<@Haruko> [Date: Sunday, June 1st, 2003.] <@Kyon> (There you go, yeah.) <@Haruko> [Haruko had contacted Kyon to get his opinion, and possibly help, about some crazy scheme of hers involving monetizing her ability to make it rain.] <@Haruko> [They agreed to get together at his apartment in the early afternoon.] <@Haruko> [Little does Haruko know who else is living there. Duh, duh, DUH.] <@Haruko> [Start. I'll let you guys set the scene inside for when she rings the bell.] 06* @Kyon is watching a scouting report video for his next homestand in the living room. He's intent on the opposing team's third batter's swing. 01<@Katie> (Remind me of Kyon's apartment's layout?) <@Kyon> (Hmmm. He's moved somewhere new after Arcana, so I don't have a particular layout. I can come up with something?) 01<@Katie> (Yes, go for it!) <@Haruko> (Also, let me know if Haruko would have seen it at this point) <@Kyon> [Kyon's current apartment is on the eighth floor of a nine-floor apartment building in Meguro. The main door opens into a traditional entry-way with alcove, and then into a hallway that opens into the living room, where Kyon is watching the video. A door is closed on this hallway for a tatami room. Further in, off the living room, is a kitchen with a dining room.] <@Kyon> [Along another hallway from the dining room are two bedrooms on opposite sides of the apartment - Kyon's and what used to be a spare, but that one's now at Katie's disposal.] <@Kyon> (Haruko's probably been there once or twice since Kyon moved in; it wasn't that recent.) <@Kyon> (Any further questions? I'm basing this sort of on the apartment of someone I knew, so this is easy enough. ^_^) <@Haruko> (Okay, so from the hallway, you'd just see the living room?) 06* @Katie is at the dining table with plenty of school stuff sprawled out on it: a biology textbook, a chemistry textbook, and of course a notebook and calculator. It takes quite a lot of space after a point. The biology book is open and she's hard at work solving some problems (and doing her best to ignore Kyon's own homework). <@Kyon> (Pretty much, yeah. Once you get to the living room, you can see the rest of the space, though.) 06* @Haruko walks up outside while reading something on her cell phone. She gives the doorbell a quick buzz. She enjoys tailgating into buildings, so there may not have been notice when she came into the apartment building a minute ago.] <@Haruko> (-]) 06* @Kyon sits up straighter, and pauses the video. "She's here." He pushes himself up from the couch. 01<@Katie> (AFK a sec - checking on dinner. Go ahead and answer the door!) (Katie'll just be hiding under the table. As a bird) <@Kyon> (Okay, then!) 06* @Kyon stalks off down the hallway in his house slippers, wearing a Seibu Lions t-shirt and dark blue jeans. He calls when he gets to the door, "Yeah?" 06* @Haruko puts away her phone. "Hey, it's me." She pauses a sec. "Haruko." 06* @Kyon unlocks the door, and slides it open. "Hey." He steps back out of the entryway so she can come in. 01<@Katie> (Back!) 06* @Haruko gives a quick bow and comes in, taking off her shoes. "Thanks for having me." 06* @Katie keeps working on biology. 06* @Kyon waves a hand curtly to dismiss it. "Easier here than anywhere else." 06* @Haruko grins and nods. Shoes off, guest slippers on she steps into the living room but for now has her attention focused on Kyon. She's wearing jeans, has a black halter top, and new metalic hair pins with dangling blue beads. "Certainly nicer than my dorm room anyways." 06* @Kyon smirks. "And fewer fans." He heads back towards the couch - the living room has a low table in the middle, a large window on the far wall, the TV to the right of it, and a couch sitting at angles to the table. There's a shelf under the window, too. 06* @Katie looks up to see Haruko and Kyon walking by, then shakes her head. Only Haruko, really. 06* @Haruko sits over on the couch. "Yeah, some of my classmates had heard of you and they barely follow... Katie. Uh.. hi." 01<@Katie> Hi, Haruko. How've you been? 06* @Kyon makes sure to sit a safe distance away from Haruko. No accidental touching! He watches the exchange. 06* @Haruko looks at Katie for a second before responding. "Oh, uh, doing well. Busy. Busy." She looks at the books on the table. "You know how college is now I'm guessing." She then glances down at herself and adjusts her top so it's a bit more demure. 06* @Katie laughs a little. "Yeah. Although I think I care more about my classes than my teachers do, sometimes." <@Haruko> (Makes a bet about the Japanese school system) 06* @Haruko relaxes a little. "Intro classes are like that. Once you get a bit more advanced and find out more about profs that starts to change." 06* @Haruko also glances around the apartment for signs of the depth of the Katie presence. <@Kyon> (I'll let you handle that, Arwen.) 06* @Katie nods. "Glad to hear it." 06* @Kyon pops up from the couch again and heads off for the kitchen. "You want anything?" 01<@Katie> [There's what must be Katie stuff scattered about: a sketchbook on the table near Haruko, a few carvings here or there, and so on. And, of course, the fact that her school stuff is sprawled about in a way that shows that Katie's made herself quite comfortable where she is.] <@Haruko> I'm sure whatever you're having will be fine. ::She looks back to Katie:: So you decided to go to school somewhere nearby? <@Kyon> (Also, the big sign on the wall behind the couch that says "Katie lives here, yo.") 01<@Katie> (Yo!) <@Haruko> (Haruko's sitting on the couch, so she missed that. ;_;) 06* @Kyon picks up a couple of cups, and a glass pitcher of chilled mugicha. "Katie?" <@Haruko> (I drank a cup of Mugicha in Person 4 the other night, but it was actually a cup of udon soup. It was a terrible mistake) 01<@Katie> (Did your courage go up?) 01<@Katie> (I actually beat P4 as Shun Tokura, High School Asshat. Waiting for the remake of P3 to come out so I can play Shika Tokura, High School Bitch. :D) <@Kyon> (Ouch. That is pretty terrible.) (Is she going to have the personality of Arcana Shika?) <@Haruko> (Katie: Not that time) 06* @Katie looks back and smiles. "Sure, thanks." She turns her attention back to Haruko. "Yeah, I'm going to Kurobane University. It's pretty close by." 06* @Kyon grabs one more cup, carrying them all in one hand, and goes back. He stops by the table, pours Katie a cup, and then heads back to the couch. 06* @Katie collects her cup and nods to Kyon. 06* @Haruko smiles reasonably sweetly. "Glad you were able to find one that was convenient. Well, don't let me interrupt your studying." Social necessities probably fulfilled Haruko looks over at Kyon again. 06* @Katie doesn't respond; she just sips her tea and looks back at her textbook. 06* @Kyon sets down the glasses, and pours Haruko one. It's being host-y. 06* @Haruko takes the glass. "Thank you." She takes a sip and savors it for a moment before continuing. "So, on to business?" 06* @Kyon nods curtly, and turns off the TV before turning in his seat a little to face her more fully. "Right. Go ahead." <@Haruko> So, recapping a bit, I think I've now got enough finesse with my rain making to be able to notably help a farm's growing season if it's on the edge and suffering from a drought or excess rain. However, obviously, that's not a service I can directly sell. 06* @Kyon smirks. "Not in Japan." 06* @Haruko grins. "No. I thought of some shrine involved schemes, but I think the results would be a bit too good. Regardless, there is an indirect means." 06* @Katie glances up from her homework. 06* @Kyon nods curtly, and waits for her to continue. 06* @Haruko removes a spreadsheet printout from her purse. "The commodities market. I'm not powerful enough to influence top-line prices, nor would I want to. But I've been experimenting a bit and I've confirmed I can significantly improve a farms prospects if I time it right and do my research." 06* @Kyon raises an eyebrow. "Yeah? And no one noticed you standing around whenever it rained?" 06* @Haruko shakes her head. "My range isn't bad and I went for places with a tea shop or place I could sit for a while. Also, I avoided repeating myself." <@Haruko> [The spreadsheet has three cases, they're refered to as sample A, B, and C and include a longer term price graph. The 'study period' she marks coincide with a significant upward tick, though not necessarily the largest fluxuation of the graph.] 06* @Kyon looks a bit skeptical. "So one storm is enough to make or break a farm?" He reaches to take the documents from her. <@Haruko> In these cases? Not make or break but certainly influence. The real trick here is that I can pick the locations that are in need but still have a salvagable harvest. It wouldn't work if I didn't get to choose where to go. 06* @Kyon looks at the chart. "Right. So you want to buy futures before you bump up the crops?" 06* @Haruko nods. "Yeah, that's the idea. Not enough to corner the market, just enough to make some some short term profits. Some of that money I hope to put into studying just what happens, which has the added bonus of giving me a scientific cover if I need it." <@Haruko> [The gains were about 15%, 10% and 25% respectively. The farms did revert to mean overtime, although the price was higher for the rest of the harvest cycle.] 06* @Katie frowns a touch but holds her tongue. <@Haruko> (doublechecks his economics) <@Haruko> (Yeah, actually reverse that, lower not higher.) 06* @Kyon nods, looking a little pensive. "You have a scientific cover? Some connection?" 06* @Haruko nods. "Meterological studies. I've been studying some fluid dynamics. I might be able to get an internship with a grad student. It's not going to be my main area of study, but it is helpful supporting work." 06* @Kyon nods curtly again. "How far in advance can you work out where to go?" <@Haruko> [The spreadsheet notes returns on short-selling and on buying low. SHorting makes more money quickly but is riskier. Also, seems like she's targeting niche markets, those she actually lists.] <@Haruko> At least a week, with a risk that the weather might change before I intervene. However, in that case there's the same effect without leaving me exhausted for five or six days. 06* @Katie pipes up with: "Do you know if your rain has an effect on weather anywhere else?" 06* @Haruko gets out a few other papers with weather maps. "Not that I can see. That said, I manipulate water, I don't create it. I can only work with moisture that's in the area already. The exact secondary effects is something I hope to study." 06* @Haruko takes another sip of tea while getting out her water bottle. She glances over to check the status of the blinds. 06* @Katie looks to Kyon, trying to read his expression. 06* @Kyon nods quickly. "You checked coastal versus inland?" He looks skeptical still, but it's not too far off his default expression. 06* @Haruko nods and stands up for a moment, drawing blinds if they're open. After that she forms a few 'clouds' of water high enough that Katie could see them. "Basically, I'm causing the weather to revert to mean." She points to a cloud. "Causing this one to rain will mean the water isn't available further on." 06* @Haruko 's pointing causes the cloud to 'rain', although it stops a few feet above the floor, no getting Kyon's carpet wet. 06* @Katie glances up at the clouds. "I'm not a weather person, Haruko, but this looks really sketchy to me." <@Haruko> But I'm acting at the area where weather is most atypical. Farms pick their crops based on expected rainfall for an area. <@Kyon> (I am confused... so the clouds are inside the apartment?) <@Haruko> (Yup.) 06* @Kyon watches this impassively. "So you're fixing people's bets." 06* @Haruko nods. "And only towards helping crops. Price may be lower but the farm in question has more to sell so they don't mind. I figure avoiding repeating myself is the key to not screwing up the climate." <@Haruko> (Actually, the price shifts in the overall commodity would be smaller. In one or two instances she's got a farm with publicly trade stock, those are the ~20% shifts) 06* @Katie lets out a frustrated noise, then says, more forcefully, "Listen, Haruko. You're taking moisture that already exists... you're probably creating rain now and forcing a drought later on." 06* @Kyon glances towards Katie sidewise, and waits for the response. It's a valid point. 06* @Haruko halts her illustration. "After the water falls, it still cycles through the system. It just cycles in a more convenient place rather than on a nearby town. Also, I'm not an X-man, my influence isn't that big." She frowns. "On the other hand, I could pull in more long term data first." 06* @Haruko paces. As she does her little weather map rewinds itself. 06* @Kyon glances back at his sheets. "How long have you been testing?" <@Haruko> Since the end of this past winter. ::She bites her lip for a moment and then speaks with greater confidence:: Plan B would be just doing counter- flood work. The opportunities are more limited and profiles higher, but if I'm just spreading out the rainfall that's hardly a bad thing. <@Haruko> [Her water splits and makes two dioramas. In one the rain is high intensity and overruns a little dyke. In the other, the same amount of water falls more slowly and never spills over the top.] 06* @Katie shakes her head. She so doesn't look convinced. 06* @Kyon thins his lips. "Timing's harder with those. The farm idea could work better. What's the effect on the surrounding areas? You're not taking from the cherry farm for the vineyard, right?" 06* @Haruko nods. "The timing is why I was thinking farming. In any event, I might hit the cherry farm a bit if they're unlucky. But I could limit myself to areas where there aren't other farms that could be hit. It'd mean driving further, but I could deal with that. Better for the environment if the water falls on a farm than on pavement anyways." 01<@Katie> I still think this is an awful idea - not that you came here for my opinion anyway. 06* @Haruko nods at that. "No, I didn't. But, limiting myself to areas where there weren't other farms likely to be adversely effected isn't a bad idea. And I was going to monitor the longer term weather trends anyways." 06* @Kyon glances at her sidewise again, and can't help feeling a bit amused. It's just like old times. 06* @Haruko looks to the guy whose opinion she did come here for. 06* @Kyon looks back to Haruko, and picks up his tea. "Could work. Arisugawa does derivatives as a sideline. You do it through us, you don't look sketchy for always betting right." 06* @Haruko nods. "I was hoping that might be the case. You'd get a cut of my money of course. And could use the information however you like with your own funds." 06* @Katie gives Kyon a short glare for his stupid semi-amused look. 06* @Haruko is looking chipper now. <@Kyon> You do the research for where to go, and show the safety of the project. Then we can work out the percentages. 06* @Kyon catches the glare, and shrugs back minutely, but keeps the attention on Haruko mostly. 06* @Haruko nods. "That's fair. Want me to take the rest of the harvest season for just data gathering? Buying the databases and subscriptions will cost a bit, but maybe I can swing it through the university. But yeah, it's worth taking my time and getting this right." 06* @Kyon nods quickly. "Shouldn't invest if you're going to hurt people with this. Easier ways to make money." <@Haruko> Hurting people would defeat the whole point anyways. I'm hoping if I don't have to worry about day-to-day finances I can get into advancing tidal power technology in my 30s rather than my 40s. ::she sighs:: Not like I can put my qualifications on my resume after all. 06* @Kyon smirks. "Right. Same way I can't just throw a real hot fastball." 06* @Haruko takes out the rest of the papers she has now and rewriteable CD. She manages a weak grin. "Also, lighting the batter on fire wouldn't be sporting I'd think. Anyhow, here's the rest of my supporting data." She looks over to Katie. "Feel free to poke more holes. I don't think you're right, but I will listen and get you data if you want." 01<@Katie> Go for it. Maybe a miracle will happen and you'll come around for once. 06* @Kyon shakes his head curtly, bemused. "Just would have the ball glow a bit. Harder to pick out that way." He looks over towards Katie, too. 06* @Haruko smiles over at Katie. "Or maybe it will work out just fine and you'll actually respect something I've done." She then puts the water back in the bottle and puts it away. "Of course, that would be a harbinger of the apocalypse, so probably best if that doesn't happen." 06* @Katie rolls her eyes and nudges Kyon in the arm. Dork. 01<@Katie> I'm not Kaede. It's improbable, not impossible. 06* @Kyon smirks. He's rather enjoying this still. He doesn't recoil from the contact with Katie, even. "Yeah. Everyone's convincable." He frowns a little. "Even him." <@Haruko> For him, I think the trick is convincing someone else who he can then agree with. ::She ponders:: Which is also probably the trick if he wants to influence me. Intermediaries make everything better. 06* @Katie has more tea. 06* @Haruko does as well. "So, thanks for hearing my out Kyon. Anything I could do for you?" 06* @Kyon smirks. "Intermediaries. Why I'm here, right?" He looks at Haruko again. "You got copies of the data for me to keep? So I can look it over more?" 06* @Haruko gestures at the CD with her papers. "That copy is all yours. In any event, just need you for this one, not even Katie via intermediary." She looks over towards the Page of Swords. "But, he's your boy and this is also your apartment, so I will pay my dues." 06* @Katie shrugs. "I'm not his keeper," she says, some annoyance creeping back into her voice. "He can do what he wants." 06* @Kyon nods back, frowning. "Right. We can disagree on things." 06* @Haruko nods. "I know. But he values your opinion. For good reason really." She shrugs and sits on the couch again. "Hell, I know I should value your opinion, even if I'm not always objective enough to do so." 06* @Kyon nods quickly. "Yeah. Good to hear both sides, though." 06* @Katie sips some tea, then says, "Like I said, you didn't ask for my opinion. It's not a big deal." 06* @Haruko looks a bit relieved. "Thanks." She takes another sip of tea. "And in thanks. Anyhow, even if you vehemently oppose this idea, I'm still willing to keep an eventual outdoor wedding rain free, but only if I'm invited." <@Haruko> ("thanks. Anyhow" -> thanks, ) 06* @Kyon rolls his eyes. "Like we wouldn't invite you if that ever happened." 06* @Katie nods. 02* Rowyn (rowyn2001@ Quit (Ping timeout ) 06* @Haruko pouts. "You people are too difficult to tease. Nonetheless, score, theoretical wedding invite!" 01<@Katie> For a theoretical wedding. It's not like we're engaged, Haruko. <@Haruko> Well if you were engaged, it wouldn't really be teasing. 06* @Kyon smirks. "Right. Then it'd be planning." <@Haruko> Exactly. 06* @Katie snerks and finishes off her tea. She turns, setting the cup on the table. 06* @Kyon turns up his smirk a notch, showing some teeth. "Can keep your wedding warm and light. Do it at winter at a shrine, then. Very striking." 01<@Katie> Oh, Haruko's getting married? I never hear about anything. 06* @Haruko relaxes a little as she drinks more tea. She shudders for a second and relaxes. "Sure, so long as you keep the flame to the stone lanterns and fire places. Oh, and if you can find a guy. I'll need that too." 06* @Kyon glances at Katie. "Just teasing back." He glances sidewise at Haruko. "As far as I know." 06* @Katie sticks her tongue out at Kyon. Of course she knew he was teasing back. 06* @Kyon barks out a laugh. <@Haruko> Believe me, you'd know. I'd probably tell Satoshi first, but I think you'd prefer to spared gushing anyways. ::she lets out a breath:: But that'll take mutual interest continuing past the third date, and my initial data gathering phase as found that to be unlikely. 06* @Katie snerks at that, but she doesn't say anything. Look, trying to be nice! 06* @Kyon looks bemused again. "Could try a baseball player. Know someone on our farm team, could work." <@Haruko> Eh, I'd probably end up bored. Although from what I've seen of your team, if that's the standard body-type, might be a fun while it lasted. 06* @Haruko keeps an eye on Katie and looks a bit confused by the restraint. <@Haruko> (-a) 06* @Katie grins at Haruko. Gotta keep her on her toes! 06* @Kyon shrugs quickly, still amused. "Suit yourself." 06* @Haruko looks somewhat unsettled by the grin and finishes off her tea. 06* @Katie holds her hand out for Haruko's empty cup. "Do you want more?" 03* Rowyn (rowyn2001@ has joined #arcana 06* @Haruko hands over the cup. "Thanks." She then slouches back into the chair. "Meh, I'm too hard to impress at this point. I've seen real heroism. It's hard to find some guy I admire that isn't boring." She lets out another breath. "And that wants me." 01<@Katie> You should try for Satoshi. He's not scared of you anymore. 06* @Kyon smirks viciously at that one. 06* @Katie refills Haruko's cup, then takes her own to the kitchen. <@Haruko> I said not bor--- Rather, he's not scared of me because we don't have any chemistry. ::She gestures to her hair:: He did get me these nice hair pins though. And I do have to admit curiosity about the telepathy, but I think I'd scar him for life. <@Haruko> Thanks for the tea. 06* @Katie calls from the kitchen (but not very loudly): "You scar most people for life. He already dealt with you a lot more than any of your romantic interests." 06* @Kyon shakes his head, amused still. "Someone into handy women could be more you." <@Haruko> Ouch. Well, I also heal scars, so it balances out. ::She nods at Kyon's comment:: That's probably the trick. That said, if they're interested from the start there's no thrill, no sense of redemption. ::she mutters under her breath:: Fucking Ryuji. ::speaking up again:: Anyways, enough of my whining or I'll need a stronger drink. 06* @Kyon tones it down to a small smirk. "You don't want people who want you. Makes it hard." He picks up his tea again, and sips at it. <@Haruko> You're telling me. 06* @Katie returns and leans against the doorway. "You're still hung up about Ryuji?" <@Haruko> He's a bad breaker-upper. 01<@Katie> ... Were you even dating in the first place? <@Haruko> We had a date. The dance. Someone got drunk and taken home by him, but it was Eriko. Still counts though. Anyways, I'm not pining for him, it just hurt a lot, that's all. <@Haruko> (The dance->my dance; wasn't a sock hop) 06* @Kyon nods curtly. "Should find someone at your school now. Got to be candidates." 06* @Katie walks in now, settling herself next to Kyon on the couch. <@Haruko> Probably. Anyhow it's nice but not necessary. Single life is still worth living and those first few dates aren't bad. 06* @Kyon nods curtly, and shifts a little so Katie's got enough room. 06* @Haruko has more tea. <@Haruko> (Oh, Kyon would have known how Ryuji dumped Haruko, if he were willing to occassionally listen to drunken ramblings. If not, probably not) 06* @Katie has room! She reaches over and picks up her sketchbook and pencil, flipping through it. <@Kyon> (It depends when and where they happened. He might have found it amusing, or he might have found it annoying. It's hard to say out of context, y'know?) <@Haruko> (Hmm.. she's got enough of an exibitionist streak that it would probably have come up one time when he was finding it amusing.) <@Kyon> (Okay, then!) <@Haruko> (How big is this couch?) <@Kyon> (It probably sits four comfortably?) 01<@Katie> (If Kyon was scooting to make room, I'm guessing a loveseat? But who knows.) <@Kyon> (Kyon just likes having room.) 06* @Katie speaks up after a little bit: "But you never make it past the first few dates, right? You said so yourself." 06* @Haruko stretches out a bit on the remainder of the couch and sips more tea. "Yup." 06* @Katie shakes her head and flips to a blank page. She taps the end of her pencil against her book. 06* @Haruko looks over at the sketch book, but probably doesn't have a good view. 01<@Katie> (Haruko doesn't! The page is blank anyhow.) 06* @Kyon looks over across Katie at Haruko. "How's your bike?" 06* @Haruko smiles. "Doing well. I've have to do some part swapping to use it for racing and transportation, but that's not so hard. Diesel engine means that it can't compete on normal courses but on some of them the torque really helps. 01<@Katie> (Hm, going to need to be ending soon.) <@Haruko> (Makes sense. I'd need to be ending soon too if the feds weren't closed. So like five minutes or midnight?) <@Kyon> Kyon nods curtly. "Should look at mine some time. Starting funny lately." <@Kyon> (Sure, I'm cool with winding up.) 01<@Katie> (Just start winding up. ^^) 06* @Haruko smiles over at the couple. "It is nice seeing you guys, an example that we can actually figure stuff out. Although you're not as cute as Kaede and Akemi I'm afraid." 06* @Haruko finishes off her tea and puts it down. She also gathers up the things she's not leaving with Kyon. 01<@Katie> That's pretty much impossible, yeah. 06* @Kyon shrugs quickly. "Don't want to be." 06* @Haruko grins. "Yeah. It's so nice to see him happy with her. It means I can loathe him without being that terrible of a person." She shrugs. 06* @Katie starts sketching. "She is good for him, at least right now." <@Haruko> Which is enough really. <@Haruko> So should I leave you two lovebirds be? 06* @Katie nods in agreement. 06* @Kyon smirks. "If you're done with business for now. Got more work, too." 06* @Katie turns her attention to Haruko. "It was good seeing you again." She more or less sounds like she means it! <@Haruko> It was good seeing you too Katie. This was nice. Like... well, actually not like old times. ::she grins:: Thanks for listening to my proposal Kyon, I'll keep you posted, although I should probably keep the data offline just to be safe. 06* @Haruko finishes gathering her stuff and stands up. She returns her tea cup to the kitchen. 06* @Kyon nods quickly. "Right. Can set up another meeting when you've got more data." 06* @Katie shakes her head. "I don't think you'd want old times," she says without raising her voice. <@Haruko> No. Peace is nice, I can make my own excitement. 06* @Haruko heads over to get her shoes again. "Oh, and thanks for the tea." 01<@Katie> Raining on crops. 06* @Katie looks to Kyon, expecting him to be all hosty and walk Haruko out. 06* @Kyon nods quickly. "Times are better now." He looks from Haruko to Katie, and pops to his feet again, padding off towards the door. 06* @Katie doesn't go with, staying behind and going back to sketching. 06* @Haruko snickers. "No, raining on crops are how I get money. The money helps with the fun and the research." 06* @Haruko puts on her shoes, bows appreciatively to her host, and heads out. 06* @Kyon stands at the entryway, above the step. "Got a road trip soon. Get in touch when it's over," he says after her. <@Haruko> Will do. ::Haruko gets out her phone and starts typing a note to herself to do just that:: <@Haruko> (I'm done, can end now or you guys can get in last lines. 06* @Kyon closes the door behind her, locks up, and then stalks on back to the couch, sitting lightly back next to Katie. <@Kyon> (Whatever you'd like.) 01<@Katie> (Let's end. ^^;) 01<@Katie> (Can continue later if needed!) <@Kyon> (Okay, then!) <@Haruko> [End!]