[18:56] <@Ardweden> [Day: Friday, September 24. Time: 4:00 p.m.] [18:57] <@Ardweden> [Last night, each of you want to Lunatic Fringe - somewhat together but entirely separately. It was weird. You got answers, or not, and now you're meeting up at the library to talk about them. Or maybe to plan how to save Natalie this evening. Or both. Both is also an option.] [18:58] <@Ardweden> [Regardless, the location is your now standard study room. The weather outside is brisk and cloudy but thankfully not wet.] [18:58] <@Ardweden> [Session Start.] 06[19:02] * Javy is sitting in a chair by the window in the room by himself, oboe case on the table in front of him, drawing on a pad quietly. 06[19:05] * Sydney walks into the study room, looking around in surprise as she's not the last one there. "Hey, Javy." She pulls out a chair and sits down. 06[19:08] * Javy looks up with a bit of surprise from his drawing. "Hey Syd." He sets his pencil down. [19:08] What'cha drawing? 06[19:09] * Tiffany heads in, rubbing her arms. She's in a regular sweatshirt this time, without the hood. As she takes it off, though, she's still got a long sleeve shirt on underneath with a short-sleeved print t underneath and some bracelets on her arms. Short-mid skirt and leggings too. She checks on in with the rest of them and then glances Javy's way, trying to peek over his shoulder at the drawing. 06[19:10] * Javy looks up at Tiffany as she comes in, and waves, before steadfastly looking back at the drawing. "Some buildings. They're, uh... ideas." [19:11] Oh, cool. 06[19:12] * Tiffany sighs and takes a seat across from Javy, flopping down heavily in the chair. She takes out her own pad, which also looks like a drawing pad and a pencil and flips to a page somewhere in the middle and starts shading. 06[19:13] * Sydney pulls out a notepad, but it is not a drawing pad. She does, however, open it up and start reading over something. 06[19:13] * Javy shrugs a little, and looks shy. "They're okay." He takes up his pencil again, if everyone else is drawing. 06[19:14] * Tiffany tilts her head and shades another part of her drawing, but speaks up to the group in general. "So....was anyone else's last night a little weird?" [19:16] Well, I either got seriously lost, or we really did all get separated somehow. I saw Medea after I went in, and she was the only one. 06[19:17] * Tiffany sighs lightly. "No...I think that was pretty much universal. I don't even know what that's about..." 06[19:18] * Javy keeps his eyes on his pad. "I, uh... that... it was the same." A beat, and he adds, a bit of wonder, "She said it's... we'd get, uh..." He trails off. [19:18] Did she do tarot readings for you? 06[19:19] * Tiffany looks up, slightly. But only really focuses one eye on Sydney. "Yeah. Three questions, right?" [19:19] And a lesson. 06[19:19] * Javy nods a couple of times. 06[19:21] * Tiffany smiles slightly. "Well..part a lesson. Also partly who we are...I think." She shakes her head and loses the smile. "I wasn't really surprised with mine..." She lets out a long sigh. "I wonder how Tyler and Hank took it." [19:22] Was Tyler there? I didn't see him when we went in. Then again, he could've come in after us and we wouldn't have known it. 06[19:24] * Tiffany rubs her face. "To be honest, I hardly pay attention to Tyler anymore. He's soooo background." 06[19:24] * Javy shakes his head. "I still... yeah, uh. I didn't see him. But... it wasn't? A surprise?" He looks at Tiffany curiously. "Mine... I was." 06[19:28] * Tiffany gives Javy a bit of a "look" from under her lashes. Then shakes her head. "I guess we've all done a little different on the whole introspection thing." 06[19:30] * Javy looks back down at his pad, and starts adding a crenellation. "Maybe. I... yeah. But it was still... I. She told me... it was interesting." 06[19:31] * Tiffany sighs. "So I guess it's sharing time? That's why we're here, right?" 06[19:33] * Sydney nods. "Lessons and questions, or just questions?" 06[19:33] * Javy nods a little, and sets down his pencil again. "Yeah. Uh... so..." He looks around, clearly waiting for someone else to start. 06[19:34] * Tiffany smiles slightly. "I think just questions, unless you want to share. The lessons are a little more personal, don't you think?" [19:35] Wasn't sure how much you guys wanted to know. 06[19:36] * Javy mumbles something quietly. 06[19:36] * Sydney looks down at her notebook. "The first question I asked was whether people near us were being targeted or not." 06[19:37] * Tiffany doesn't hear Javy, so she doesn't respond. She does sketch a bit more while Sydney's talking. She does frown a little though. "I...that was Hank's idea, right? I mean...I really think things just stand out the closer you are, not..." She stops herself and shakes her head. "What did you find out?" 06[19:38] * Javy looks at Syd at that, plainly curious. [19:39] Medea said it wasn't really random, but not necessarily as selective as we hope. She used Death and the Wheel of Fortune there. 06[19:40] * Sydney taps her notebook. "I wrote down what cards she showed me, so I could remember them and do some looking up on tarot later." 06[19:40] * Tiffany ponders that for a moment. Then frowns. "Chance and change...transition..." 01[19:40] Like...the breaking down of the gate...is that it? 06[19:41] * Javy looks over at Tiffany, a bit surprised. "You... you know it? Uh, the cards?" 06[19:41] * Hank moseys (moseies? Mosies? Moses?) on into the library. 06[19:42] * Sydney frowns a bit. "She didn't mention the gate, so I'm not entirely sure." She then looks up. "Hi, Hank." 06[19:42] * Javy looks up at Hank, and waves with his pencil hand. "Hey Hank." 06[19:43] * Tiffany stops for a moment, then shrinks back a little and blushes, as if caught. "I...what...well I...um...kind of? I guess?" Her cheeks look *very* bright red now. [19:43] Hey. 'Sup? 06[19:45] * Tiffany 's too embarrassed to notice Hank right now! 06[19:45] * Javy looks impressed first, and then thoughtful at that. "That's... it's interesting. And, uh. And cool. Too." He looks to Hank. "We're, uh... just. Last night. With, with Medea." 06[19:46] * Tiffany doesn't seem to acknowledge Javy's compliment either! Too busy blushing. 06[19:47] * Hank grabs a seat. "Oh, right. What'd y'all hear?" 01[19:48] I...uh....yeah. I...well...I mean...if...if it's the Wheel...I mean...I'm thinking something happens to be focused *here*....if it's Death.... 06[19:48] * Tiffany tries to calm herself down, breathing out deeply, then blinks as she notices Hank. "Oh...um...hi Hank." 06[19:49] * Hank tilts his head. "You okay? Yer lookin' a little feverish." 06[19:50] * Tiffany squeaks out. "I'm fine! Fine...fine...I just..." She slumps down in her seat. "Nevermind." 06[19:51] * Hank raises an eyebrow and looks at Sydney and Javy. 06[19:51] * Javy looks at Tiffany, concerned, but then looks to Syd. "So... it's not random, but... it's not, uh, not random?" 06[19:51] * Tiffany turns to look at Sydney, color receding from her cheeks. "Um. Syd. What's the next thing you found out?" 06[19:52] * Tiffany then nods to Javy. "Yeah...I think that means it's just because it's either..." She frowns a bit and grows quiet. 06[19:52] * Javy looks back at Tiffany, and prods, "Uh... either?" 06[19:52] * Sydney looks at Javy and shrugs a bit. "I think she means there's a pattern, but not necessarily one we can understand." She then looks over at Tiffany for a second, then back down at her notes. "So the second thing I asked is if there's a way we can keep people from getting lost in dreams." 06[19:53] * Tiffany taps her pencil. "Well...I'm thinking...if it's not because it's who we know...either Ashgate as a whole is being targeted..." She frowns. "Or teenagers." 06[19:54] * Javy colors a little, looking back at Syd, impressed, then back to Tiffany, more concerned than before. "Is that... is it really... uh. It's just us?" 06[19:54] * Sydney blinks. "Has it all been people around our age?" 06[19:54] * Tiffany sighs. "I don't have any magic crystal ball, Javy. I don't have any more information than *you* do." 06[19:55] * Tiffany glances at Sydney. "I don't know. But that's something we might wanna check out..." 06[19:56] * Sydney makes a note of that, and then goes back to her previous notes. "Medea showed me the Tower, and said that if we bring it to its full power, it can do its job." She looks up. "And my third question was to ask more about the Tower, so I can go right into that if you want." 06[19:56] * Tiffany looks back at her drawings for a moment, then back up. "Anyway, we should get all the information we do have before we jump to conclusions." She glances at Sydney. "That next one's a good one. What did she say?" 06[19:56] * Tiffany then suddenly blinks. "The Tower?" 06[19:57] * Javy looks even more impressed at Syd now. And then back at his buildings. 06[19:57] * Sydney nods at Tiffany. 06[19:58] * Hank rests his head on his hand. 01[19:58] But...uh...that would mean... 06[19:58] * Tiffany frowns, off-hand, then responds to Sydney. "Go ahead." [19:58] Okay. So she showed me... uh... hang on a sec... 06[20:01] * Sydney looks down at her notes. "Nine of Swords, Three of Cups, Seven of Wands, Eight of Swords, and the Moon. The Nine of Swords is an awake guy, the Three of Cups three guys with Cups, the Seven of Wands a guy fighting other guys, the Eight of Swords a woman in a maze, and the Moon is... well, the Moon. Which is apparently illusions and trickery, and not that the Tower is actually on the 06[20:01] * Sydney moon." [20:01] Hang on a sec, I've got more. 06[20:02] * Javy blinks. "That's... you got... wow. You really did well." [20:03] The awake guy is what the Tower does. And I think the rest of it is that the Tower's power used to come from people working together, and then there was a fight, and now it's hidden away somewhere. And the moon is the key. 06[20:03] * Sydney looks at Javy. "Thanks! I wrote everything down right after I got home. Otherwise I'd have forgotten it all by now." She looks sheepish. 06[20:04] * Javy shakes his head. "But... and you got... your, uh, your questions. You got a lot." 06[20:04] * Tiffany frowns a little. "Illusions...to avoid destruction. Total annihilation." 06[20:05] * Tiffany looks up. "Wait. A fight? Three guys with cups and then a fight?" 06[20:05] * Tyler opens the door glaring around. "You guys fucking suck. I call out to you all last night and you ignore me and then gather up in an ignore tyler group again. I thought we had a deal." 06[20:06] * Javy blinks, and looks at him, clearly non-plussed. 06[20:06] * Tiffany has her palms on the table, all excited with Sydney's question. Then she loses it and slumps back in her seat, arms folding and grumbling under her breath. "Hey Tyler..." 06[20:08] * Sydney looks at Tyler. "Did you go into the shop?" [20:12] Yes and you slammed the door on me. [20:12] We, uh... [20:12] Well, we didn't mean to. I, at least, didn't hear you, and then after that we were all separated while Medea did the tarot readings. [20:12] So I apologize for shutting the door on you. 06[20:13] * Javy shakes his head. "I was last, and... I didn't. On anyone. Or, uh... even hear you." He blushes a little. 06[20:13] * Sydney then looks at Tiffany. "Should I go on?" 06[20:13] * Tiffany sighs. "Yeah. Let the drama queen work it out on his own." 06[20:14] * Tyler glares daggers at Tiffany. "After I asked how to keep your ass alive." 06[20:16] * Tiffany sighs again, then turns to Tyler. "Yeah. Well maybe if you came in an listened first instead of complaining your very first thing when coming in here, we'd have a chance to listen to you." She frowns. "But...nevermind. I'll find out about it later." She turns back to Sydney. "Go ahead, Sydney." [20:14] Three guys with cups, and then a fight. 06[20:17] * Javy looks between everyone, and then fixes a line on his building. 06[20:18] * Tyler stares at Tiffany, but the just moves over to sit in a chair. 06[20:24] * Javy looks at Tiffany himself, anticipating. 06[20:25] * Tiffany glances around, frowning slightly. "Doesn't that sound familiar to anybody else?" [20:25] The three statues? 01[20:25] Yeah. Three statues. Three brothers. The Oneiros. 06[20:26] * Javy looks slightly disappointed. "So... it's, ah, it's actually them? The card?" [20:27] It seems like a pretty good assumption. 06[20:28] * Tiffany shakes her head. "Not always, Javy. Sometimes the cards are a person. Sometimes they're a feeling or a state. The key is putting it to things you already know that fit...or things you figure out later." [20:29] Sounds dubious. 01[20:29] But...I mean...the first one is a waking man. So...the power of the Tower is the power to keep people awake. There was a fight between three, and the key is the Moon. 01[20:29] Least...that's my best interpretation. 06[20:30] * Javy nods a little, thinking. "But I, uh... I got it, too. Uh. The Tower." [20:30] wait what... [20:30] You did? What was your question? 06[20:30] * Tiffany glances at Javy for a moment. Then at Tyler. "What?" [20:31] What's the moon then 06[20:32] * Tiffany looks at Tyler. "Illusion...deception. It's a reflection. Things aren't always what they seem." 06[20:33] * Javy thinks back, and then waits quietly for a beat. "Can I?" he asks. [20:33] Go ahead. 06[20:34] * Sydney nods. 06[20:34] * Tiffany gestures for Javy to continue. "I mean...my questions were a lot more simple, I guess. I just kind of wanted to figure things out..." She sighs. "I probably wasted my first question anyway..." [20:35] So... 06[20:36] * Tyler goes quiet again letting Javy talk. 06[20:37] * Javy thinks. "I... well. I asked for, uh, whether waking up people could... uh." He looks at his building intently. "Could get it. Ah, the dreams to stop coming... together like that. And... she said, it's... that's not enough. By itself. Uh. And it was 9 of Swords, and Death. There's change, too." 06[20:37] * Javy looks up briefly to see if he should keep going. 06[20:38] * Tiffany blinks. "What's not enough?" [20:38] Um. 06[20:38] * Tyler starts to sink into his seat looking small. 06[20:38] * Javy thinks. "Waking them up. That's not enough." [20:39] Yeah, I got the same thing. 06[20:40] * Tiffany frowns a little bit, looking pensively at her artwork for a moment. 06[20:40] * Javy looks at Hank gratefully. "Right. It's... it's part, but not enough." He looks back at the building. "So then... I asked, uh, what else. What fixes it. And that's when I got it. Uh, the Tower, I mean. She said... we need to, to restore the Tower." [20:41] how...literal is that? 06[20:42] * Tiffany looks at Tyler. "What do you mean?" [20:44] How literal is that? I mean should we look for atower in the dream? 06[20:44] * Javy glances up at Tyler, and then looks over towards Tiffany, most of the way. "It's... she said, it's like... there's something. With... uh. Powers, like the Tower. And if we got that, if that was, was... if it was right, then it could fight. Uh. Like. It could push back death." 06[20:45] * Hank raises an eyebrow. "Didn't get that part." 06[20:45] * Tiffany lets out a deep breath. "Well. The Tower could be a couple different things. It could be a literal tower. But overall, the Tower card also represents ultimate destruction." 06[20:46] * Tiffany gestures slightly. "Annihilation, crumbling, destruction of the whole regime. It's like...this huge tower with a lightning bolt striking it and the whole thing's just falling apart." 06[20:46] * Javy focuses more on Tiffany now. "And... that's good?" 06[20:46] * Sydney writes something down in her notebook. 01[20:46] I...uh...no? [20:46] That ain't how it was described to me. She called it a sudden change, 'stead of gradual like Death. [20:46] That don't mean it's a bad thing. [20:47] An' if the regime is bad, then ain't it a good thing if it topples? 06[20:47] * Tiffany frowns. "From what I learned, Tower was *never* good...it's always drastic, always a complete destruction and rebuilding. But...I dunno, maybe I'm wrong..." [20:47] hmmm 01[20:47] Depends on who gets burned along the way. 06[20:48] * Hank shrugs. "Y'know we're fighting someone. Maybe it's him." 01[20:49] That's just what it means. What in what we're doing it represents, I dunno... 06[20:49] * Tiffany chews on her lip. 01[20:49] What'd you get then, Hank? Tyler? You get anything on this? [20:49] Medea said restoring it would help. But now I'm confused, if it's supposed to be destruction... 06[20:50] * Javy looks unsure, but then nods at Syd. "Yeah, she said... restoring the Tower, that's... it's part of the..." He thinks a bit more, trailing off, before saying, "The solution. With waking them up." 06[20:50] * Tiffany sighs and rubs her head. "No one said any of this was supposed to make any sense..." [20:50] From what I heard, not much more than y'all did. Just that we can't trust anyone but the Hanged Man and the Priestess, whoever they are. [20:50] That's new. 06[20:50] * Tiffany blinks. "The Hanged Man?" 06[20:51] * Tiffany turns to look at Hank. 06[20:51] * Hank shrugs at Tiffany. "Yer guess is as good as mine." 06[20:51] * Tiffany shakes her head slowly. "Uh...no. Um...I know who the Hanged Man is. It came up in my reading..." [20:52] that was in mine too.. it was... the warlus. 06[20:52] * Tiffany nods to Tyler. 06[20:52] * Hank blinks. "Uh? Who?" [20:52] Oh. 01[20:52] The Walrus. He's the Hanged Man. [20:52] Really? [20:52] Hrm... So who's the priestess? 06[20:52] * Sydney scribbles this down as well. 01[20:52] He...sacrificed a lot to get his wisdom. And...he'll only provide it if we sacrifice a little too... 01[20:52] And...the three sisters. The Sun, the Moon, and the Star. 01[20:53] Uh, of the Fringe. I mean... [20:53] Oh hey, that's another thing. [20:53] But I'm... can more than one person be the same thing? 01[20:53] Well it's a representation of a quality... 01[20:53] Two people can have the same quality. 06[20:53] * Javy looks around quietly, trying to process. [20:54] So basically there can be any number of Hanged Men or Priestesses or Towers. [20:54] Ah, okay. 01[20:54] Yeah. But since it all came up in the same type of questions...probably the same thing. 06[20:55] * Hank shrugs. "Anywho that's all I got." 06[20:56] * Hank checks his watch, then gets up. "Dangit, I gotta run. Uh, listen..." [20:56] Hmm? [20:56] I dunno if'n we're doing anything tomorrow, but if we are, I ain't gonna be able to say nothin' the whole day." 06[20:57] * Sydney blinks. "Uh. Okay." [20:57] We doin' the walkin' thing? 06[20:58] * Tiffany nods. "You said that's all you..." She then looks at Hank for a moment. "Really? That's weird...why?" 06[20:58] * Hank shrugs at Tiffany. "Hopefully for good luck, but probably for some old lady to get her kicks." 06[20:58] * Javy looks at him, more curious than he's been all day. 01[20:58] I....uh...okay? 06[20:59] * Tiffany looks at Hank a little weird, tilting her head. [20:59] So.... We goin' or can I sleep through it? [21:00] We'll just... take your word for it. And I think we're walking tonight. 01[21:00] Yeah. I mean...we've been taking it easy. But we need to make progress on it. We really don't know how long we have when it starts up... 06[21:00] * Hank pauses, then says, "Actually I ain't sure if I gotta start at midnight or if it's a 24 hour period. [21:01] So I'm just gonna err on the side of caution and not say nothin'. 01[21:01] I...uh...okay. 06[21:01] * Tiffany still looks VERY confused. 06[21:02] * Hank checks his watch again. "Anywho, if ya call me an' I don't say nothin', now you know why. Later." And then he's off. 06[21:02] * Javy just watches him go, unsure of what to say, but he does wave. 06[21:02] * Tiffany sighs. "Right. Uh...Tyler? Did you, uh, share everything?" [21:05] Yeah for now I did 06[21:06] * Tiffany frowns. "But..." She sighs. "Nevermind. I think Sydney's the only one who shared all her questions." [21:07] Uh. And that... ah. You too. 06[21:08] * Tiffany frowns again. "Well, I only shared two." She shakes her head. "The third one was pretty simple. 'Why us?'" 06[21:08] * Sydney looks at though the thought of not sharing hadn't really occurred to her. 06[21:09] * Javy nods. "Did she say?" 06[21:10] * Tyler tilts his head listening to sydney 06[21:11] * Tiffany sets down her drawing pad, which has drawings of various tarot cards, though a lot cruder than the actual tarot. Most of the ones she mentioned before. The Sun, the Star, the Moon, the Hanged Man. The two that weren't mentioned so far, The Fool and Chariot. She points to the Fool. "That one. Untapped potential." 01[21:11] Apparently the Raven saw it in all of us. 06[21:12] * Javy looks struck by this. "But that's..." 06[21:13] * Tiffany looks at Javy questioningly. "Hmm?" 06[21:14] * Javy colors a little. "It's... I, uh. My third question. It was... I asked about, uh, Carlos." 06[21:15] * Tyler frowns. "Okay.." [21:16] And... and she said, he, uh. He's been through, like... it was that Death card. And now... he's, uh... the Fool. 06[21:16] * Tiffany glances at Javy for a moment. "I..." She blinks, then smiles. "Well that's an interesting question. But...I mean...the cards can be a situation or it can represent a quality of a person." She chuckles. "It wouldn't surprise me much if he was the Fool." 01[21:17] What exactly did you ask about Carlos? I kind of like him... 06[21:18] * Javy smiles a little, too. "Me too. So, I... I asked how to... to help. And she told me that. Uh. Those, about him, and... and then..." He looks most of the way at Tiffany, unsure again. 06[21:19] * Tiffany looks Javy's way as he answers. Then she loses the smile and gets her elbow off the table, sitting up a little bit. "Uh, what? What is it?" 06[21:21] * Javy mumbles something, which resolves into, "... you. Uh." He colors a little. "She said, uh. I mean, I got the Chariot... which was, uh. It looks like... you know. You got it, too. Medea said she knows." 06[21:23] * Tiffany watches Javy carefully, her eyes narrowing on him. "What are you talking about? Who knows what?" She frowns. "You're not making any sense..." 06[21:25] * Javy colors more. "It... the card. It looked like... like, uh, Kali, and she, she said... ah." He looks back at his picture, and puts a hand on it. "She said, uh... the Chariot knows." 02[21:26] * Tyler (CCD@72-161-135-94.dyn.centurytel.net) Quit (Quit: ) 06[21:26] * Javy slides the picture with the building a little, and says again, softer, barely audible, "Kali knows." 06[21:26] * Tiffany looks at Javy, hard. "What? I'm...no, Javy. Chariot is me. I'm..." She frowns. "I know? I know what?" 06[21:27] * Javy says at about the same softness, "Who Carlos is. Um. Or was." 01[21:27] I... 06[21:28] * Tiffany just stares at him, and squeaks out. "What?" 06[21:28] * Javy nods a couple of times, and focuses on his hand. "I... she said, you, you might not, ah, not realize it, but... but you do." 06[21:31] * Tiffany bites her lip for a moment. "But I..." She wrinkles her brow up a moment, seemingly biting it hard, as she looks down and away from Javy. "That's stupid Javy. I don't know any Carlos...Why would I..." 06[21:31] * Sydney shuts her notebook and puts it away. "I need to get going. See you guys tonight." And she hurries out. 06[21:32] * Tiffany doesn't notice Sydney going. She's focused on chewing her lip. "I mean...if I...if Kali...Kali doesn't know anybody outside of myself...so why...?" 06[21:33] * Tiffany blinks for a moment. 06[21:34] * Javy blinks as Syd heads out, and waves to her, before now looks across at the only person left here, confused. "I... I don't know. Um. About that, any of it. But Medea... she thinks you, ah, can help him. With... with who he was." 06[21:34] * Tiffany falls back into her chair for a moment, her eyes widening, looking a bit stunned. "No..it couldn't...no..." 06[21:36] * Javy looks concerned now, leaning on the table a bit. "Tiffany...?" 06[21:36] * Tiffany raises her hands up to hold the sides of her head, looking down. Her fingers seem to be trembling. "No, no, no, no...it couldn't..." She suddenly slams her hands down on the table and looks fearfully at Javy, yelling across the table. "SHE'S LYING! SHE HAS TO BE LYING! THERE'S NO WAY!" 06[21:39] * Tiffany falls back in her chair, trembling and breathing quickly. Her hand goes up to her chest and fumbles with her necklace chain, squeezing it hard, her knuckles almost turning white with her grip. Her whole body is shaking in the chair. 06[21:39] * Javy blanches, and sits back hurriedly in his chair. "I... please... I don't know. Why would she...?" He looks questioningly at her, surprise turning to concern. 06[21:41] * Tiffany doesn't seem to be focusing on Javy, she's almost rocking in her chair. her voice a whispering mutter, "It..it can't be true. She has to be lying. She can't be.." She puts her hand up to her bangs and grips them hard too, looking as small as she can. 06[21:42] * Javy looks more concerned, and then gets up, changing to the seat next to her. "Tiffany?" 06[21:42] * Tiffany doesn't seem to notice him, just gripping the necklace harder. 06[21:44] * Javy swallows once, and colors a little, but does reach over to tentatively put his hand on her shoulder, looking all sorts of concerned. 06[21:47] * Tiffany jumps out of her seat at the touch, knocking Javy's hand away and almost trying to shove Javy back. She looks freaked out for a moment. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She huffs and breathes for a moment, then notices for a moment, eyes focusing on Javy. "I...I'm sorry Javy...I..." She frowns. "I...don't think I can go with you guys tonight. I need to meet with Carlos." 06[21:48] * Javy colors more, and looks at his hand to her and back again, rebalancing himself tightly in the chair. "I... uh... should I...?" 06[21:49] * Tiffany grabs her stuff quickly, biting her lip. "I'm sorry Javy...I..." She heads for the door. 06[21:51] * Javy watches her, and nods, unable to really say anything now. 06[21:52] * Tiffany puts her hand up to her face and wipes her eyes before she goes out, not taking much care with the door as she closes it. 06[21:53] * Javy looks at the closed door for a couple of beats before going back to his drawing, looking at it, and adding a few more lines. [21:57] <@Ardweden> [Session End!]