01<@Ardweden> [Day: Saturday, September 25. Time: 12:47.] 01<@Ardweden> [Tyler's waking up in his own bed, the chaos from Natalie's dream still filling his head. At least he won't get eaten by a dragon or skewered by swords in reality. Probably. Right?] 01<@Ardweden> [Natural light is filling his room, telling him exactly how late it probably is.] 01<@Ardweden> [Start!] 06* Tyler groans and stretches in bed looking around. He barely rolls over to grab his phone and check messages. 01<@Ardweden> [No messages.] 06* Tyler puts his phone down staring at the ceiling. 01<@Ardweden> [The ceiling stares back. Or would if it had eyes.] 06* Tyler sighs. "Well, are we going to meet up or do I spend the day with my friends or..." He rolls back over grabbing his phone and glancing at his calendar before sending a message off to Steve. "Awake?" 01<@Ardweden> [After a few minutes, Tyler's phone blinks with a message from Steve. "Y"] 06* Tyler sighs staring at the Y, waiting a few more minutes before typing in. "What are you plans?" 01<@Ardweden> [Steve: "Nothing special. What's up?"] 06* Tyler waits a few more minutes before responding. "Complicated." He stops and then deletes that word. "Quiet. Not sure if something is going on. Don't want to check." 01<@Ardweden> ["K let me know if you want to do stuff."] 06* Tyler smiles a bit at the message. "Thanks. Will txt one way or another soon." He sends that out and just kindof flops back on the bed. 01<@Ardweden> [No response!] 06* Tyler slowly gets out of bed, heading off to shower and get his hair ready for the day. 01<@Ardweden> [Tyler steps into the hallway, and he sees his father walking towards him with a suit on. "Good morning," he says with a big smile that Tyler *knows* means he has something to tell him.] 06* Tyler immedately puts on a matching smile. "Good morning. What's going on?" 01<@Ardweden> ["I've got a meeting to go to," Tyler's dad says, walking by (and, again, Tyler knows that he expects him to go with him). "But next weekend there's a charity dinner, and we've been invited to attend."] 06* Tyler follows along behind. "Oh, what time? I'll make sure I'm ready." That smile plastered to his face. 01<@Ardweden> ["4:30 next Saturday," Mr. Smith says as he jogs down the stairs. He grabs his coat at the bottom and turns to look at Tyler. "Your mother's got all details." He turns to leave, then remembers something and says to him, "If you have anyone you're sweet on, you're welcome to invite her. All right?"] 06* Tyler goes even more fake smiles, if that was possible. "Of course. I'll see if I can bring a date." 01<@Ardweden> [His dad doesn't seem to notice that the smile was *completely fake*. He claps Tyler on the shoulder. "Good to hear, sport. I'll try to get home in time for dinner." And with that, he's out into the garage.] 06* Tyler sighs and takes a deep breath running back upstairs and searching his phone to see if he perhaps didn't completely delete Tiffany's phone number. 01<@Ardweden> [He did not, because it's WAY more interesting this way.] 06* Tyler hits dial on it straight away, cursing under his breath. 06* Tyler glares at his phone. "Fuck, fuck fuck, fuck... come on pick up." 01<@Ardweden> [Tiffany picks up!] 06* Tyler lets out a happy cheer. "Tiffany? Please be you." "What? What the fuck are you on about, Tyler?" Look you know that girl you were going to hook me up with? Things have changed. Big time. I don't care about homecoming. I need a date next Sturday. 4:30. Black tie charity. This is more important than homecoming. I don't know what I did to make you made, but... can I make it up to you and we talk about that and maybe the girl and how Sydney isn't horrible? "....I'm gonna hang the fuck up on you now, okay?" 06* Tyler just deflates. "I..." he sighs looking at the phone silent for a good couple seconds. "That's okay. Look. I'm sorry. I want to say sorry. Can you gather folks at the park in an hour? They will listen to you." "Look, Tyler...it's...no...this isn't about *you*. Not everything's about *you*, okay?" "They'll..." She almost croaks. "...what? No they won't, Tyler. What planet are you on...?" 06* Tyler sighs. "Look, they care about you, they don't care about me. We both know it. You're part of the team, you sit at their table, you talk to them every day. They will listen to you. I'll bring folks lunch." 06* Tiffany ughs. Tyleeeeeer. Why do you make this so haaaard? "I...*look*. I'll...I'll do the girl thing. I'm...I'm gonna talk with Christina tomorrow. See if she knows anybody. Alright? But I *can't* talk to them now. I've...I've got an appointment soon." 06* Tyler lets out a little happy sigh. "Thank you. Next Saturday. 4:30. Has to be a girl." 06* Tiffany is about to hang up, but waits for a second at that. "...why would I get someone who isn't a girl?" 06* Tyler laughs. "Steve would have me dating a pizza and can you think of what Josh would hook me up with?" 06* Tiffany makes a face, though Tyler can't see it. "Don't wanna. Um. Alright. Gotta go. Uh, you *can* call them, Tyler. I'm sure they'll meet up with you if you ask." 06* Tyler sounds so relieved. "Black tie. IF she needs a dress I'll take her shopping. Just.. Thank you. I'll let you go. Bye." [Tiffany hangs up on the other end!] 06* Tyler goes through his phone and digs out Sydney's number to call her. 01<@Ardweden> [To main channel!]