<@Brett> [You climb the wall and reach the roof. Annnd... Stealth rolls the both of you] <@Brett> [You climb the wall and reach the roof. Annnd... quickly hide behind vents as the doors burst open, and three guys run out. "Alpha team!" Shouts one, "Target in persuit, heading west! Beta close behind!"] <@Brett> [He may get a response, but it's hard to hear up here even for Sonia, so he and the other two just run westward, jumping to the next building over.] 01 (Is that the direction the person was going?) <@Brett> ( Yep! ) 06* Sonia watches them go and comms, ~Gotta follow them, yeah?~ 06* Montana nods and does exactly that, running and jumping (sneakily!) behind them. 06* Sonia follows after. <@Brett> [You follow the other guys as they jump to the next building! If you don't have jumping or catlike, gimme acrobatics (jumping) rolls!] (jumping) (and catlike) <@Brett> ( Then you can just jump down without seriously injuring yourself :P ) (YEAH) (YUMP) <@Brett> ( Waiting on Ard ) 01 (Apologies!) 01 (Do I get a bonus for having jumping?) 01 (I am not a cat) <@Brett> ( If you have jumping I'm going to assume it lets you fall father too ) <@Brett> ( Because if it didn't that would be silly. ) 01 (Yeah, anything else would be really stupid.) 01 (Then I'm fine!) <@Brett> ( Keep going then :P ) 01 (Okay!) 06* Montana lands quietly behind them and keeps with the tailing. 06* Sonia makes the jump easily, landing on her feet. ~Late night run. Usually these aren't chasin' after Ice. She's not as much of a runner.~ <@Brett> [At the end of the other building, the guys prepare to jump to another, when suddenly topped backward with a huge icicle in his shoulder. The other two open fire, shooting downward at the roof below.] 01 (Are these guys effectively encased in metal like the other dudes?) <@Brett> ( Yes ) <@Brett> ( Also ) <@Brett> ( Gimme hearing rolls ) 02* Sonia (Mechazoom@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer ) <@Brett> ( orz ) 01 (Awk) 03* Sonia (Mechazoom@ has joined #mc5-2 (I made my hearing roll!) <@Brett> ( Indeed. ) (Also, I'm totally gonna run up and punch these guys in the back of the head, knocking them off the building.) 01 (Sounds fab!) 06* Sonia comms, ~More coming up from behind,~ as she goes to surprise the guy firing down at Ice by knocking his block off the block. <@Brett> ( go ahead ) 06* Montana moves back towards the other end, then, readying his whip to pull the followers off balance (and hopefully in the gap between buildings. He blends in as best he can for great surprise attacks. (full attacko) 2d6+9 (FALL OVER) <@Brett> [Sonia knocks the guy over the side. He screams all the way down, and the other moves to turn his gun on her. Unless Montana can stop him.] (imma gonna get shots) 01 (Close enough to whip it?) <@Brett> ( Go for it ) <@Brett> ( Definitely don't go for a tackle though. ) 01 (Noooo seems unwise.) 01 (Full attack, since I DO NOT LIKE THOSE SYRINGES) 01 (Haha a 13. Um. Does that hit?) <@Brett> ( Nope ) 01 (DR2) 01 (Better!) <@Brett> ( That does :P ) 01 (This is all the same "mission", right, so my DRs does not refresh.) <@Brett> [Montana trips the guy's leg, and he screams as he falls over the side.] <@Brett> ( Yeah, same mission ) 01 (Okay!) <@Brett> ( Some are longer than others :P ) 01 (It's so true. Africa is years.) 06* Sonia stops at the edge of the building, throwing her voice down to say, "Ice, they're down, another wave coming on us," as she tries to find cover for the next wave. 06* Montana gets cover as best he can and watches for them. <@Brett> [Sonia sees Ice on the roof below, across an alley way. She stands amongs the icy remains of two of the troops. And it's a good thing you guys move for cover, because you barely get there before they reach the edge of the building you jumped from and start shooting, bullets ricocheting off the vents you hide behind.] 01 (So they are shooting at us! How many?) <@Brett> ( Two ) 06* Sonia shakes her head and murmurs, "That girl." She looks up at the second wave and takes aim, pulling out her sonic blasta. 06* Montana waits until they take a pause in their shots, then tries to trip one of them over the edge with his whip. <@Brett> ( They're too far. ) 01 (Oh, well, never mind that action. Retcon!) <@Brett> ( You guys jumped off that building and ran across this one to get to the opposite edge. ) 01 (Right.) 06* Montana has a gun in hand, but Sonia took aim first. She gets first crack. <@Brett> ( Feel free :P ) 06* Sonia makes a crack, then! Pow! 2d6+6 <@Brett> ( Nope :P ) <@Brett> [Sonia hits! The man is taken off balance, and falls over the edge. He lands head first on your building and breaks his neck.] <@Brett> ( Critfail by proxy. :P Proxy meaning I want this fight over and done. ) <@Brett> ( Monty... ) 06* Montana fires for the gun hand, because that is how he do. 01 (*maths briefly* OKAY) <@Brett> [Monty shoots him in the hand. Instead of dropping his weapon, his hand twists, and he accidently shoots himself in the facemask several times. How embaressing.] (i'm embarassed for him) 01 (Me too!) 06* Sonia exhales slowly, then takes a more careful jump down to join Ice on her platform. <@Brett> [Sonia jumps to the next building across the alley, where Ice is waiting for her.] <@Brett> [FINAL BATT... no wait.] 06* Montana turns, following Sonia. He lands not far behind her. <@Brett> [Ice is straightening her hair. "I wasn't sure you'd come."] 06* Sonia half-shrugs and says, "It's bigger than us. 'sides. Might need your eye on a mod or two for the Wave." We'd just heard they were comin' right for you. <@Brett> ["Yes, you mentioned that. You didn't mention they were packing some serious hardware. They aren't triads. Who are they?"] 06* Montana comms back, ~On a rooftop...~ He walks to the edge, looking down, and relates details. 06* Sonia nods at her damaged arm. "Yeah, they did this. Multinational crazies. Zunkuft-aligned." She tilts her head slightly and comms back to Gordo, ~Two buildings over.~ If that name means anything to you. <@Brett> [Montana sees a couple of dead guys and some ashe from an explosion.] <@Brett> ["The German heavy industrial company?" She shrugs. "Can't see why they'd want Charles."] They got deep interests. That ain't important. They want a trinket or some shit he's got. <@Brett> ["Mm," Ice says disinterestedly.] <@Brett> ["Is that what you're looking for, too?"] 06* Sonia shrugs. "Yep. Gotta keep it outta their hands. Like I said. Glad to take the problem 'way from you." <@Brett> ["I bet you would be."] 06* Sonia half-smiles. "It ain't as fun as it sounds." <@Brett> [She inspects her perfect finger nails for flaws. There are none. "Well, I can certianly help you find him. Charles has out worn his wear."] <@Brett> [She looks at Sonia. "But I need something from you, first."] 06* Sonia tilts her head slightly. "Yeah? Like?" <@Brett> [Ice folds her arms. "My car. They took it from me."] 06* Sonia tchs. "Explains why you're up here." A small pause, then, "Yeah, we better." 06* Montana perks and looks over. They're talking about an acquisition of goods. <@Brett> [She nods. "When I say took it, I mean they literally took control of it. I had to dive out of it to escape. Had to dump all of my electronics, too. They even got my phone while I was calling you."] 01 Any idea where it is now? <@Brett> ["Seems they have a way to control technology." She smirks. "Which means it'll be interesting to see how you handle this situation. But I'm certainly glad I don't rely on technology."] 06* Sonia looks over at Montana and comms, ~That one. Damn.~ <@Brett> [At Montana's question an ice block forms beneath one of the troops, thrusting his body in the air. It also sends a communicator up, too, and Ice grabs it from mid air. "They use these to communicate. Linked. Meaning you should be able to use it to find the others."] 06* Montana nods once at Sonia, then says, "Gotcha." 06* Sonia holds out her hand. "Still ain't got time to bleed. Let's get going." <@Brett> [Ice hands her the device, and abruptly the session ends.]