
Year One
1. Luke's Intellectual Crush
2. Eliana's Insatiable Curiosity
3. Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw? The Hat Decides! | Simmie's Sorting
4. Vesper and Slughorn Consider Skirts
5. Four Little Hufflepuffs Jumping on the Bed
6. The First Day of Class
7. The Same Rules Do Not Apply
8. Meanwhile, in the Library...
9. To the Owlery, and Beyond!
10. Vesper and Slughorn Consider Eliana
11. A MacRae Breakfast
12. The Anti-Slytherin Conspiracy Conspiracy
13. That Escalated Quickly
14. Vesper's First Lesson on Anger Management
15. The Gryffindor Doth Protest Too Much
16. Rumor Has It
17. The Perfect Picnic Place
18. Professor Sykes' First Lesson on Breaking Cycles
19. Simmie the Slytherin Sympathizer
20. Cheer Up, Sad Gryffindor!
21. Not Alone Anymore
22. A Gang of Almost-Ravenclaws
23. Gryffindor Boys, Mark MacRae is Disappoint
24. I Want to See You Be Brave
25. The Foundations of Friendly Acquaintanceship
26. The Oldest Book in Hogwarts

Luke: Always Love, by Nada Surf
Eliana: King of Anything, by Sara Bareilles
Giulia: Primadonna, by Marina and the Diamonds

Gryffindor Girls: Brave, by Sara Bareilles

None yet!

Other Stuff
Dramatis Personae (Collaborators Only)
Class Schedule - Year One (Collaborators Only)
2016 Calendar
Wand Cores
Wand Woods

Out of Continuity
The Simmie that No Longer Is

Based loosely on the AU continuation to Harry Potter in BronzeDragon's Harry Potter and the Next Generation as well as our characters from Vampire: the Rosening. Everything diverges before it even starts.