01<@Ardweden> [Day: Thursday, September 16. Time: 3:50.] 01<@Ardweden> [It's the semi-standard study room in the library! Sydney, Javy, and Hank were talking about Tyler's role in the group, and whether or not they should keep him around. So far: Hank's very against, but Sydney and Javy are not entirely convinced. Javy just suggested (offscreen) to table this conversation until tomorrow, when Tiffany can be involved, as her input's probably pretty important.] 01<@Ardweden> [Only in a much more Javy way.] 01<@Ardweden> [Anyway, Hank had to duck out, at least temporarily, which leaves Sydney and Javy.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start!] 06* Sydney looks over at Javy and lets out a breath. "So, yeah. I agree. We really need to have Tiffany here." She sighs again. "Man, this is awkward." 06* Javy nods fervently. Tyler is an annoying prick with absolutely no respect for personal space. That having been said, I don't feel entirely comfortable just kicking him out. 06* Javy nods, looking uneasy. "I... just, he. I don't know. We..." He sighs a little, and looks at her pleadingly. "Can we, um... just, uh. Talk about this tomorrow? I... it's, I, doing it twice is just..." 06* Hank comes back from the bathroom. "What'd I miss? 06* Sydney nods to Javy. "Oh sure, yeah." 06* Sydney looks over at Hank. "Not much." 06* Javy looks relieved, and nods to Syd's reply. Aight. So... uh. Are we... is there, um... 06* Javy trails off, and comes back with, "... what now?" Oh, I dunno. I didn't have anything planned and I don't have too much homework tonight. Want to go hang out somewhere? 06* Hank shrugs. "Like where? Mall? Park? My place? 06* Javy looks at Syd curiously. "Where's your place?" Oh, not too far. Around that way. 06* Sydney waves a hand off to the west. She lives east. Oh, Sydney. 06* Javy nods, unsure. "Uh... so, uh, maybe, uh. Some other time. Not that, um, I don't... it's, I'd see it, but maybe somewhere else. For now." 06* Sydney does not seem bothered at all. "That's fair! Mall, then? Or the park? It's a nice day." 06* Javy looks at Hank. "I, uh... either's okay with me." 06* Hank shrugs. "Don't matter much to me. Ain't gonna be able to stay long, though. Well, I think the park's closer, right? 06* Sydney does not sound all that certain. 06* Javy nods. "Right, there's... uh. I..." He colors a little, since he doesn't know what there is with Hank. "Yeah, it is." So we can go, enjoy the nice weather, maybe play something. 06* Javy nods. "Okay. Uh, sure. Let's go." 01<@Ardweden> [Blipzoom! Javy, Sydney, and Hank all end up at the nearby park! It's got a good amount of green lawn, a half basketball court, and a playground for kids. Presently, only the basketball area and the swing set are being used.] 06* Sydney looks pleased. Outdoors! A chance for athleticism! She sets her backpack down on a bench and immediately starts digging through it. 06* Hank looks skeptical. "Ain't this a place for kids mostly?" 01<@Ardweden> [Near the playground is a couple of stone chess/checker boards and chairs, though there are no pieces.] 06* Javy shakes his head. "Nah. Lots of people, um, come out here. Just... uh, like, the team. Um. The swim team. We do. Sometimes." Hmmm. 06* Sydney pulls out a frisbee. "Aha!" 06* Sydney waves it at Hank. "Too cool for frisbee, eh?" 01<@Ardweden> [It's a nice frisbee, as frisbees go!] Seriously? Frisbee? 06* Sydney folds her arms and nods. "Seriously." 06* Javy looks at Hank, curious. "What's... uh, what's wrong with, with frisbee?" 06* Hank shrugs. "Nothin' if you're into that kinda thing, I guess." 06* Sydney looks at Javy. "Well, since Hank is apparently too cool for frisbee, you in?" 06* Javy nods, and sets down his bag and case next to her bag. "Okay." 06* Sydney heads off to find a suitable stretch of lawn! 06* Javy checks to make sure his stuff is solidly in place and not in danger, and heads off to a separate part of the lawn, as befits frisbee playing. 06* Hank shakes his head and heads for the basketball court. 06* Sydney finds a nice, open grassy space. "I think this is good. Ready?" 06* Javy glances back at his stuff, then nods to Syd. 01<@Ardweden> [Hank heads to the basketball court, where he finds a blonde teenager about his age shooting hoops. He's about as tall as Hank, though on the leaner side, and he looks pretty good, as he rarely misses.] 06* Sydney raises her frisbee, which is bright orange, and yells, "Here we go!" She tosses to Javy. 06* Hank watches for a bit. 01<@Ardweden> [He shoots one that bounces off the edge, runs forward, and grabs it on the rebound for a layup on the other side. Now he spots Hank. "Hey," he calls, "haven't seen you around."] 06* Javy takes a few steps over, catches it, and then tosses it back with a simple motion. 06* Sydney spins around and catches it. She's got a huge grin on her face as she continues the spin and tosses it back to Javy. 'Sup? Yeah, I'm new 'round these parts. 06* Javy jogs a few steps over, catches it, and tosses it back, warming up. Nothing fancy yet. 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah?" He walks over, dribbling the ball. "You just move, or are you visiting?"] 06* Sydney makes a short jump to the side and snatches it from the air. "Not bad!" She seems to not have Javy's hesitation about waiting for the fancy stuff, and does another spin-toss. "Just moved." He nods at the ball. "Up for a game?" 06* Javy takes a couple of steps, waits, and lets it pound into his hand, then drops it into a grip, and tosses it back. "You too." 01<@Ardweden> ["Sure," he grins, tossing the ball to Hank.] 06* Hank (hopefully) catches it and starts dribblin'. [Javy's phone buzzes with his default texting sound! Text received!] 01<@Ardweden> [The other guy moves to block, arms out and crouched a bit, backing up while Hank moves forward. The game is on!] 06* Sydney steps forward, reaches out a hand, and the frisbee lands perfectly in it. "Nice catch." She doesn't notice the texting as she throws it back. 06* Hank moves forward! And to the right! No, it was a feint! To the left! Ahh double feint!] 06* Javy dashes over a few steps, catches it with a thump, and tosses back a nice arcing curve. "Hold on, just... got a text." He takes his phone out to look at it! Okay! 01<@Ardweden> [He keeps up pretty well. One hand darts out in an attempt to steal the ball, but Hank avoids it!] 06* Hank makes a shot. [Javy's phone has a text from Tiffany that reads: "ran into ty think he might be willin 2 talk"] 06* Javy looks at it for a beat, looks surprised, and then replies, "Really? Cool. You mean right now? Or later?" He sends it, puts his phone back in his pocket, and signals to Syd to toss the frisbee back. 06* Sydney does so! 01<@Ardweden> [Hank shoots over the other guy's hand, and he makes it, the ball swishing through the net. "Nice!" the guy says, going to get the ball and dribble it to the end of the court. "What's your name, anyway?"] [Text back: "no later. som other stuff too. better in person tho"] 06* Hank grins as he takes up a defensive stance. "Hank Morris." 06* Javy takes a few steps to the side, catches it, and flicks back a quick forehand throw, watching it go. 06* Sydney darts back a few steps, then catches. "Do you need to stop for a bit for the texting?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh," he says, dribbling his ball for a few beats, "you're *that* Hank Morris. Nice to finally meet you." And he darts to one side, moving quickly towards the basket.] 06* Hank moves to block. "Ya heard of me?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah, a bit," he says, feinting left before going right and jumping for a shot. "Not too many new kids at the school. Coupla guys on the team already got a crush on your sister."] 06* Javy nods. "Yeah... sorry." He takes it out again, checks the message, and then thumbs in, "Okay. So tomorrow? In the park playing frisbee with Syd now." He thinks for a beat, trying to decide if he should invite her, and then just hits send. No worries. 01<@Ardweden> [Hank's fingertips brush the bottom of the ball, but not enough to actually stop it, and it flies up, bounces off the backboard, and into the net.] 06* Hank grabs the ball and heads to the court. "Guess not. So yer on the team, then? What's your name?" [Text back: prob tom yeah. cu then] 06* Javy checks it, and sends back, "Okay. Sounds good. Have fun with Christina." Then he tucks the phone away, and waves to Syd. 01<@Ardweden> [He jogs up and gets ready. "Colin Ingram. And yeah, I'm hoping to get into varsity this year."] 06* Hank darts forward. "Cool, good luck with that. You ain't half bad from what I've seen." 01<@Ardweden> [Colin keeps up with Hank easily. "Thanks," he says with a grin.] 06* Hank goes for a shot! 01<@Ardweden> [This time, Colin manages to block Hank's line of sight, and the ball bounces harmlessly off the backboard. He moves to recover it. "You play much where you're from?"] 06* Hank takes up position. "Texas. And not really. Like a game here or there, but I wasn't on the team or anythin'. Was into boxin', but there ain't no club for that at this school." 06* Sydney tosses it back! 06* Javy catches it, lets the momentum tug his hand back, and flicks it back smoothly. 01<@Ardweden> ["Yeah," Colin says, dribbling as he considers how to attack the basket, "We have wrestling, but not boxing."] 06* Hank nods. "S'ok. Ain't the same though." 01<@Ardweden> ["I bet." He moves quickly and tries for a long shot, just to do it.] 01<@Ardweden> [And he makes it as Hank tries to keep up, the ball going catching nothing but net.] 06* Sydney does another side-jump to catch it, then her phone goes off. 06* Hank goes to retrieve it. "Nice shot." 01<@Ardweden> [He grins. "Thanks, man."] 06* Sydney calls out to Javy, "Hang on a sec!" She checks her phone. There is a text from her mom saying she's done teaching for the day and is heading home. 06* Javy nods. His turn to wait. He checks back to make sure his stuff is still there. 06* Sydney pockets her phone and walks over to Javy. "Looks like I have to head home. Mom's on her way from teaching." 06* Hank makes a shot! 06* Javy nods. "Oh... okay. That's... okay. Some other time." 06* Sydney smiles at him. "I had fun! Thanks for coming with me. We should definitely do this again." She looks over at the basketball court. "Hm, Hank looks busy. Tell him I said bye, and I'll see him tomorrow." 06* Javy nods. "Okay. Yeah, uh, let's. Again. It's... yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." Later! 06* Sydney goes to pick up her stuff, then gets out her phone, calls up the GPS, and hopefully heads for home! 01<@Ardweden> [Colin keeps up, and Hank misses, but barely. And so, they continued to play ball while Sydney went home.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session End!]