01 [March 7, 4:30ish p.m.] Apologies if I was too slow, only that my own parental unit was on the phone... (Dude, All I remember about Katie's dad is that he's American and Brett gave him a cowboy hat.) 01 [After one high school graduation followed shortly by an impromptu Arcana reunion, Katie and Kyon finally managed to finish saying their goodbyes and make their way back to Sakuragaoka High School. The ceremony's well and over, though signs are still hanging outside and a few stragglers mill about nearby.] 01 (Yeah, about that, never give Brett the freedom of random choice when it comes to your background NPCs. You'll probably regret it!) 01 [Where are they going? Probably Kyon's bike, parked somewhere nearby. They might even make it without being attacked! Chances are decently likely, given the lack of said attacks over the past year.] 01 [Session Start.] (Case and point: Keiko mom.) (You're telling the person who's current character had an NPC named Dr. Doctor Shumacher.) 01 (Yeah, I think Doctor Doctor beat Keiko's mom.) 01 (Also, feel free to bring up an NPC and attack us, you two. I dare you.) (Doctor Doctor does lose more, yes.) 06* Kyon stalks off back from the restaurant, trying not to go too fast, heading for his motorcycle. "Took a while. Think your parents're getting impatient?" 06* Katie walks along, a bit of a skip to her step, trailing behind Kyon as he goes too fast even when he tries not to. "A little, maybe. They can wait." 06* Kyon nods curtly. "Yeah. Graduations bring out all sorts of old connections. They probably know." 01 They should... well... 06* Katie slows to a more normal walk, falling behind Kyon even more. "We were pretty good at keeping parents out of things. I don't know how much they do know. There's you and Kaede, at least." 06* Kyon slows and turns. "They met most of the others, though. Right?" 06* Katie keeps walking at the same pace, clearly thinking about that and catching up before long. "Maybe? I think they might've met... Satoshi? while I was in the hospital. I don't remember that well." 06* Kyon nods, and starts striding again. "Yeah. Shouldn't matter, though. So you have friends you want to see before they split off. That's natural." 01 Yeah. It's just kind of funny, when you think about it. 06* Kyon shrugs quickly. "Not really. Not like my parents have met any of you." 06* Katie snorts a little. "You'd might as well not have parents." 01 Seriously. They just shipped you off to a city far away, they never visit, and I bet they never call. Do they even know about me? 06* Kyon looks at her sidewise as he walks, bemused. "They're there. And they know about you. You'll meet them some time." 01 Right. No offense, but until I meet them, I'm going to assume they're cardboard cutouts put there by Sho because he thought it was convenient. (*snickers from the peanut gallery) 06* Kyon snorts. "Phone calls not good enough for you, then?" 06* Katie grins a little. "They could be talking cutouts." 06* Kyon barks out a laugh. "Right. Can tell them you're concerned about their continued existence." 01 Sure. Cardboard cutouts are fun. 06* Kyon shakes his head, amused. "They'll come." He pauses a beat, then adds, "Or now that you're done, we could go up." 06* Katie looks at Kyon, then blinks. "I'd... like that." And then she looks suddenly nervous. "Do you think they'd like me?" 06* Kyon smirks. "Should. They like spirit, talent. You've got both." 06* Katie smiles a touch, then darts in and gives Kyon a hug. (*Kyon doesn't reflexivly set her on fire! They're so cute together!) 06* Kyon lets out a breath, and tenses up, then relaxes halfway again, hugging her lightly back. "Probably like that you try winding me up, too." 06* Katie 'pffts'. "Everybody likes that." 01 I am *so glad* I didn't let Chikako keep you. 01 (*sets Gryph on fire*) 06* Kyon gives her a light pat on the back. "Me too." (*is currently made of future metals and is only scorched a little.) 01 (Curses!) 06* Katie pulls away and smiles up at her boyfriend. "So... now what? My place or stay out some more?" 06* Kyon looks back down at her, then towards the bike, in sight now. "Yeah. Can take the bike, go somewhere in between. Away from here. Won't keep them waiting too long." He smirks. "Don't want to make them regret inviting me." 06* Katie laughs. "Okay." She starts walking again, the skip back in her step, and if Kyon doesn't move with her he's going to get tugged once she steps too far. 06* Kyon picks up his pace smoothly. "Mom comes through sometimes. Book tours. She wanted you to meet them both at the same time, though." 01 Your mother's an author? 06* Kyon glances over at her. "Yeah. Under her maiden name." 06* Katie nods. 01 What does she write? Mysteries. Historical fiction. Goes back and forth. 01 That sounds fun. I don't read a lot of either, but maybe I should look sometime. What's her name? Kashiwara. Kashiwara Tomoe. 06* Katie nods again, making a mental note of it. 06* Kyon adjusts his sunglasses. "Got some of her books around my place, if you want a look." 06* Katie laughs. "Sure, why not." They finally reach the bike, and she looks at Kyon expectantly. 06* Kyon unhooks a helmet for her, and passes it over, before putting on his own and straddling the bike, waiting for her to get on, too. 06* Katie adjusts the helmet as she digs earplugs out of her coat pocket with one hand, then quickly puts them in her ears. She's long discovered, after all, that motorcycles are LOUD. This is followed by putting the helmet on and getting on the bike herself, holding on to Kyon. 06* Kyon waits until she has a good grip, seizing up only for a moment before relaxing on the bike, and then starts the ignition and kicks off! 01 (Want to cutscene to wherever they may be going? ^^) (Sure!) (I am thinking somewhere small and cafe-ish, not too many people, is where he'd choose.) 01 (Okay. I remember there being a Pao Pao Cafe, but that's all Arcana- y. There was also that cake parloer from one of the minis that he took her to once.) 01 (Or could go somewhere entirely different.) 01 (They are having cake later, after all. ;P) (Any of those anywhere near her house?) (Yeah, he won't be doubling up on the cake.) 01 (I don't recall establishing anything near Katie's house.) (Willing to stipulate he found a quiet, relaxed place somewhere near her place within the past year? =P) 01 (Yes!) 03* Grysar (Android@131.sub-75-198-224.myvzw.com) has joined #arcana (goes to play wii fit while lurking) [Kyon's destination is a small cafe near her parents' place called Easy Epoque. It's a strange mix of French cafe fixings and classic British punk posters on the wall. But it's got the best coffee anywhere nearby, and nice little sweets and sandwiches!] (Sure, feel free! And hi. ^_^) 06* Kyon parks his bike in front, looking in through the window. Good, it's not too busy. 06* Katie also looks through the window. She doesn't show any apprehension, but Kyon probably knows from experience that some is there. 06* Katie removes the helmet and hands it back to him before also removing her earplugs. 06* Kyon takes the helmet and stows it, along with his own, locking down the bike. "This good?" 06* Katie nods. She gets off the bike and heads on in, holding the door open for Kyon. 06* Kyon follows in along behind her. Inside, there's faint, soft covers of punk classics mixed in with accordions playing, but the tables are all little circles covered in white tableclothes, with firm light wooden chairs. There's one open by the window! 01 (Accordians and punk. This place is awesome!) (It also really feels to me like somewhere you'd find randomly in Japan.) 06* Katie so completely claims that table. Score! 01 (Japan frightens yet intrigues me.) (My favorite little cafe in Yamagata was Swiss looking, except with Springsteen. And lots of manga free to read.) (These things happen.) 06* Kyon slides into the seats opposite. "You want anything? Just coffee?" 06* Katie shakes her head. "Just coffee." 01 I'm still full. 06* Kyon nods, and catches the eye of the waiter, a young man wearing a prim black and white uniform matched to an bright red faux-hawk. He holds up two fingers, and the man nods back and heads to the counter. 06* Kyon looks back at her, and there are a few signs of discomfort on his cool expression, his eyes a little tighter than usual, his mouth slightly turned down. "Shouldn't be long. This place's got good service." 06* Katie scans the room. "I remember." She looks to Kyon for a moment, noting the tension. "Are you okay?" 06* Kyon blinks a couple of times, and forces his face smooth. "Yeah, fine." 06* Katie eyes Kyon suspiciously a little longer, then breaks contact, going back to idly scanning the room. [There are lots of interesting little punk decor bits around the room - smashed guitar bits, a bottle signed by Johnny Rotten, and the like. And also some classic French ads and a little red windmill on a bookshelf.] 06* Katie idly wonders why the people who put this place together thought that this was a good combination. Japan continues to slightly baffle her. [Not too many other customers in here at the moment. The waiter comes back with two allonges in little yellow and white cups, setting them down with long sugar packets and a small pitcher of milk. He nods quietly, and walks back towards the bar.] 06* Kyon nods a curt thanks, and then takes his coffee and starts stirring some sugar into it, not looking up. "So. You got a place lined up yet for college life?" 01 No. Haven't even picked a school yet. I should do that... 06* Katie slides her cup closer and starts applying sugar and milk to coffee. Seems she likes quite a bit of both. 06* Kyon nods quickly. "Deadline should be soon, right?" 06* Katie wrinkles her nose. "Yeah." 01 I'm so behind. Even *Satoshi's* ahead of me on this stuff. 06* Katie stirs her coffee. 01 (Is there something with which to stir my coffee? I shall assume there is!) (Yeah, let's assume he brought spoons, too?) 01 (Good plan.) [There are small spoons on the saucer with the pitcher!] 06* Kyon looks up at her, his eyes a little pinched again. "He's got farther to go than you have." 01 Maybe in distance. I do figure I'll stay in Japan. 06* Katie also looks up from her coffee and gives Kyon a tiny smirk that might remind him of his own. "I can't just leave you behind, you know?" 01 (Alternately, it could be a Kaede smirk, in which case OH MY GOD RUN.) 06* Kyon gives a little wider smirk back, and nods. "Yeah. I figured." (Well, Kyon'd figure he rubs off on her more by now, anyway.) 01 See? You're already making assumptions and everything. 06* Katie sips her coffee, sets it down, and adds another splash of milk. Now it's practically coffee-flavored milk! 06* Kyon sticks with just a small amount of sugar, and sips at his own. "Yeah, I know. And I shouldn't." He smirks a bit more, but the tension's still there around his eyes. "Just how I am." 01 I put up with it so far. 06* Katie sips her coffee again, and she must like it this time, because she doesn't add anything else. 06* Kyon sets his cup down, looking down at the saucer. "Yeah. Yeah, you have." He pauses a couple of beats, and then looks up at her. "Going to introduce another factor to your decision." 06* Katie looks back at Kyon. She doesn't say anything this time, just sipping her coffee. 03* Grysar is now known as Grydle (Heading to bed, let's see if the phone can keep connected well enough to give me good logs.) 06* Kyon fixes one of his armwarmers, and then lays his arm flat on the table. "You could move in with me. Now that you've graduated." (Good luck!) 01 (We'll see! :D) 06* Katie freezes mid-sip, stares at Kyon for a moment, then finishes her sip and sets her cup down. "I... could." (Have fun) 01 [Kyon may note that the room's gone quiet. Well, quieter than normal. Silent, really.] (Here's me hoping once again that that burns EP slower than Taki's field did.) 01 (It doesn't burn any EP at all.) ( *Shakes a fist at Katie) 01 (XD) 06* Kyon glances to his side into the restaurant. All the accordions seem to be gone. He looks back at her, meeting her eyes. "" 06* Katie switches English as well and starts speaking rapidly: "" 01 06* Kyon shrugs quickly. "" 01 06* Katie pauses, then picks up her coffee again. "" She sips. 06* Kyon raises his eyebrows, looking surprised. "" 06* Katie laughs. "" She reaches over and grabs Kyon's sunglasses, pulling them off his face. 06* Kyon blinks a couple of times, his eyes looking slightly redder than usual before they adjust. He's still a bit too surprised to deal with taking the sunglasses back. "" 01 06* Katie puts the sunglasses on. "" 06* Kyon gives her a crooked smile. "" 06* Katie giggles. "" 01 01 06* Kyon shakes his head, disbelieving, as he listens, but he looks pleased. "" 06* Katie raises an eyebrow. "" 06* Kyon snorts. "" 06* Katie shakes her head and sips her coffee. "" (You can't see it, but I've giving Kyon an incredious look through the screen.) 01 (Rowyn's been telling me that he's basically doing the same!) (Kyon may or may not be telling the whole truth there?) (He probably is, though.) 01 (wait, back up. what are you giving the look over, Gryph?) (Kyon not once being scared of Katie.) (Actually, that probably is the truth, with a pick-your-own-spin on it.) (I don't think Kyon ever doubted that he had enough control over Katie to keep her from turning on him, at a point where it would have mattered.) (But that sure doesn't sound like the sentence he said.) 01 (Kyon was also very conveniently away most times when she was closest to the edge of stabbing/shooting a teammate.) (True that.) (We were trying to stop her?) (Shoot, I knew I was doing something wrong.) 06* Kyon nods quickly. "" (Yep. So, all in all, I think Kyon is being truthful when he says that. It's just a careful way of saying it.) 06* Katie nods. "" 06* Kyon pinks a little high on his cheekbones, and nods firmly. "" He pauses a beat. "" 06* Katie smiles. "" And now she glances at the other customers in the cafe, says, "" and the punk rock accordian starts playing again. 06* Kyon gives a short blink, and then smirks. "" 01 06* Kyon waves one hand dismissively. "" He looks at his cup, stirring it idly. "" 01 06* Katie continues, flippantly and in a completely direction, "" 06* Kyon takes a sip of the coffee, and looks across at her. "" 01 06* Kyon shakes his head quickly, smirking. "" 06* Katie hmphs. "" 06* Kyon smirks a bit wider. "" 01 06* Katie takes off the sunglasses and hands them to Kyon. "" 06* Kyon takes the sunglasses and puts them back on. "" 01 (By the way, I already wired the money from your account to the best college nearby to pay for the registration fee.) 01 (HA.) 01 (THAT would probably get him punched.) 06* Kyon glances out the window. "" 06* Katie gives Kyon a curious look at the wait for later remark, but she doesn't press. "" She has another sip of her coffee, then glances at her watch. "" 06* Kyon nods back, and sips at his coffee again. "" 06* Katie nods in agreement. 01 (And shall we end hereish? Speed sipping!) (Sure, it'll save me the embarrassment of trying to decide whether Kyon'll say he loves her or anything. Plus, I need to go to bed soon. =P) 01 [Session End before Kyon gets even more embarrassed.]