01<@Ardweden> [Day: Sunday, September 26. Time: ?] 01<@Ardweden> [Kali and Scathach are outside of a classroom, facing off against two professors in Hogwarts. Kali was just thrown into the wall with tremendous force from McGonagall's stupefy spell. It's supposed to just be a stunning hex, but that thing has a KICK to it. The books never covered that part.] 01<@Ardweden> [Regardless, she's bleeding a bit from impact. She's welcome to describe.] 01<@Ardweden> [Start!] 06* Kali sits, grip still on one of her swords as two of her other hands go up to wipe her mouth. Her nose wrinkles a little at the trickle of blood, head still swimming with her eyes still on Gonagall. "Looks like we try things the hard way then..." Gripping her other sword, she bamfs and is suddenly in the air behind Gonagall, swiping with her swords. 06* Kali 's slash turns crimson as her sword streaks with Gonagall blood, the other sword slashing upward even before she lands. Her stance seems a little woozy at that as the blood splatters on her face. "I gave you a chance!" she calls out. 06* Scathach does nothing. Yet. But she does whisper harshly at Kali, "You are a fool. You may have single-handedly ruined Hien's chance to save her sister." 01<@Ardweden> [McGonagall lets out a scream, and she staggers away, cluthing at the new wounds in her chest.] 06* Kali turns towards Scathach, eyes glazed over a bit. "Yes, I saw you helping a lot." She points her swords to the two of them. "They're...hnnngh...they're *hiding* something! I know it!" Her nose wrinkles again. 01<@Ardweden> [Nevertheless, with a steady hand she raises her wand again and yells, "Incendio!" Fire spews from the tip of the wood, immolating the four-armed giant of a woman.] 06* Scathach holds out one hand, and the darkness around her coalesces into a long, solid bar of dark, with a broad sharp point at the front end. "I hope for your sake she was in time." Then she charges at MacGonagal, thrusting the spear-like object at her. 06* Kali grits her teeth against the fire. She seems to be willing it not to hurt as much as it does. She's not doing a very effective job of it. "You know. I'm sick and tired of lectures from people who don't know anything..." If looks could kill, MacGonagal would be so murdered right now. 06* Scathach thrusts the spear into MacGonagal, the darkness seeming to explode within her body as it enters her. The tip peeks out from the other side, blood oozing around it. "And you think you know better? This conflict could have been avoided." She jerks the spear back, drawing it out. 01<@Ardweden> [Flitwick raises his wand and, with a voice much more powerful than anyone would expect yells, "Expecto Patronum!" The area is FILLED with light - it washes over Kali and Susano-O (who just stepped in) but does nothing. Scathach manages to hear/feel the attack coming and makes herself scarce - just barely - before the light bursts out to where she just was.] 06* Kali squints at the light then, then turns her eyes darkly on Scathach, or rather where she was, flames simply making her more of a hell woman. Her voice is a hiss as she keeps her swords ready. "Not a conflict. War. And they fired first..." 06* Scathach brushes her cloak off as though it were on fire. 06* Kali then turns her focus back on MacGonagal. She seems pretty beat up, on fire, and not happy. But it's hard for her to focus on anything else. Her tongue goes up to lick her bloodied lips and she's suddenly in front of the wizard woman, moving to impale her with both swords. 06* Scathach stares at Kali incredulously. "You are insane." 06* Susano-o stares at the scene, and says softly, wonderingly, "Kali..." 06* Kali thrusts her swords so the tips jam into the hallway through the woman, right through the gut. After making sure she's going to drop, her swords are withdrawn and she licks the blood off her sword, almost drunkenly before her eyes turn to Flitwick. "So. Are *you* going to answer?" 06* Kali staggers a bit after she says that with a woozy stance, almost drug-like. Might be from bloodloss. Who knows? 01<@Ardweden> [McGonagall dies, lying on the ground, and her blood pools out from her, spreading like an inky blackness. Flitwick's backing away from the growing pool in fear.] 06* Scathach lowers her spear, keeping her attention split between Kali and Flitwick. She glances at Susano-o. "Was Hien in time?" In time for what? They are talking. Imp and Hien and her sister. 01<@Ardweden> [As if to answer, the entire world starts to quake, and Kali can't maintain her balance.] 06* Scathach keeps her eyes on Flitwick. "In time---" And then she's busy keeping her balance. "In time to remind her sister who she is?" 06* Susano-o catches against the wall, and looks concernedly from Kali to Flitwick. "We have done nothing but. But she does not want to hear it." 06* Kali slips on the blood now and catches her sword, landing in the pool. There's barely a sound of a squeak as she gets her feet, her bottom wet with the stuff. And starts laughing...yes, maybe she *is* insane. *Laughing*. 01<@Ardweden> [Kali slips and falls into the pool - face first, in fact, and she almost feels like she's beginning to drown. Flitwick turns and runs.] 06* Susano-o crosses quickly to Kali, and his eyes flash blue, before he puts his hands towards her, and summons some rain to fall on her. In the hallway. 06* Scathach doesn't chase Flitwick. Her spear dissipates, returning to the rest of the darkness surrounding her. She glances at Susano-o. 06* Kali keeps giggling, not noticing that Flitwick's going away, rolling over in the pool. She's an absolute *mess*. Hopefully it puts the fire out a bit. She waves Susano-O off with her hands, though it's questionable if she even sees him. "*PHOBETOR!*" she calls out. 06* Scathach narrows her eyes at that, but has no comments. She stands still as a statue. 01<@Ardweden> [The blackness separates from below Kali's face, and it merges back into a dark, rotting creature with burning red eyes and tattered black robes. As if to answer Kali's call, it shrieks - a thousand nails on a blackboard - and then flies forward to slam into and through the classroom door, knocking it clear off its hinges.]