<@Ardweden> [Tuesday, August 24.] 01<@Ardweden> [It's the first day of school! You guys were all SO INCREDIBLY LATE. Some of you by hours. Teachers were not particularly pleased, but it's the first day, so there was some general forgiveness going on - limited forgiveness, probably not extending to the next time you oversleep, so don't do that.] 01<@Ardweden> [Since you've arrived so late, there's been a great deal of scrambling to get to classes and so on. You haven't even had much time to catch up with friends. But day went on... almost exactly as expected despite it. Sydney tells Rhiannon about her dream at lunch, who tells her that she worries too much. Tyler picks on some losers, one of which may or may not be Tiffany.] 01<@Ardweden> [Javy has a pretty quiet day, despite being late. Hank... shows up, is painfully lost, and plenty of girls are happy to help the cute new guy around school.] 01<@Ardweden> [And, for better or for worse, the day is over. You all go home or hang out with friends or whatever it is you decide to do, when night falls and you realize... the first full moon is TONIGHT.] 01<@Ardweden> [The time is now 11:45, and the scene is right outside of Lunatic Fringe, an eclectic little run down store in the corner of the square. The moon is very, very full - but the store itself looks closed.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start.] 01<@Ardweden> [The area, being the square, is pretty well lit. But there isn't much going on, being a Tuesday in the middle of the night.] 06* Tyler will come around the corner towards the store looking miserable. He'd head to the door and frown more before trying the door. 06* Javy walks into the light, just wearing a simple gray t-shirt and plain black pants. He spots Tyler, and slows, wary. 06* Sydney walks down the street, every so often stopping to look at her cell phone, then at her surroundings, then proceeds with the walking. Finally, she stops in front of the store and beams. "Hey, I made it!" This is said to no one in particular. 01<@Ardweden> [The door is locked!] 06* Tiffany walks forward slowly, timidly, and seems to be staring at the card, frowning harder as she goes along. As she approaches, she manages to bump into Javy, when she eeps slightly and drops her purse. "Ooo...sorry...I..." She quiets down when she notices it's someone from school and tightens her grip on the card. 06* Javy starts, and turns to look at her. "Oh. It's okay." He leans down and picks up her purse, handing it back to her. 06* Sydney sticks her cell phone in her pocket and looks around at the assembly. 06* Tyler pushes a hand through is poorly dyed green hair. "Evil raven fuck you guys over too?" 06* Sydney blinks, frowns briefly, and then pulls out her card. "So it's not just me, then." Yeah, not that I expected people to be here. 06* Tyler pointedly looks at Tiffany. 06* Tiffany watches Javy as he goes down to get her purse and just stares at his hand, looking at it. She's dressed in long arm-warmers and a denim coat, stockings peeking out underneath it. She doesn't seem to know what to do with the purse for a moment but doesn't seem to be going for it. Then turns to look at Tyler and his eyes widen first, then she furrows her brow. "Great." She takes her 06* Tiffany purse. "Thanks..." to Javy. 06* Javy pulls a card out of his pocket, and nods to Tiffany. "You're welcome. Uh, Tiffany, right?" 06* Hank pulls up on a sleek black motorcycle. Given that he's the only one without a profile, you know nothing about him! Save that he's tall, over six feet, and notably muscled. He's also good looking, in a ruggedly-handsome kind of way. His hair's brown and short, not shaved but not longer than an inch. And his eyes are blue. 06* Tiffany sighs slightly and brushes her hair to the side, fingering it. "Right..." She gestures her head towards Tyler. "What's *he* doing here?" 06* Hank is wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt, like so many other RPG characters. How boring. But I never said he was one for fashion. I got an personal invite. 06* Sydney looks from Tyler to Tiffany and starts frowning again, then hears the motorcyle pull up and turns her attention to that... and the cute guy on it. Wonnnnnderful. 06* Javy turns to look at the new guy, and squeezes his card in his hand. 06* Tiffany tosses her hair a bit. "Thanks...uh...Javier, right?" 06* Hank looks at you lot, then the store, then back at you lot. "Uh... Something happening here tonight?" His voice is deep, and has a noticable Texan accent. 06* Javy nods, looking down at her. "Right. Uh. But Javy's fine." He looks at the new guy again. Don't know, did you get an invite too? 06* Tiffany looks over at the new guy too. Then something dawns on her from when she was half tuning out Tyler. "You said something about a raven, right?" 06* Sydney remembers that she saw him at lunch earlier, and pointed him out to Rhiannon as "cute new guy." "Yep, though it's kind of hard to explain. Do you have a card?" She holds out hers. 06* Hank pulls a card out of his pocket. "Yup. so y'all don't know anythin' 'bout this here place either, I reckon?" Uh, like this? 06* Javy holds his up, too, about chest height. 06* Tiffany holds out the card she was holding. It's kind of crinkled now from when Javy startled her. No, other than general weirdness. Yeah. A raven you want to strangle, and eat it's little head like those french birds. 06* Hank pauses. "... Oh." It...uh... 06* Tiffany then looks at Tyler. "Wow, and I thought *my* dream was fucked up." Eat its head? They do that in France? 06* Javy looks over at Tyler now, discomfited. 06* Tyler smirks. "Course they do. Call it a sinful delight." 06* Sydney wrinkles her nose. "Eww. That's weird." 06* Javy nods along with that one. 06* Tiffany groans. "That's Tyler for you. Him and his little goon squad." Oh you're pratically begging for the attention, but fuck that what do we do here? 06* Tiffany just flips Tyler off. 06* Javy looks a bit surprised at that, and then turns to the door. "Is it locked up?" 06* Sydney looks decidedly uncomfortable, but since no one's actually started hitting things yet, she's not going to interfere. it is. 06* Tiffany looks at the card again, back and front, for instructions. 01<@Ardweden> [It says Lunatic Fringe, with an address, and the back says "Full moon, midnight."] 06* Javy pulls out his cell phone to check the time. So, um, we all had weird dreams? Featuring annoying bird things? 06* Sydney looks over at Hank. 01<@Ardweden> [Javy sees that the time is 11:58.] 06* Hank finally gets off his motorcycle, trying to look through the store windows. "Yeah." 06* Tiffany wraps her arms around herself and looks around. "What are we doing out here anyways? This is ridiculous." Maybe something happens soon. It says midnight. You know, Tif, I agree with you. 06* Sydney bounces slightly on the balls of her feet. "So all we have to do is wait a couple more minutes." 06* Javy looks uneasily at Sydney. "Yeah. It's probably something." 06* Tiffany glares at Tyler. "Oh now I'm a human being now?" 06* Hank folds his arms and leans against the store wall. "Hey, these dreams... When you said 'weird', what did you mean?" 01<@Ardweden> [Right about now, everyone but Sydney notices that the lights turn on inside of Lunatic Fringe. Hank and Javy can both see a figure inside - looks human, not like a raven - and Javy even notices a faint click. Like a lock being undone?] Well, it started out like the most awesome day ever, and then I died in a fire. Hey, lights on 06* Javy starts a little again, and takes a couple steps towards the door. "I think it opened." 06* Tiffany glares at Tyler even more. "Hey!" 06* Hank gets off the wall and looks into the store. "Huh." He checks his watch. 06* Sydney blinks. "Oh, really?" She glances over at the store. "Oh, it did!" 06* Tyler reaches for the door to open it. 01<@Ardweden> [12:00.] 06* Javy stops a few steps away from Tyler. 06* Tiffany sighs and gives up the argument. "Yeah. It did." She lets out a slow breath and grips her purse tighter. "I wonder what this is all about..." 06* Hank was going to go on in, but now Tyler's got his hand on the knob so he can't. Boooooo. 06* Javy tightens his shoulders. "I don't know. But there's someone in there. I saw." 06* Tyler opens the door and heads in. 01<@Ardweden> [Tyler opens the door! The first thing that hits you is a burst of incense: it's not unpleasant, but it is a fairly strong, musky smell. The inside is lit by candles, which makes for a spooky look, and everything inside the store seems... old, but also stacked by the windows and walls. The lot of you probably don't spend time inspecting them, though, because (cont.)] 01<@Ardweden> [There is an old woman seated behind the counter, and by old, I do mean old. She's extremely wrinkled with a hooked nose, her nails are a little too long, and she's wearing a long, black shapeless dress with a couple of brightly colored scarves. Despite this, she maintains a full head of black and gray hair, and her eyes are alert; this old lady is not about to fall asleep.] Hey there, I got this card thing that said to come here? 06* Hank waits for the others to go in first. "After you." 01<@Ardweden> ["Then you're at the right place," the woman says with an almost toothless grin, and she waves with a ringed hand for Tyler to enter. "Come on in - best not to stand in the way of your companions."] 06* Tiffany looks at Hank and deadpans. "Brave." before stepping in. 06* Tyler shrugs and heads in. 06* Javy stands next to Hank, mumbles something that's probably a thank you, and heads in after Tiffany and Tyler. 06* Hank stares after Tiffany. "It's polite!", he says. 06* Sydney gives Hank a warm smile before heading in. 06* Hank heads in last, muttering "Jaysus," as the incense hits him. 03* RDMgryphon (RanDoMs@c-76-103-147-44.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #megaten 01<@Ardweden> [Once Hank walks in, the old woman counts. "Five of you," she says. "Quite a number."] 03* RDMgryphon is now known as RDeaDM 06* Javy eyes her, and sniffs a little. He looks sort of creeped out. Would you mind explaining what's going on? 06* Hank blinks a few times. "Uh, who are ya? If ya don't mind m' askin'." Yes, please. 06* Tiffany puts a hand on Javy's shoulder and actually gives him a bit of a smile. "Hey, it's okay. Not so bad, right?" She then eyes the lady. "Okay, except her..." 01<@Ardweden> ["My name is Medea," she tells Hank with a little nod. "And what is 'going on' is you are in my shop, and I am going to help you get where you need to go."] That....doesn't sound very helpful. 01<@Ardweden> [The woman smiles. "You are always welcome to leave. But then you will be left to wonder... and that is why you're here, isn't it?"] 06* Javy looks down at Tiffany, his eyes grateful. "Didn't we, um. Just need to come here?" Well, I pretty much always need help getting where I need to go. But where are we going? 06* Tiffany sighs and looks a little timid again. "I dunno..." I haven't a clue what you man. 01<@Ardweden> ["Where you were." Medea tells Sydney, then looks at each of you. "Curious things happened, I assume? And you're looking for answers."] 'Fraid I'm still confused, ma'am. Where I was? When? 06* Tiffany looks at the woman and gets more to the point. "Who gave us these cards?" 06* Javy looks at her as if he understands what she's getting at, but he's not saying anything. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea folds her hands and addresses Tiffany: "Someone who needs help. I cannot tell you who, because I do not know."] Help how? 06* Tiffany hmmphs. She doesn't look satisfied but she's not asking any more questions for now. Well, they certainly picked an interesting way of telling us. I don't know if that's the best way to ask for help. 01<@Ardweden> [She shakes her head and holds up a hand. "They helped you. They must have, or you would not have gotten one of my cards."] 06* Javy nods along, and hesitates, making a small noise in his throat before saying, "It got in my bed. How'd it get there?" 06* Hank boggles. "Uh... 'Fraid I'm more lost now than I was before, ma'am." But... it was a nightmare! How could they be helping us if it was a nightmare? I don't understand. 06* Sydney realizes she's babbling and bites her lip. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea leans forward. "Let me ask the five of you a question: When did you wake up today?"] 06* Tiffany runs her hand through her hair. "I knew this was ridiculous." She tightens her grip on her purse and turns to leave. 06* Tyler shrugs. "Late but no later than I normally sleep for late." 06* Hank blinks. "Uh... I forgit. I was late for school so I had to scramble to get there..." 06* Javy hunches his shoulders a little. "Really late. Me too. My dad barely got me out." I woke up pretty late. I thought for sure I was going to get detention on the first day. 06* Tiffany turns to look at the woman, her eyes narrowing. "What does *that* matter?" not admitting that she was late too. 01<@Ardweden> ["Why don't you tell me, young lady? Who woke you up?"] 06* Tiffany frowns a little but doesn't answer the lady. She clutches her purse close to her chest. "What does it matter?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Because waking up from a sleep such as yours would have been no easy matter. Don't you think?"] 06* Hank frowns. "'S true. Even if my alarm dun broke, I'm used to gettin' up hours earlier." 06* Tiffany mutters softly, barely audible. "I've got dreams like that all the time...though not quite so...weird..." 06* Javy nods, looking slightly pale. "But. But my dad still woke me up." Mine wasn't really weird. I mean it was, but... it could happen! I don't usually sleep through my alarm like that. My parents were getting really worried. 06* Tyler shrugs. "Sleep happens." And my mom was yelling something about calling the fire department, which scared me, because, um. 01<@Ardweden> [Everyone but Sydney (poor Sydney) remembers that over the summer, there's been two or three or maybe even four cases on the news concerning people who fall asleep and don't wake up? Like an instant coma? But nothing seemed to be wrong with them.] Hey! Wern't there cases of folks fallin' asleep and not wakin' up on the news all summer? 01<@Ardweden> [Now Sydney remembers too!] 06* Javy really pales now. 06* Tiffany mutters slightly, clutching her purse tighter, murmuring into it. "Not just on the news...she..." Oh yeah! There were! It's like that video game that came out a few years ago! ...wait, was that going to happen to *us*? 06* Sydney 's eyes widen. okay, we need some more explaining. Now. 06* Hank blinks as the realization hits him, too. "But... wait, how?" 06* Tiffany winces at Sydney's statement, then blurts out. "*No*!*" 06* Javy nearly lays a reassuring hand on Tiffany's shoulder this time, but stops about halfway there, and lets his hand down by his side. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea seems quite calm under the barrage of questions and demands. "Those are questions I cannot answer. I can, however, help you get where you need to go."] 06* Tyler is waiting, not so patiently for an explanation. "If you are going through all this effort you want us to help who ever it is that wants us. So either blurt out what's going on or I'm leaving. Nerd Force Five will probably follow me. Where we need to go isn't good enough. That's where you think we need. And need can mean lots of things. It could be death. Nope, not taking this." 06* Tiffany tenses up at the movement near her at the corner of her eye. She seems to be shivering slightly slowly looking at the crone. "She's...she's got it wrong. She's got to be...you can't..." You can. Right? Some people did. Ma'am, can't you give us SOME idea of what's goin' on? From the way you talked when we came in, I reckon we ain't the first folks in this here situation. 06* Sydney looks over at Tiffany. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you upset." 01<@Ardweden> ["You," Medea suddenly says to Tyler, "are a petulant child. If you wanted to leave, you would have already left. If you want to stay - if you want to *help* - accept the consequences."] 06* Tiffany breathes and leans herself against one of the shelves, steadying herself. She seems to be hyperventilating but then slowly calming down. "It's okay...it's just..." She shakes her head. "This isn't the time for it." She seems to be making herself really small right now. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea pulls a small piles of papers out from below her counter and lays them face up: there are five. She looks at Hank. "I will help you by giving you the key to the dream world."] 06* Tiffany looks at the crone slowly and her voice cracks. "W-what?" 06* Hank looks over a Tiffany. "Uh..." But on second though, decides not to follow through on that thought. Especially since Medea's addressing him now. "No offense ma'am, but that don't really answer my question." Okay, that's not explaining, that's giving us more questions. 06* Javy steps up towards the counter, anyway. Not too close, but close enough to look at what they look like. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea sighs. "I am giving you the key to the dream world. Come, children, we don't have all night. Clearly your troubles started there - that is where you will find at least some of your answers. And, perhaps, help others in similar trouble. Perhaps even the one who helped you."] 01<@Ardweden> [Javy can see words! It looks like a very short contract: "I, (insert name here), accept full responsibility for my actions."] 06* Tyler glances around the others, if any one notices he's clearly not going to be the first to take one. ["Woah woah... the dream world?"] 06* Javy steps closer, then. He doesn't pick it up, but he looks at it. "We have to sign things?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Yes." Medea continues, "You may find that your answers only lead to more questions. Such as the ones I am offering."] 06* Sydney walks up to the counter. "I'm really confused." She takes a look at the papers. Make that all of us... 06* Tiffany sighs and readjusts her hair before clutching her hand near her neck...she then looks resolved for a moment before walking forward to look at the contract. 01<@Ardweden> [It hasn't changed since Javy looked at it! Such a harmless little contract.] Responsibility for what? 06* Javy looks halfway up at her, fighting the urge to pull back. "What does it do?" 01<@Ardweden> [Medea smiles. "It is only a contract. A binding one. In my mind, everyone should accept full responsibility for their actions regardless - wouldn't you agree?"] 01<@Ardweden> ["Sign it, and I will give you the key. That's my price."] 06* Hank sighs. "Y'know what? Fine." He takes the papers and signs. "I ain't never been one to shirk my responsibility anyhow. Now can ya tell me what's goin' on?" 06* Tyler waits, the new guy signed it, that means nothing. 06* Tiffany looks at the woman hard. "A binding contract with very vague wording." She sighs. Hard. "Fine. Whatever." She goes ahead and signs it too. 06* Javy looks dubious. "Responsible. For dreams? I can't fix that. That's dreams." 01<@Ardweden> [Medea collects Tiffany and Hank's contracts. "Your actions, child."] People keep telling me I need to be more responsible. And if I can help, well... I guess this is where I should start. 06* Sydney signs the contract. 06* Tyler sighs and heads up to the counter to grab a contract and signing it. 01<@Ardweden> [She picks up Sydney's and Tyler's. Now only Javy is left.] 06* Javy doesn't look happier with it, but if everyone else is doing it... he signs his too. 01<@Ardweden> [The power of implicit peer pressure gets Javy to sign, and she picks his contract up, too. With all of the paper in her left hand, she moves her right to before each of you, laying on the counter five dream catchers, small enough to be easily used as a keychain or pendant. The web is bordered, or maybe held, by a pair of crossed keys.] 01<@Ardweden> [Medea places the contracts below her counter and folds her hands. "Put this under your pillow when you sleep, and at midnight, you will step into the dream world as an active and conscious soul."] 06* Javy looks at his, and picks it up gingerly. 06* Tiffany looks over the dreamcatcher for a bit and inspects it before looking at Medea. "Active and conscious...you mean like lucid dreamers?" 06* Tyler takes one looking it over. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea smiles. "Smart girl. Something like that, yes, but even more active: for you will not be confined to your own dream."] 06* Hank picks is up, glances over it, then shoves it in a pocket. "Right... Let me guess, you ain't gonna give us anythin' more to go on?" 06* Sydney picks one up and holds it close to her eye. 01<@Ardweden> [It looks like a pretty ordinary dream catcher, although the web is remarkably intricate. And strong.] 06* Sydney gently touches one of the strands. 06* Javy turns his over a few times in his hand, careful. so we can't even try it out tonight. Great. 06* Tiffany sighs slightly as she looks at the dream catcher. "You ain't trying to sell us on astral projection, are you? Because that's a bunch of hooey..." 01<@Ardweden> ["I am offering what help I can, Hank, both now and if you return to me in the future. And no, Tiffany - if I were, I doubt I would have offered you anything for no money."] 06* Javy raises his other hand to finger the cross under his shirt, and thins his lips. "Do you go in there, too?" 01<@Ardweden> [Medea smiles at Javy. "We all do."] 06* Hank sighs. "Well then forgive me for sayin' so, ma'am, because I'd love to help, but it's gonna be hard if I don' know what I'm s'posed ta help with." 06* Tyler sighs. "I'm going to try this out and come back if it doesn't work." 06* Tiffany blinks at that for a moment, then chuckles. "Fair eno--" She then looks at her for a moment, and tilts her head. "You must have eyed the contract quick. I don't remember saying my name." She mutters. "Or picked it up when we were talking...either way, kinda rude..." 01<@Ardweden> ["What you must know - and this is very important - is that your 'self' will not be a manifestation of your body in this other place, but rather a manifestation of your mind and soul. You may not look anything like you expect. Since the five of you are connected now, you will all return to the same place in the dream world."] 06* Tiffany then deadpans to Tyler. "Yeah. Why don't you ask for your money back while you're at it too?" 01<@Ardweden> ["This means that on a given night, if more than one of you decide to travel, you will appear together. And I *highly* advise you do so. Never step into the unknown alone if you can help it."] 06* Javy listens closely. "But when I was there before. Like last night. I'm me." Yeah, I looked like me too. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea shakes her head at Javy. "In your private dream, yes, you think of yourself as you. Outside of such? That is not within your immediate control, much like your body is largely outside of your immediate control."] 06* Tyler shrugs. "We can't even confirm any of this till tomorrow night." 06* Javy rubs his forearm. "I can control myself." How do we get out? Like, if I go in and nobody else is, I don't want to go wandering off somewhere. Can I wake myself up? Or do I have to wait until I wake up on my own? 06* Tiffany blinks at Sydney. "Wow, you ask a lot of questions." 01<@Ardweden> ["You can decide to wake at any time. I must warn you that the longer you spend in the dream world, the more tired you will be when you wake. You are not getting rest when you do this."] 06* Sydney looks at Tiffany. "I get lost enough in reality. Dreams probably aren't easier." Great. Bet we're not getting excercise, either. 06* Tiffany sighs slightly, then steps forward, looks up at the crone. "Uh...ma'am?" She seems to be toying with her hair, nervously and hesitant to ask a question. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea looks at Tiffany. "Yes, child?"] What, uh...she said. About the people not waking up? I know you said you didn't know but... 06* Tiffany pauses for a moment. "*Could* it be true?" 06* Javy watches expectantly for that answer. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea is silent for a moment, then says, "Yes, Tiffany. I suspect so."] So... maybe we could find those people and help them? 06* Tiffany looks down for a moment. Her hand squeezes the dream catcher tightly as she keeps her head down. "I see... Thank you..." She takes a step back, seeming uncertain. 06* Hank blinks and looks at Medea at that. "Can we?" 06* Javy looks at the webcatcher in his hand. "But with this, we always can? Um. Wake up?" 01<@Ardweden> [Medea shakes her head. "I do not know, Sydney. There's a chance they're beyond saving." She does sound sympathetic, at least. "But I'm fairly sure you can help others who have not yet been trapped."] Oh. 06* Tiffany shakes her head and whispers something to herself, stepping away from the group. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea nods to Javy. "If you are walking, not simply dreaming, you can wake up whenever you choose."] Well, we can try. 06* Hank nods. "Yeah." Come on Tiff, Tiff think of it as scientific experiment. You disprove all this mumble jumble if it doesn't work. If it does work you got a paper for the academic journals or the nerd fandom internets. 01<@Ardweden> ["I highly advise not dying in the dream world. That would be akin to the snuffing out of your mind and soul."] That... don' sound good. Uh. I... hadn't really thought about that. 06* Javy puts his dreamcatcher in his pocket, and looks down, fingering his cross again. This doesn't sound holy. 06* Tiffany glares at Tyler. "Will you shut the fuck up about your nerd journal?" She shoves him. "It's like you're fucking obsessed with us." 01<@Ardweden> ["Please take any violence outside."] Hey! Hey, calm down, y'all. I'll calm down when this loser gets his head on straight. I can't *believe* I'm stuck with this guy...of all people. 06* Hank turns on Tyler. "'Specially you, dumbass. Can't ya plain see the girl's upset about somethin'?" 06* Tyler stumbles back. "hey! Cool your horses! Geeze, at least attack me when I deserve it and not when I'm trying to... well I don't know if it's help or what. I just thought it might make sense or what not." 06* Tiffany then blinks at Hank's response and backs down, unsure what to do. "Uh, thanks." 06* Javy takes a step back, closer to the counter, and his face reddens. He looks up at Hank at that. This whole situation... it's already crazy. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea sighs and says, "Children," which hopefully gets your attention. "The hour is almost up, and then I will close my shop. If you simply wish to discuss and argue amongst yourselves, you may go."] 06* Hank keeps his eyes on Tyler. "Don't mention it." 06* Hank looks away as Medea speaks. "Oh. Uh... right. Should get goin'. It's really late and I gotta git up early." I should get going. I don't want my parents to find out I snuck out. I'll see some of you guys tomorrow night? However we end up looking? 06* Tiffany sighs slightly. "I guess so...if this whole thing does work..." A'aight, sounds good. 06* Tyler sighs and shakes his head. "Fine. I was trying to help. Give her a good reason or something. Shit. I deserved that, but there are better instances for her to grow a spine." 06* Tiffany backs down and shrinks a bit. "Shut up. You don't make it easy..." She sighs. "But if you really were trying, thank you." 06* Javy looks around the other pair, and then nods to Sydney. "Um. I can try." 01<@Ardweden> [And so, the lot of you step out of Lunatic Fringe. The lights inside flicker for another minute or two, and then die. You almost don't have to try opening the door again to know that it's locked.] 06* Tyler sighs. "I think I might hate that lady." 06* Tiffany shakes her head. "I can't believe this..." She's holding her purse up to her. "First last night...then school...now this..." Yep.... 06* Sydney pulls out her cell phone. "Well, we don't have to keep doing this if it turns out to be bad. But I want to try it at least once." 06* Javy shakes his head, and takes a couple steps away from the group, turning to look at them. "It. Yeah. We should try." 06* Hank nods. "Yeah... If even half this malarky is true..." 06* Tiffany looks straight ahead, purse still close to her chest, dream catcher in one hand. "Responsible for our actions..." So, tomorrow night, then! 06* Hank heads to his motorcycle. "Hey, anyone need a ride? Got room for one more." Probably pass at least a couple of you at school. I...uh... If you don't mind, that'd be awesome. Otherwise it's going to take me a while to get back. Go on, Tiff, take it. I parked up the side street. 06* Hank nods. "Don't harm none." That probably means it's okay! 06* Tiffany blinks and looks at Hank. "Thanks. But no thanks?" She looks a bit confused. "Oh well." She then looks at Tyler, even more confused. "Uh, I'm fine walking. Thank you though!" 06* Sydney looks confused too, but heads for the motorcyle. "Thanks!" 01 [And so, people don't hate each other. Mostly. Session End.]