01<@Ardweden> [Tyler heads away from the freak and geek squad, down the main hallway. As he does so, he realizes he's catching up to Tiffany! This can't possibly end well.] 06* Tyler smirks a little bit and glances back to make sure Gorrilla Punchface, AKA Hank, isn't following. 06* Tiffany is stomping away. She seems to be fuming too, but for different reasons than Tyler is probably. 01<@Ardweden> [Hank is nowhere to be seen.] 01<@Ardweden> [Tiffany makes cute stompy motions!] 06* Tyler grins more. "TIF TIF! Wait up!" He starts to run for her. 06* Tiffany spins around on Tyler. "Oh don't you *dare* talk to me. After that asshole stunt you pulled." 06* Tyler grabs his chest staggering backwards. "you wound me. WOUND me. I just want to talk, talking can't hurt can it?" Talking with you hurts my brain and my ass, Tyler. I'm not sure which is which in your case. 06* Tyler laughs. "Oh come on Tif-Tif. I wouldn't fuck your ass." 06* Tiffany folds her arms and looks at him. "Gee thanks, Mr. Charming. Why the hell would you want to talk to me anyway?" Because you got new friends now didn't you? 06* Tiffany frowns slightly. "No. What the hell are you on about?" oh nothing, nothing. Just sounds like the popular kids are doing a... oh what's it called. A my fair lady with you. I'll be happily watching as they get you all prettied up, and then ditch you. 06* Tiffany 's frown turns into a scowl. "What the hell do you know?" She turns off to the side and sighs a little. "I didn't *ask* anyone to start talking to me, you know..." Course not, do any of them? Nah, they just start talking to you and being nice for no reason.Then they start to make little suggestions about make up and clothes. Then they go "Oh you look prettier" all good so far, but you know what happens when you show or spine or they grow bored of helping a lame geek like you Like I care. Why the hell should you? Just letting you know I'm watching so when you fall I will be RIGHT there. Yeah. That's *really* going to mean a lot from someone who wets his pants whenever the word "Raven" is mentioned. 06* Tiffany narrows her eyes on Tyler. "Look. Whatever the hell this is, I don't like being thrown into your lot any more than you like being thrown in with mine. But the least you can do is stay the hell away from me." See now, that's not happening, Tif Tif. We are teammates, buddies, pals, friends conquering with the power of heart now. Look, I didn't even grab your backpack for keep away and we've talked for this long. 01<@Ardweden> [Tiffany notices Hank coming down the hall, towards them! Tyler doesn't just yet.] 01<@Ardweden> [Hank, btw, sees Tiffany and Tyler talking up ahead. Tyler's back is turned towards him.] 06* Tiffany notes that but doesn't pay it much attention, folding her arms. "So I'm supposed to be glad that you're treating me like a human being for once?" Hey if the spiked lip fits. Just saying, You're off the list. At least mostly. Gotta have a working professional relationship with you. 06* Hank eyes the duo as he approaches, but says nothing. 06* Tiffany rolls her eyes. "Gee. Thanks. Look, I didn't save your ass. I just don't think Hank deserves getting kicked out of school for you being an asshole. Remember that." 01<@Ardweden> [Right about now, Tyler notices Hank approaching behind him!] It's not my fault if the du.... he decides to pound my face. It's his choice to be the lesser man and use violence. 06* Hank walks right on by, saying, "Y'all got that right." Oh yeaaaaah, Tyler. You're a big man, alright. I'm just impressed you didn't go and hide behind your posse after all that. 06* Tiffany sighs and tightens her grip on her pack. "So are you done wasting my time or what?" Yeah, sure, head on home Tif-Tif I'll see you later. You have a fair day. 06* Tiffany rolls her eyes again and then eyes Hank as he passes by and gives a bit of a sigh, walking behind him. She's not making any concerted effort to catch up but she will if Hank happens to slow down. 06* Hank happens to slow down once they're out of earshot from Tyler. "Hey." 06* Tiffany shrinks her head down as she realizes Hank's talking to her and looks away. "...hey." 06* Hank glances to the front door, then says, "Thanks, I guess. I mean, fer thinking about my welfare an' all." 06* Tiffany grips the straps of her backpacks tighter and shrinks down even further, letting out a slow breath. "I guess..." I mean it ain't like I wanna be suspended or nothing. I just... I can't stand it when I see bullyin', and the only way I know to stop it is, well.... Bullyin' the bullies. 06* Tiffany nods faintly. "I guess...well...it's just this is a pretty small school. Word gets around..." 06* Tiffany breathes. "You've got a blank slate. You could do better than hanging out with the freak crowd." She moves to push the door open and head out. 06* Hank sighs. "Not this again. Listen, unless the freshmen are all Texans, I'm already a freak here."] 06* Tiffany stops for a moment and gives him a good looking over. "You've been picked on for looking Texan yet?" 01<@Ardweden> [Hank has not, actually. Nor has he been teased for his accent.] 06* Hank frowns. "Well, no... But," he gestures at himself. "Who's gonna want to risk it?" 06* Tiffany looks Hank over a bit, noting the muscle on him. "Yeah." She then pushes the door open and gives a big sigh, not looking at Hank. "Do whatever you want." before heading out. 06* Hank laughs and calls after her, "Alright, see ya at lunch tomorrow, then!" 06* Tiffany waves over the shoulder without looking back at him. 01<@Ardweden> [Session End!]