to hone your concentration. So start at the door and walk around this room three times, thinking MAGIC."] <@Ardweden> ["If you don't do it, you won't get it," he cautions. "So this isn't the time to goof off."] * Katsuo grins. "I remember this!" * Henry nods. * Micah shrugs and starts doing it, because why the hell not? * Henry heads over to the door and starts walking clockwise around the room. Pacing. I can do that. *pauses; takes a deep breath, then starts around the room slowly* * Lex is a little more skeptical about this whole magic thing, but she puts her hands in her pockets as her eyes unfocus, and she starts walking. * Katsuo walks around and starts thinking magic from the door, calmly walking around the room. Calm is the best way to play games. * Kyler shakes his head and follows orders. Meh. <@Ardweden> [As you walk, Spekkio turns to watch you circle the room. It's only slightly unnerving.] * Katsuo notes how Spekkio always faces the person in FRONT. * Micah doesn't seem to notice, he's actually just watching his feet as he walks. * Henry walks and thinks about magic and how cool magic is and how much he's going to beat up this Xelion with magic for stealing his pokemon with magic! * Kyler is kind of thinking about magical realism near the end, though. Side effect of that South American Lit class in sophomore year and all. <@Ardweden> [After three circles around the room, Spekkio motions for you to stop. Everyone but Katsuo feels a strange... energy inside of them, a tingling, that seems ready to burst.] <@Ardweden> ["Good job!" Spekkio says. "Most of you succeeded! Except for you, Katsuo. You were too busy wondering about my watching you. That's not magic."] * Katsuo laugh. "Amazing, you really see." This feels weird. <@Ardweden> [He smiles. "I am the MASTER OF WAR! And you'd better start walking again. Go on, go on."] Dude, look, I already mentioned a wet dream, let's keep the rest of this how it feel stuff VERY much quiet. Okay? * Katsuo walks around again, this time thinking about MAGIC. * Kyler has a weird expression on his face. "If you hadn't told me what it was, I'd be calling 911 right now." <@Ardweden> ["In the meantime," he continues as Katsuo goes back to walking, "You've each unlocked your inner elements. Keys to your soul, I guess it is."] me 's eyes are still unfocused, and she isn't saying anything. <@Ardweden> ["You, Cass. You're a very patient girl, always ready to help. You prefer a less direct route to life's solutions. Your element is water." When Spekkio pronounces her element, Cass feels the energy flood her and out into the world, and she becomes aware of abilities she somehow always had but never knew about.] <@Ardweden> ["Micah! You're a jerk. But you're also dependable, willing to help your team, and do what has to be done. Solid as a rock, in a lot of ways. Your element is Earth." Micah experiences the same feeling Cass does (and everyone else will, too, for the record).] * Micah gives the robot a death glare and flips him off at the jerk comment. * Kyler raises an eyebrow. "Talk about your hidden depths," he says, as quietly as possible. * Cassiopeia strikes a slightly goofy martial arts pose. "As Bruce said, be like water." <@Ardweden> [Spekkio ignores Micah and focuses on Lex next. "Lex, you're an intelligent girl who does her best to distance herself from situations, commanding the battlefield from afar. But when you're passionate, nothing can stop you. Your element is fire."] * Henry watches and and wonders. Electric because he likes speed, or shadow for his debuffing or if this is going to go off of some real world stat he doesn't know about... <@Ardweden> ["Kyler! You're one of the most well balanced individuals I've come across. You fill the gaps with a speed and efficiency no one else can, all without asking anything in return. Your element is Light."] <@Ardweden> [About now, Katsuo finishes his third lap around the room - hopefully thinking about magic the entire way this time.] * Kyler blinkblinks and puts a hand at the back of his neck, looking down. Is that...are his cheeks *flushed*? Man, he didn't seem to have been walking *that* fast.... * Katsuo was, in fact, thinking about MAGIC. * Henry blinks. "Huh." <@Ardweden> [And now Spekkio looks to the pimply-faced kid, right as he speaks. "You, Henry. You know your opponent's weaknesses and are an expert at using them for all they're worth... and if they don't have them, you make it happen. Your element is dark."] * Henry nods and then asks. "How come you're giving us elements from Chrono Cross instead of Trigger? Earth shouldn't be in this game." It's simple, I shouldn't be in this game. <@Ardweden> ["And... Katsuo! You managed this time!" Spekkio turns to the Japanese businessman, bouncing from one foot to the other (and ignoring Henry for the time being). "You're another balanced individual, but instead of filling in gaps, you seek to do everything at once - all well, but none exceeding the other. Your element is wind."] <@Ardweden> [Spekkio looks around at the lot of you, almost as if waiting for someone to disagree with what he said.] Yeah, steady and solid, that's me... * Micah seems to be trying not to laugh. * Katsuo feels the rush. "That so cool and hip!" * Kyler bounces on his heels a little, stretching out, but says nothing. <@Ardweden> [Spekkio nods, happily. "Good, good. Now, I'd normally offer to help you train. But time, ironically, is of the essence."] <@Ardweden> ["So are there any more questions before you go?"] No time machine? But... the whole point is time machine. <@Ardweden> ["No time machine. You already have everything you need to go where you have to. Any more questions?"] About the elements being from the wrong game? * Lex asks, in a more subdued voice than earlier, "Now that we have magic, how do we use it? Just focus on it?" Dude you reach out and let it flow. <@Ardweden> [He blinks. "This isn't a game to us, Henry, so you're going to have to stop referring it as such to outsiders. But to answer your question, the worlds you will be visiting aren't exactly the way you envision them."] <@Ardweden> ["With every new creation, there's a change."] Ahh, okay. Sorry. <@Ardweden> [Spekkio smiles. "Bah, I don't mind! I'm the MASTER OF WAR!"] * Cassiopeia bites her lip, and narrows her eyes as she focuses on her extended hand... and an icicle forms on the tip of her pointer finger. "Cool." So... New release means change in world? <@Ardweden> ["I can't say for sure. I've never been to your world. But that's likely."] Ah, O K. You come visit sometime. You like it! ...yeah, I'll buy you a beer or something. Maybe some Tavern sliders. <@Ardweden> [Spekkio nods. "I would, but... well, my power can't be contained anywhere but here. It would be dangerous, you see."] <@Ardweden> ["Now, if you have no more questions, talk to Gaspar. And good luck. We're all rooting for you. All two of us, but that's the whole world, now."] That's too bad. this is the game with like four hundred characters or some shit? That's...not depressing at all. Well, thank you anyway. <@Ardweden> ["You're welcome!" He waves.] * Katsuo bows to Spekkio before leaving. "Be of good health, MASTER OF WAR." <@Ardweden> ["Be of good health, Jiji!"] That so sad. * Kyler shakes his head yet again and heads out, his hand flexing probably subconsciously. * Henry shakes his head at Micah and then walks back out. * Cassiopeia shakes the icicle off her finger, and heads out. * Lex looks up, shakes herself, and walks back towards the other room. <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to you as you all walk out of the door. "Ah. I trust you are more prepared now for your journey?"] Hai! Yeah, I think we are. So it seems. Yeah. * Kyler shrugs. <@Dreol> [He nods to you. "Good. I am entrusting you with the Dimensional Key. Do not lose it, it is your only means of travel. Without it, you will be stranded."] fuck dude, that's like going "I hope all the gods of bad luck notice this and make sure you lose it sometime." Heh, then we'd best have someone with good luck hold on to it. <@Dreol> "Do you have any more question before you go to your first world? This will be the world that Xelion is in at the moment when you were taken from your world." sure, what ever, send us off and let's see what we can do. He's going to change how he looks like we are, right? So asking won't help much. So all we have to do is get to the item of power before he does and do the ritual thing? <@Dreol> [Gaspar shrugs. "There is no ritual. If you have the item of power at the critical moment, you will gain the power over that world."] What do we do with it then? Tell it to live long and prosper? Keep item until event happen. sure, we can do that. Okay. I meant with the world. And the...bracers will tell us what the item is and how to find it? <@Dreol> [He motions to Katsuo. "Precisely. If you have it when the event happens then the power will be in your posession. But remember that you must not simply hide it away, it must remain a significant item."] <@Dreol> [He shakes his head at Kyler. "Not exactly. The Dimensional key will glow when it is near, but it will not tell you what the item is before that."] Right, make it big and flashy and make every one talk about it. Should we keep the Dimensional Key visible, then, or will it make us too conspicuous? <@Dreol> It needs only be as significant as it has always been. No need to make it more so. So we can't drop it in the depths of the ocean in a quintuple locked box. If it's a sword, we gotta be standing on the goddamn ramparts waving it around, pointing at our enemies and yelling nasty things 'bout their mommas. ...So we just put the key near everything around as soon as it starts glowing and wait until we get a match somehow? I can do that. <@Dreol> [Gaspar shakes his head. "In that scenario it needs to at least be present at the event, and therefore if it were a sword and the event were a battle someone would need to have it at the battle, yes."] * Henry nods. <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to Lex, seeming to just now notice the question. "It's a tool to be used as you wish. There's no need to keep it visible. It also gives off a sort of alarm on your bracelets."] So the momma insults are optional, but, as always, highly recommended. Gotcha. * Micah gives Cass a repraising look, starting to think he might like her. * Katsuo is hip! <@Dreol> [Gaspar turns to Kyler then. "Yes, that is pretty much how it works."] <@Dreol> Are you ready then? I think so. * Kyler shrugs, hands in his pockets. "Sure." * Lex nods. * Katsuo bows to Gaspar. <@Dreol> [Gaspar nods. "Very well. Good luck, Power Sliders."] <@Dreol> [In a flash the world of Chrono Trigger is gone and you find yourselves once again in the pitch blackness between worlds. You then experience what feels like reality shifting all around you. The feeling is not dissimilar to being on top of a moving train.] * Henry holds up the key. "Although... how do I use it to get where he is?" Oh. <@Dreol> [When it's over there is another flash and you find yourselves standing in the middle of a grassy field. A large white castle is in the distance, and a forest is behind you.] Any one recognize that? * Katsuo looks around after coming to a stop. "This look like... Hyrule!" Hyrule? * Henry looks around. "So, the Triforce pieces? Or maybe the Master Sword?" what's that? Master Sword or tri-force, yes. <@Dreol> [Your bracelets now look like leather bracers.] <@Dreol> [But your clothes are still the same.] Oh. this place. Couldn't it be like the princess herself or something? ... please tell me I don't have to wear a stupid hat. Princess too! Zelda always important. But Zelda no object.' * Kyler looks down at his bracelet-cum-bracer, his sheathed katana, and his otherwise frat-boy/prep outfit, and lets out a rueful laugh. "At least I probably won't be bored..." Well, she's got one of them. <@Dreol> [On that note Session End!]