01<@Ardweden> [Tiffany walks through the door, following Sydney. The thick smell of incense greets her along with smokey air, and as she blinks to adjust her eyes to the light she realizes that both Sydney and Hank are somehow missing. The door closes shut behind her, and she hears the creak of a chair in the dimly lit room before her. "Welcome back, Tiffany Olivier," Medea says. "I assume you have some questions."] 01<@Ardweden> [The store has shifted since she was last here; while still filled with old trinkets and the occult, a considerable amount of space has been cleared in the middle of the room. Medea's there, looking just as Tiffany remembers, smiling a smile filled with crooked and missing teeth. She's seated at a bare wooden table with a candle flickering slightly off its center. There's one seat opposite her.] 06* Tiffany frowns a little as she steps inside, and looks around. "Where are all the others?" She frowns slightly as she makes her way to the stool for a moment, but she still seems to be trying to look around her. 01<@Ardweden> ["They're well, I assure you." Medea offers another smile - this one slower and kinder, though Tiffany gets the feeling she doesn't do 'kind' especially well.] 06* Tiffany sighs a bit and settles in the seat. "But you wanted to meet with us one-on-one. Is that it?" 01<@Ardweden> [She nods her head, pulling a deck of cards from her sleeve and handing them over to Tiffany. "Shuffle these, child."] 06* Tiffany nods and shuffles the cards, keeping herself busy, all the while looking at Medea. She concentrates a bit on the cards as she shuffles them and curses as she almost loses the cards and has to go through 52 card pick-up. Assuming they're not tarot or something. She didn't really look. Straightening the cards and putting her attention on them now, she asks, "You three run the shop 06* Tiffany together? Maiden, Mother, Crone?" 01<@Ardweden> [Medea smiles again, and this one's a somewhat fond smile. "In a manner of speaking."] 06* Tiffany sighs, not looking at Medea, concentrating more on the shuffling of cards. "I dunno. I've got a lot of questions. But I don't think it's fair to ask them all at once. I mean...Penelope got a little mad when I got upset with her for not answering." She tilts her head. "So I guess I'll start with...why us?" 01<@Ardweden> [Medea chuckles. "I will tell you if that's what you wish, but first, the cards, please."] 06* Tiffany lets out a slow breath. "No...I've got more than just that...but...okay...what do you want me to do?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Let me cut the deck," Medea replies, holding out her hand.] 06* Tiffany hands Medea the deck, brushing her hand slightly as she does so and watching her carefully. 01<@Ardweden> [Medea cuts the deck. "You are going to flip a card, and it will show you a lesson - one you are trying to teach yourself. After that, I will allow three questions, each of which I will attempt to answer to the best of my ability through this medium."] 06* Tiffany looks up at Medea for a moment. "And which medium is this, exactly?" 01<@Ardweden> [Medea raises an eyebrow. "I am quite certain you'll know." She gestures for Tiffany to flip a card.] 06* Tiffany smiles wryly at Medea. "It was worth a try." She flips over the top card. 01<@Ardweden> [Tiffany flips The Chariot, and she sees exactly that, with a red, four-armed, and very sworded woman grinning up at her. Medea raises an eyebrow. "The Chariot, and The Black Mother." She looks at Tiffany.] 06* Tiffany frowns a little bit and taps the card for a moment with her finger, staring more at it than matching Medea's gaze. "I've never seen a set like this before...." 01<@Ardweden> [Medea smiles her crooked-toothed smile before tapping the card with a wrinkled finger. "Be careful, child. The Black Mother seeks victory at all costs, and she will deliver what you desire, but no sacrifice is too great. You must keep tight control over your emotions, or she may run wild."] 06* Tiffany frowns slightly. "I know...." She runs her hand through her hair. "I've witnessed that myself actually. I just...don't know how to control it...." 01<@Ardweden> ["Perhaps you need tighter reins." Medea chuckles. "Or I could treat it as a question. There are far less useful things you could ask."] 06* Tiffany snorts. "I'm not Tyler." 01<@Ardweden> [She simply smiles at that.] 06* Tiffany sighs and tilts her head. "I'll think about it..." She frowns and taps the card. "The Chariot runs out of control. Unless the driver takes the reins and guides it along its path..." She lets out a breath. "I wish I knew the path I wanted to drive it on...so much lately has been confusing..." 06* Tiffany looks up more solidly at Medea. "I'd still like to know. Why us? The Raven could have happened upon and recruited anyone..." 01<@Ardweden> [Medea gathers the cards and shuffles them quickly before setting them back on the table and draws the top card. The Fool, it all its foolish glory. "He saw in you unformed potential. Perhaps he wished to mold you."] 06* Tiffany snorts. "In Tyler's case, he must've seen silly putty." 06* Tiffany sighs slowly and then looks up at Medea, a glint of self- determination flowing over her features. "Who is the Walrus?" 01<@Ardweden> [Medea doesn't react beyond taking The Fool and shuffles it back into the deck before setting it down. She concentrates a moment before flipping the top card to reveal The Hanged Man. "One who has sacrificed much for knowledge and sees the old with new vision. He is glad to share his wisdom should you hang yourself as well, but reluctant to leave his prison."] 06* Tiffany frowns slightly as she hears Medea's words. "Hang ourselves as well, huh...." 01<@Ardweden> [Medea grins. "I wouldn't take that literally."] 06* Tiffany snickers. "I wasn't." She lets out a breath. "It's the sacrifice card. He won't put himself out there unless we do. It's the prison part that makes me curious..." 01<@Ardweden> [She's silent.] 06* Tiffany snorts and tilts her head, looking at Medea. "Are you only going to actually help me think if I actually ask a question?" She pauses a moment. "And no, that's not my last question." 01<@Ardweden> [Medea smirks. She looks almost... mischievous?] 06* Tiffany grins. "I suppose that answers my question." She then lets out a breath. "Alright then. My last question then..." She pauses for a moment. "What is the Fringe?" 01<@Ardweden> [Medea chuckles, but she takes the cards and shuffles them anyway, before setting them down and flipping the top card. The Moon, plain except for two crossed keys below. Another: The Star, also with crossed keys. And a third: The Sun, keys same as the other two.] 01<@Ardweden> ["The Lunatic Fringe is a gateway, from a realm of stark reality to one of magic and possibility. Though sometimes misleading, it nevertheless provides light and guidance, and is reliable at least in its existence."] 06* Tiffany just watches as Medea sets down the cards, watching her fingers carefully. She seems to be soaking in the words but not reacting to them. 06* Tiffany then glances at each of the cards. "And these three represent you three?" 01<@Ardweden> [Medea tilts her head. "A free question, then. In a manner of speaking, yes."] 06* Tiffany smiles. "I thank you for your hospitality of humoring me that." She then purses her lips. "Lunatic Fringe...not as in crazy. Luna as in the phases of the moon. Clever." 06* Tiffany sighs. "I can't believe I just got it." 01<@Ardweden> ["Well, one would not be entirely off the mark to think that I *am* a bit touched." Medea cackles a bit. "Moon crazy."] 06* Tiffany smiles slightly at her. "Bordering between two realities would make anyone crazy. I know I'd feel crazy talking to anyone else about it..." 01<@Ardweden> ["Fortunate, then, that you are not alone."] 06* Tiffany purses her lips a bit. "I suppose..." She frowns. "Why do you put up with teenagers like us?" 01<@Ardweden> ["You, dear child, have potential. I would be the fool if I did not realize that, and the change all of you can bring."] 06* Tiffany frowns some more and raps a bit on the table with her fingers. "I..." she sighs a little. "I'm driven sure...but potential...I don't know...." She purses her lips again, seeming to think a bit distantly. "It's exhausting. And..." She looks up at Medea for a second, then bites her lip more. "I asked more than my three questions already. I just...I'm wondering about the contract and 06* Tiffany all...but..." She turns her piercing with her tongue. "No, don't answer it. It's something I guess I have to figure out for myself..." 06* Tiffany then plays with her lip for a bit, thinking for a moment, before answering. "You're more helpful than your sisters, you know..." 01<@Ardweden> ["I have the most experience and power," Medea offers.] 06* Tiffany looks at Medea for a moment, thinking of what exactly to say. "Thank you." 01<@Ardweden> ["You're welcome. I hope to see you next cycle."] 06* Tiffany nods. "So I'll meet the others outside then?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Perhaps." Medea reaches for the cards, straightening them. 06* Tiffany smirks and stands up slowly. "I was wondering when you were going to go back to being cryptic. Until 'next cycle' then." She makes her way back towards the entrance. 01<@Ardweden> [And Tiffany leaves.] 01<@Ardweden> [Session End!]