[September 15, 2016: Thursday, Week 2. The Gryffindors and Slytherins are back in Transfiguration class together. It's been a rather subdued class, what happened last time weighing on everyone's mind. Even Professor Sykes seemed a little quieter than usual.] [Simmie arrived at class looking less miserable than she has in days, having just come from lunch at the Hufflepuff table. Luke and his friends chattered to her about Barry's pet rat and Indra's venus fly trap and how Zan wants to learn to play quidditch, and anything and everything else light-hearted they could think of, and by the end of it she actually smiled a little. She withdrew back into herself as Luke walked her to class, though, and she, too, has been uncharacteristically quiet today.] [Now, however, the class has just been dismissed, and the room is filling with the sounds of students packing away their things.] [Begin!] 06* Eliana had a pretty good class! Or so it would seem. She studied up on transfiguration a bit and was far less lost. She's approaching Professor Sykes, backpack over one shoulder, as most students are moving to get out the door. "Excuse me, Professor?" ["Yes, Eliana?"] 06* Eliana doesn't fidget. Vesper told her that she's smart; she doesn't need to fidget. "I, um," yuck, there's the 'um', "was talking to a friend about some stuff and I was wondering. The ability to cast magic is inherited, right? Do you know if it's genetic? Because that'd make sense. And if it is genetic, does anyone know if it's dominant or recessive or, um," that's two! "things like that?" [Professor Sykes blinks at his student briefly. "Yes, magic is inherited," he says slowly. "I don't know much about genetics, though. My brother knows more - he's the Muggle Studies teacher, and he might be able to help you. But I don't think wizards have studied much about exactly how magic is inherited, and most of them don't know anything about genetics."] 06* Simmie snaps out of her thoughts when one of the students leaving accidentally bumps her desk. she looks around at the almost deserted room and sighs before beginning to pack up her stuff. she picks up today's assignment and looks at it before putting it in her satchel with another sigh. 06* Eliana blinks. "There's a non-magical studies class?" she asks, her voice rising a little in excitement. "What does he teach? Does he teach science, like biology and chemistry? Or computer programming?" [The professor shakes his head. "It's not a class of non-magical sciences. It's a class about non-magical *people*. A little culture, a little history, an overview of technology - some of our students have lived in wizarding towns all their lives and never even met muggles."] 06* Eliana makes a small "oh" sound that comes with a strong look of disappointment. Then, trying to shake it off: "I guess... it still might be useful. I'm doing wizarding stuff now, so maybe I'll get out of touch eventually..." [Professor Sykes smiles. "I'm sorry to disappoint you. But just because the class doesn't cover genetics doesn't mean my brother can't help you. And I doubt you'll get that out of touch. You'll go home to your family over breaks, after all. That's why my brother and I know more about muggle things than most wizards - we're half-bloods, our dad was a muggle and our mum was a witch. We just chose to study different sides of the family, I guess." He grins at Eliana.] 06* Luke has meanwhile been making his way up the aisle against the flow of students exiting. He's garnered a few surprised looks, but most of the students just shrug it off, maybe assuming Luke is coming to see his head of house. [Said head of house spots Luke over Eliana's shoulder and his eyebrows rise.] 06* Luke makes it to Simmie's desk and smiles cheerfully at her. "Hi, Simmie!" And then he notices Professor Sykes noticing him and adds, "Hi, Professor! Hi, Eliana!" 06* Eliana nods, thinking. "Thanks, Professor." She looks about to say more, but at her friend's voice, she turns to see him. "Luke!" 06* Simmie looks up at Luke when she hears her name and looks truly grateful to see a friendly face. "hi!" 06* Luke smiles wider at Eliana as she turns around, and he gives her a little wave. Professor Sykes, meanwhile, discreetly withdraws, though he lingers behind his desk to observe as Luke turns back to Simmie. 06* Luke 's smile turns more reassuring as he looks down at Simmie. "How was class?" He glances over at Eliana to include her in this question. 06* Simmie notices Luke's smile and turns to glance at Eliana and then looks back to Luke. she bites her lip nervously. 06* Eliana blinks. She looks at Simmie, then at Luke, the smile fading into a tiny frown. She doesn't interrupt, though, since this is clearly mostly directed at Simmie. 06* Simmie shrugs non-committally. "it was okay. i... i finished early" 01 Simmral's the best in our class. 06* Simmie looks at Eliana and blushes. 06* Simmie looks down at her feet and bites her lip for a moment. "i wouldn't say that" she says softly. 06* Eliana rolls her eyes. "It's *true*," she says. 01 You were the only one who completely transmuted straw into a needle on our first day of class. Even Potter couldn't get it right. *I* definitely couldn't. 06* Luke tilts his head, looking from one to the other of them, trying to figure out what's going on. Aside from the obvious, of course. "Well, um..." He turns to direct his statement mostly to Eliana, "I promised Simmie I'd meet her after class, because..." He looks back over his shoulder, frowning at the backs of the last departing students. "...everyone in her house was being a jerk to her." 06* Simmie blushes again, but nods. "i... i have seen it before. lots of times." 06* Luke squirms a little. "And I knew you'd be here too, and I thought...maybe we could hang out together," he finishes in a rush. 06* Simmie looks at Luke and then at Eliana and then back to Luke, biting her lip again (it's a wonder she has any lip at all as much as she does this!) 01 Doesn't matter. Lots of our classmates have seen transmutation before. And even if it *did* matter, it wouldn't change that you were first, so right now you're at the top of our class. 06* Eliana looks at Luke. "So we're gonna hang out together because she's too smart for the other Gryffindors?" 06* Luke blinks a moment and then laughs. Then quiets again, a bit uncertain. "If you want. If you don't mind." Then he grins infectiously. "Bet she was almost sorted Ravenclaw, too. We can be a gang of almost-Ravenclaws." 06* Eliana blinks, then she looks at Simmie. 01 Were you? 06* Simmie nods sheepishly. "yes" 06* Eliana grins. "Cool. Me too." [Sykes has been watching this interplay with interest, but somehow manages to remain unobtrusive enough that none of his students really pay attention to his quiet presence behind his desk.] 06* Luke grins, too. "Me three!" most of my family were in Ravenclaw 01 The hat asked me where I wanted to go, and I told it I didn't know. I guess I didn't make its job easy. 06* Eliana doesn't notice that Sykes is still there. you were up there a long time 06* Luke gives Eliana a surprised look. "It asked you, really? Huh." 06* Eliana blinks. "Yeah? It didn't ask you?" 06* Luke shakes his head, still looking surprised. "No, it just said I was a little bit Gryffindor and some Ravenclaw, but Hufflepuff would be best." 06* Luke thinks about it. "I guess you were just really even or something. And that's why it took so long to decide for you." 06* Eliana tugs at her hair a bit, thinking. "I guess..." 01 I'm not sure why I ended up in Slytherin, then, instead of Ravenclaw. I mean, I don't mind. My roommates are dumb, but I think most of the other Slytherins are okay. Especially the older ones. But if it was that even... 06* Luke thinks some more. "I don't know if the Hat ever tells people *why* it sorts them. I mean, after. Maybe you could ask someone?" 01 Not unless I ask the hat. I saw it in McGonagall's office once, but I don't think she likes me... you were in McGonagall's office? 06* Simmie blinks. not for... oh... 01 Yeah, so I could wear pants. 06* Eliana points at said uniform pants. 01 Oh, I know! Maybe it has to do with development! The hat said that most resources are the same no matter what house you're in, but you have a different headmaster and are around different students and stuff! 01 Maybe the hat thought I should be in an environment that would push me to be more Slytherin! 06* Luke blinks. "That's true. Maybe that's it. Or maybe it thought you would do better in Slytherin, or something..." 06* Luke shakes himself free from his thoughts and looks from Simmie to Eliana. "Anyway, y'wanna drop of your books and stuff and go outside or something? We can walk around the lake." 06* Eliana smiles. "I can still learn stuff! I started listening in on sixth and seventh year study groups and I've been learning *tons* of things about magic, even if it's Slytherin instead of Ravenclaw. I'm not sure how to apply it to first year stuff yet, but..." 01 Yeah! Maybe we can see the squid! you haven't seen the squid? 06* Luke grins. "Ooh, and you can tell us about the older kids studying stuff - I haven't," he answers Simmie. have you seen the unicorn at least? 06* Eliana turns to Simmie. "There's a *unicorn*? Like a for real unicorn?!" 06* Simmie nods. 01 Cool! What's it look like? Can we see it now? Hu - oh, for Care of Magical Creatures? Yeah, that'd be awesome! it looks like... a unicorn. 06* Simmie tries to hide the puzzled expression on her face, but doesn't manage it. 01 Well *yeah*, horse with one horn, right? What color is it? Does it have a mane and a tail, and how long are they? Are they tangled, or groomed, does it have magic like spells and stuff or is it just a horse with a horn... 06* Eliana realizes she's babbling and shuts up. Her Ravenclaw was showing. 06* Simmie blinks. 06* Luke just smiles. He's kind of getting used to Eliana doing that, and he doesn't mind. it is white... and yes, it has a mane and a tail... 06* Simmie bites her lip. "you know... like a unicorn" 06* Luke 's smile turns a little wry, and he says, "Most people haven't seen one before. I've only seen a picture. But c'mon, we can drop off your stuff and go look." well... we'd probably have to go into the Forbidden Forest to find it... but we might get lucky 06* Eliana nods. "Where's your common room, Simmral? Mine's in the dungeon, so it's kind of out of the way of most things..." 06* Luke blinks. "Oh! I didn't know you'd seen it there. We can't go in...but maybe we could walk along near the edge." ...how'd you see it in there, anyway? Did you go in sometime? i saw it from my window once its been awhile though Ohh. 06* Luke smiles cheerily and shrugs. "Well, we can take a walk, anyway!" 06* Eliana looks curious, but for once she stops her questions. She glances at Luke, then looks at Simmie, then back at Luke. 06* Eliana considers for a moment, then declares, "I'm going to go to the dungeons. I'll see you guys by the courtyard." And with that, she heads out. 06* Simmie nods. "my common room is in the third highest tower, but..." she looks down and gets quiet again... 06* Luke calls after Eliana, "Okay!" And then he gets a load of Simmie's crestfallen face. "Um, I'll walk there with you, okay? And then we'll meet Eliana in the courtyard." He smiles at her in attempted reassurance. 06* Simmie looks at Luke and nods. she tries to smile, but apparently it is hard to do now that her thoughts have turned... 06* Luke smiles more at Simmie. "C'mon, we'll do it really fast. It'll be okay." And he tugs her out of the classroom. 06* Simmie bites her lip and nods, and then follows him out [Professor Sykes is still watching as the door shuts behind them. He's wearing a deeply thoughtful expression as he slowly turns back to his work.] [End!]