01<@Ardweden> [Day: Wednesday, September 22. Time: 11:41.] 01<@Ardweden> [Sydney wakes up after scouring the dream world for Natalie, with no luck. Someone is pounding on her door. "SYDNEY!" Oh. It's her mom. "SYDNEY, WAKE UP!"] 01<@Ardweden> [Session Start.] 06* Sydney blinks a few times. "Whuh," she says. Not so elegant, or coherent. "'m up," she attempts to yell. 06* Sydney struggles out of the covers, which are really tangled about her, and stumbles over to the door. 06* Sydney opens the door. 01<@Ardweden> [One Helena Raynerson is on the other side. She looks Sydney over and is clearly relieved. "About time!" she says. "Get dressed, you're late for school."] Is Natalie okay? 01<@Ardweden> ["Natalie?" And now Sydney's mom looks worried. "Did you girls get up to something last night?"] 06* Sydney looks confused. "She woke up before I did?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Not much before." Helena says, running a hand through graying hair. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"] I had these really weird dreams last night and she was in them. So I just... uh, never mind. Maybe I've got mono or something. It could be going around. 01<@Ardweden> ["Mono?" Sydney's mom looks shocked, then she puts a hand to Sydney's forehead. "Hm. Well, your temperature seems okay to me. But if this keeps happening, I'm going to have both of you see the doctor."] 06* Sydney blinks and sways a little bit. "Probably not a bad idea." 01<@Ardweden> [Mrs. Raynerson nods, then ushers Sydney back into her room. "Well, for now, get dressed. I have to take you both to school."] Okay. 06* Sydney gets dressed! Her socks may not actually match today. 01<@Ardweden> [They DO match!] 06* Sydney is lucky, then! 01<@Ardweden> [It has to happen sometime!] 06* Sydney heads out into the hallway and takes a quick look at Natalie's door. 01<@Ardweden> [It's closed, though downstairs Sydney can hear, "Moooom, I c'n put shoes on better 'f you're not *staring* at me."] 06* Sydney laughs quietly, then heads downstairs. 01<@Ardweden> [Sydney gets downstairs and her mom herds her and Natalie into the car. Sydney may be tired, but Natalie looks exhausted... still, she's awake enough to grumble about how stupid something or other is. It's hard to make out. But she's grumbling.] 06* Sydney flops into the car next to Natalie. "I had the weirdest dreams last night." 01<@Ardweden> [Natalie grumbles towards Sydney. "Yeah?"] Yeah. There was this city, and these creepy figures, and a building with a research lab and a bunch of werewolves. And an alien tourist. He was funny, though, not creepy. 01<@Ardweden> [Natalie blinks. "Sounds p'rty wild." She yawns, covering her mouth with one hand.] You dream anything? 01<@Ardweden> [She shrugs, looking out the window again.] 06* Sydney gives up for now, resting her head against the window and trying to get a bit of rest before they arrive at school. 01<@Ardweden> [Sydney closes her eyes, and when she opens them again, the car's stopped and Natalie's stumbling out of the door. Her mom tries to help her, but she's shrugged off with, "'m *fine*."] 06* Sydney gets out of the car without any assistance. 01<@Ardweden> ["I'll see both of you after school, okay?" her mom asks, and Natalie grumbles something in response, already making her way sleepily up the steps. Helena looks at Sydney, shrugging.] 06* Sydney shrugs back, then manages a smile. "Love you, Mom." 01<@Ardweden> ["Love you, too." She smiles and gives Sydney a hug. "Now get in there. I'll see you after classes."] 06* Sydney hugs back, then waves and heads off to class. (Or lunch, if there's time left for that.) 01<@Ardweden> (There is! Get ye into lunch!)