01<@Ardweden> [Day: Monday, August 30. Time: Fifth period lunch.] 01<@Ardweden> [That's right, you're at school! The world didn't end! Yay! ... You think. I mean, you are still at school, and that is not generally thought of as the best...] 01<@Ardweden> [Regardless, it's lunch time, and you're probably hungry, so I'll let you get to it. Cafeteria's about the same as ever. Lunch today is breaded chicken burgers and fries. Mmmm, healthy.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start!] 06* Hank gets a breaded chicken burger and extra fries. Yum. 06* Sydney approaches the cafeteria in the company of a tall, readheaded young woman. "Man, it so sucks that we don't have lunch period together this semester, Rhi." 01<@Ardweden> [Hank was totally one of first in line! Dude got to the cafeteria early. Lunch actually doesn't look so bad - guess frying's always a good stand by.] 06* Hank wins! 01<@Ardweden> [The red-headed girl, also known as Rhiannon, is in fact very tall - like six feet - and is wearing a short-sleeved blouse with frilly sleeves and a long skirt that goes down to her ankles. "Tell me about it. At least we have Physics together, so I can walk you. I didn't know you were having that much trouble getting to the cafeteria."] They remodeled over the summer. They must have. Anyhow, you're a lifesaver! 01<@Ardweden> [Rhiannon grins. "It's true." She opens the door for Sydney. "I gotta get going. See you after class!"] 06* Tiffany 's already in the cafeteria at a table all on her own. She seems to have skipped the line, probably. Namely because she doesn't have a tray or any food in front of her. She does have a pencil out and a notepad though which she seems to be starring, tapping the pencil. 06* Hank finds a seat! Somewhere. Probably an empty table since he was first in line. He waves Sydney over. 06* Sydney waves. "See you!" (err, to Rhiannon, not Hank) 06* Hank happens to find a seat near Tiffany then. "Hey Tiffany. What's up?" (Hank will get waved to next!) 01<@Ardweden> [Rhiannon scrams. It's not so good to be late!] 06* Sydney waves in the direction of Hank and Tiffany, then gets in line for lunch. Yay, she will eat today! 06* Tiffany stops what she's doing for a moment and glances up, a bit delayed. "Hmm?" She notes who it is and then sighs, looking back down at her notepad. "Oh. Hey Hank." How ya feelin'? I mean, y'know... since Saturday 06* Tiffany frowns a bit at the question and looks away. "I wish I knew..." She hazards him a glance. "You seen Javy yet?" 06* @Tyler is dressed in a "suit" if a suit was designed by those grunge guys on MTV and then thrown threw a wood chipper and then picked up by Lady Gaga. It has spikes and leather and bright colors and looks like hot topic vomited after a night of eating snowcones. Emo snowcones. He had a project today and wanted to look his fashionable best. 06* Sydney retrieves food and goes over to sit with Hank and Tiffany. 06* Tiffany doesn't notice Sydney for a second, but she's hard to miss for long. She looks up and manages a half-smile. "Crazy night the other night, huh?" She then glances over at Tyler. "Should we invite him over too?" 06* Sydney semi-smiles back. "Yeah... And, uh, up to you, really." I guess you haven't seen Nate or Javy yet? I don't have classes with either of them. Maybe we should all exchange cell numbers or e-mail addresses. 06* Tiffany looks blankly down at her notebook. "Why would it be up to me? You *know* I hate the guy's guts." That's a good reason not to invite him. 06* Javy comes into the cafeteria, and gets in line, craning to look ahead to see if there's still food. I was surprised you'd even ask. Yeah. But he needs to realize what an asshole he's being by what he said the other night. 06* Hank waves to Javy. "Haven't spoken to him yet." Hm, well... 06* Tiffany flops her head into her arms and then grumbles. "Who am I to talk? I don't even know if *I* did the right thing." 01<@Ardweden> [There is food, probably! That's what the line's for!] 06* Javy is so busy looking ahead at food that he misses the waving. ^^; Let's not invite Tyler over. In fact, I wanted to talk to you about him. 06* Sydney notices who Hank's waving to. "Oh, it's Javy!" She waves too, even if it gets ignored. Then she looks at Tiffany. "This involves a lot less... um... what's the word? Being clear-cut? Than I was expecting." 06* Tiffany doesn't look up at that. She just responds with an "mmph." 06* Javy notices the second time, since he's turned to look around and see if there's anyone he knows! He waves back at Syd. 06* Hank takes a bite of his burger. Mmm, chicken. 06* Hank waves Javy over. Again! 06* Javy points towards the line. Going over before getting food would be sad. 06* Hank nods and gives Javy a thumbs up. It's like a secret code! 06* @Tyler heads over to his table with his food waveing to his friends. Well, he looks like he's doing okay. That's a good sign! 01<@Ardweden> [A girl Javy recognizes as Leah and another Sydney recognizes as Natalie walk into the cafeteria, talking. They get in line.] 06* Tiffany sighs and rolls her head to the side, muttering. "I so don't want to be here today." 01<@Ardweden> [Also, if anyone cares to pay attention - Tyler probably does - Steve has exited the line with three chicken burgers and a giant pile of french fries. And like four cartons of milk. And another giant pile of ketchup, mustard, and mayo packets. He goes to sit at his normal table. There's no Tony, at least not yet.] 01<@Ardweden> ["Hey, Tyler!" Steve says, sitting down. "Chicken burgers today, awesome!" Like it wasn't obvious, really. Tyler's already got one.] 06* Javy feels like he might have accidentally caught Leah's eye, so he offers her an awkward half-wave, too. 01<@Ardweden> [Leah waves back enthusiastically, then says something to Natalie which causes them both to giggle.] 06* Javy reddens at that, and looks resolutely back up the line. <@Tyler> Hey Steve! It IS a good day isn't it? 01<@Ardweden> [Javy's blush makes them giggle even more. What is it with girls, anyway?] 01<@Ardweden> ["Yup." He's putting sauces on his fries. Mmm, fries. "AWESOME presentation in English, by the way."] 06* Sydney looks over at Javy. "He does look like he's doing okay, right?" 01<@Ardweden> [Javy gets to the end of the line as he's being talked about. Food up!] 06* Hank eats some fries. "Yeah. I reckon that's a good sign." 06* Javy hunches a little, rubbing his arm and looking at the food. Anything healthier than chicken burgers? <@Tyler> It was. Did you see the look on the teachers face/ 01<@Ardweden> [There are a few standard options that people don't usually take: bagels, salad, and so on.] 01<@Ardweden> ["Dude. I think *she* saw the look on her face." Steve puts a few fries in his mouth.] 06* Javy does take those, though! A bagel and some salad: balanced lunch! 06* Sydney keeps glancing back at Javy, waving a french fry idly and tapping her foot. She isn't quite bouncing in her seat. Yet. 01<@Ardweden> [Javy gets a bagel and a salad, not on top of each other, probably.] <@Tyler> It was awesome! 06* Tiffany goes back to what she was doing in her notepad. Doodling. Today's doodle looks like the grim reaper on a skeletal horse that she's putting the shadows in on. Well the top half of one anyway. It doesn't look perfect but it does look like it's taken a bit of time. 01<@Ardweden> [Steve nods, face now full of food. This could take a while.] 06* Javy takes his food and heads out into the main seating area! He nods to the swim people, looking apologetic and a little confused, and stops by the dream team table. "Hey." Hey Javy. How ya doin'? Have you heard anything from Nate? 06* Tiffany takes time from her doodle to look up at Javy. She doesn't say anything but does look a bit expectant. 01<@Ardweden> [One or two wave and don't seem too terribly offended. Probably!] 06* Javy nods, and looks for an open seat at the table, taking the one next to Hank. "Yeah. Uh, I called, like. Like seven minutes after I woke up. He's fine." He smiles. "We hung out all Saturday." 06* Sydney audibly lets out a breath. "I'm so happy to hear that!" 06* Tiffany nods a bit and goes back to doodling. She doesn't seem particularly happy or sad. "Does he remember anything?" 06* Hank nods, "'S good news, man." Yeah. Uh. He remembers a lot. He wrote it down. Um, the dream, I mean. 06* Hank blinks. "Did he know we were there?" 06* Sydney takes a big bite of chicken, her fears momentarily calmed. She headtilts at Javy. "Mmm?" 01<@Ardweden> [Speaking of the devil, Nate walks in! He waves in Javy's direction and gets in line. Gotta eat, y'know.] He remembered us. But, we don't look like us. Or act like us. So, we weren't us. At all. Not for him. 01<@Ardweden> [Back at the ranch, Steve has devoured a good number of fries and is starting on his first chicken sandwichburger.] Yeah, but you kept saying you were the real Javy. He figure it out? 06* @Tyler laughs and hands his fries over to Steve. 06* Tiffany nods and deadpans away as she adds in shading for the horse. "It's kind of like superheroes in a way. With fucked up secret identities." 01<@Ardweden> ["Dude, thanks!" More fries for Steve! Life is so good!] 06* Javy waves back at Nate, and then says, "Um. He's been treating me the same. So..." He trails off. You're tellin' me. 06* Hank nods. "Prolly don't remember that part then. That's good." 06* Tiffany sighs. "Does he remember the burning?" 06* Sydney is about to much a fry when Tiffany brings up the burning. She puts it down and goes for a gulp of water instead. 01<@Ardweden> [Sydney's mouth does NOT catch on fire.] 01<@Ardweden> [Leah and Natalie get out of line with food, heading to their group of friends in the corner of the cafeteria.] 06* Javy nods again, and has some salad. Around crunching, he offers, "Yeah. He does, he remembers his family in there, and, um, the paintings, and, well." He colors a little. "Me." You you? Or the other you. 06* Sydney sips a bit more. She looks slightly ill. 06* Tiffany looks up from her drawing, hair flopping in the way of one of her eyes as she looks at Hank. "Hey. Didn't you want to talk about Tyler?" 06* Javy shrugs. "Me me, I think. Um. The me that looks like me." 06* Hank was about to take another bite of his burger, but at that he sets it down, frowning. "Yeah. I did." 06* Sydney looks at Javy. "And he's still doing okay?" 06* Javy nods, picking up his bagel. "Well. He just thinks it's, um, just a dream. So it's nothing. Right?" Probably fer the best. Just so long as it doesn't start happening again. 06* Javy nods fervently at that, and then looks down at his food, more quiet. 06* @Tyler just sits there quietly gloating off on his own, he knows they know he knows and that's good enough. 06* Hank leans on the table, resting his elbows and interlocking his fingers. "So anyway.... Tyler." 06* Javy eats some bagel. 06* Sydney attempts eating fries again. This time she succeeds. I went along with bringin' him because y'all know him better'n I do, an' I figured, maybe he ain't so bad on the inside, or maybe we just needed his help or somethin'. 06* Hank narrows his eyes. "But after the way he hurt you..." 06* Tiffany looks over at Hank oddly and curiously. Then notices one eye is covered over with bangs and brushes it aside. "Hurt what now?" 06* Hank looks at Tiffany. "He damn near killed you! I mean... if it's even possible to die in there." 06* Javy listens quietly, opening his mouth once, but not saying anything, and then just putting some salad in it instead. I mean, I don't know what happens if you die in there, but I reckon it ain't gonna be pretty. 06* Tiffany looks at Hank. "I jumped in the way of a fireball, Hank. I knew what I was doing." An' you did that because Tyler opened his trap an' pissed the fella off. 06* Hank glances at Sydney and Javy. "And y'ain't the only one he burned." 06* Tiffany sighs and looks back to her drawing. "Whatever." Well, maybe he just needs to learn how to aim. I kinda thought I'd be a bit more fireproof. He could definitely use to shut up more, though. 06* Tiffany points her pencil eraser at Sydney. "*That* I'll agree with." 06* Javy checks back to make sure Nate's not like hanging out by their shoulder or something. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate isn't! He's making his way through the line.] Like I said, you know him better. But frankly I doubt he cares about anyone but himself." An' between that and his attitude, he's gonna get someone hurt or worse. 06* Javy speaks softly. "I don't know. Um. I don't know him that well. I don't think most of us do. Well. Maybe you." He nods to Tiffany. "But..." he mumbles something, and looks down at his plate. 06* Hank takes an angry bite out of his burger. 06* Tiffany looks at Javy for a moment and tilts her head, face blank. "It's okay. Say it." I generally just make a note that someone's a jackass and avoid them. But I've never had one of them have it in for me, so... 06* Sydney sighs. 01<@Ardweden> [Steve's finished a chicken sandwich and a half at this point. "Wonder where Tony is."] 06* Javy takes his bagel grimly in hand. "But... if he got the power with us, then..." He starts to trail off again, and then picks up, "... reasons for why he's here." 06* Hank stares across his burger at Javy. "You can't tell me yer okay with the way he talks about Nate." 06* Tiffany shrugs. "Maybe. I'm just Freak Girl. What do I know?" She goes back intently at her drawing. You know lots of things! Don't let him win by using words like that! 06* Hank finishes his burger, then eats fries. 06* Tiffany looks over at Sydney and gives her an odd look. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate shows up now, like magic! And with a chicken sandwich and fries! "Hey guys. ... Er, am I interrupting something?"] 06* Tiffany then shakes her head and sighs. "Nevermind." She goes back to doodling. 06* Javy reddens, and looks off towards another table. "I'm not saying. I'm not saying that. Just. God tests us. I don't know." He perks a bit when Nate shows up. "It's fine." Hey Nate. How're ya? 06* Sydney smiles and waves at Nate. "Hi!" 01<@Ardweden> [He grins. "Good. Finally got to school on time. Teachers are a little pissed, though." He puts his tray down on the other side of Javy and has a seat!] They'll get over it. They forgive me every semester! 06* Tiffany glances up at Nate for a moment, then at Javy and frowns a bit before going back to her drawing. 06* Javy nods. "You'll convince them soon." 01<@Ardweden> [Nate notices Tiffany drawing, and he looks curious, but he doesn't comment. "Yeah, I'm not too worried."] 06* Hank still looks kinda grumpy. He finishes his fries and gets up. "I'll see ya later, guys." 06* Hank wanders off! Bye, Hank! <@Tyler> Not sure haven't seen him 06* Tiffany glances up at Hank leaving, looking at him oddly. "You're leaving pretty quickly. What's up?" 06* Hank glances over his shoulder. "'S nothing. Just gonna cool off." and gone. 06* Javy looks up at Hank, still slightly red. "Um. Okay. See you later." 06* Tiffany nods slightly and frowns a bit before watching him go but doesn't say anything. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate watches him go. "What's with him?"] 01<@Ardweden> [Steve munches more food. "Better not be playing hooky without us."] 06* Sydney looks at Nate. "He's annoyed at someone." It's a long story. 06* Javy nods, and looks at his food. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate shrugs. Hank's business, he supposes.] <@Tyler> Nah he'd tell us if it was something like that I'm glad you seem to be feeling better! 01<@Ardweden> [Steve kinda grunts and eats more, because that's what he does.] 06* Javy is glad for the new topic. "Yeah. Even if you still get to lunch late." 01<@Ardweden> [And Nate grins at Sydney. "Thanks." To Javy: "It's not my fault! History is waaaaaay on the opposite side of the building."] Yeah. At least you have someone to save you a seat. 06* Sydney half-smiles. "This is the first semester I haven't had lunch period with my best friend. I miss having her around. She did at least walk me over today. I hope I didn't make her too late for class." 06* Javy tries to picture this person... it's a little hazy. "Tall girl? Um, like, real tall? And red hair?" Yep, that's her! Rhiannon Nordstrom. 06* Javy nods. "Um. What kind of name's that one?" 06* Tiffany nods vaguely at the conversation but she doesn't seem to be paying it her full attention. I've never really asked. 01<@Ardweden> [Blipzoom! We find ourselves at the lockers in the English Hallway, after the bell for the end of school has rung!] 06* Tiffany does the awkward locker stuff. She didn't bolt early after being hounded at lunch. Good girl. Commence sea of high schoolers rushing to get out! 06* Sydney has found her locker on her own. It is a miracle! She does the book- exchanging thing. 06* @Tyler is at his locker looking pleased still. 06* Javy heads for his locker, feeling slightly relieved that Hank isn't there yet. 06* Sydney finishes her book exchange and walks over to Javy. "Javy? May I ask a favor?" 06* Javy pops his head up from looking at his bag, a little surprised, and then settles. "Oh, uh. Hi, Syd. Sure." 06* Hank goes to his locker ZOMG I wanted to check in Saturday on how Nate was doing, and how you were doing, but I don't have your phone number or anything. Could we exchange numbers, or e-mails, or something, if you're okay with that? 06* Javy colors across his cheeks, and nods a couple of times. "Um, sure. Okay. I can tell you." 06* Hank arrives! "Hey Javy, Sydney, guess what??" He sure as heck doesn't still seem grumpy. 06* Sydney pulls out her cell phone. "Thanks!" She pushes a few buttons. "Okay, whenever you're ready." 06* Sydney looks up. "Oh, hi, Hank! What's got you so excited?" 06* Javy jumps a little again, and then tells her his number before they forget! 06* @Tyler frowns a bit looking around every one not near him. 06* Sydney punches in the number. 06* Hank holds out a printed photo. "I looked up this picture of Joan of Arc. She ain't blond. What's up with that?" Did you always think she was blond before now? 06* Tiffany doesn't seem to care that people aren't around her. She might actually be a little relieved! She ends up shutting her locker and bumping into the person next to her. Oops. Well... yeah. 01<@Ardweden> [It's true. In the picture, Joan has brown hair.] I mean she's blond when I'm her.... I mean, when I turn into her... I mean... 06* Hank scratches behind his head. 01<@Ardweden> [The girl Tiffany bumped into looks down at her. SHE is blonde. "*Excuse* me," she says, before walking off with her books.] Well, if you pictured her being blond, then it makes sense that she... you... you're right, this is confusing. But, um, matching mental picture! ( Is she Joan of Arc? ) 06* Tiffany mumbles a sorry and kneels down, starting to pick up her stuff. I guess? It ain't like I knew much about her before this dream business. 01<@Ardweden> (Probably not!) 01<@Ardweden> [Tyler sees that Tiffany is also alone! Soulmates?] 06* Javy nods, and looks across at Tiffany. "Maybe now it'll change. Um. Since you know." 06* @Tyler frowns more at that, sighing. I don't think I have a specific color in mind when I think of dragons. 06* Hank blinks. "Really?" He droops a bit. "Shucks... I kinda liked the blond hair." If we can make our room that we show up in look like anything we want, I bet you can stay blond if you want! Huh. Wonder if we can change other stuff about ourselves. 06* Tiffany finishes picking up her stuff and looks around. She catches sight of the group and frowns a little herself. She doesn't see Tyler frowning at her though. 01<@Ardweden> [Now Tyler is frowning at Tiffany who's frowning at the group that isn't frowning at anybody!] 06* Javy looks struck. "We should try. Not now. Um, next time out." Should we try to plan when the next time is? 06* Javy looks back towards Tiffany. "Not without them." 06* Tiffany glances about and notices Tyler and frowns more. She goes back to adjusting her stuff in her backpack. 06* Hank just goes Hmmm. Oh, I wasn't meaning to exclude them. Well, I wasn't meaning to exclude Tiffany, at least. But I guess we need Tyler too. I ain't convinced, but I'm outvoted. Well, I'm worried that he'll just take it out on Tiffany. Take what out on her? Not if he knows what's good for him. 06* @Tyler just turns around looking a bit dejected. He isn't very nice to her at all. 06* Javy nods, and says slightly too loud, "I know." He colors again, and mumbles something that ends with, "... change that now?" 06* @Tyler just frowns more keeping moving, not looking back. 06* Tiffany sighs and walks over across the hallway, speaking softly and evenly. "It isn't nice to talk about someone behind their back, you know." 01<@Ardweden> [Tyler nearly bumps into a red-haired amazon heading down the hallway. "Sorry about that," Rhiannon says, even though she managed to step aside to avoid the collision.] Hi! We were going to ask you about dream stuff. And Tyler too, we guess. 06* Hank exchanges books. 06* Tiffany brushes her hair aside. "Listen. Tyler may be a bully. But it ain't like he's even the biggest thing here. You're barking up the wrong tree." 06* @Tyler just mumbles something moving around the amazon. He's smart enough not to take that target. 06* Javy looks confused at Tiffany's statement. 01<@Ardweden> [She moves past him and towards the group. "Hey, Syd," she calls. "Are you ready to go?"] 06* Tiffany looks over at Javy's confusion. "What? You think I'm only Tyler's target?" 06* Sydney calls back. "In a sec, Rhi!" 06* Sydney looks at the others. "I'm sorry, I need to head out. I'll see you all later?" 01<@Ardweden> [Rhiannon nods and waits, moving to one side so she doesn't block the steady flow of students.] 06* Tiffany nods to Sydney and gives her a brief wave. Then looks back at Javy blankly. 06* Hank looks at Tiffany. "Maybe he ain't the biggest one in school fer all I know. But he is the one we gotta take with us. He's the one we're risking our lives with." 06* Hank waves. "See ya later, Sydney." 06* Javy nods. "Um. You'll call, Syd?" So talk to him about it. But leave me out of it. 06* Hank raises an eyebrow. 06* Sydney steps next to Javy for a second. "Sure!" And she waves, and she's off, though she's frowning slightly at the last thing she heard Tiffany say. 01<@Ardweden> [Rhiannon heads off with Sydney!] 06* Tiffany sighs. "I'm saying you shouldn't be hurting on Tyler if you think it's going to protect me. I'll be fine. I have been before. Which reminds me..." She takes out a piece of paper and scribbles down her number before handing it to Javy. "Here." 06* Javy waves back, and looks at Tiffany, and then at the number. "Um. Thanks. Uh, you want mine?" 06* Tiffany looks at Javy for a moment and her lips crease in a frown for a moment before she loses it and tries to go blank again, shrugging. "Um, sure." She turns aside and brushes her hair in the way of her face. 06* Hank shuts his locker. "Fine. Whatever." He looks back and forth between the two. "Ya'll want mine?" Oh and Hank? Yah? 06* Javy goes ahead and looks in his locker, to get some pieces of paper. He writes his number down a couple of times, and tentatively holds one to Hank, and then to Tiffany. He's just listening. 06* Hank takes it. "Thanks." 06* Tiffany looks at Hank evenly. "There's rumors going around the school about us. You might want to watch yourself." 06* Tiffany takes Javy's number. 06* Hank looks oblivious. "What rumors?" Oh, uh... 06* Tiffany sighs at Hank's reaction. "I was right. You *are* clueless." 06* Hank hurriedly scribbles his number down on some scraps of paper and holds them out between the two. "Here. If'n ya want." 06* Tiffany takes Hank's number too and just walks away. How rude! 06* Hank watches her go, then turns to Javy. "Girls, man.... So weird." 06* Javy takes it, and tucks it away. All sorts of numbers now. "Uh, yeah. I guess so." 06* Javy tucks a couple more books into his bag, and takes out his oboe case, too. 06* Hank eyes it. "You in the band, Javy?" 06* Javy shakes his head, and moves the case to the other hand. "Just the swim team." 06* Hank tilts his head. "So like, you play for fun then? Or am I missing something? 06* Javy looks uneasy, but answers, "I play. For, like, recitals. Competetions. Um. Woodwind ensembles. Sometimes." Ah. That's cool. I'm tone dead, m'self. At least, that's what my sister says when I try singin'. You can't be that bad. 06* Hank scratches the back of his neck. "Well... Not like I go singing regularly.... or anything..." 06* Javy shuts his locker, and looks at Hank. "Um. You could try." He looks around. "But maybe not here." 06* Hank shrugs. "Maybe," he sounds doubtful though. 06* Javy slings his bag over his other shoulder. "I won't try to, well, make you. Uh. Not that I could! No." 'S probably for the best. Yeah. Well... uh. Yeah... 06* Javy cranes his neck. "I, uh. I got practice. Soon." 06* Hank nods. "Alright. I'll see ya later, Javy." Yeah. Uh, yeah. We'll talk! 06* Hank nods. "Cool." 06* Javy puts on a smile for that. Not even a bad looking one. 01<@Ardweden> [Session End!]