01<@Ardweden> [Day: Saturday, September 11. Time: 6:00 p.m.] 01<@Ardweden> [We open in Pagliai's, a local pizza and casual Italian place that's known for good food and meh service, but great prices (especially for the area). It attracts primarily teenagers and twenty-somethings, as well as the occasional family gathering. Tonight, the place is loud and busy, though not overcrowded.] 01<@Ardweden> [Tiffany and Christina are seated at a four top table, as most people want booths, and are looking over the menus now.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start!] 06* Tiffany sits across from Christina, fiddling with her drink straw as she sucks it up loudly. Pizza is definitely the best way to end the day. 01<@Ardweden> ["So..." Christina says, looking over the menu and toying with the flower on her headband. "What do you want?"] 06* Tiffany raises an eyebrow a bit at her. "You treating me? You *did* get me coffee earlier." 01<@Ardweden> [Christina blinks at Tiffany. "No, but if we're sharing a pizza, then we kind of need to agree."] 06* Tiffany half-smiles. "It's pizza. The best of all foods. Just get whatever. I'm pretty open." 01<@Ardweden> ["Okaaaaay." Christina takes a looong sip of her Sprite. "So, how about... um... how about pepperoni and mushrooms?"] 06* Tiffany gives her the O.K. symbol as she sips on her own soda. 01<@Ardweden> [Christina smiles and goes about looking for someone to wave down.] 06* Javy heads in the door, looking over his shoulder at Nate as he walks! "So next time, I'll play better. I just... I didn't rest right. And she could tell." 01<@Ardweden> [Christina spots Javy and Nate while looking for someone to take their order. "Hey... check behind you," she tells Tiffany.] 01<@Ardweden> [Meanwhile, Nate nods. "You must've been *really* tired."] 06* Tiffany looks up for a moment with an "Mm?" and then turns her head, then immediately turns back towards the table and ducks down, covering his head, half-whispering. "Shit. What is he doing here...?" 01<@Ardweden> [Christina leans over and half-whispers back, "Eating?"] 06* Tiffany gives Christina a deadpan look from under her hands, then looks about. "I don't...don't even...augh..." 06* Javy nods, and looks forward again, waiting by the door to be seated. "It's just that. Sometimes, you know, even if you sleep, it's not right." 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh come on," Christina says, "it's not the end of the world. You guys talk all the time, right?"] 06* Tiffany looks at her for a moment. "Not *all* the time. It's just..." She grips the edge of the table and slumps her shoulders a bit. "I don't...I don't even know. It's not the same..." 01<@Ardweden> [Hank walks in right about now, behind Nate and Javy! With him is a girl a couple of years younger than the rest of you, with long, dark brown hair, blue eyes, and very fair skin. She's extremely pretty, even taking into account the ratty clothes she's wearing: ripped jeans, a tank top, and sneakers. She's telling Hank, "I heard from some'a the girls in school that this place's pretty good."] 01<@Ardweden> [Also: the girl has a southern accent.] Hank is pushed forward by the plot. He's wearing jeans, a T-shirt and a leather jacket. You know, Hankwear. "Ain't what I heard. I heard it's good 'fer its price'." 06* Javy starts a little at the sound of that, and looks back over his shoulder. "Uh. Hi. Hank." 06* Hank grins. "'Sup Javy." 06* Tiffany starts tugging on her armwarmers just above her thumb and looking around the restaurant, semi-casually. 01<@Ardweden> [The girl looks from Hank to Javy and then Nate, who smiles and says, "Hey Hank." He also nods to the girl, as he is polite like that.] 01<@Ardweden> ["Howdy," she says, and then looks to Hank with a grin. "Friends 'a yers?"] 06* Hank nods to Nate. "'Sup?" He gestures to the girl beside him. "This here's my sister, Susanna." And to her... "This's Nate an' Javier." 01<@Ardweden> ["It'll be *fine*," Christina tells Tiffany, and then she glances up and starts blushing a little too. Just a little! "Um... Hank is here. Too. Just FYI."] 06* Javy nods to her, looking down a bit shyly. "Hey. Uh. People just usually... it's... uh. Javy. They call me Javy." 06* Tiffany blinks at that and raises her head up. "What?" She turns to look, fiddling with her lip ring with her tongue. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate waves, and Susanna does a very nice curtsey despite having no skirt. "Javy an' Nate, then," she says.] 01<@Ardweden> [Right about now, a hostess comes up and says, "Are you all together?"] 01<@Ardweden> [Christina tries pointing without pointing, with limited success.] 06* Hank says, "Uh." And looks at Javy and Nate. 06* Javy looks startled by the curtsey, and ends up looking at Nate, too. 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna ALSO looks at Nate, because that's where everyone else is looking.] 01<@Ardweden> [Nate, for his part, is taken slightly aback... but then says, "Sure." The hostess decides that's good enough and leads them to the back and to a table right next to Christina and Tiffany.] 06* Tiffany brushes her hair aside, then crunches back down a bit, turning back to Christina. "Well maybe I'm off the hook the--" She turns as she catches the hostess walking them their way and slumps, groaning a bit. "Big mouth..." 01<@Ardweden> [Christina, for her part, starts fiddling with the flower in her headband again. And Nate waves cheerfully as they approach, possibly oblivious. "Hi!" To which Christina says, "Hi, Nate."] 06* Javy slows while he walks, and looks rapidly between Tiffany and Christina and then Nate, and then back to them. "Uh. Hi, guys. I... we... uh. From the door... we didn't." 06* Javy glances back at Nate again. "Wait, you know her?" 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna looks confused and half-whispers to Hank, "What'd he say?" with a semi-subtle point at Javy.] 06* Hank steps up! "We didn't see ya. Howdy, Tiffany." He looks at Christina. "Who's yer friend?" 01<@Ardweden> [Christina colors a little at Hank looking at her, and she goes RIGHT BACK to playing with that flower!] 06* Tiffany half-smiles, nervously, and holds her arm up waving. "Hey Javy. Nate." She glances over as Hank speaks up. "Hey Hank. This is Christina." She glances a bit at the girl at his side questioningly. 06* Tiffany notices Christina playing and lets out a psst and nudges her under the table. 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh, yeah," Nate tells Javy. "We're both in the drama club. She's a lot more into it than I am, though; I mostly just do set work and stuff." He sits down.] 01<@Ardweden> [Christina stops playing with her flower at the nudge, and instead folds her hands on the table. Yup.] 06* Javy sits down next to Nate. "Oh. Huh. Okay. Um. That's cool." He glances at Tiffany and Christina quickly. 06* Tiffany then blinks and glances at Nate. "Wait. You're in drama club too?" 01<@Ardweden> [Nate looks back at Tiffany. "Yes?"] Hank pulls out a chair for Susanna. "He didn't see 'em from the door, is all. Most of us know each other from school." 06* Hank turns to Tiffany. "This's my sister, Susanna. Suze, this is Tiffany." He doesn't introduce Christina because he just met her! 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna smiles. "Nice to meetcha," she tells the girls at the table next door. Christina, for her part, is looking Susanna over thoughtfully, Hank-embarrassment momentarily forgotten.] 06* Hank takes a seat shortly after. 'Cause standing the whole time would just look awkward. 06* Tiffany tugs at her arm warmers again, this time at the top, pulling them up as she settles back in her seat and responds to Nate. "O-oh. I...I see." She then notices Susanna saying something to her and relaxes a bit in the seat with a timid half-smile at her. "Nice to meet you." 01<@Ardweden> [Christina snaps out of it and says, "Same. I'm Christina." She offers a smile, which is immediately countered by Susanna's prettier one. That done, Christina starts looking for a waitress. Again.] 06* Javy loses himself in a menu. 01<@Ardweden> [There are menus in holders on the table, so people may browse at their leisure! Susanna picks up one but doesn't really look at it, as she's busy asking, "So, y'all know each other from school? That make you all juniors?"] 06* Javy nods. "Yeah. Uh. And, um. Hank's locker. It's..." He mumbles behind the menu, and comes up, "... see each other a lot. Like, um. A couple times a day." 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna blinks. "I'm sorry, what?"] 06* Javy blushes a little, and manages, "It's a... his locker. It's next to mine." 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh." And Susanna smiles. "Cool."] 06* Tiffany reaches up to her neck and fiddles with the chain for a second before remembering herself and dropping her hand. "Uh, yeah. We do." 01<@Ardweden> [A waitress FINALLY shows up, and Christina puts in an order for her and Tiffany's pizza. She then moves over to the other table. "Are you ready to order or do you need a few minutes?"] 06* Javy looks down at the menu again, mumbles something, and looks at Nate questioningly. "Pizza sounds good." He looks to Susanna for approval. 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah, sounds awesome," Susanna says enthusiastically. "Let's uh..." She looks at the menu, then says, "Can we put drinks in and then order when ya get back? That sound good?"] 01<@Ardweden> [At the waitress' nod, Susanna orders a Coke. And Nate gets root beer, so the GM doesn't need to wait for him!] 06* Hank also gets a Coke. Must be a Southern thing. 06* Tiffany then looks at the other table without looking at Javy, trying to talk to Susanna. "So, uh. You go to our school too? How are you liking it here?" 06* Javy gets an iced tea, and looks back down at the menu. 01<@Ardweden> [The waitress vanishes to wherever the staff in this place goes.] 01<@Ardweden> ["It's a'ight," Susanna tells Tiffany. "Still workin' on makin' friends. Never moved before, so." She twirls a lock of hair around her finger, thinking for a moment, then says, "But I'm excited, y'know?"] 01<@Ardweden> [Nate looks over at Javy, "What're you getting?"] 06* Tiffany blinks a bit at Susanna's hair curl and seems to be looking her over now before turning a bit red. "Oh, um. Right. Uh, yeah. It's...difficult to move and all." 06* Javy looks it over again. "Um. It depends. Are we, uh, splitting?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Kinda. It ain't *that* bad, I mean, I'm comin' in as a freshman an' all, so nobody else much knows their way around the school either, at least." She looks at Hank. "What'dya want on the pizza?"] 06* Hank shrugs. "Sausage? Mushrooms? You decide, Suze." 06* Tiffany starts playing with her lip ring a bit and glances at the interaction between Hank and Susanna for a bit. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate shrugs at Javy. "If you want. Otherwise, I'm getting tortellini."] 01<@Ardweden> ["Okay!" Susanna declares, looking over the menu. "Sauasage *and* mushrooms and... hm... bacon. We're gettin' bacon."] 06* Hank grins. "Hell yeah." 06* Tiffany tilts her head a moment, then looks at Christina for a moment. "Why didn't *we* get bacon?" 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna grins, putting the menu down. "Hope it ain't no wussy bacon, neither. You wanna get a medium?"] 06* Javy nods, and looks over the menu one more time. "Okay. Then, um... then I'm getting gnocchi. With... with. Pesto." But he doesn't look up from the menu. 01<@Ardweden> [Christina scratches at her cheek, then says, "Because you let me order?"] 01<@Ardweden> [Nate frowns a little and nudges Javy in the arm. "Hey," he says more quietly, "you okay?"] 06* Tiffany blushes a bit and shirks a little in her booth, looking at the table grain a bit. "Yeah...I know but..." 06* Javy glances up at him. "Yeah." He smiles wanly. "Yeah. Just..." He speaks more softly in exchange. "Not what I was expecting. Y'know." I'm kinda hungry, make it a large. 06* Tiffany glances over at Javy for a second, then back at Christina. 01<@Ardweden> ["Okay, but you're eatin' most of it," Susanna warns.] 01<@Ardweden> [Christina nudges Tiffany under the table.] 06* Hank chuckles. "Fine by me, I'll work it off later." 01<@Ardweden> [Nate frowns. "I didn't think it'd be a problem," he tells Javy quietly.] 01<@Ardweden> [The waitress returns! And she places the right drinks in front of the right people. Awesome!] 06* Tiffany flinches at the nudge a bit and lets out in a medium whisper. "Ow! What?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Ready to order?" she asks, and Susanna proudly places an order for a large bacon, mushroom, and sausage pizza. Nate also gets tortellini with maranara sauce.] 06* Javy shakes his head. "I'll be okay." He pauses, and adds, "Thanks." And then he orders his gnocchi, since it's his turn! 01<@Ardweden> [While the other table orders, Christina half-whispers to Tiffany, "Talk to him!"] 01<@Ardweden> [Orders have been placed and the waitress heads off!] 06* Tiffany half-whispers back. "What? Why don't *you* talk to *him*?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Well, because- because he's *your* friend!"] 06* Tiffany rolls her eyes, but she ends up turning to Javy and Nate. "Um...so what brought you guys here anyways?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Just hangin' out," Nate says, as he's usually the talkative one. "We're probably going to see a movie after this." Nate glances at Javy at that.] 06* Javy puts away his menu, and looks over at her, and then at Nate. "Just, uh. Yeah. It should be good." 06* Tiffany blushes and settles back in her chair. "Oh...um...it's a shame we didn't know. We could have probably seen it together..." 06* Javy blushes back at that, and blurts, "You still could! Um." He looks at Nate. "Right?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah, we should do it some other time," Christina chimes in. "What're you going to see?"] 01<@Ardweden> (Oh, nix Christina's statement!) 01<@Ardweden> [Nate looks briefly confused, then he suddenly 'gets it', whatever it is. "Sure, if you guys don't mind seeing two movies in one day."] 01<@Ardweden> [Christina shrugs. "I don't mind. What're you going to see?"] 06* Tiffany looks down at the table a bit, shifting. "Uh, I don't know...I was...kinda. Well, I had something else. A project..." 01<@Ardweden> [Christina kicks Tiffany under the table. Not very hard, but there it is.] 01<@Ardweden> [During this conversation, Susanna turns to Hank. "Weren't we thinkin' about maybe seein' somethin' too?" Pause. "What else is there to *do* around here anyhow?"] 06* Tiffany winces and hisses out, softly, flinching again. "Ow." 06* Hank shrugs. "I dunno, ain't had much time to look around, myself." "Uh, Scott Pilgrim. It's still out there. Um. We... we checked." 06* Javy tries not to look too closely at Tiffany and her wincing. 01<@Ardweden> ["We should do that." Susanna smiles at the thought. "This town's pretty old, y'know? I bet there's lotsa weird stuff around here. Hauntings an' things like that."] 01<@Ardweden> ["That sounds pretty fun," Christina says, then looks at Tiffany.] 06* Tiffany tries to keep a listen out for Javy's part of the conversation but her gaze seems to be drifting over to Susanna and her part of the conversation, intrigued. "I bet yer right." 01<@Ardweden> [Christina nudges Tiffany. Say something!] 06* Javy nods to Christina. "Nate, uh, he read them. The books, I mean. Um. The Scott Pilgrim ones." 06* Tiffany does talk. To Susanna! "Wait. So you've read up on that kind of stufF?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh cool, then we can cross check with Nate for authenticity," Christina says, and Nate gives a thumbs up from the other table. And then Tiffany does that, and Christina sighs. Just a little, but it's there.] 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna shrugs. "A little. I ain't read about stuff 'round *here* yet, but I've always liked ghost stories an' ways to scare myself shitless."] 01<@Ardweden> [Christina and Tiffany's pizza is delivered! It is full of pepperoni and mushroomy goodness, and Christina grabs a slice.] It's pretty fun, yeah. I mean...*I've* heard some rumors around too but... 06* Javy looks back at Nate, looking wan again, his eyes wide. 06* Tiffany glances down as the pizza's here, then notices Christina, then blushes a bit. "Oh." She takes a slice. 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh yeah?" Susanna prompts.] 01<@Ardweden> [Nate looks back at Javy, then has a sip of his root beer, frowning a little as he thinks.] 06* Javy picks up the iced tea, and looks down at it, grabbing the straw and giving a big suck. 06* Tiffany responds, but doesn't seem quite as into it as she was a moment ago, slice in hand. "Yeah....I mean there's this one really old store in the center of town...or something..." 06* Hank frowns Tiffany's direction. 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna looks at Tiffany, Hank, then Javy and Nate, then Christina, then back at Tiffany. There's a puzzle here and she can't quite figure it out.] 06* Tiffany catches Hank's look and frowns a bit too. Then she side-glances at Javy. 01<@Ardweden> ["Well, sounds pretty cool," Susanna says. "Maybe I'll check it out sometime."] 06* Javy is totally focused on the iced tea, his gaze fixed on the menu stand, and looking kind of paler than before. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate effectively intercepts Tiffany's glance to Javy, as *he* isn't afraid of looking at her, and flat out says, "Do you want to go see Scott Pilgrim with us?"] 06* Tiffany frowns even more. "I dunno...uh...you might want your brother to go with you..." She then starts a bit and turns towards Nate. "Huh? Oh. Um..." She pauses for a moment, then side glances at Hank and Susanna. 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna looks thoughtful. She meets Tiffany's gaze, then also looks at Hank, as Tiffany's looking at him, too.] 06* Tiffany blushes and looks away, then turns to Nate, not meeting Javy's gaze and fiddling with her hair a bit. "Um. Sure. It sounds fun." 06* Javy looks up, startled, at Nate, but smiles at him a little gratefully, before turning to look half over at Tiffany. "Uh. Yeah?" 01<@Ardweden> [Nate smiles and has some more root beer.] 06* Hank is looked at. So he does the only thing a sane man would do. Looks away from everyone and off into the restaurant. "What's keepin' our pizza?" Uh. Yeah. I guess I can do my project a bit later...um, except it looks like I'll be hauling my backpack around a little more then... 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh, you um, want some of ours?" Christina asks Hank. "To... to hold you over? It can be kinda slow, but it's really good."] 06* Javy nods a couple of times, his face coloring in more. "Uh, okay. Is it... is it heavy? Your bag?" 06* Tiffany glances at Christina, tilting her head for a moment and watches her before getting startled by Javy. "Oh! Um." She blushes and brushes her cheek. "Yeah, a little..." 06* Hank turns back, his frown replaced by a grin. "Nah. Thanks but I'm gonna have a lot to eat as it is if it ever gets here." 01<@Ardweden> ["Right." Christina picks at her slice a bit. "I just figured I'd offer."] 06* Tiffany focuses on Javy for a moment, then notices the side conversation, turning to Hank with a slight frown. "Aw. But she offered. I don't think we're going to be able to finish all of it anyway..." 06* Javy nods a couple of times. "Well, um..." He opens his mouth to say something, closes it, thinks for a second, and then lets it go. 06* Tiffany then frowns and turns back to Javy. "What is it, Javy?" Oh, uh, nothing. Just... uh, we can, ah, find a seat. At the theater. To put it on. 06* Javy blushes slightly, and then bulls through, "Or, uh... I mean. I, ah... I could. Carry it. There." 01<@Ardweden> [Christina lets out a little squeal, which she covers almost immediately with both hands, so it's just sort of a squeak. But she's excited! Susanna seems to finally actually get it, as she says, "Ooooh," very softly.] * Hank don't. He looks confused. 06* Tiffany stares at Javy for a while. "O-oh! Um, are you sure? I mean...it's pretty heavy. Christina was trying to carry it earlier..." 06* Hank doesn't get it, so he says to Tiffany, "Well I bet I can, if ya want." 06* Javy looks at Hank, more surprised than before. "I, uh..." He trails off. But he comes up with, "... strong enough. I mean, I could." 01<@Ardweden> [Hank's sister nudges him under the table.] 06* Tiffany shakes her head. "Uh, that's alright. Um, bes--" She then stares at Javy for a moment, like he's an alien from another planet. 06* Hank is nudged. "Ow." He looks at Susanna. 01<@Ardweden> ["I'm a wimp," Christina says helpfully. "It's probably not that bad. For you, I mean, you're on the swim team and all."] 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna leans up and whispers in Hank's ear, "The mumbly guy's trying to get the goth girl on a date."] 06* Hank blinks a few times. He looks back and forth between Tiffany and Javy, then whispers back, "Seriously?" 06* Javy fortunately wasn't looking at Tiffany, but he does look at Christina, and nods once, blushing and quiet. 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna nods at Hank.] 06* Tiffany looks at Christina for a moment, tugging at her fingerholes. "Um. Yeah. I bet he could do it..." 01<@Ardweden> [Christina grins.] 06* Javy nods again, and resolutely picks up his iced tea. 01<@Ardweden> [Food arrives for table two! Large pizza, tortellini, and gnocchi. Mmm.] 06* Tiffany notices Christina's grinning and leans over the table whispering. "Okay. Now it's *your* turn." 01<@Ardweden> ["What?" Christina glances Hankward, who is no doubt preoccupied by the appearance of pizza. "But he barely knows I'm here!"] 06* Hank grins. "Finally." He picks the biggest slice of pizza and starts eating. "I love me some bacon." 06* Javy puts down the tea, and takes up a fork. He leans over the gnocchi slightly, and breathes in the smell. Pesto! 01<@Ardweden> ["This actually looks *really* good," Susanna agrees as she grabs herself a slice. "Lookit this, cut up bacon slices."] 06* Tiffany sighs, then speaks up. "Hank. You want to come to the movie too?" 06* Hank looks up mid bite at Tiffany, then looks at Susanna for advice. 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna shrugs. "Yer friends," she says to him. "I don't mind." Mmm, pizza.] 01<@Ardweden> [She does glance at Javy, though.] 06* Hank glances at Javy too! 06* Javy is totally not looking at anyone. Yeah. Christina would *love* for you to come. 06* Tiffany smiles at her. 01<@Ardweden> [Christina chokes on her Sprite and sets the cup down, coughing. She is soooo bright red.] 06* Hank glances at Christina "You alright?" 06* Tiffany looks up a bit and then gets her face covered in concern. "Christina! You okay?" She reaches over to try and help. 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah," she says, coughing. "I'm- I'm okay. 'scuse me." And she gets up, rushing off to the bathroom.] 06* Tiffany then notices that and inches back. "Uh...shoot." She looks apologetic at Javy and Hank tables. "Hold on." She heads off after her. 06* Hank watches them go, grabbing more pizza. 06* Javy glances over at their table and the commotion, and nods to Tiffany wordlessly. 01<@Ardweden> [Nate watches the girls run off. Well, except Susanna, who also watches them do that but stays where she is - with the pizza.] 01<@Ardweden> [The girls come back before too long, and things return to mostly normal. Hank does agree (despite being a little confused) to go to the movie with them, and Susanna goes too, so it's a big night out! With maybe a kinda sorta semi-date involved.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session End.]