01<@Ardweden> [Day: Wednesday, September 15. Time: Fifth Period Lunch.] 01<@Ardweden> [Last session, while you were all eating, Javy dropped a bomb. It's... well, here, let's use this as a refresher:] 01<@Ardweden> 06* Javy takes a bite, and chews energetically. "Uh... so. I, uh. I. There's..." His eyes widen. "I... let me tell you something." 01<@Ardweden> 'Sup? 01<@Ardweden> 06* Tiffany tilts her head slightly as she glances at Javy, also welcoming the distraction. "Hmm?" 01<@Ardweden> Oh? 01<@Ardweden> 06* Javy swallows, and looks at Nate briefly, before looking at his tea. "I, uh... I told Nate," he blurts. "Everything." 01<@Ardweden> [Got that? Good.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start!] 06* @Tyler glances over at that table frowning a bit but then looks back at his friends at his table. 01<@Ardweden> [Steve is miserably eating a pudding cup, while Tony's... well, zoning out would be a good term for it.] 06* Tiffany has her sandwich half-raised up to her mouth at about the time that Javy says that and looks like she catches herself before she drops it. She glances at the table edge a bit. "What, uh, what do you mean exactly? Everything." Like, everything. Everything. Uh... 01<@Ardweden> [Nate looks from Tiffany to Javy, suddenly more uncomfortable than you guys have ever seen him before.] 06* Javy looks down at his plate. "About us." 06* Tiffany raises her eyes to look at Javy a little bit. She still seems a little confused as she croaks out, barely able to get the words out. "Like...uh...us-Us? I mean we only went to the movies that one time and..." 06* Sydney blinks. "So, like... our nighttime activities?" 06* Javy widens his eyes at Tiffany's statement, and looks up. "No, it's... no, uh, it's not that. It's. It's what Syd said. That." 06* Tiffany looks from Sydney to Javy and back to Sydney and whispers out, "What?" She then stands suddenly and shouts out, a lot louder than for what's probably her liking. "WHAT?" 06* Hank rubs his head. "An' he believed ya?" 06* @Tyler glances back over at Tiffany, his eyes narrowing 06* Sydney tugs on Tiffany's sleeve. "Uh. You might want to sit down." 06* Tiffany panics and looks around the cafeteria, wheezing out. "Shit. Sorry." She sits down quickly at Sydney's tug. 01 [Nate shrugs. "I do now." He removes his glasses and cleans them.] 06* Javy winces, and looks down, nodding a couple of times. 06* Sydney bites her lip and looks at Nate. "So... what do you think?" 01 ["I, uh, don't be too hard on Javy. He was really worked up," Nate says, still wiping at his glasses.] 06* Javy looks over at Nate with his glasses off, and winces again. 01 [At Sydney's question, Nate looks up and blinks at her, glasses off his face. "About...? It's pretty far fetched, isn't it?"] 06* Tiffany sighs. "Yeah. You got us. It's, uh...a little game we play." 01 [A few of the other students glance over at Tiffany's yelling, too, but they all go back to their standard lunchroom antics when nobody gets in a fight or yells back.] Please don't tell anyone. No one else knows but us and you now. Not our families, not the rest of our friends. 06* Tiffany side-glances at Sydney for a moment. 01 ["Oh, come on, Syd," Nate says with an awkward smile. "Who would believe me?" Pause. "I can still call you Syd, right?"] 06* Javy tries to pick up his sandwich, and gets it the second time, face pale. "And, and I told him that already. Too." That argument don't work. Who would believe Javy? Reckon someone would. Of course! 06* Sydney smiles at Nate. 06* Tiffany frowns. "Excuse me a moment." She gets up and goes around to Javy's side of the table, then leans down to tug on Javy's sleeve, a little forcefully, hissing out. "Can we talk? Now?" 06* @Tyler looks at his friends grinding his teeth. "Excuse me......." 01 [Nate shrugs and puts his glasses back on.] 06* Sydney then taps her chin with her index finger. "Well, Nate's more inclined to believe Javy because they're friends and Nate was involved..." 01 ["Huh?" Tony says, snapping out of it, and then sees Tiffany. "Oh... yeah, sure. Just don't wake the hulk over there."] 01 [Steve mutters something into his pudding cup. It looks like he's falling asleep. Before finishing lunch. He really *isn't* feeling well.] 06* Javy looks up at Tiffany, even paler than before. "Now? But... but we're still... my lunch..." 06* Tiffany tugs harder and emphasizes again. "*Now*?" 06* Javy looks at her helplessly, and then back at Nate. "Is... uh... do you. I mean... do you mind?" 01 [Nate shakes his head at Javy.] 06* @Tyler stands up and heads over to that table. He's not going for Tiffany though, he's going straight for Sydney, course locked in, and no chance of getting lost. 06* Javy swallows, and nods, looking back at Tiffany. "Can I... uh, can I bring this? It's... the sandwich is good. For once." 06* Tiffany sighs. "Thank you, Nate." She then looks hard at Javy. "Sure." She lead/drags Javy towards the doors to the cafeteria once he has his sandwich, fingers still pinching his sleeve. 01 [Nate pokes at his own sandwich, but he doesn't seem super inclined to eat right now.] 01 ["I, um, had no idea he didn't tell you guys until just now," he tells the others once Tiffany drags Javy off.] 06* Javy walks along well enough of his own accord, so it won't look worse than it is. He still looks around to see if anyone's seeing this. ^^; When did he tell you? 01 [Some students glance up to see what's going on, then turn and murmur to each other.] 06* @Tyler leans in close to Sydney. "No one else, eh?" Hank rests his elbows on the table, interlocking his fingers. "Fuck off, Tyler." 06* Sydney jumps at sudden Tyler. "What? No one else what?" 01 [Nate swallows dryly before having a sip of his cola... then Tyler steps in.] <@Tyler> Fuck you muscles. No one else knows? Huh? How did you even know what we were talking about? You were sitting all the way over there. 06* Hank flings what's left off his chicken nuggets at Tyler. "Seriously. I ain't in the mood." 06* Sydney points in the opposite direction from where Tyler came. 01 [Hank hits Tyler neatly in the face and chest with two chicken nuggets. They fall to the floor.] 01 ["Hey, it's okay," Nate puts in now. "Tyler's got a right to be angry." He looks at Tyler. "But you shouldn't take it out on Syd," he continues. "She didn't tell anyone."] Hank, leave off. 06* @Tyler glares down at Hank, it looks like he might actually fight for a second before he turns. "Fine. Good luck without me." If that's what you really want, then go. Is it what you really want? 06* Hank glances from Nate to Sydney, frowning. His frown turns into a very angry look, and he gets to his feet. "You know what? I'm done. Go ahead, make friends with this shitbag. Remember this next time he knocks you down in the hallway." He storms off. 06* @Tyler frowns and looks back at Sydney, then to hank then to her. "Go get him. I'll see you tonight." 01 [Nate's watching all of this, but he's not saying anything at this point, that's for sure.] 06* Sydney sighs. "Tyler, next time you knock someone over in the hallway, I'm kicking your ass." She sounds more resigned than angry. "Nate, I'm really sorry. I'll talk to you later." She gives him a half-smile, then stands up and goes after Hank. 01 ["Sure, um... see you?" Nate offers, at a bit of a loss. And then Sydney leaves, and he's just with Tyler.] 06* @Tyler sighs and glances at this friends before looking back at Nate. He's more energetic thing the other guys right now... "Could I see your sketches?" 01 [Nate raises an eyebrow, then pulls his bag up to the table. "Do you really knock people over in the hallway that much?" he asks, somehow making it sound like he's not accusing Tyler of incredible evildoing.] <@Tyler> You don't pay attention, do you? 01 [Nate laughs a little. "Honestly, I haven't been *thoroughly* teased since seventh grade. I thought that if it didn't happen to a nerd like me anymore, it was a thing of the past for everybody."] <@Tyler> You're higher on the food chain then some folks. 01 [Nate shakes his head. "I don't understand." And he pulls a notepad out of his bag, flipping through it. "I mean, you're not stupid. Shouldn't you be better than that?"] 06* @Tyler sits down and starts looking. "Eh..." 01 [Nate just looks at Tyler, not giving him the notebook - yet.] 06* @Tyler shrugs. "Look, it's just what it is. Okay?" 01 [Nate rolls his eyes. "Cop out. Nothing is 'just what it is'. And you know it, if you guys actually do what Javy said you do." He hands the notebook over to Tyler.] 06* @Tyler shrugs. "And you should know everything is complicated." 01 ["Well, yeah. Which is why I asked you. But if things are what they are, like you said, I guess it's not that complicated after all."] 06* @Tyler reaches over taking the note book and starts looking at it. "You won't like the answers and will then come up with solutions you think will fix everything. When I say I've tried that you will just go I obviously didn't try hard enough. I've been through this shit too often." 01 [Nate looks at Tyler like he's crazy. "The hell do you think I am, your shrink? Geez, dude."] 01 [Tyler flips through Nate's notebook, and in it are extremely well done pencil and pen sketches of the characters he found in his dream, in various poses and interactions with each other.] <@Tyler> Dude, every one thinks they are my shrink. 01 ["Way to oversimplify," Nate comments, finally picking up his sandwich (it's getting cold).] 06* @Tyler just looked through the sketches carefully, it was clear he was looking for something. 01 [One of the sketches is the Raven, staring out at Tyler with baleful eyes.] 06* @Tyler kept through the sketch book looking relieved. "Still want to do comics?" 01 [Nate eyebrow raises the second time that day. "Yeah. Javy told you?"] <@Tyler> Yeah...he had me look at some things earlier... 01 ["What'd you think?" Nate eats some pork sandwich.] 06* @Tyler shifts a little uncomfortably and reopens the notebook. "Well... I think it's all good, but the lines can get a little lost in your action sequences..." 01 ["Yeah," Nate says with a sigh. "Honestly, it's pretty hard. I'm a lot better at talking heads, but I've *got* to learn how to do action, you know?"] 06* @Tyler nods and will slowly start to talk specifics in what he sees and likes and doesn't like. 01 [Nate continues eating and listening attentively, sometimes responding to the constructive criticism. After a while he actually pulls out a different notebook and actually starts jotting down stuff.] 06* @Tyler looks half embarrassed, half impressed that he's listening. 01 [If Nate notices Tyler's embarrassment during this whole process, he doesn't point it out.] 01 [After the conversation peters off for a bit, Nate has a sip of his cola before asking, hesitantly, "Tony's your friend, right?"] <@Tyler> Yeah, why? 01 ["Javy, um, told me about what happened. At least the gist of it."] <@Tyler> Ah... 06* @Tyler sighs. "I just didn't want to lose a friend." 01 ["Yeah... I think that's..." Nate trails off for a moment, then asks, "How's he doing?"] 06* @Tyler glances over at Tony and back, frowning. "I don't know. He's changed." 01 [Nate looks where Tyler looks, who for the record is poking at his half-eaten food and doesn't look back. And then he returns his attention to him. "It's rough," he says, finally.] <@Tyler> Both sides. 01 [Nate nods. "I think Javy took it harder than me, honestly, but..." He takes a deep breath, then continues, "I remembered - I mean, I still remember - everything that happened in exact detail. The first day after, it was practically all I could think about. I used it... I channeled it through a creative outlet, and I *knew* it was just a nightmare, but..."] 06* @Tyler grunts. "Maybe.. maybe I should tell him, but I think he knows, I think it's a mistake to say something..." 01 [Nate shakes his head. "Nah. I mean, you'd know better than me, but- Trust me, I'm pretty accepting of crazy stuff, and even *I* had a hard time with this."] 01 ["Plus, it's kind of a huge violation of privacy. Even if you are saving people."] <@Tyler> Yeah... 06* @Tyler sighs just deflating a bit. 01 ["I just figured you should know." Nate finishes off the rest of his sandwich and drinks more soda.] <@Tyler> Thanks. I.. Yeah, well. I'm surprised he's still talking to me then. 01 [Nate looks at Tyler for a moment, then says, "It was that bad, huh."] <@Tyler> Worse. 01 [He frowns. "Damn." And glances back at Tony before turning to Tyler. "Wish I could help."] 06* Javy comes back into the cafeteria, looking around nervous and moving as inconspicuously as possible back to their table. 01 [Tyler and Nate are at the table. Nate's finished his sandwich, and Tyler has one of Nate's notebooks open on the table.] 01 [Sydney walks in, too!] 06* Sydney taps Javy on the arm. "Are they... are they doing homework together?" 06* Javy looks at them, confused. "No, that's... it's, uh. It's a sketchbook." 06* Javy keeps making his way there, then. It should be safe! 06* Sydney looks utterly bewildered. 01 [No sharks eat Javy on the way. Nate looks up with a small smile. "Welcome back."] <@Tyler> So did the hot head cool down? 06* Javy can't help but smile back a little, relieved. "Thanks. Uh, you doing okay?" He slides back into his seat, and looks at Tyler, slightly confused again. "Who's that?" 01 ["Yeah, I'm fine. We were just talking about the webcomic."] 06* Sydney sits and eyes the remains of her lunch. 06* Javy nods to Nate, interested, and takes up his tea. Finally. He should have brought the tea out, too. "Cool. I... I was hoping that might happen." 06* Tiffany walks back into the cafeteria, back to her meal and picks it up, then frowns. "Fuck. I knew it would be cold." She then looks over at Tyler and her expression frosts over a bit. "Hey." 01 [Nate waves cheerily to Sydney and Tiffany.] 06* @Tyler shrugs at Tiffany. "Hey." 06* Tiffany eats her sandwich quietly at the table. She's not moving. She's not looking at Tyler. She's om nom nom. 06* Javy tenses up noticeably at Tiffany's return, and watches her for signs of further explosion. 06* Hank enters the cafeteria! 06* Tiffany doesn't seem to be exploding. She actually hasn't really noticed Javy. 06* Sydney checks her watch. "I need to get going for my next class. I'll see you guys later." She grabs the last bits of her lunch and heads off, tossing a wave in everyone's direction. 01 [Sydney zooms, because she needs extra time to get places!] 06* Tiffany gives a casual, half-automatic wave to Sydney as she goes. 06* Javy nods to Syd again, his eyes grateful. "Okay. Good luck. Uh. With class." 01 [Nate calls after her, "Right, not left!"] 06* @Tyler watches Sydney go a bit.. "Are we going tonight? Is Nate coming?" 06* Sydney yells back "Thanks!" to Nate. She sees Hank come in and waves to him as she heads out. Timing! 06* Hank walks back over to his table, grabs his things, and walks back out. 01 [Sydney walks out, turning left.] 06* Javy blinks at the sudden Hank strike. "Uh, hey...?" he tries, questioningly, but not particularly loudly. 06* Tiffany takes another bite. "I doubt he's invited. We had to come by invitation only, remember?" <@Tyler> We don't know anything, not even what would happen. 06* Hank pauses on the way and heads back over. "Uh hey," he says to Javy. "Look man, Sorry about before, but I'm just... really tired right now. I'll catch you guys tonight." 06* Hank takes off! Again. 01 ["See ya," Nate says as Hank vanishes in a Hank-shaped cloud.] 06* Javy nods, and looks back at his tea, feeling awkward. Still, as it stands, we're already in more than one mess for not letting people know things beforehand. It's not really the time to push it even further. 06* Tiffany takes another bite of her sandwich. She's still not looking at Tyler. 06* Javy nods, abashed, and looks at Nate. "Yeah. We... we should probably. Just, uh, you know. Go ourselves." 01 ["If you say so," Nate says.] <@Tyler> Sure. I guess. I'll let you know how it goes, though. 01 ["Thanks," Nate says with another small smile, and then he jumps slightly as the bell rings!] Lunch over already? 06* Tiffany looks up at the clock. <@Tyler> Class time. See you all tonight. I think we need every one even Texas. 01 [Nate gets to his feet. "Yeah." He holds his hand out for his notebook.] 06* Javy nods at Tyler's comment, and then says to Tiffany, "Yeah. It's been... we spent a bunch of time. Away." You mean even *you*. 01 [The room seems to move in a mass, as students pick up their bags, clean up after themselves (or not), and enter the crowd pushing out of the cafeteria.] 06* Tiffany stands up and picks up her tray and tosses the lunch away, not looking at Tyler. 06* Javy picks up his stuff, and tries not to look at Tiffany or Tyler. 06* @Tyler follows people out, mostly on auto pilot again. 01 [Nate recovers his notebook, one hopes, and zips it in his bag. "Ready?" he asks Javy.] 06* Javy nods, checking around the table, and nods again. "Yeah. Uh, let's go." 01 [And so, everyone headed out for their sixth period classes! On the floor lies two chicken nuggets, trampled and forgotten.] 01 [Session End!]