01<@Ardweden> [Day: Friday, August 27. Time: fifth period lunch.] 01<@Ardweden> [It is FOOD TIME. And a good thing, too, because you're all probably pretty hungry, what with the schooling and all. Fortunately, too, most of you got a good night's sleep and so should not be tired at all. Today, as every Friday, is a day of food from actual restaurants.] 01<@Ardweden> [But this is high school, so that pretty much limits you to pizza, burgers, chicken sandwiches, and the like. Just the same, students are scrambling into line. Must get food!] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start.] 06* @Tyler gets in line looking things over, frowning a bit bored and still angry. 06* Hank loves pizza burger chicken sandwiches. 06* Tiffany 's gets to the line late so she might not be there in time for the best of the best. Boo. She also looks like someone who's been kind of dragging it all day and looks a little distracted. This time she's far behind Tyler. 06* Javy gets in line, too, coming in behind a bunch of other students. At least he's not too far back in mine. 06* Hank also gets in line, right behind Javy. "Hey, Javy!" 06* @Tyler isn't looking behind him and just going through the line. 06* Javy turns around. "Uh. Hey, Hank." How are ya? 06* Javy runs a hand down his sleeve. "Okay. Uh, just hungry. You know." After a beat, he adds, "How are you?" 01<@Ardweden> [In front of Tyler is a couple of younger girls, both probably freshmen. They're presently talking about their algebra class and how obnoxious their teacher is.] Pretty good! Got a good night's sleep. Good. 06* Javy starts a little. "Oh! Uh, good. That's important." Yeah. Reckon there's not going to be many of those, if'n ya know what I mean. 06* @Tyler eyes them up listening in. Yeah. You know how many others, um... got some good sleep in? 06* Hank shakes his head. "Nah, haven't talked to any of 'em yet." He looks around, then jerks his thumb behind him. "There's Tiffany, though." 06* Tiffany doesn't notice Hank thumbing at her. She's too busy looking distant slightly off to the side. 01<@Ardweden> ["And I can't even *see* what he's writing," the blonde girl says. "It's all so *tiny*." "Yeah," the brunette one replies. "Good thing I remembered my sister complaining about that. That's why I'm sitting up front."] 06* Javy looks back, and spots her, too. "Are you sitting with her again? You could... well, you could just ask her then. If you're alone." 01<@Ardweden> [Blonde: "Isn't your sister the one who gets lost every two seconds?" Brunette: "Yeah..." She looks around, then adds, "Guess she got lost again. God, it's amazing she can get *anywhere*, you know?"] 06* Hank scratches his head. "Uh... Not sure I get ya." 06* @Tyler looks at the brunette a second, trying very hard not to smile. He looked around for said directionally challenged sprots star 06* Javy colors lightly. "Um, like, if you're sharing a table. And it's quiet and not too many people around. Then you could, well... you could ask how she slept." And then he colors more. That sounds so dumb. ^^; 01<@Ardweden> [Blonde: "Aren't you going to look for her?" Brunette: "What? No. She could be anywhere - I mean, literally *anywhere*."] 06* Hank stares at Javy for a sec, then looks to the front of the line. "So what do we got today? Pizza? I love pizza. But I love burgers too. Oh and chicken. What are you gonna get, Javy?" 06* Javy mumbles something about sandwiches and garlic. 01<@Ardweden> [The brunette has a way of saying 'anywhere' that somehow contains the entire world. Perhaps it does.] 01<@Ardweden> [Tyler doesn't see Sydney. Maybe she did get lost again.] 01<@Ardweden> [Meanwhile, the girls reach the end of the line and start ordering their food, which means Tyler's up next!] 06* @Tyler orders what ever they have the least of. He's thinking of something "safe" to do to the girls. 01<@Ardweden> [Tyler gets a personal pepperoni pizza! Delicious.] 06* Javy waits a couple of beats, and then looks around to see if there's anyone else he knows that he hasn't embarrassed himself in front of yet today. 06* @Tyler smiles and takes heading away frowning as he knows ANYTHING he does can and will be held against him. 01<@Ardweden> [The girls move on and go to sit with a mixed group of other students.] Think I'm gonna get a pizza. 01<@Ardweden> [Javy notices Leah! She's just sitting down now; she doesn't seem to have noticed him back at all, but then, she isn't exactly looking.] 06* Javy nods a couple of times. "Or you could, um, just combine them. Like, hamburger pizza." He doesn't look back at Hank yet, but he does ask himself why he's still talking. Y'think they'd do that? Sounds pretty durn fine. 01<@Ardweden> [Tyler spots Steve and Tony in the same spot they were before! Steve's stacking nearly every menu item into some abomination of a sandwich on his plate and Tony's watching, because how is that not fascinating.] 06* Javy waves half-heartedly at Leah. Even if she's not really looking. "If you pay for it. And you eat it. I don't think they care otherwise." 01<@Ardweden> [Leah is fortunately looking in that general direction when Javy waves, and she brightens and waves back! The brunette turns to look at who she's waving at, as do a couple other freshmen.] Maybe I will, then. 01<@Ardweden> [Tiffany, now is time for you to get food! Perhaps you will even eat it!] 06* @Tyler smirks and heads that way to watch the Iron Stomach America showl. <@Tyler> ((show) 06* Tiffany looks actually a bit confused when she makes it to the front of the line and hesitates and apologizes for holding the server up, though she doesn't seem to notice if there's any grumbling behind her or not. She finally decides on a pizza and chicken sandwich. 01<@Ardweden> ["Here," Tony's telling Steve, "put more fries on. With extra ketchup, don't wuss out now." Steve works on doing that, tongue sticking out in concentration. It's almost like a food-based jenga puzzle.] 06* Javy feels stronger at that. He nods to Leah again, and looks up the line. "You like that kind of pizza? 'cause, um, they do lots of weird kinds of pizza at this place in Hartford. I tried their Mexican one once." 01<@Ardweden> [Tiffany gets her food! It smells exactly like she expected.] Sure. I love pizza. As long as there ain't no anchovies on it. 06* @Tyler looks over it and cuts his pizza up handing a quarter to Steve. That's friendship right there. I don't know. Fish on pizza could work, but, um. Well. Anchovies are really strong. Aww, dun like fish much. 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh, hell yeah," Steve says cheerfully, placing the pizza piece on top. This is followed by the bun, which is somehow just enough to send it toppling over and him scrambling to catch it. Which makes for dirty hands, but at least he does.] 06* @Tyler watches in pure amazement. 06* Javy looks at him curiously. "Why not? They're good. Or, uh, maybe you just, mean, like, on pizza?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Doesn't count if you don't eat it," Tony says as Steve tries to fix his sandwich. Meanwhile, some heads from tables nearby are turning to watch the leaning tower of pizza (and numerous other foodstuffs).] 06* Hank shrugs. "It's not that I don't eat 'em, I just prefer beef is all." 01<@Ardweden> [Hank and Javy reach the END OF THE LINE.] 06* Hank tries not to fall off! Er, wait. 06* Hank orders a pizza burger! If they'll make it. 01<@Ardweden> [They totally make a pizza burger! It looks yummy.] 06* Tiffany doesn't look like she's going to sit anywhere for a moment then walks with the tray to an empty table. On the way, she passes the table where the drama kids hang out. 06* Javy orders a sandwich with chicken and some roasted garlic and vegetables. 01<@Ardweden> [The drama kids are being dramatic! Really, they're just chatting. A couple of them do say hi to her, though.] 01<@Ardweden> [Javy gets his sandwich! Hooray!] 06* Tiffany blinks slightly and is snapped a little out of her daydream. She blushes a bit as she realizes how much of a daze she's been walking around in and gives them a half-hearted wave before heading to a free table. 01<@Ardweden> [Meanwhile, Steve's trying to squish his sandwich into a size that will enable him to actually take a decent bite. Hahahaha.] 06* @Tyler looks at Tony. "Five bucks says he some how eats that all and then starts whining about not having dessert." 06* Javy takes his tray, and surveys the room. So, there's Leah... there's probably the swim team... anyone else? He does a quick scan for Nate again. 01<@Ardweden> [Tony looks at the sandwich, then at Tyler. "Deal. But if he doesn't whine about dessert, it doesn't count. I'm not betting on indigestion; that's a guaranteed fail bet."] 06* Hank gets his burger and starts walkin'. "C'mon Javy, let's go see what Tiffany's up to." <@Tyler> Fair enough. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate doesn't seem to be there, but he was late yesterday.] 06* Javy nods reluctantly. "Okay. But, then, Monday I have to, uh, sit with the swim guys." 06* Hank looks back. "Oh. Uh, yeah, that's fine. Didn't mean to drag ya away from something." No. It's not like that, it's just.... Well. I should sit with them sometimes. Or it gets weird on the team. 06* Javy will follow Hank, though. 01<@Ardweden> [Steve finally takes a bite out of the sandwich of doom. He chews laborously, then swallows. "Cheesy," is his comment.] 06* Hank sits across from Tiffany, 'cause her table's empty. "Hey Tiffany. How you doin'?" 06* Tiffany gives Hank a glance for a moment, having not touched her food yet. She almost seems to be looking past him. She then leans her elbows on the table. "Oh. It's you." Yup. 06* Javy settles in next to Hank. "Hey, Tiffany." 06* Tiffany half-smiles a bit, though she's looking more past Hank. "Hey Javy. How's swim team treating you?" 06* Javy pushes his sandwich halves apart. "Not bad. I'm, well, doing relay along with solo. Which is new." 06* @Tyler frowns as he sees THEM eating with the freak again and looks back at steve. "I think it needs something else." 06* Hank eats a bite of his pizza burger. "Cool. Good luck." 06* Tiffany nods slightly and takes a bite of your sandwich. "So you're coming over again, huh?" 01<@Ardweden> [Steve mrfles, but Tony nods in agreement. "Yeah... hot sauce?"] 06* Javy nods. "But, yeah. It's just to try it out. I don't know if they'll keep it up. With me on it, I mean." Uh. "What do you mean, coming over?" 06* Tiffany eyes Hank slightly, thoughs he's clearly answering Javy. "To the table. *He* put you up to it, didn't he?" 06* @Tyler nods. "Hot sauce." 01<@Ardweden> [Tony stands and goes to get the hot sauce. LOTS of hot sauce.] 01<@Ardweden> [Meanwhile, Steve swallows. "Dude. Hot sauce?"] <@Tyler> To counteract the cheeseyness. Give it some flavor. 06* Javy glances over at Hank, and shrugs a little helplessly. "Yeah, it was his idea." He takes a bite of the sandwich. 01<@Ardweden> ["It's got plenty of flavor. It's just cheesy. Want a bite?" And then Steve's shoving the disgusting thing at Tyler.] <@Tyler> No man, it's your food. Wouldn't dare dream of taking your food. I just think it needs hot sauce. 06* Tiffany sighs a little. "I guess it's unavoidable." She looks a little lost again. Daydreamy look to her. 03* Hank (vortex@pool-98-111-34-107.sctnpa.east.verizon.net) has joined #megaten 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh, huh." He has another nibble. "Maybe you're right." And Tony returns! With hot sauce! He tosses some packets to Tyler and starts 'helping' with the hot sauce addition.] 06* Javy glances from one to the other. "Is it really that bad?" 06* @Tyler is CERTAIN this will change nothing in their bet, and just settles back. He's not going to get near that thing even if it's to pour hot sauce on it 01<@Ardweden> [Tony is clearly more brave, or possibly just trying to win the bet.] 01<@Ardweden> [Five bucks is on the line!] 06* Hank eats pizza burger. "Hot dang this is good." 01<@Ardweden> [Steve's eating his sandwich as well! But it's taking a while. Seriously, it's a lot of sandwich.] 06* Tiffany stares at what Hank's eating. Then turns to Javy. "What is he eating?" He got them to, like, put burger. On the pizza. 06* Javy lowers his head and mumbles something that includes the words my and idea in it. Do they often do that in...where are you from again? Texas? <@Tyler> So, anything we really need to do this weekend? Was Javy's idea. 06* Hank shakes his head. "Nah. I mean no more than up here, I reckon. And yeah, I'm from Texas." 06* Javy speaks a little more coherently this time. "Yeah. It was, uh, my idea." 01<@Ardweden> [Steve can't talk, because his face is full of food, but Tony says, "Josh said something to me about getting together or something."] <@Tyler> Sounds good to me I've been bored all week. 06* Tiffany looks from Hank, to Javy. She then gets a bit of smile to her. "Well, it's creative at least." She then goes nggh and rubs her head. 06* Javy looks at her, a little concerned. "Are you okay? Um..." He stops, and then asks in a rush, "Did you sleep okay last night?" And then he takes a big bite of the sandwich. 01<@Ardweden> ["God yes," Tony says.] 01<@Ardweden> [Steve continues chomping on the burger! Fight, Steve, fight!] <@Tyler> Hey steve, I think they got chocolate cake for dessert. 01<@Ardweden> [Steve mrfles, but it sounds something like 'dude'. Tony glares at Tyler. "Hey!"] 06* @Tyler just looks over at Tony. I'm informing Steve of the possibilities the current market predicts. It's completely fair. 06* Tiffany looks at Javy for a moment, not comprehending. "Did I wha--?" She then rubs her head a bit more. "Oh. You mean *that* don't you?" 06* Javy nods, glancing at Hank. That didn't go too badly. 06* Tiffany then drops her head back on the table. She looks pretty tired. "Didn't know how much it takes out of you." So you didn't sleep at all? 06* Tiffany shrugs, head still on the table. "I'm used to it. I was...busy." 06* Javy looks nonplussed. "You're used to not sleeping?" 02* Hank (vortex@pool-98-111-34-107.sctnpa.east.verizon.net) Quit (Ping timeout ) 06* Tiffany shrugs again. "Some nights. Why? Is it unusual?" 01<@Ardweden> [Steve finishes his sandwich. "YES!" he says, pumping his fist, then he hops to his feet. "I'm gonna get cake." And he's off!] 06* @Tyler watches Steve. "Damn I was sure he wouldn't finish before the bell rang." 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah," Tony says, grumbling. "He got ten bucks out of me." Pause. "But he didn't complain about not having dessert!"] 06* @Tyler shrugs and hands a five dollar bill over. "Oh well." 01<@Ardweden> [Tony gets a shiny new five dollar bill! Yay! Only he's going to lose it in like five minutes. Boo.] 06* Javy shrugs. "I wouldn't, I mean, I usually sleep a good amount. It's healthy. That's what my mom says. And I feel weird if I don't get, like, at least 6 hours." 01<@Ardweden> [While Steve returns with chocolate cake in hand, Tyler and Tiffany notice Nate entering the cafeteria.] 06* @Tyler looks over at Nate, just watching. It's way too public to do anything to him right now. 06* Tiffany looks over Nate-wise. "Hey. Isn't that your friend over there?" 06* Javy looks over his shoulder, and visibly brightens. He waves over at him. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate's standing by the doors and blinking around, but he doesn't seem to notice Javy.] 06* @Tyler frowns a bit and digs out a note books a piece of paper and starts writing on it, hmming to himself. 01<@Ardweden> ["Whatcha writin'?" Tony asks as Steve sits down and starts on his chocolate cake.] <@Tyler> nothing much, just going to rattle some bones. don't worry about it. If any one gets his face punched in it will be me. 06* Javy pushes his tray forward a bit, and stands up. Maybe that'll be more obvious for signaling? 06* @Tyler will slowly fold the paper into an airplane, wetting the tip, and takes aim for Javy. How do you know him, anyway? Who? Nate? 06* Tiffany nods and actually starts to eat, a little. At this rate though it looks very doubtful that she'll finish all the food she got. It's like a crime against nature or something. Or at least against Steve. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate spots them and starts heading over, more or less, and Javy feels something lightly tap the back of his neck.] We've been friends a long time. I think his dad, um, he shopped at my dad's shop. Since way back, too. Like, um. Before. When he wasn't with my mom. 01<@Ardweden> [Tony blinks at Tyler's target and says, "Really, the swim guy? You were aiming at the swim guy, right?"] 06* Javy blinks, and just rubs the back of his neck. <@Tyler> Do I miss? 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeeeees, but not that much."] <@Tyler> Trust me, swim guy. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing. 01<@Ardweden> [Steve mfles around cake, then says, "Doesn't look like he's biting."] 01<@Ardweden> [Steve, meanwhile, does bite. More cake.] <@Tyler> Eh, that's the difference between jocks and nerds. The nerds got the brain to know something just smacked into them. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate gets to their table! He flops heavily onto the stool next to Javy.] 06* Tiffany looks at Javy for a moment, then looks at the ground. 06* Javy shrugs when he doesn't really find anything there, like a bug or anything, and he just sits down again. "Hey Nate. You're late again." 01<@Ardweden> [Javy does find that a paper airplane seems to have landed on his sandwich. Dang, couldn't he have eaten soup or something?] 01<@Ardweden> ["Sorry," Nate yawns, "Fell asleep in the library. Was just doin' some... research... Food?"] <@Tyler> [The wings say "read me"] 06* Tiffany takes her chicken sandwich and slides her pizza Nateward without saying anything. 01<@Ardweden> [Hank says howdy to Nate and then spots something through the glass cafeteria doors. "'Scuse me," he says before getting to his feet and heading for the doors out. Doesn't seem he noticed the airplane at all.] 06* Javy blinks at it, pushes aside the airplane aside for a moment, and looks towards the food line. "I don't know what's left. You want half my sandwich?" 06* Javy then looks at Tiffany, surprised. "Or, um, some of her pizza?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Cool, an airplane," Nate says, fixating on what's now in front of him. He picks it up. "Good plane construction."] 01<@Ardweden> ["Huh? Oh, sure? Thanks, really." Nate puts the plane down and now fixates on the food offered, and he makes with the eatin's. Pretty darn hungrily, really. "Missed breakfast," he says around his food.] 06* Javy nods. "I don't know how it got over here," he says flatly. And then adds, "You got to take care of yourself. Or, well, you won't be able to make anything good." 01<@Ardweden> [Tony watches the plane get passed around. "What'd you write on that thing anyway?"] 06* Tiffany takes a bite and speaks with her mouth half full. "Well what's it say?" 06* @Tyler looks at steve and then back at Tony. "Nothing. I think I forgot a book at my Locker though...." 01<@Ardweden> ["Eat me," Nate says around his food, then he looks at the plane. "Er, read me. Slip. Was hoping for Alice in Wonderland..." He hands it back to Javy.] 06* Javy takes it back, and sets down his sandwich to open it up. 01<@Ardweden> [Tony eyes Tyler. "Sure." Steve finishes his cake and says, "Dude, you're chickening out." Great time to be perceptive, Steve.] 01<@Ardweden> ["Also, where's my ten bucks?" Maybe being full fuels his perceptiveness? Tony sighs and gives Steve his money.] 06* @Tyler frowns. "Fuck, I ain't chickening." He stares Steve down staying right where he is. 01<@Ardweden> [Steve comments, "I ate chicken for lunch. It was pretty good." Tony makes a face at that.] 06* @Tyler looks like he has no clue what Steve meant. 06* Javy reads over the note, and then he reads it again. He's not really sure that he gets it, exactly. So he hands it to Tiffany. 06* Tiffany looks at the note for a moment, then at Javy, then takes the note. Without comment. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate looks at them curiously. "Well?"] 06* Tiffany looks over the note a couple of times. Then puts her hand over her face. "Some people can be so childish." 06* Javy picks up his sandwich. "Um. I think it's, well. Just like a joke. About us." 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh." He yawns. "Junior high crap."] Yeah. Nothing important. 06* Javy settles in for another bite, rubbing his neck again. "But seriously, what's your sleep schedule about?" 01<@Ardweden> [Nate nods, sleepily. "Not cool, though. Should stay in junior high where they belong." Mmm, sandwich and pizza.] Teachers can't keep 'em. Teachers probably don't *want* to keep 'em. 06* Javy nods. "Yeah. I know who wrote it, too. It's not worth it. Not worth thinking about, I mean." He looks at Tiffany. "You know?" 01<@Ardweden> [Tony watches, and so does Steve. "Think it worked?" Tony asks Tyler.] 06* Tiffany looks absently at her sandwich. "Yeah..." <@Tyler> They don't seem upset. I'm not getting pounded. Tiff-ick is still with them. It didn't work. 01<@Ardweden> ["Bummer, dude," Steve says, but he doesn't sound particularly down about it. Like, at all.] 06* Javy nods again, and looks back at Nate. "Really, are you okay? This is a lot of sleep loss. Even for you." 01<@Ardweden> [Nate mumbles, "I dunno. I got plenty of sleep last night."] 01<@Ardweden> ["Maybe 'm really coming down with something."] 06* Tiffany gives Javy a bit of a Look if he catches it after Nate's statement. 06* Javy glances back at Tiffany, a look of alarm in his eyes. "Oh yeah? Um. Then. Then we should talk about that later. Really." 01<@Ardweden> ["'kay," Nate responds.] 06* Javy munches his sandwich quietly. That's a lot to adjust to. It's striking close to home. 06* @Tyler just sighs shaking his head as he watches the group. "What ever, not worth my time." 06* Tiffany watches Javy's reaction to that and she frowns a little bit, eating in silence. 01<@Ardweden> [Session End!]