#01 [September 9, 2016: Friday, Week 1. It's the day after The Fight, in which Eliana Casale punched James Potter in the face during Transfiguration. Since then, rumors have spread like wildfire, and even the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are talking about it, so Luke's probably heard all sorts of disturbing things (the first fight in the year, and between a Slytherin and James Potter - and the Slytherin tried to claw his eyes out, too!). James didn't even do anything, really!] #01 [Unfortunately, talking to Eliana's been difficult, she's been sneaking in and out of mealtimes quickly, and Luke has *no idea* where she's gone off to - and if it's the Slytherin common room, it's not like he can even follow her there. Fortunately, they do have classes together! The afternoon is Potions!] #01 [Eliana's been fairly quiet all class, just concentrating on the day's lesson (a review on the uses of the varius ingredients in the Cure for Boils and Forgetfulness potions, as well as actual preparations for the Forgetfulness potion). Eliana herself raised her hand and answered questions when during the lecture when nobody else would, but for the most part, she kept to herself and just brewed.] #01 [Whispering began in earnest, particularly from the Slytherins (and then particularly from the girls) when class went into lab mode, but at Slughorn's disapproving not-quite-a-twinkle, it would die down, at least temporarily. In any case, pretty quiet class!] #01 [But now it is over, and everyone is packing up. Session Start!] #06* Luke has been casting occasional worried glances at Eliana over the course of class but hasn't directly said anything to her because it's class, after all. But as soon as he gets his things packed up - he's still faster at it than her - he walks over to where she was sitting (possibly earning himself some incredulous looks). He stops a hesitant couple feet away, but after a moment of lip-biting he says quietly, "Hey, um, Eliana? Are we...still gonna hang out after class today?" #01 [Luke did, in fact, get some incredulous looks, but nobody comes any closer or asks him wtf. Why would they, after all?] #06* Eliana looks up at Luke, her hair falling in her face. She hesitates for a moment, then says, "Okay." And back to her backpack. "I'll meet you in the hall." #06* Luke nods carefully, giving Eliana another worried look, and slips out to wait. #01 [Luke hangs out in the hallway, and he sees small clumps of Slytherins and Hufflepuffs leaving, chatting about what they're going to do over the weekend. It's their first weekend at Hogwarts, after all!] #06* Eliana shows up a few minutes after the last Hufflepuff is well and gone, not- really slinking out of class. At least her hair isn't in her face anymore. "I had to talk to Professor Slughorn," she says, by way of explanation. #06* Luke tilts his head at her and bites his lip again, not sure how to approach the elephant in the room. "Um...are you...okay?" #06* Eliana stares at Luke briefly, then turns and just starts walking down the hall. He'll probably come with! "Yeah." #06* Luke does indeed come with! After a little scrambling. Approach one obviously a failure, and approach two is not immediately coming to him. After a moment he gives up on trying to be delicate about it and asks hesitantly, "Um...what happened in your Transfiguration class yesterday?" #06* Eliana rolls her eyes. "You probably heard." #01 James Potter called me a cheater and I punched him in the face. #06* Luke 's eyes flash wider in surprise for a moment, but then he gives Eliana another anxious sidelong glance. "I didn't hear that. Everyone's talking about it, but, um, they all say you just hit him for no reason and I didn't think that could be true, and then they said really crazy stupid stuff like you clawed his eyes out or something and I knew *that* wasn't true because he was walking around and you could *see* it wasn't true but people were still *saying* it and - " #06* Luke gets more and more worked up as he goes on, but after a few seconds he glances at Eliana and abruptly cuts himself off. "...so, anyway, I just wanted to ask you." And then he goes back to looking at his feet and casting the occasional anxious sideways look at Eliana. #06* Eliana blinks at Luke; she's stopped walking, because she's been watching him and walking while looking in another direction can result in hurting your face. "Oh." And then an eleven-year-old scowl. "Why would I punch someone for *no reason*?" #06* Luke throws up his hands. "Nobody punches anyone for no reason! It doesn't make sense!" #01 That's not really true; I read that some people do punch other people for almost no reason, but they're kind of mentally ill and- I'm not mentally ill! #06* Luke blinks a little. "Well - right." #06* Eliana raises her hands to the air, then huffs and stomps down the hall. "People are so *stupid*!" #06* Luke follows after her carefully. After a few seconds he sighs and says resignedly, "People like to spread rumors, I guess. The crazier they are the more they like to spread them." He glances at Eliana again. "I'm sorry." #06* Eliana frowns. "It's okay. I'm used to it." #06* Luke blinks. "People saying dumb stuff about you?" #01 Yeah. Oh. #06* Luke looks up at her pensively. "I'm sorry," he says again. #06* Luke tries smiling a little. "But, um, we can still go explore the library. There probably won't be many people there yet so early in the school year." #06* Eliana smiles. "Yeah. I'd like that." #01 Oh. I have detention... um, all weekend. #06* Luke pauses. "Oh. Um, well...I guess you'll have plenty of time to do your homework, then. Y'wanna do it now?" #01 Sure! #06* Luke brightens genuinely now that Eliana's looking a bit happier. "Okay!" And he heads off in the direction of the library, bouncing ever so slightly as he goes. #06* Eliana smiles as she goes along. To the library! #01 [End!]