01<@Ardweden> [Day: Saturday/Sunday, September 11/12. Time: Midnight.] 01<@Ardweden> [The five of you (as Joan is there, too) awaken in the Haven. It looks much like it normally does. The Walruscat's hat is on the translucent bench, which is funny because it's really only half there. Ah well.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start!] Why must we see that thing every time? 06* Kali sighs and unfolds herself, flexing her 20 fingers individually, then looks at Imp, then the bench. "The Haven or the hat?" The second one. 06* Imp isn't daring to name any of it 06* Kali shrugs all her shoulders at once and goes over to inspect the half- there bench to see if she can wave a hand through it. She doesn't go for the hat though. 06* Susano-o checks his bow and his sword, and looks at it. "It's easier. Right? Then we can get him easily if we need him." 06* Hien looks over at the Imp. "So, what did you find out?" 01<@Ardweden> [Kali waves her hand right through the bench.] WHY would we need that thing? He knows more about this world than we do. Even if he *is* annoying about it. Fine. 06* Kali then turns her back to the hat, two of her fists on her hips. "What Hien asked. What did you find out?" 06* Susano-o nods along, and looks at the Imp. Rockefeller Center at Christmas. That's where we should go. 06* Kali tilts her head at him. "Well that was easy. What should we find there?" Oh, I love going there! It's so awesome at Christmas time, with all the skaters and the big tree! We'll find Tony happy. 06* Susano-o nods slowly. "Like with Nate." Yeah. 06* Susano-o looks at Hien. "You know what it's like there?" 06* Imp glances at Hien. Yeah, we go pretty often. I mean, I can't tell you how to get there in the real world, but I could picture what it's like. That's important here 06* Susano-o nods. "You could get us there?" 06* Hien looks around. "You guys really haven't been? I mean, I figured it was kind of a ritual that everyone had to do at least once. Even if you don't really celebrate Christmas." No. No I haven't been. 06* Imp is a tad snippity about it. Well, I'd know it when I see it, but I'm not entirely sure about getting there. I mean, following my gut when it comes to directions is usually a huge mistake. My mom thinks it's better to keep it just to family. 06* Imp sighs. "I'll try to picture what it is on TV..." Actually... maybe I can try to make it look like the plaza in here. Then you'd all know what we're looking for! 06* Kali looks from Hien to Susano-o and back for a moment but doesn't respond. She just pauses for a moment. "Huh. That's it then? It seems too simple..." 06* Susano-o nods to Hien, and then looks at Kali questioningly. 06* Kali settles on Susano-o after being a bit lost in thought. "Huh? What?" 06* Hien closes her eyes and tries to picture the plaza. The huge tree, the skating rink, the statue holding the golden globe thing, all the people whirling around... What are you thinking, Kali? For it being too simple? That might work. Just....aren't dreams usually deeper than that? I mean I guess it's fine to have simple dreams but you wouldn't think it'd be so captivating... Captivating enough to pull you here instead of the real world... 06* Imp glances away. 01<@Ardweden> [The Haven shifts, at first gradually and then more and more quickly, to match a scene of Rockefeller Center at Christmas: a giant tree sits in the middle of the Haven, with an iceskating rink below. Tall building surround you, and there are lights blinking on every piece of greenery.] 01<@Ardweden> [Above you is a night sky, and in the distance, more lights from New York City.] 06* Susano-o starts to reply, and then blinks a few times, looking around. That's.... is this the haven or are we there? 06* Hien opens her eyes. "I dream about it too, sometimes. This is my picture of it." 01<@Ardweden> [It's completely deserted. There's nobody but you there.] Except... there's usually a lot more people in it. But still. I guess it's not bad for a first try at something this big? 06* Susano-o nods, and looks around more. "Maybe it's just us because we're all in here?" Maybe. I wanted to show you the ice skaters, too, but yeah, this is probably good enough for what we want. We... we need Tony's dream. Where.. I'm betting where his family isn't broken up. 06* Imp looks a bit sick saying that. 06* Hien attempts to make a sympathetic noise. It comes out rather growly from her dragon's throat. So now we know what we're looking for. If we go out, Imp, will you be able to feel where Tony is? I.. I can try. Let me see? 06* Susano-o nods, and looks away, up at the tree, feeling a bit awkward himself. 06* Imp concentrates trying to find Tony happy at this place. 06* Kali looks at Imp for a moment at that statement. She catches his glance for a bit and then looks away without saying anything. 01<@Ardweden> [Imp gets nothing!] 06* Imp frowns. "I... Nothing." Maybe we have to leave the Haven, then, so you can get the signal. 06* Imp nods and looks around for the door. 01<@Ardweden> [After a bit of searching, you find the door. It was on the other side of the enormous Christmas tree.] 06* Susano-o will follow along once the door is found! 06* Imp will open the door and head out. 06* Kali ponders for a moment, folding one arm into her other, holding her chin. She doesn't quite move out when Imp goes. 06* Susano-o heads out behind the Imp, then. He looks back for Kali if she doesn't come soon! 06* Hien hesitates since not everyone else has left yet. 01<@Ardweden> [Joan seems ready to leave. At Hien's hesitation, she walks through the door, ahead.] 06* Kali glances at Susano-O. "I'm just...I'm trying to think of what exactly the Haven is. If we can't detect anything out of it...it might work the other way too." She then glances at the hat and frowns for a moment. Nevermind. Let's move on. 06* Hien lets the image fade as she heads towards the door. 06* Kali heads on as well. 06* Susano-o nods. "So they can't tell we're here? That... that could be useful." He nods, though, and heads out, too, if they're all going. 01<@Ardweden> [You walk through the doorway and swirling mist into another version of Rockefeller Center, almost the spitting image of the one you left! Only this one is filled with people - tall, small, fat, thin, with strange animalistic qualities, like cat ears and elephant trunks.] I'd say this is weird, but I'm a dragon, so. 01<@Ardweden> [Really, it looks something like a circus. Smells like it, too: fried meat and dough, popcorn, sugar, peanuts, and cinnamon all assault your noses.] 01<@Ardweden> [In the center is the tree, though monkey people are dangling from it, talking animatedly. And above, the sky is a lovely periwinkle.] 06* Susano-o looks around, and straightens, wrinkling his nose. "Does he like animal people?" Well, some people do say New York's a zoo. 06* Hien looks at Imp. "Or circuses?" 06* Imp frowns and looks around. "I don't know? " 06* Susano-o looks up at the tree, and seems rather impressed. 01<@Ardweden> [Hien spots a half-eaten apple flying for her head and steps out of the way. Above, a monkey laughs.] It looks nice? I guess. 06* Hien grumbles. "Stupid monkey." 06* Kali looks up at the monkeys for a second and frowns, then at the animals all about. "Not quite what I'd expect from family." 06* Kali looks about to see if signs of Puck, Robin, or Toci are present. 06* Hien glances at Imp. "Feel anything?" 06* Susano-o nods. "Unless they're in here somewhere. His family, I mean." He looks around some, too, but he's not going anywhere. 06* Imp frowns and concentrates. 01<@Ardweden> [Kali spots Puck walking over, a sausage roll on a stick in one hand. He waves at her with it!] 06* Kali frowns. "Company." 01<@Ardweden> [Imp... can feel Tony, sort of? But it's tenuous, and it slips away before he can put a finger on it.] 06* Susano-o looks back at Kali. "Where?" He's here. Some where. 06* Kali gestures with one of her hands while looking at Susano-o. Bottom lefty. 06* Joan is there too! 06* Imp frowns a bit and looks over at Hien before poofing to the sky trying to glide over toe Hien's head. The high ground is important. 06* Susano-o looks over where Kali's pointing, trying not to be too obvious. 01<@Ardweden> [Puck grins at you guys and takes a bite out of the sausage roll! Vicious. Only it's just greasy food, really. He walks over, his hooves making clopping noises. "Good evening!"] 06* Hien glances, too. Sadly, she is a bit more obvious. This dragon is not subtle. 06* Kali 's bottom arms fold across her torso. "Evening, Puck." 06* Joan says, "Good eveneeng," eying the sausage roll. If it wasn't a dream, she might seek one out for herself. Hello. 06* Imp will float down to land on Hien's head not saying hi but looking to see if he can find his friend. 01<@Ardweden> [Puck keeps grinning, and he points behind himself with a thumb. "There's a pink elephant selling these back there. If you want, I can hook you up."] 06* Hien reaches up, plucks Imp from her head, and dangles him above. It might actually be more helpful for what he's trying to do, though admittedly less comfortable. At least she's got a strong grip. Pink elephants. Wonderful. Are they made of cotton candy? 01<@Ardweden> [He seems to think about this. "Don't know. Haven't checked."] 06* Imp continues to glance looking to see any sign of him, then glares down at Puck. Could they hold it then? 01<@Ardweden> [At the glare, Puck raises an eyebrow. "Whoa. *Someone* picked up a case of the evil eye. But not as good as Toci's." He has another bite of sausage roll, chewing.] Perhaps anozer time. Why are you *here*, Puck? *she pauses for a moment* And please. Answer directly, not roundabout. 01<@Ardweden> ["Sure, Sunshine," Puck says around sausage roll, before he swallows. "Always be happy to hang out with you."] 01<@Ardweden> [At Kali's question, he opens his mouth, then she says not roundabout, and he closes it again.] He's here to hassle us. I'd like *him* to tell us, Imp. 01<@Ardweden> [At Imp's words, he says, "If you're going to answer *for* me, that'd make things- drat."] 06* Hien snorts a bit of smoke. 01<@Ardweden> [He throws up his hands (and sausage roll, though he keeps his grip on that). "You got me! I came here looking for you."] 06* Kali raises an eyebrow at that and gets a bit of a smirk. "I'm flattered. You have a thing for arms, do you?" 06* Imp rolls his eyes SO HARD. 06* Hien makes a choking sound that's supposed to be laughter. 01<@Ardweden> ["Nope. Just breasts. Yours are red hot." Puck leers at Kali ridiculously.] 06* Susano-o snorts at Kali's remark, and saves the eye-rolling for Puck's comment. 01<@Ardweden> [He takes another bite of sausage roll (it's almost gone now!) and says around it, "Seriously, I thought I agreed to help you out."] 06* Joan glances to one side, rubbing the side of her neck and glad she's wearing all that heavy armor. Else this could get awkward. 06* Hien is suddenly glad she *doesn't* have boobs in this form. I..have you seen some one that looks like a normal human? 01<@Ardweden> ["Nope. But if you're looking for a dreamer, you're probably not going to find them just wandering around here."] 06* Hien gets tired of holding Imp over her head and puts him on her shoulder. Compromise! 06* Imp stays where put. "Where would you look?" He sounds VERY suspicious. 06* Kali glances at Puck for a moment, very much not reacting to the incredibly lame punnage 01<@Ardweden> ["Depends," Puck shrugs, not thrown off by Imp's suspicious tones in the least. "What'd he like to do? Where was his favorite spot? This place," he makes a wide gesture, "is *filled* with dreams. And nightmares, and visions."] Per'aps if we knew anything about 'im... 06* Kali frowns slightly. "What do you mean?" 06* Susano-o tries just looking around the crowd more as he listens. He loved Rockefeller Center at Christmas time. Why, exactly? I think it was a happy family thought 01<@Ardweden> [Puck finishes off his sausage roll and stuffs the stick in a belt at his waist, and then he takes out his panpipes, which he shines with his forearm.] 06* Imp frowns looking more worried now. 06* Susano-o looks at Hien, and asks softly, "What's the most family thing you can do here?" Ice skate? It really depends. I'd always go ice skating with my sister while my parents watched. But we'd spend a lot of time looking at the tree, too. We'd get hot chocolate after. I think simply be with them. 06* Susano-o looks at the Imp. "Does any of that sound right? To look for them?" 06* Imp shifts more being uncomfortable. "Maybe the tree." Where's the best viewpoint, Hien? 01<@Ardweden> ["Why don't you just think about him with his family? Should help you get a lock on them," Puck offers.] 01<@Ardweden> ["Well, him, really. Him with them." Pause, and he frowns, then says, "You know what I mean."] If we knew what 'is fam'ly looks like. 06* Kali tilts her head towards Puck for a moment and replies, curiously. "You're being awfully helpful..." 06* Imp nods and closes his eyes trying to do just that. 01<@Ardweden> ["I agreed to help you, didn't I?" Puck rolls his eyes. "Besides, Toci's *such* a stickler for deals.] You can see over the entire rink from there. 06* Hien points across the way. 06* Imp glances up that way. and tries to focus on Tony and his mom there. 06* Susano-o looks up that way, as well. 06* Kali pauses for a moment, glancing at Puck a bit in disbelief. Her lips narrow. 01<@Ardweden> [All anyone sees is a bunch of skating, animalistic humans. But Imp finds himself being pulled down to the rink just the same, feeling that he finally found Tony.] Zat's kind of you. 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah," Puck grins. "Kindness is my middle name."] Or kind of Toci. 06* Imp let's out this cute squee of excitement and moves that way! 06* Kali then glances at Imp and blinks in surprise. She wasn't expecting that, certainly. 01<@Ardweden> ["Kindness is her first, last, AND middle name. Oop, looks like he's tracking something." And Puck moves to follow Imp.] 06* Hien watches Imp go. "I didn't think he could do that." I thought her name was Toci. 06* Susano-o nods at Joan's statement. 01<@Ardweden> [You all hear a rimshot, and then the session ends!]