01<@Ardweden> [Tyler keeps up his slow pace, heading out of school. He's kinda bummed, and that kinda means he's heading out of one of the side exits instead of the main one, where other students are fairly scarce. Little does he know, someone else had the same idea.] 01<@Ardweden> [Start!] 06* Tiffany heads out the side exit as well! Away from people. She's a little surprised to see Tyler there but doesn't say anything. 06* Tyler looks up eyes narrowed, but he just can't get the energy up right now. He shakes his head a bit and then just looks at Tiffany, letting a few seconds pass. 01<@Ardweden> [An empty soda can blows past.] 06* Tiffany looks at Tyler strangely as he looks at her. "What, no comments?" She doesn't say it snidely or meanly, just sort of even and somewhat questioning. I was right. Right? 06* Tyler sounds flat. "I was right. I had figured out what to do. I knew which side was which. And what do I get? Screamed at. Threatened. Beat up. Then when every one sees I was right I don't even get a sorry or a thank you." He's starting to sound a little anger. "No, I get 'Oh he's going to torture poor Tiffany again, Hank will be her knight in shining armor.' Bullshit." 06* Tyler is not seeing the irony here. At all. 06* Tiffany narrows her eyes at him. "You're not the fucking victim here, you know." 06* Tyler shrugs. "You're right. I'm not. It doesn't matter what the hell I do because I'll get the same shit either way." 06* Tiffany shakes her head. "He *ate* him. You're telling me that's fucking normal? Something's not right here. And blindly trusting the Raven to be the good guy isn't going to get us anywhere." 06* Tiffany stares at him. "Oh *bullshit* Tyler. You bring it on yourself because you're such an asshole." How the hell would I know what's normal in there? I know two things. People aren't waking up and we are working for some one that wakes them up. That seems good enough to me, and don't give me that shit. Did I do ANYTHING to you today? Hell, I tried HARD not to hit any one with that second fire ball. It didn't change shit. Setting you all on fire got you to treat me better than not. Who's fucked up now? 06* Tiffany half-smiles at him. "You think I need you to tell me I'm fucked up? I'm the freak girl, remember?" 06* Tiffany sighs and looks off to the side. "I know. If it helps." 06* Tyler shakes his head looking pissed. "You kn..." he stops mid sentence and blinks. "What?" I know you weren't trying to hit me with the fireball. You were trying to hit the guy who flipped out when you mentioned the Raven, right? And keep you guys out of range. It's hard. But that's just it, Tyler. He didn't flip out *until* you mentioned the Raven. Don't you find that a little weird? No. He's the bad guy scared of the hero. Maybe. But why not attack us after I healed him? Why only attack after mentioning the Raven? *Especially* when he already knew we could kick his ass easy. 06* Tiffany wraps her arms around her waist and looks slightly away. "He was scared of something. And I don't think we know the Raven enough to fully trust him. Sure things ended up alright in the end but..." 06* Tyler looks down and away. "Sure. But what do I know about it? We have nothing to work from unless you want to talk to the cat thing and it's not very helpful." He's...not that bad one on one. You know? I have a good idea on how to find out more. But the last good idea I had got me beat up so I don't think I'm going to say it. 06* Tiffany eyes Tyler. "Hank's not here, Tyler. Unless you're scared of the freaky emo girl taking a sock at you." I'm sorry, the greatness of my plan might make me take it out on you. You do know how Hank feels about that. 06* Tiffany grits her teeth a bit and clenches her fists, arms stiff to her sides, then lets it go. "Goddamn, Hank is *not* my fucking knight in shining armor. Get off that." Fine. Tomorrow? I'll let you know. Something. If I told you and something happened the group would kill me. If I die, well it's not like I'm wanted. Is it? 06* Tyler turns starting to head off on that little note. 06* Tiffany bites her lip a little when Tyler says that, digging in her lip ring a bit, then glances his way. "Wait." 06* Tyler stops mid step, that was obviously the last thing he expected to hear as he looked back. "Yeah?" 06* Tiffany looks Tyler over for a moment. Then puts her hand on her hip, losing a bit of the confrontational stance and closing her eyes, holding her hand out. "Number." 06* Tyler stares at the hand for a second, shifting his weight, he almost grabs for a pen, but stops himself. "No." He turned back around, seeming in a better mood though. "Tomorrow. I'll let you know, just read the note this time?" You going to make a comment about Javy being gay again? 06* Tyler stops again and turns facing her. "I said he looked dead tired and we should go into his dreams, but you all didn't fucking want to work with me. I was only invited to the little clique because they might need me. Be careful Tifftiff, you're seeing what they are doing to the undesirable. Wait till they figure they don't need either of us." 06* Tiffany snorts. "Right." She folds her arms and frowns slightly. She seems about ready to say something else but thinks better of it. Instead she says, "I don't get you, Tyler." 06* Tiffany sighs. "I'll make sure I'm not walking tonight." 06* Tyler laughs, it's not a pleasant laugh. "Oh I could fucking double my inheritance if I got paid to make people say that." He paused at the second comment and shrugged. "Anyway, tomorrow we'll see what happens." Right. 06* Tyler walks off, not waving back. He still seemed a bit sad walking away. 06* Tiffany watches him go, then closes her eyes and sighs, releasing all the tension in her body. "What the hell am I doing?" She goes walking off in her own direction. 01<@Ardweden> ["Whatever you want to, my dear," the Walrus says from behind her.] 01<@Ardweden> [Not really.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session End!]