01<@Ardweden> [Day: Monday, September 13. Time: ?] 01<@Ardweden> [You're in the Square - the Dream World's version, in any case. After much debate and some conversation with the Walrus, another course of action was presented. Joan even agreed to come with you. Sweet, right?] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start.] okay who is going in first You are, of course. 06* Susano-o doesn't look convinced about that, but he does say, "He is your friend. But... maybe it's better if it's one of us." 06* Imp mods and concentrates focusing on going towards the pizza place. 06* Kali sighs and looks around. "Really, we don't even know what there is to get. Or even if this is going to be a continuing dream or not. He might be too pissed off to talk or he might not even remember the conversation..." 06* Susano-o nods, and looks at the Imp. "But if he does... better to be safe. We don't want to get burnt. Right away, anyway." 06* Kali sideglances over at Imp. "Probably got the most patching up to do out of all of us anyway..." 06* Joan shrugs at Susano-o. "I don't know 'im, do you? 'E iz not my friend, I do not know what to say to 'im." I guess. Well. If you want him to go first, he can go first. 01<@Ardweden> [Imp gets a very faint tug towards what he assumes is the pizza place.] I think it's this way 06* Imp points. 01<@Ardweden> [Imp points out into the forest that extends beyond the Square.] 06* Susano-o nods easily, and starts heading off that way, then. 06* Kali follows 06* Imp starts heading that way. 06* Joan follows. 01<@Ardweden> [You enter a forest that feels extremely familiar. After only a short time walking, darkness creeps in as you're surrounded by tightly packed trees which stretch to the sky forever and ever, and autumn leaves gently fall around you.] 06* Kali frowns as she looks about, lower arms instinctively wrapping around her. "This doesn't seem right. You sure?" This is what I think is right 06* Susano-o looks around, then. "Yeah. But, this is Carlos's forest. I'm pretty sure." 06* Joan generates a light source. "We 'ave been 'ere before." This is the right way I'm sure 06* Kali ponders as she looks about, still rubbing herself. "Couldn't we have gotten closer there through the Haven? It seems to have taken us where we needed to go..." 06* Susano-o makes his own light, as well, and looks more comfortable than he did before between the two. 01<@Ardweden> [Leaves rustle above you, and you hear a child, probably Carlos: "You came back!"] We did. We are looking for a pizza place though 06* Susano-o adds, "But it's still good to see you." 01<@Ardweden> [And yes, above and poking his face through the leaves is Carlos. His big smile goes away at Imp's words. "You weren't... coming to see me?" No, we still can't find our way around perfectly 06* Kali looks at Carlos and gets a bit of a smile, then loses it with his statement. "No. But maybe you can help us find our way through. Can you?" 01<@Ardweden> ["I, um..." He looks uncertain, and he clings to his branch. "I dunno."] 06* Susano-o feels bad, and dims his light. "If we find our way now, we'll be able to come back sooner. We just have to save someone first." 06* Kali nods in agreement with Susano-o Do you know how to find your way easier? 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah, but... I dunno where a pizza place is. What is a pizza place?"] It's a place that serves this kind of food. Big, round, flat breads. But it's right near a bigger place. This square with a big tree. And a bunch of people skating. On ice. how do you get aroudn easier? 01<@Ardweden> ["I hop."] 06* Kali tilts her head. "Hop?" Hop? 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah! See?" And he starts hopping, scurrying and jumping from branch to branch, kind of like a squirrel.] 06* Imp watches carefully. 06* Kali thinks. "But...didn't you say before you'd never been out of the forest?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Uh huh!"] 01<@Ardweden> [He's still hopping, by the way, basically moving in a circle around you.] 06* Susano-o turns around to follow him with his gaze, and looks quite impressed. 06* Joan scratches her head. mmm. fuck. 01<@Ardweden> ["It's a big forest. Maybe we can find a pizza place here!"] I don't think so. I think the place we're going is out of the forest. If we found one here, it probably wouldn't be the right one. 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh." He stops hopping and perches there, crestfallen.] So, um, we should go look for that. But... I promise. I'll come back in a few days. And we can talk more then. Remind us, Kali, to come. 06* Kali glances at Imp. "Why is that *my* job?" I'll remember. 01<@Ardweden> [Carlos smiles hesitantly. "Okay."] Good. So, I'll see you soon. Yeah. 06* Susano-o smiles at him, then looks down at the Imp. So where now? 06* Imp frowns and concentrates for a path direction. He's bad at this. Like I said, maybe we should go back to the Haven and try from there...it's more likely to take us where we need to go... 06* Susano-o glances back at Kali, and nods, slightly sheepish. "Right. Okay." 06* Joan boggles. "Zen why did we come 'ere?" 06* Kali sighs. "Because I didn't think of it until after we left and Imp was the one leading us." Yeah... me neither. I mean, I didn't think of it. 06* Joan shakes her head and heads back. 06* Imp sighs and goes back the way he came. 06* Kali goes back as well. 01<@Ardweden> [Carlos calls, "Bye bye!" as the lot of you leave.] 01<@Ardweden> [And you get back to Haven without incident. Session End!]