01<@Ardweden> [Day: Saturday, September 25. Time: 12:47.] 01<@Ardweden> [Hank had his hands full overnight, what with dealing with Kali... and who knows what she's on about? Or anyone. What's really important is they were looking for Natalie in a Harry Potter fanfic, more or less. At least there was no Harry/Draco slashfic.] 01<@Ardweden> [Now he's waking up.] 01<@Ardweden> [Start!] 06* Hank wakes up. 01<@Ardweden> [Hank sees the ceiling! That's exciting?] 06* Hank sits up and rubs his face. "Sumnabitch." 06* Hank gets out of bed, gets changed, and considers whether he wants to spend the day tuning his bike or punching things. Not live things. Probably. 06* Hank instead grabs his cell phone and calls Sydney. Timing! "Hello?" 06* Hank paces around his room, rubbing his eyes. "Hey Sydney, it's Hank. How's your sister?" "Hank! Hi! She's... kind of responsive? She woke up a bit when I went in and talked to her and nudged her a little, so... we aren't too late." 06* Hank nods. "Good. That's good." Idly he looks at a blank spot on his wall; he should put something there. "Guess we gotta go back in tonight, finish things." "Yeah. Yeah, we do." She waits a few moments and lets out a breath. "...I didn't mean for it to take this long. I mean... I didn't mean to take this long. Maybe we should've gone in, swords drawn and everything. I just wanted... I just wanted to try and work with it, this time." 06* Hank shakes his head. It never even occurs to him how dumb that is, since Sydney can't see him. "Nah. We did it right. I mean, I don't mean t' get all preachy, but we don't know about the population of that world, do we? Like, if they're not other humans, what are they? An' if they are....." 06* Hank sighs. "Let's just stick with asking questions 'fore we shoot." "Right. Yeah." She pauses again for a bit. "Okay, look, can I just... can I just vent to you? Is it okay?" 06* Hank checks the clock. "Sure. Go on." "I'm really pretty mad at Tiffany right now. I mean, first she goes off and does something that she won't even tell us about, and then she comes in and tries to take charge and everything like she *didn't* skip out on us!" You sure that even was Tiffany? "What do you mean? Why wouldn't it be her?" Well, I an't blamin' you fer bein' mad, what with her goin' off on her own in secret. But think about when she showed up again. Like ya said, real bossy, real aggressive, wanting to stab anythin' that looked at her wrong, wantin' to stab that teacher before we even knew fer sure if she was the problem... I'm thinkin' maybe it ain't the teacher we should be mindin'. "So, what, you think that was a doppelganger? Or something trying to fool us? That's... kind of scary. I thought we could at least trust that we were... well, us." I dunno. Mebbe. Mebbe I'm just overthinkin' things. But I hope not. 'Cause I don't like thinkin' 'bout the alternative. 06* Hank glances at the clock. "Gettin' late. Hey Sydney, I wanna do something with Susanna today. You wanna come? I'll buy ya lunch." "Ooop, hang on, I'm getting a text!" 01<@Ardweden> [Sydney hangs up on him. Oops?] 06* Hank stares at his phone. "Sheesh, Syd. Ya didn't have t' be like that, it was only a sammich." 06* Hank stuffs his phone in his pocket and goes to find his sister. 01<@Ardweden> [While Hank goes out to find his sister, or maybe just get ready for the day because he's realizing he hasn't gone to the bathroom yet, his phone rings *again*.] ( Maybe he doesn't need to go >.> ) 06* Hank answers his phone. "Yo." Sure is. We'll meet ya somewhere in town? "Great! We could do the Bagel Bunch?" Let me check with Susanna. She might wanna go somewhere. If that ain't too mcuh a bother. "Oh yeah, sure! Just let me know where!" Aight, call ya back in a bit. 06* Hank hangs up, and goes to make himself presentable (run a comb through his hair once or twice and brush his teeth) before finding Susanna. 01<@Ardweden> [Hank loses the morning breath! Sweet! He goes out to find Susanna in this big, new house of theirs. They've been here for a couple of months and it still doesn't feel like home.] 06* Hank wishes he had one of those little carts at the airport. 01<@Ardweden> [It'd be pretty sweet, but this isn't the dream realm, so his wishing doesn't make it happen. He wanders for a while and eventually finds Susanna in their exercise room, running on the treadmill. "Mornin'!" she calls, a little out of breath.] 01<@Ardweden> [Never mind that it's afternoon.] 06* Hank leans against the doorway. "Mornin' Suz. I thought I was the one who got up early to exercise 'round here." 01<@Ardweden> [Susanna shrugs, huffing a bit. "Ain't gonna... beat nobody up," she says with a smirk. "But I got a little bored."] 06* Hank grins. "Too bored to go to town? Reckon we could get somethin' to eat, maybe do some shoppin'.... Been a while since I spent the big bucks." 01<@Ardweden> ["Well, I guess I could do fer some lunch, and it's better 'n' spendin' 'family time'." Susanna makes with the air quotes, never mind that Hank is family. She starts slowing the treadmill. "Gimme some time ta get ready?"] 06* Hank nods. "Aight. Hey, I asked Sydney to come, too. Remember her from school? Hope ya don't mind." 01<@Ardweden> ["No...?" Susanna brings the treadmill to a slow. "She a girl you sweet on?"] 06* Hank blinks a few times. "Huh? Nah, she's just a friend." I mean she's nice enough and all, but I ain't looked at her that way before. 06* Hank straightens up. "Why? Y'think she's hot?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Dunno. Guess we'll check her out at lunch, see 'f I approve."] 06* Hank snickers besides himself. "I'll call her and tell her it's on. Oh, where d'ya wanna go?" She suggested the... what was it. Bagel Bunch? Or somethin'. 01<@Ardweden> ["Sure, sounds good! Way better 'n' anythin' Pa'd plan. Gimme half an hour?"] 06* Hank nods. "Gotcha." He exits the room. 06* Hank texts Sydney. "hey syd sus says bagel bunch is fine meet u in 1 hr" "Yay see you then!" 01<@Ardweden> [And so, Hank and Susanna get ready to go to the Bagel Bunch! Do they even know where that is? ... Well, there's GPS, so that's probably not an issue.] 01<@Ardweden> [End!]