01<@Ardweden> [Day Thursday/Friday, August 26/27. Time: Midnight.] 01<@Ardweden> [Kali awakens in Haven, which is currently a red and gold throne room, with pillars and a large, ornate throne on a dias in the back. The stained glass windows are the same as when she first awoke there.] 01<@Ardweden> [Mini Start.] 06* Kali unfolds herself from the position in the Haven and lifts her right hand half subconsciously to look at her wrists before she remembers that she has two right hands when they both lift. When she notices both the arms lifting, she lets out a bit of a sigh. "So it wasn't a dream after all. Or...well it was, but..." She rubs her forehead, again subconsciously with two of her hands. "This is so confusing." 06* Kali stands up and looks around the Haven to see if anyone else has entered in here tonight. She's still not quite sure how exactly this works. 01<@Ardweden> [Nope, doesn't seem there's anybody else there.] 06* Kali does a second glance over and starts to call out. "Hey! Walrus!" Then she remembers herself that he's probably not going to be able to get in here. She makes her way towards the outside instead. 01<@Ardweden> [Kali opens the doors! There's the same gray fog she saw before, obscuring all view to the outside.] 06* Kali takes in a deep breath and steps through. 01<@Ardweden> [Kali ends up in Ashgate Square - or the dream version, anyway. It looks much the same, although the buildings are at different angles than she remembers and the sky's colors are muted by swirling clouds that were definitely not here last time. Hanging on the handle behind her, she sees the hat Hien left behind the previous night.] 06* Kali looks at the hat and picks it up off the handle, setting it down on the ground and then sitting crosslegged next to it. She tries again. "Hey Walrus." 01<@Ardweden> [The hat says, "Hello!"] So you are there. Are you going to be coming out or am I going to be talking to a hat? 01<@Ardweden> ["Why Kali dear, I don't see what's so different when it comes to talking to a cat or a hat. Or a goddess, perhaps?"] You know very well I'm not a goddess. Now out of that hat. 01<@Ardweden> ["And a demanding one! Fine, just give me a moment to change."] 01<@Ardweden> [A minute or so after, and the Walrus (cat) pops out of the hat, boots and all. He lands next to it on his hind legs and uses the cane to flip it up into the air and onto his head, then looks up at Kali curiously. "What's the occassion. Storm brewing?" Saying so, he points the cane at the sky.] Apparently so, but I can't say that that's my doing. Do storms come here often? 01<@Ardweden> [The cat grins a grin full of teeth. "Depends on what you mean by 'often'."] As well as I can in a place where time has little meaning, Cat. 01<@Ardweden> [The Walrus looks offended. "One does not take names lightly. You seem to know this well. Does the one I offered not suit?"] 06* Kali leans back on two of her hands. "It may. It's too soon to tell. But I'm not obligated to please you when you are being horrendously vague, now am I?" 01<@Ardweden> [The Walrus smiles. "Exactly correct. And I am not obligated to please you at all!"] But you wish to deal with us. For some reason. So while not obligated, I would think you'd have some incentive to. Otherwise you wouldn't have sought us out. 01<@Ardweden> [He extends his little kitty claws and idly inspects them. "It is true that as a third party, I find you quite fascinating. You and your friends. Who are not here right now, I notice."] 06* Kali shakes her head and looks at the cat. "No. They're not." 01<@Ardweden> ["Well?"] 06* Kali looks at her own nails, away from the cat. "Well what?" 01<@Ardweden> [The Walrus sighs. "You're all the same. I'll be going then." And he turns and starts sauntering down the road.] 06* Kali sighs too and scrunches up her knees, folding herself up. "Wait. Hold up. I'm sorry." She looks down. "It hasn't been the best of days." 01<@Ardweden> [The Walrus turns and studies Kali for a moment, then smiles. "We can work it out." He walks back, thinking, and then adds, "Perhaps not so much, that isn't my department. But I am willing to talk. It's one of my favorite things to do."] 01<@Ardweden> [In the distance, thunder rumbles, and a raindrop falls onto the shimmering pavement nearby. It sounds like a wind chime and splatters in slow motion.] 06* Kali nods slightly, curling up more. "I'm actually glad they're not here though." 01<@Ardweden> ["Ah, but you'll get *by* with a little help from your friends." The Walrus nudges Kali's leg with his cane encouragingly, and another raindrop falls with another chime.] That's...not it. 01<@Ardweden> ["Is it?" Two more raindrops make a chord, and the Walruscat flips his cane up. It turns into an umbrella - go figure.] 06* Kali looks over at the Walruscat and brushes what hair is peeking out under her crown to the side. She keeps her other arm still this time. "Getting by's assuming we're all here for the same reasons." 01<@Ardweden> ["Every being has their own reason, Kali. A reason for living, a reason for learning, a reason for killing, a reason for dying. They're almost never alike. Much like this storm, here. Right now, it's harmony." A three note chord falls, followed by a melodic scale, the last note landing on Kali's nose. "Soon, it will be cacophany."] What brings people here? How do you find someone you know is here? 01<@Ardweden> ["Dreams and nightmares, desires and fears, and everything in between." The Walrus smiles. "But you knew that. You are a *smart* girl, Kali dear. As for the other- the same." He tilts his head, expectantly, as more rain falls. It sounds quite pretty, at least for now, and Kali's slowly getting wet.] 06* Kali doesn't seem to mind the wet. At least for now. "What about someone who might have lost themselves?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Ah, that is more difficult. Those truly lost to this place are lost to the dream." Pause. "Not so much the nightmare. Your kind usually rejects those quite quickly."] 06* Kali tilts her head slightly. "My kind?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Your kind." The Walrus looks up at the sky, raindrops sliding off his umbrella. "All kinds come here."] 01<@Ardweden> [The storm intensifies, and the sound it's creating is becoming increasingly less pleasant.] 06* Kali sighs. "Would you like to come inside?" 01<@Ardweden> [The Walrus perks right up. "Why, I thought you would never offer!"] 06* Kali grins at him. "I was tempted earlier." She sighs and rubs her arms. "I'm not as nice as people think I am. Come on in." She opens the door back up to the Haven and steps inside. 01<@Ardweden> [He heads in, purring and nudging against Kali's leg as he enters.] 06* Kali heads on in as well, then ponders for a moment. "Would it be easier to dream up a towel or just imagine myself dry?" 01<@Ardweden> ["A towel, most likely." The cat reaches back with his cane (wasn't it an umbrella?) and shuts the door behind him.] 06* Kali nods and does just that, holding out her hand for said towel. 01<@Ardweden> [And a plush and fluffy bath towel appears draped over her arm!] 06* Kali starts drying herself off with the towel. "So how does one find someone who's been lost to the dream?" 01<@Ardweden> ["When someone is truly, truly lost, they live here. Well, not here specifically, but here." The Walrus gestures around, then smiles a toothy smile at Kali. "That you can't find your friend may be an encouraging sign."] 06* Kali frowns. "How is that encouraging?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Why, then they might not be lost. Maybe you can still save them." Pause. "Or you might not have searched enough. It's hard to say, really."] How would I even know if I found them though? Things in the dream don't look anything like things outside of it... 06* Kali gives the Walruscat an odd look, and ties the towel around her waist. "I think it's pretty certain that I haven't searched enough since I just arrived here." She gives a long sigh. 01<@Ardweden> [He doesn't seem bothered. He may be used to odd looks.] 01<@Ardweden> ["I can't say. Mostly because I don't know. Possible? Yes. Certain?" He shrugs.] 06* Kali sighs and slumps into the throne, tossing the towel onto the back and crossing her legs. "It all seems so hopeless..." 01<@Ardweden> [The walrus walks up the dias and hops into the armrest, curling up. From his position, he looks up at Kali with his green, green eyes. "Seems, but not is." Sometimes there's little difference. 01<@Ardweden> [The Walrus lets out a small sigh. "I understand your plight, but you do have a much greater chance than most of your kind ever get."] 06* Kali looks over at the Walrus. "Are we the first ones?" 01<@Ardweden> ["What would make you happy?"] 06* Kali frowns. "What do you mean?" 01<@Ardweden> ["You seem so miserable. I rather think what I'm saying isn't making you happy. I'm not very good at making people happy, you see."] 06* Kali half-smiles. "You should focus on what you're good at then." She then shakes her head. "It's not your fault. You're being honest and I appreciate that. Even if I don't like the answers." 01<@Ardweden> [The Walrus purrs. "Why thank you."] You didn't answer my question though. *Are* we the first? 01<@Ardweden> ["It would be almost silly if you were, wouldn't it?"] 06* Kali eyes Walrus. "I'm a red woman with four arms talking to a talking purple cat coming in from a thunder storm that makes music as it hits the ground. You're going to lecture me about silly?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Well!" The cat huffs. "None of *that* is silly."] 06* Kali rubs her forehead again. "Of course it isn't." 01<@Ardweden> ["Unless it's all silly." He rubs his chin, then says, "You do have a point."] So that's a no then. 06* Kali pauses for a moment, thoughtful. "What...happened to the others?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Oh, all sorts of things. I suppose ultimately they died, as so many do."] 01<@Ardweden> [He thinks. "At least... most of them."] 06* Kali nods for a moment, then tilts her head. "Most?" 01<@Ardweden> ["I don't keep track of *everything* that goes on, but yes, I'm quite sure. Most."] What happened to the ones that didn't die then? 01<@Ardweden> ["They're still alive, most likely." He smiles.] So basically you don't know. 01<@Ardweden> ["Is there anything else?"] 06* Kali sighs. "I don't think so." She gives a bit of a nod. "Thank you though. You've been more helpful than I was expecting." 01<@Ardweden> ["You're very welcome, Kali darling. And if I may help a little more?"] 06* Kali looks at the cat expectantly. 01<@Ardweden> ["Be careful when exploring alone. I mean you no harm, but..."] 06* Kali nods slightly after considering his words for a moment. "I understand." She then gives a half-smile. "You're worried for me?" 01<@Ardweden> ["Perhaps a little." The Walrus looks at his wrist. "Well, look at the time. I must be going!" With that, he jumps up and does a little flip into his hat, which floats back down onto the armrest.] 06* Kali picks up the hat and sets it outside the door. She'd make sure it was under an awning so it wouldn't get rained on but the fog makes it kind of hard. 01<@Ardweden> [The hat sits outside!] 06* Kali closes the door and sighs, slipping into the throne again, slumping. "I'm not sure if that made things better or worse..." 01<@Ardweden> [The throne doesn't answer. It's probably a good thing.] 06* Kali picks up the towel and looks at it for a second, tossing it up in the air and getting it out of existance. She looks thoughtful on the throne for a moment. It seems Walruscat gave her a lot to think about. 01<@Ardweden> [And so Kali thinks, and eventually she wakes.] 01<@Ardweden> [Mini End!]