01<@Ardweden> [Day: Tuesday, September 14. Time: 6:20.] 01<@Ardweden> [It's DINNER TIME at Centrico Tapas, an upscale tapas bar a few blocks off the square. Tyler is here because his parents have too much money and also can't be bothered to feed him. Tony's here because Tyler is buying. Steve isn't here because he has the stomach flu. Trust me, no one is more upset about this than he.] 01<@Ardweden> [The tables are a nice dark wood with a candle on each one, the chairs are comfy, and it would be somewhat romantic if this were a date. Which it is NOT. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Okay? Okay. Tony would like me to reiterate that it's not. But what Sydney eventually has to say about that is up to her.] 01<@Ardweden> [Oops, I spoiled it. The waitress just went off to get the boys' drinks!] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start.] Hey, thanks. Hate ordering take out. 01<@Ardweden> [Tony shrugs. "Yeah, sure. I wanted to get out of the house anyway." He makes a face. "Been stuck there for like a whole week."] Glad you're doing better. 01<@Ardweden> ["Me too. I don't know what it was... I was *so* tired."] Heard some other kids had it, said they had fucked up dreams. 01<@Ardweden> [Tony puts his chin on his hand, stirring his water with his straw. "Yeah?"] You have any? 06* Sydney walks into the restaurant. She really doesn't look like she's here for dinner, though. She appears to be scanning the tables, searching for someone. 06* Tyler isn't noticing. 01<@Ardweden> [Tony shrugs. "I dunno."] oh well. What do you want? 01<@Ardweden> [Sydney doesn't spot whoever it was, but she does spot Tyler and Tony, of all people.] 06* Sydney makes a small "hmm" sound and does another scan of the tables. 01<@Ardweden> [Nope!] 06* Sydney shrugs, tosses a brief wave in Tyler and Tony's direction, and heads off in search of... something! 01<@Ardweden> [Tony looks at the menu, not really noticing Sydney. "I dunno... how about the empanadas?"] sure, how about the fish too? 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah." Tony looks a little more enthusastic now. "But we gotta get beef, too. And shrimp paella. For Steve." He puts a hand over his heart.] Of course. Would be a shame not to get them So, what was that all about with Tiffany a bit back? You just standing there wasn't normal 01<@Ardweden> [Tony blinks. "Well... I dunno? I mean, I didn't do anything."] Yeah but you weren't you.... 01<@Ardweden> [And now he frowns. "What's that supposed to mean?"] 01<@Ardweden> [Meanwhile, the waitress returns with drinks! "Are you ready to order?"] Er.. yeah the beef and shrimp paella and... 06* Tyler gave all the orders. 01<@Ardweden> [She takes said orders and sweeps off to the kitchen! Or to the next table. Yeah, she's going to the next table. But THEN the kitchen!] Didn't mean anything, just mean you seemed odd. Was worried a bit 01<@Ardweden> [Tony nods. "Yeah..." He sighs and stirs his water some more, even though his soda's arrived. "I've just been... y'know, thinking. About stuff. Like..." He shrugs.] Like what? 01<@Ardweden> [He sighs. "Fine. Mostly thinking about... about my dad." That last part's sort of mumbled as he looks at his glass.] Oh what about that 01<@Ardweden> [Tony shrugs. He's been doing that a lot.] Come on man. I'm worried. 01<@Ardweden> ["Doesn't matter, really." And Tony's really staring at his drink. "He's dead."] It matters because it's hitting you. I can't just wave this away, but it's obviously tormenting you. 01<@Ardweden> [Yet another shrug. "I've just... been thinking about him, y'know? He was really great. Not- not rich, like Frank, but."] Yeah, money doesn't mean they care or pay attention 01<@Ardweden> ["Nope. I mean, I guess he's not that bad."] Hey and your mom pays more attention then mine. 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah, I think she still feels guilty or something." This is followed by another mumbled, "'s not really her fault." And he picks up his soda, drinking it.] Maybe.. but she's trying. Unlike some. I don't know if that's good or bad 01<@Ardweden> [Tony eyes Tyler. "Are you sticking up for my mom?"] Hey she made me french toast. 01<@Ardweden> ["Dude, she makes *everybody* french toast."] So? I don't get that normally. 01<@Ardweden> ["I dunno, maybe she was freaking out that day."] Yeah cause you were... well folks thought you might not wake up. Like the rumors said... 01<@Ardweden> [Tony shrugs, staring at his soda again, and then... FOOD ARRIVES! YAY! He looks up. "Oh, hey!" And cheers instantly, because the dude is a hungry teenager.] 06* Tyler smiles and starts digging in. 01<@Ardweden> [So does Tony. DELICIOUS FOOD YEAH] 01<@Ardweden> [Session ENd!]