01<@Ardweden> [Day: Thursday, August 26. Time: The end of school!] 01<@Ardweden> [Not for the year, but for the day. The last bell just rang, and you're all free to go your merry ways, getting into the kind of trouble only teenagers can get into. Likely this involves heading towards your lockers, and just to free myself from headache, let's say they're all in the English hallway.] (What other hallways are there?) ( French, Italian, German, Egyptian... ) 01<@Ardweden> [That particular hallway is on the first floor. It connects to the main hallway, near the stairwell, and around the corner turns for the Foreign Language rooms. The lockers are dark blue, the walls white, and the carpet a light blue.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start!] 06* Hank goes there! 06* Javy heads for his locker, as well! Is it near Hank's? 06* @Tyler is heading in there looking back and forth, obviously bored and angry. Tiffany will recognize this as "I need a victim" look. 01<@Ardweden> [Why, it's right next to Hank's, Javy.] 06* Tiffany heads quietly towards her locker, trying her best to weave her way through half of the crowd and avoid the other half. She's carrying her text books from her last class in her hands and keeping a bit of a downcast gaze until she makes it near where she needs to go. 06* Sydney meanders down the hallway. Is her locker anywhere near here? Hell, no! 06* Javy slows up when he gets near his locker, and Hank is there. How had he not noticed that his locker had been next to this guy's? Because he's new? 06* Hank looks over. "Hey, Javy. What you bin up to?" 06* Javy can't keep the surprise off his face. "Uh. Just class." He starts working on opening his locker, and after a beat, says, "You?" 06* Sydney murmurs, "Man, I could've sworn the carpet in the locker hallway used to be beige." 06* Hank drops off books and gathers other books. "Same." 06* @Tyler glares down at the group gathering, looking jealous for a split second before slamming his locker open. What did you have? Not much. Just metal shop. You? 06* Tiffany opens up her locker, trying not to wince at the sound of the slam and sets down her books before leaving the books she's not going to need for her assignments in the locker. She turns and notices Sydney out of the corner of her eye (which at her height, it's hard not to) who seems a bit out of place, then goes back to what she was doing. 06* Javy shifts a little in place, and mumbles his answer inaudibly as he pushes some books into to locker. 06* @Tyler is being a little drama queen down at his locker slamming each book in individually. 06* Hank "Ah"s as though he heard! Maybe he's just being polite, maybe he doesn't really care. Who can tell? 06* Sydney sees people she recognizes. She walks over to Tiffany. "Hi! Uh, listen, did they put new carpet in recently? Because I could've sworn my locker was in a beige hallway before." 06* Tiffany blinks as someone's talking to her while she's stuffing stuff in her locker and then turns to see Sydney for a moment. She brushes a strand of hair behind her hair as she looks at her. "Um. No. What number are you?" 06* Javy nods, happy enough to not have to explain it. "Are you good at that? Um. Metal, I mean." 257. 06* Hank grins. "Well now, I ain't one t' brag but I'm pretty handy with the mechanics an' all." Yeah? So, uh, what do you do there? 06* Tiffany looks at Sydney for a moment, tilting her head. "Are you sure it was beige? I'm pretty sure that number's around here somewhere. But the only hall I remember being beige is near the gym. And there's no lockers there..." Maybe it wasn't beige. I thought it was down the hallway near the history classrooms. 06* Tiffany looks about from here to there, peeking around people's heads. Hers is 189 so... 06* Tiffany points to the other side of the hallway, a few yards down. "I think it should be, uh, about there. Somewhere on that side at least..." Make stuff, mostly. Right now we're just learnin' the gear and stuff. Oh, good. I was close this time! Thanks! I'll have to remember it's a blue hallway now. I guess beige was last semester. Will you...uh...be able to remember? 06* Javy nods, and feels a bit stuck for a beat. "So, is that hard?" Nah. 06* Javy nods again. Um. He glances around. Maybe Nate is nearby? I think so. I wish they didn't change things around every semester, though. It always takes me a few days to relearn the routes. 01 [Nate has not yet come by. He said that he would meet Javy at his locker, though.] 06* Tiffany gives a curt nod and looks aside. "Must be rough..." Just gotta be careful not to cut or burn yourself. 06* Javy nods. "I bet. You guys use those big saws, right?" Yeah. It's even rougher this year since my friend Rhiannon and I don't have all our classes together and our lockers aren't anywhere near each other. But I really have to learn to stop relying on her so much. 06* Hank nods. "Yep. And blowtorches." 06* Tiffany looks back at Sydney for a moment, temporarily drawn into giving her attention. "Rhiannon?" Yeah, my best friend. Tall, redheaded... I think people call us the Amazon Duo sometimes. Personally, I think it's kinda cute, but it annoys her a little. Wow. That's... uh, intense. I wouldn't try that. 06* Tiffany looks about from side to side for a moment, as if to notice if anyone's noticed the two of them talking together. "I...um...guess I could help you try to find your locker." She takes a small sidestep and plays with her hair again. "You know. If you want." Ah, it ain't so bad. Just gotta be careful. That would be really great, actually. You don't mind? You're not busy or anything? 06* Tiffany shakes her head slightly. "Not really. I usually take my time getting home." 06* Javy starts filling his bag again, and takes out his oboe case. "I can get that. You know. You have to be careful to be good. At, like. Lots of things." You're so nice! Thank you! 06* Hank nods. "'Sides, reckon its good to know about metal and stuff so I can work on my bike better." I....um. Sure. 06* Tiffany looks from left to right, waiting for the proper opportunity to cross the sea of high school students to the other side of the hallway. 06* Javy sets down the case, crouching by his bag. "Wow. You do that yourself?" 01 [The opportunity comes right... there!] 06* Hank nods. "Yup!" Like, uh, all of it? Yeah. 06* Tiffany makes his way quickly across the crowd without running. Almost ninja goth-like. Gotta do it when you're not an Amazon. 06* Sydney is an Amazon, and would be a much better candidate for parting the seas, but she's in following people mode right now, so she waits and follows behind Tiffany. 06* Javy runs a hand through his hair nervously. "Uh. That's. Wow." 06* Hank shrugs. "Guy's gotta have some hobbies, y'know?" 06* Tiffany starts looking at the locker numbers, trying not to bump into anyone in their locker along the way, counting to herself. 254, 255...here. Yeah, I know. I, uh. Well. What else do you do? Excellent. You have saved my day. Well I wouldn't go that far... 06* Hank grins, slamming one fist into a palm. "Boxin'." 06* Sydney taps her chin for a second, then goes about opening her locker. She actually remembers the combination! "So, will you be... uh... doing the dreaming thing tonight?" I don't really know a better way to refer to it. I guess that works. 06* Tiffany nods slightly. "If you'll excuse me..." She gives a half-head nod and starts to back up, probably bumping into another student on the way back. She doesn't look like she was expecting Sydney to still be talking. Oh, okay. Didn't mean to keep you. See you later! 06* Sydney waves cheerfully, then returns to book-swapping. 06* @Tyler finally has gotten done slamming his books into his locker and got stuff to head home 06* Javy raises his eyebrows, surprised again. "Really?" 06* Tiffany nods slightly, still looking at Sydney and walking backwards. This really isn't the proper way to be crossing a busy hallway. 06* Hank folds an arm in front of his chest. "Hell yeah! You didn't think all this muscle was just for show?"] 06* Javy looks at him, rather interested. "I, uh. I figured. Well. Shop? Metal working takes that, too. Right?" Mm, I reckon so. So, uh, you practice a lot? 06* Hank nods. "Up every mornin' at the crack of dawn." He frowns. "Or at least I used to. Might be I gotta change my schedule now what with this dream thing." 06* Javy nods. "Maybe. I don't know. It could well." He stops, searches for words, and tries again. "It might not be every night. Uh. Is there a boxing team here?" 01 [The sea of students has been steadily thinning, and one of them nearly runs into Tyler, who manages to step out of the way. He ends up more or less hanging off a locker. Tyler recognizes him as the nerd who hung out with Javy, Hank, and Tiffany during lunch.] 06* @Tyler looks over at him, with a smirk and reaches out to trip him. Y'know, I been wondering that myself. 01 [Nate is tripped and ends up falling to the floor, books and glasses flying.] 06* Tiffany turns just in time to notice Tyler and a small scowl appears on her face. She waits to watch him for a moment, then shakes her head and goes to her locker. 01 [The other students just walk by. Really, people falling over? That's totally normal!] 06* Hank looks over that way. "What in the hell...?" He marches over. 06* @Tyler is starting to walk away 06* Javy puts the rest of stuff away, and stands up again. He colors, and steps quickly over to Nate. "Hey. Are you okay?" 06* Javy reaches to pick up his glasses. 06* Sydney finishes putting books in her locker just as there's a thump. She shuts her locker and turns around to try and figure out what happened. 06* Tiffany finishes with her locker and closes it up, heading quietly for the exit. She's trying to stay away from Tyler's radar, passing by Sydney as she goes. 01 [Nate mutters, "Ow," and gets to his knees. He blinks, sleepily.] 06* Javy hands over his glasses. "You better get some good sleep tonight." 01 ["Yeah, so fuckin' tired." He rubs at his eyes, taking his glasses. "What hit me?"] 06* Javy blinks, and stands up again. "I didn't see. Did you?" he asks Hank. 03* Lex is now known as May 06* Hank darkens, narrowing his eyes. "Yep. I sure did." 01 [Hank marches right up to Tyler and reaches for him, but Tyler realizes what's happening and gets out of the way of that, too. Which is probably good for him, as Hank slams into the lockers.] 06* @Tyler frowns and looks at Hank, judging his chances. "Hey! What the hell man?" 06* Tiffany screams and ducks down as she hears the fist slam against the locker before she looks at the scene. "What the hell?!" 06* Javy watches him go off, confused, and then says quietly, "Oh." You tell me. What the fuck did you think you were doing? 06* Sydney watches Hank slam into the lockers and is very confused. Then she sees him yell at Tyler and is somewhat less confused. <@Tyler> I was walking! 06* Tiffany walks back to the scene, eyes wide and more than a little freaked. "Hank! Stop it! He's not worth it." 06* Hank glances back at Tiffany. "The hell he aint." Then to Tyler, "I saw what you did." Bullshit! You're gonna get fucking suspended on your first week here! 06* Javy starts gathering up Nate's books for him. Wouldn't be the first time. 01 [Nate picks up books, too. He doesn't look particularly hurt, but he is pretty out of it. "Thanks, Javy." He looks over at the argument, able to see it now that he has glasses on.] 06* @Tyler frowns. "I was walking he bumped into me and then stumbled off. What the hell man?" That ain't what I saw. You tripped him. 06* Tiffany narrows her eyes at Tyler a bit but doesn't say anything, biting her lip. <@Tyler> Like hell I did. If I tripped the geek I'd claim it. Ain't that right Tif-tif? 06* Javy nods, and peers at him. "Any time. Are you okay? You really look out of it." Oh don't try to drag *me* into this, asshole. 06* Sydney narrows her eyes. "Oh, he's *so* not getting any more rides on Hien's head," she mutters. <@Tyler> Aww come on Tif, you know exactly what I'm like. I'd claim my work. If you think you can get away with it, yeah. You're a weasel, Tyler. Don't you *dare* think I'm protecting your ass by any of this. 06* Tiffany swivels on her heels, snatching up her pack and heading off down the hallway. 06* @Tyler shrugs. "She knows me." 01 ["Yeah, I'm just... really, *really* tired. I dunno, I need to get home and sleep." Nate yawns again, trying to process what's going on. "Did, uh, that guy just trip me?" He points at Tyler.] 06* Hank watches her go, then turns back to Tyler. "And I don't. But y'all better take this to heart. I see you pull another stunt like this, you an' I are gonna have words."] 06* Hank slams his fist into his palm, giving Tyler a meaningful glare. 06* Hank then goes back to Nate. And Javy! "Hey. You okay?" 06* Javy turns back to look at the scene. "I think he did." Then he looks up at Hank. "Yeah. He's fine. I think." 01 [Nate nods. "Yeah, I'm cool. But I don't think I've been tripped since like eighth grade. Seriously, what the hell."] Hey, that boy gives you any more trouble, y'all let me know, aight? 06* @Tyler is heading away, fuming with the sudden support for the freaks 06* Sydney sees Tyler pass but decides that he's probably had enough threats of bodily harm for the day. 01 [Tyler heads the same way out that Tiffany does, hahahaha.] 06* Sydney heads over to the guys. "Hey! You all okay?" 06* Javy nods to Hank, gratified. "Thanks. Um. It's really good of you." 06* Hank nods. "Don't worry 'bout it. I just hate those kinds of people." He nods to Sydney. "What's up, Sydney? Didn't see ya at lunch." I got a bit lost. Did they move the cafeteria this year? 01 [Nate pushes up his glasses and rubs his eyes, then says, "No? I think? And thanks, Hank."] 06* Javy shakes his head. "It's where it was." ["Dunno, I'm new here."] Okay, so it was just me again. I wasn't lying when I said I have no direction. 06* Sydney turns to Nate. "Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Sydney Raynerson!" She enthusiastically thrusts out a hand. 06* Hank shakes it. "Hank Morris. How are ya?" 06* Sydney laughs. "Doing pretty well. But, uh, I was also trying to introduce myself to the guy I haven't met yet." 01 [Nate blinks at the exchange. He must be more tired than he thought. "I'm Nate Dobrovsky," he says with a little wave.] 06* Hank looks flustered. "Oh. Well, uh... Go right ahead then." 06* Javy feels more at home. Other people being awkward! "And I'm Javier Mayberry. People call me Javy, though. Usually." 06* Sydney gives Hank a quick grin and then waves back to Nate. "It's nice to meet you." She then smiles at Javy. "Yeah, I don't think we gave last names when we met before. Or nicknames versus full names. Some people call me Syd." She looks back at Nate. "So, are you okay? You seem a little out of it? You didn't hit your head or anything, did you?" 01 [Nate leans against the closest locker. "No... well, yes, but nothing that bad. Just a bump, I think. 'm just tired."] 01 [He yawns. "Was up late. Last night."] Big project? 06* Javy nods. "I can try Syd then. If you like that? Um." He colors again. "What do you prefer?" 01 [He smiles a little crookedly. "Kinda like that. Just a webcomic. I got tons of ideas and... got a little carried away."] Whatever you'd like to call me is fine by me, Javy! And a webcomic? That's really cool! Got anything posted yet? 06* Javy tries to focus more on Nate. It's less embarrassing. "You still need to tell me those." 01 ["No, 'm still working on the page. I can let you know, though?" And Nate turns to Javy. "Oh sure. Um, maybe not tonight, but tomorrow? Come over?"] 06* Javy nods. "Sure. After practice. I should still have time." Please do. I'd love to see it! 01 [Nate grins at Sydney's excitement. It's nice when someone's interested in what you do!] He's had ideas for a while, though. 06* Hank checks his cell phone for the time. "Well, guess I should be headin' off. Y'all take care now." You too. See you later! 06* Javy nods. "Sure. Thanks. You too. Um. Go get some good licks in." 06* Hank waves, then heads off into the sunset. Er... guess it's not setting yet. But still! 06* Sydney looks confused. "Licks?" 06* Javy nods, turning, and pushing a hand into one of his pockets. "Yeah. Uh, he's a boxer. Like, practice?" Oh, that's cool. I used to do martial arts. My best friend still does. What do you do that you were referring to practice? Me? Uh. Lots. Tomorrow's swimming, though. Neat! For me, it's soccer. I tried cross-country my freshman year but it didn't work out so well. Got totally lost my first race. 01 ["Man," Nate says, "All of that physical stuff. I don't know what you guys see in it."] 06* Javy laughs. It's a light, slightly rough sound. "Are you really that bad?" Then he glances at Nate. "It's fun, too." 01 [Nate yawns. "You say 'fun', I say 'unnecessarily painful'." He grins, though.] I am really that bad. Bad at directions, but good at throwing stuff and kicking stuff and running. It's refreshing. 01 [Nate tilts his head. "If you need help getting around or whatever, and I'm around..."] I would really appreciate that. Thanks! 06* Javy shakes his head at Nate. "It doesn't hurt. Until you're done. But that's nice of you. To offer." Anyhow, you guys probably have stuff to do, so I should let you get to that. Keep me posted about the webcomic. I'll see you later! 01 [Nate smiles and waves. "See you." It doesn't occur to him that Sydney might get lost finding the front door. I mean, that's crazy.] 06* Javy nods. "Okay. Don't get lost." I'll try. Oh, and don't forget to get some sleep, Nate! 01 [Nate nods, still leaning against the locker.] 06* Sydney waves cheerfully and heads off, probably not in the direction of the front door. 06* Javy gathers his oboe, and leans next to Nate. "You want me to take you home? I can." 01 [It's true! Sydney heads down towards foreign language.] 01 ["Yeah, that'd be really cool... uh... I think she's going the wrong way?"] 06* Javy calls after her, "Not that way, Syd." 06* Sydney stops and turns around. "Oh. That way?" She points in another incorrect direction. 01 ["That way." Nate points towards the main hallway. "Take a left when you get to the intersection."] Okay, got it. Thanks! 06* Sydney goes that way and indeed takes a left at the intersection. Where she goes after that, well... 01 [Nate looks at Javy, incredulous. "She wasn't kidding."] 06* Javy nods, watching wide-eyed. "I know. How can that happen?" 01 [Nate looks thoughtful. "Birth defect?"] 06* Javy smiles crookedly. "Not enough iron?" 01 [He yawns. "Could be. Oh, or maybe it doesn't process right."] Process how? 01 ["Like if iron helps your sense of direction, maybe it doesn't for her. Or maybe she's just been cursed. Who knows."] Oh, okay. I get it. Cursed to get lost all the time? Maybe you could use that. 01 [Nate thinks. "Maybe... oh, but I should ask her permission." He yawns. "I mean, I don't want her to think I'm making fun of her or anything."] 06* Javy rubs his cheek. "She seems cool. I think she'd like it. Um. If we did it right." 01 ["Yeah." He looks at Javy. "So, car?"] 06* Javy nods. "If we walked, it doesn't look like you'd make it." 01 ["Might be true," Nate mumbles. "Wonder if I'm coming down with something." That said, he starts heading slowly for the main hallway.] 06* Javy hoists his bag, and picks up his oboe, and heads alongside him. "My mom makes a great home remedy. You know the one?" 01 ["Not unless it's chicken soup," Nate says with a grin. "Or tons of caffeine."] 06* Javy shakes his head. "No, it's not those." He glances at Nate alongside him. "I'll tell her you're coming down with something. So let me know if you really are. We can bring it by tomorrow." 01 [Session End!]