01<@Ardweden> [Day: Friday/Saturday, September 10/11. Time: Midnight.] 01<@Ardweden> [You awaken in the Haven. It's as you left it, throne room, half-transparent bench, and all.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start!] 06* Susano-O blinks a couple of times, then looks around, and waits to see if the others show up as planned. 01<@Ardweden> [Susano-O sees all of the others. The beauty of midnight happening at the same time for everyone.] 06* Joan has the hat. 06* Hien stretches. Arms, then tail, then, given space, wings. 06* Susano-O feels reassured things are working right, then. He takes a step back to let the wings go by, even if it wouldn't have hit him anyway. 06* Joan clarrifies: Joan goes to the throne, where the hat is, and picks it up. Ergo... 06* Joan has the hat. 06* Kali looks about for a second, unfolding herself as she shows up and testing the arms again. She glances over at the throne and focuses her eyes on Joan for a moment. 01<@Ardweden> [Hien has a MIGHTY wingspan!] 06* Hien retracts her wings and looks satisfied. Feels good. *looks over at Joan* Is the Walruscat in? 06* Kali lets out a sigh and saunters over towards the throne. "Well here we are again. Who let the cat in?" 06* Imp pops into existance looking around as he hops from foot to foot. "Hello!" 06* Kali turns and glances at Imp for a moment impassively, then back at the hat. 06* Joan flips the hat upside down and calls, "Ello? Mr. Walruscat, sil vou plait?" 06* Hien waves at Imp. "Hello!" 06* Susano-O looks at her more closely. "You really have a lot of reach," he comments to Hien offhandedly, then to Imp, "Hey." 01<@Ardweden> [A voice comes from inside the hat! Sounds like the same voice as usual: "Madam Joan d'Arc, how may I help you this lovely morning?"] Fuck, why is he here? I would very much like to visit zee gate. Do you think you could direct me? He's usually here. And Joan called for him. Could say the same about you really. We don't have time for that. Tony is in trouble. What? 06* Kali stops for a moment and looks at Imp. Tony is in trouble. He's sick and really tired, and about to pass out in a daze. Sound familiar? 06* Susano-O looks at him, as well, curiosity in his posture. "Like with Nate." Right. 06* Kali keeps looking at Imp. She hasn't said anything yet. Nor has her expression changed. 01<@Ardweden> ["I'm afraid I can't, Madam. But you and your friends may be able to find it on your own - the Haven can probably show you the way."] 06* Joan blinks a few times. "Zee Haven, you say?" Tony? 06* Susano-O looks more serious, then. Yes. Tony. Well, if the same thing that happened to Nate is happening to someone else, we need to help them. 06* Imp looks at Kali full of Defiance. 01<@Ardweden> ["Why yes! If you haven't noticed, I'm certain Imp has at least some inkling as to how it works."] Oh...er... maybe? 06* Susano-O nods at Hien's comment. 06* Kali says evenly. "We need to?" 06* Imp looks at the cat hat demon and tries very hard not to get puffed up over knowing something. I helped nerd boy. 01<@Ardweden> [It's just a hat. A harmless little hat.] Right. 06* Hien looks at Kali. "I'm not going to leave someone to that if I can help it." 06* Kali glances from Hien to Imp back to Hien, then finally looks impassively at Imp. "Why should we care?" 01<@Ardweden> ["I am deeply sorry I cannot lead you there personally, but well, I'm not allowed there." The Walrus sounds sheepish.] 06* Joan pauses, then says, "Excuze moi, Monsieur Walruscat. Somezing's up. Thank you for anszwering, see you later." 06* Susano-O looks surprised at Kali, but stays quiet for now. 06* Imp knows much better about the hat. "Fine. You don't want to go help a human, I guess I'm right about how pathetic you are." 01<@Ardweden> ["Absolutely! Good luck on your latest venture."] Oh Christ, would you get over yourself. 06* Joan tosses the hat back on the throne and turns towards Kali. "It is zee right thing to do." 01<@Ardweden> [The hat settles into the throne quite snugly.] 06* Hien sighs, a bit of smoke issuing forth. "'We' don't have to agree on what we care about. But that stuff is nasty, and I'm not going to ignore it and leave him out there." 06* Kali folds her arms across her chest and waist. "Pathetic. Let's see here. You insult us every chance you get. You don't accept any help or any possibility that maybe other people exist in the world other than your little gang, you only come to us with your tail between your legs when you can't do shit for yourself." So...I ask you again. Why should we care? 06* Imp flips Kali off. "Fine. You know what. I'll handle it myself." He looks at Hien. "At least ONE of you is at least as nice as I am. I went out of my way to help Nate." I mean even now, when someone calls you on it, it's someone else's own fucking fault. Take responsibility for your actions. 06* Kali snorts. "Pathetic." 06* Joan shrugs. "I said I would 'elp." 06* Kali sighs. "I never said I *wouldn't*." 06* Hien starts heading for the door. "We've only got so much time. We should get going." 06* Susano-O nods, and looks between the two of them. "Good. So let's help him, then." 06* Susano-O follows Hien. 06* Joan nods and goes with Hein. 06* Kali walks out towards the door, giving one last strong gaze, though not quite glare, at Imp. 06* Imp was going to start arguing but the others had started to go out the door and well that's what he wanted. He shuts his mouth. 06* Hien finds the door and opens it! Then she steps aside for Imp. "I think you need to lead here, and not just because of my sense of direction." 06* Susano-O steps back from the dragon, so he doesn't get stepped on or anything. 06* Imp heads in front and concentrates on Tony looking to find him Don't mess it up. 01<@Ardweden> [Imp steps through the doorway and ends up... not in the Square but in what looks like Times Square. Lights, people, it's all there. Except that the signs are unreadable, as the letters are all jumbled up, and none of the people have faces. Okay, that part's creepy.] 06* Susano-O waits for Hien to go through first, before he'll follow. 01<@Ardweden> [The sky, by the way, is a LOVELY shade of green today. And there's a burning sliver of a moon in the sky.] Oooh that's... huh. 06* Imp focuses to see if he can figure out where to go 03* Lex is now known as May 06* Hien steps out. "Wow. I'd be confused even if I weren't me." It's nice, but it's not Dallas... 06* Kali looks about at the signs and sighs. "Pretty typical. Dreamscapes are going to be fun." 06* Susano-O follows out, too, and looks around, taking in the lack of faces. "This... it's so full." 01<@Ardweden> [The various people all seem to be quite busy and don't have time to look at you and your weirdness. Though one does bump into Susano-O a bit, and keeps moving on without a word.] 01<@Ardweden> [Then again, maybe she can't talk.] 06* Susano-O starts, and steps back, watching her go, non-plussed. ( She probably picked your pocket ) She probably can't see you. Like last time. Although... 06* Kali focuses on the lack of faces for a moment. 06* Susano-O steps in closer to Hien. That should hold off people walking into him. 06* Imp glances around and points. "I think he's that way. He... he said some thing about new york being important." Important to what? Him. It is the nearest big city. Well. Except for Hartford. He mention this before he disappeared? I think he lived here for some time. Yeah a while ago. Look he doesn't really talk about stuff like this. To you or in general? 06* Susano-O takes a couple of steps in the direction the Imp pointed. "Can we walk and talk at the same time?" HEY we are friends. He talks to us more often than not. He just doesn't...talk. Okay? Usually he's saying we shouldn't hurt you too much. So 'e's a better person zan you. 06* Kali sighs. "Relax. I'm not going to get on you and your friends for being normal people who talk about normal things other than pushing people like me around, alright?" 06* Imp shakes his head. "Look. He just doesn't talk much about that. He focuses on other things." 06* Kali gives Joan a Look for a moment. 06* Hien looks around again. "You said that way?" She points in the exact opposite direction of what Imp indicated. 06* Joan seems confused at Kali's sudden Look! Sure Joan is hot, but she didn't think Kali was into girls. No, this way, Hien. Here. No. This way. 06* Imp just doesn't respon to Joan and heads that way. 01<@Ardweden> [Everyone but Imp, who may be too preoccupied by Tony to notice, realizes that Hien was briefly pointing at the Raven! That is, until the Raven flies over the lot of you to head in the exact direction Imp's walking/flying.] 06* Imp is too preoccupied to realize he can fly. 01<@Ardweden> [Walking, then.] 06* Hien looks satisfied with her completely unintentional pointing out of the Raven! Until she realizes it's the Raven, and mutters something under her breath. 06* Susano-O blinks, and lets out a noise of surprise. "It's... he's going that way, too." He glances towards the Imp, and walks a little faster. 06* Kali deadpans. "Well at least we know we're on the right track. Come on." Good enough. 06* Joan follows! 06* Imp just continues that way, though he has a frown that's growing more and more. 06* Hien follows as well! 06* Susano-O tries to keep an eye on the bird as he walks. 01<@Ardweden> [The scene shifts rapidly as you walk, and you're suddenly in Central Park in the dead of winter. The sky is still green, but it's quite cold now. And oddly deserted. The trees are beautiful; they look like they're made of ice.] 06* Kali frowns at her last glance from the Raven and shivers a bit, rubbing her waist and hands and shoulders with all of her hands. She's definitely not dressed the part. 06* Imp looks queasy for a moment and shakes his head. 06* Joan doesn't seem toooooo concerned. 01<@Ardweden> [Everyone but Kali hears what sounds like some sort of flute, or pipes, or something being played in the distance. Kali is understandably distracted by the fact that 1. she's really cold, and 2. the trees aren't ice; they're actually crystal.] 06* Susano-O doesn't look too cold, either. He takes his eye off the bird to look at the trees for a moment, and then tries to spot it again. 06* Imp frowns and looks that way, heading off towards the sound without a thought. Do you hear that? 06* Joan nods. 06* Susano-O focuses more on the raven. "The raven, he's starting to move... weird. It's not straight anymore." Let's go look at the music, that's the different thing But the Raven. If it's being affected, then something's up over there. 06* Kali turns to Imp for a moment. "Music?" She glances at Hien as well. Eh sure let's go see, We need to help I guess? Yeah, don't you hear it? A flute or something. 06* Susano-O cocks his head slightly. "I do, yes, there is some light music, but... we should see to the bird. At least at first." 06* Kali rubs her arms a little. "Sorry. I was a bit too busy with the cold. And the Raven." Do you think the music is what's causing the Raven to act weird? 06* Joan heads towards the music. "Zere is one way to find out." Possible. Yeah. Come on we need to help him. 06* Kali focuses a bit and follows it as well once she hears it. 06* Susano-O nods slowly. "It could..." He doesn't move yet, following the track of the bird. Is it recovering? 06* Imp heads to help the raven first. 06* Kali nods. "If you guys are going to check that out, I'm going with Joan. Let us know if you need help." She follows Joan. Okay. Let me know. 01<@Ardweden> [The Raven continues to fly erratically, first this way, then that. It almost doesn't seem to be interested in going to its destination at this point.] hey raven what's up? 06* Susano-O nods to Kali, but goes for the Raven first. 06* Hien headtilts at the Raven. 01<@Ardweden> [It also seems awfully... jerky? Or sudden in its flight changes. Not like a drunken bird.] 06* Imp frowns more. "HEY!! RAVEN!" He's shouting now. 06* Susano-O watches it like a hawk. "Is it fighting something? Why's it flying like that?" I don't know. 01<@Ardweden> [The raven screeches. It sounds angry. Or something. Now that you guys have moved a little closer, Hien and Susano-O realize that an arrow is occasionally fired in the raven's direction, though it never actually hits the bird.] Wait... something's *shooting* at it! 06* Hien looks to see where the arrows are coming from. 06* Susano-O nods a couple of times. "You're right." He also looks around some. Probably it's not going to fly away right now. 06* Imp starts running forward at Hien's words. "We need to help!" Can you fly up and get a view on where it's from, Imp? 06* Susano-O takes a few steps, following him. Umm.. I need something to leap fro... sure. 06* Imp teleports straight up and spreads his wings. 01<@Ardweden> [Imp sees another arrow coming dangerously close to the raven and he teleports, knocking the bird away. The raven falls briefly before steadying itself and, with a screech of probably thanks, keeps flying for wherever he was going.] 06* Imp keeps gliding trying to spot the archer. 01<@Ardweden> [Below, Imp is fairly certain he knows where the arrows are coming from, and the answer is actually the clearing where he sees what's probably Kali and Joan, as well as two others he can't identify.] See anything? Yeah Kali and Joan. That way! 06* Imp will be gliding said that way. 06* Hien follows Imp and charges! Hopefully her that way is the right that way. 06* Susano-O follows in behind Hien, then, resting a hand on his sword. 01<@Ardweden> [You all fly, run, and most importantly of all burst into the clearing! You see Joan and Kali, talking more or less civilly with a stone statue of a lovely naked woman with leaves, or feathers? Or both? made of precious metals and gems sticking out of her hair. And they stick out a LONG way - like, two feet, at all angles on the right side to straight up.] 06* Imp tries to float downwards to land on Hien. 01<@Ardweden> [None on the left, for some reason. Her hands are folded. To one side, and leaning against a crystal tree, is a satyr with a shaggy brown goat bottom, a beard, curly hair that matches the shaggy bottom, and curling goat horns. He's very occupied in playing a drowsy melody on his pipes.] 01<@Ardweden> [No sign of an archer. They certainly don't have bows and arrows on them.] 06* Kali glances at the statue as Joan answers it, but keeps her eyes on the other creature in the clearing, watching him intently. 06* Hien skids to a stop, probably causing Imp to overshoot. "...where's the person shooting the arrows?" 06* Imp lands on the ground in front of Hien looking like he meant to do that and don't you dare question otherwise. 06* Joan says to the statue, "I will anszwer your question. Anszwer mine." 06* Susano-O brings up the rear, and looks up, trying to get a bead on where the raven was. 03* Grysar is now known as Grydle 01<@Ardweden> [The statue glances at the newcomers. "Huh," she comments to herself before she turns to Joan and answers in a low, gravely, yet female voice, "He's hiding someone. My question. Why are you here?"] We are looking for someone. I'm looking for ... what she said 06* Kali frowns. "My question then. I'll answer your test." 01<@Ardweden> [Toci smiles at Kali. "It's not a test. Just trying to be fair."] what's going on? 06* Hien is a confused dragon, and keeps looking around to try and spot the archer. Yes, but it's difficult to agree to something without all the cards being seen. 01<@Ardweden> ["We don't know each other very well. I don't know these others, certainly."] 06* Kali smiles. "*That's* not exactly fair without me knowing the question before agreeing when you know mine." 01<@Ardweden> [She shrugs at that. Up, then down.] 06* Susano-O turns enough to try to spot the raven again, since maybe that'll show where the archer is. But I'll agree to it. Go ahead and ask. 06* Imp looks very confused. 01<@Ardweden> ["Are you trying to help the bird?"] 06* Kali frowns. "You answered Joan's question first..." 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh, I'm sorry."] 01<@Ardweden> [Toci sighs. "Robin. Answer mine, please." She looks almost sad.] Some of us are. But we don't know exactly what the bird is here to do. 06* Kali frowns. "Robin?" 01<@Ardweden> [Now, the satyr stops playing and chimes in with, "Yeah, like Batman and Robin. But nothing like it."] This is getting more confusing. 01<@Ardweden> [Anyone glancing over to look at the raven would notice that it's gone, probably (hopefully) flying off to its next destination.] I bet zis Robin is a good sort of fellow. 06* Kali looks over at Puck for a moment. "Why are you hiding him?" 06* Susano-O sees that it's gone, and feels a pang of worry, but then starts attending to the conversation. 01<@Ardweden> [The satyr nods. "A regular medieval superhero. Sorry I couldn't introduce myself. Was kinda busy." He grins, and Toci looks like she maaaay be rolling her eyes again.] I don't understand what's going on. 06* Kali frowns. "So if you're a superhero...why do you see the Raven as the bad guy?" She sounds concerned but honestly confused. 06* Susano-O says softly to Hien, "Me neither." 01<@Ardweden> ["Nobody does, really," Toci says a bit mournfully. And then the satyr says, "Isn't it obvious, lady- er, Kali? Your name's Kali, right?"] 06* Kali sighs sadly. "I don't ask obvious questions. Yes." 01<@Ardweden> ["Anyway, he spreads suffering wherever he goes. Wander around the dreamrealm for just a little while and you pick that up."] 06* Imp frowns hearing that. Who told you zat? 01<@Ardweden> ["Nobody *needed* to tell me, Sunshine. I've seen it."] 01<@Ardweden> [Session End!]