01<@Ardweden> [Day: Saturday, September 25. Time: 1:10 pm.] 01<@Ardweden> [Sydney had just finished making plans to meet with Hank and his sister, Susanna, at the Bagel Bunch. Then her phone rang and Tyler's name came up on the screen. Is she going to pick up? What does he want?] 01<@Ardweden> [Start!] 06* Sydney gets another phone call! Wow, this day is really full of phone calls. She looks at the screen and blinks in surprise at who's calling. Then she answers. "Hello?" Sydney? That you? 06* Tyler sounds a little drained. Tyler? Hi! What's going on? I wanted to apologize for last night, can we meet up? Tiffany is out, but maybe the rest of us? 06* Sydney sounds surprised. "Uh, actually I was going to have lunch with Hank and his sister. You could come?" 06* Tyler is quiet for a while. "Oh... what about Javy?" 06* Sydney twirls her finger in her hair as she answers. "Javy sent me a text and said he has to help his dad today. He'll see us tonight." 06* Tyler flops on the bed. "Oh.. where are you going?" The Bagel Bunch. You know where it is? ...oh, shoot, I forgot to give them directions! Uh, they can just look it up, I guess. I hope. I could call them back? Should I call them back? No, no I'm sure they know where it's at. I.. Hey sydney how is your sister? 06* Sydney lets out a breath. "She... she's okay. She's awake. Ish. I mean, it's Saturday and she normally sleeps in on Saturday anyway, but... she woke up. So we're not too late." She pauses for a moment. "Maybe I should have talked to her more, but she wasn't all that much in a mood for a conversation, so... I don't know." 06* Tyler shifts a bit and just rolls over staring at the ceiling. "I.. I would have. I don't know why she'd want to be an only child. You don't seem that bad." 06* Sydney is silent for a bit, then she leans against the wall. "I don't seem that bad, huh?" Then she laughs. "You get a free ride on my head next time we're in the dream world." 06* Tyler laughs, and he seems less tense. "Well.. yeah, I mean who wouldn't want a sister like you? You care, you're there for her, you try to understand her." 01<@Ardweden> [Just as Sydney's about to respond, the door to Natalie's room opens and she stumbles right into Sydney. "Hey!" she says, irritably.] "Hang on a sec," Sydney says into the phone. "Nat! Hi! You're up! Want to go to lunch with some friends of mine?" 01<@Ardweden> [Natalie just gives Sydney a Look, made more fearsome (or comical) by her hair, which frames the sides of her face nicely. "Why would I want to do *that*?"] 06* Tyler just listens in waiting. Well, I just thought you might like to get out for a bit. Away from ... things? And maybe talk some? 01<@Ardweden> ["Things are fine, thanks. Can you move? I need to pee."] 06* Sydney scoots out of the way. "We were going to meet at the Bagel Bunch. I can wait for you to get ready, if you want to come. And we can just hang out. Relax. And stuff." 01<@Ardweden> [Natalie looks at Sydney for a moment, then says, "I'll think about it." And she hurries off to the bathroom.] 06* Sydney walks back to her room. "Tyler? You still there?" Yeah I'm here. Sounds like you're busy. So Nat might come to lunch with us! 06* Sydney sounds super-excited. But I don't think we should play twenty questions with her. That... would probably irritate her. 06* Tyler puts a smile on his face. "No, you shouldn't. Just listen. Pushing too much is bad. Real bad. Just kind of be there and talk. Don't force her into the conversation. Don't exclude her. Make sure she's in the conversation and isn't just there as a trophy" 06* Sydney blinks, not that Tyler can see her. "Wow, you... you really know a lot about these things." 06* Tyler goes very, very quiet for a bit and rolls over. "Yeah. I know about these things, but I wouldn't want you dead." 06* Sydney sits down on her bed. "Or... forgotten. I don't know. Maybe it's not literal? I ... don't know. This dream thing is confusing." 06* Tyler sighs. "Yeah.. it is. Hey Sydney, could I ask you a favor?" Uh, sure? What are you doing this saturday? I have a black tie charity to go to and I need a date. 06* Sydney bites her lip. "Are... are you asking me out? Or is this just as a friend thing? Because I can totally go as a friend, but, uh... um... you know. You know?" 06* Tyler gulps and rolls over on his bed some more. "This is just friends or... I just need someone that won't be objectionable that will make my parents smile. We can tell them anything you want to tell them. We're just friends? We're dating? We're saving the world from magical warlus cats? We're business partners in a steak house? Whatever. It doesn't matter as long as you look good, I look good, and we smile." He sounds bitter. I can be non-objectionable and well-behaved. And I help my friends. So yes, I'll do this. But you have to promise me something. 06* Tyler lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. Thank you so much. Do you need a dress? Shoes? Jewelry? A trip to the spa? Stylists?... I... what do I have to promise?" Rhi and I can take care of all the shopping. But... you have to promise that... this is just a friend thing. Okay? I promise this is just a friend thing. Okay, so... I guess I'll see you at the Bagel Bunch in a little while? 06* Tyler is very quiet. "Are you sure Hank wouldn't mind?" It's barely whispered out. About you coming to lunch with us? Well, his sister will be there, and so will Nat, so I think it'll work out. Just... try not to provoke him? 06* Tyler takes a deep breath and you could tell he's thinking hard. "I.. I'll be there." He sounds very nervous and unsure. Okay, see you then. 06* Tyler hangs up and sends Tiffany a text. "Got date for charity. Need date for homecoming still. K, Thnx, Kisses." 06* Tyler will get up and start getting ready for the day with that. 06* Sydney puts her phone in her pocket and starts pacing. Hopefully Natalie won't change her mind about coming, because this is going to be interesting. 01<@Ardweden> [End!]