01<@Ardweden> [Day: Tuesday, September 28. Time: About lunch. At least, it would be lunch if she was at school.] 01<@Ardweden> [It's chilly but getting warmer, and she's split off with Tony a while back. In theory, he should be visiting Tyler. But that's not where Heather is! Heather decided to go for a walk, and she's wandered right into the Square.] 01<@Ardweden> [She's really, really hungry, too. Could be because it's lunch time. Could be because she has the munchies. It could very well be both.] 01<@Ardweden> [The Square has a few people in it, all adults. Some are an elderly woman heading into city hall, a man on his phone and walking at a brisk pace towards his car, and a college-aged couple walking their dog.] 01<@Ardweden> [What does Heather do?] 01<@Ardweden> [Start!] 06* Heather heads for food! Specifically a Chinese restaurant, if there is one on the square. 01<@Ardweden> [There is! It's a greasy, cheap take out place called China X-Press. This makes it totally different from China Express, the chain.] 06* Heather is sure it is! She heads inside. 01 [Heather walks in to the greasy Chinese place. It's... well, it's a little bit run down, but it's a China X-Press. What do you expect. Above the ordering counter are a number of specials, all helpfully labeled 1-10. At the counter is a definitely not Chinese, definitely actually white dude with glasses and long hair in a ponytail, tied so fits through his maroon China X-Press hat. He's messing with his phone.] 01 [There's also a TV on, over in a corner by the door. It sounds like the news.] 06* Heather approaches the white guy. "Hi." 01 [He looks up from his phone and pockets it. "What can I get for ya?"] 06* Heather considers for a bit, looking for something filling, yet cheap. "Kung Pao chicken, I guess." 01 ["You want an eggroll or a crabmeat rangoon? And fried or steamed rice?"] Eggroll. And steamed, I guess. 01 ["Cool." He punches it in. "That'll be 6.78."] 06* Heather grabs her wallet and hands him some money. Purses? So last decade. 01 [They so are, but it's hard to wear skirts without them. He takes the money and hands her the change, then says, "It'll be a little bit," before towards the back, probably to help cook. So much for express. Or X-press. At least there are a couple of tables with two chairs each.] 06* Heather nods, takes a seat, and gets her phone out to check Facebook. 01 [Things seem to be going pretty well on the Facebook! She sees some cat pictures, a series of wedding pictures, a post about waffles with ice cream for breakfast and another where some guy is ranting about how Republicans are idiots which has about 50 responses about how they're not (or are, whatever, it's a Facebook argument).] 06* Heather makes the rounds! "Cute. =^_^=" "Congrats on your wedding!" "I want some :9" "Nobody cares." 01 [Meanwhile, on the television, a female newscaster says, "Storybrooke Preparatory, a private school on the border of Storybrooke and Ashgate, has had a series incidents in which students have fallen asleep and not woken up. Those who have fallen victim to these 'sleep comas' seem otherwise fine. Authorities are scrambling to find out what is wrong, but it is deeply reminiscent of what happened this past summer when Jason Matthews was the first in what turned out to be a small string of similar incidents..."] 06* Heather stops her Facebooking, suddenly intrigued by the news. Have there been reports of the incidents happening that far out before? 01 [Periodically; Storybrooke is the private school equivalent to Ashgate High. That there's been so many is new to Heather, though. The screen has switched to a medical expert who is reporting things about the sleep comas, but it's nothing significantly different from what the newscaster already said.] 06* Heather listens intently. 01 [After a few minutes, it switches back to the announcer, who starts going over possible reasons why this could be happening. Barring illness, drugs are high on the list, but the authorities are baffled as to which drug it could be.] ( Clearly Sho is behind this ) 01 (Clearly!) 01 (Take an elevator and find out!) 06* Heather doubts that it's drugs. For some reason. 01 [Right about now, the dude at the counter calls, "Kung pao chicken!"] 06* Heather gets up and goes to retrieve her food! "Thanks." 01 ["Sure thing." He looks up at the TV. "Sucks, doesn't it?"] 06* Heather glances at it too. "Yeah." 01 ["Friend's sister got stuck in one of those comas. Really did a number on him."] 06* Heather glances back. "Yeah? Who is she?" 01 ["Jessica Barnes." He looks at Heather. "Why, you know her?"] 06* Heather shakes her head. "No, but I know someone who was affected. I thought maybe it was the same person." 01 ["Man." He frowns back at the TV. "Tough break."] 06* Heather nods. "Yeah." 01 [The bell rings behind Heather, and a thirty-something woman a blouse and slacks, obviously on her lunch break, heads for the counter. The guy behind the counter immediately starts looking attentive.] 06* Heather grabs some water, then retreats to a table and starts eating. She keeps an eye on the news. 01 [The program has switched to a story about some sort of fundraiser for disabled children taking place at the end of the week.] 06* Heather sighs and focuses on her food instead. 01 [It's greasy and spicy and chickeny. Everything she's come to expect from China X-Press' kung pao chicken.] 06* Heather is okay with that! 01 [And so, Heather has delicious, greasy Chinese food!] 01 [End!]