<@Ardweden> [Saturday, February 14, 2004.] <@Ardweden> [Yesterday was certainly A Day with Many Things for Kaede, most notably probably being Katie's disappearance, which happened in the middle of Akemi's Valentine's Day photoshoot.] <@Ardweden> [But that's all done and Akemi assured Kaede that the shoot went pretty well without him, though of course she wishes he could have done the rest with her, but Antoly and the others helped take care of things and really it's all fine. Katie was more important. Kaede probably wasn't in the most talkative of moods, anyway.] <@Ardweden> [Akemi fussed over him regardless, and he had a short text conversation with Satoshi before going to bed.] <@Ardweden> [So this is the next day! Kaede has some catch up work to do, because he didn't get anything done yesterday night. If he checked his e- mail (and he probably did) there's been no word from Katie or, well, pretty much anyone else. But that's okay, right? He has work to do. Like sort through those photos from yesterday, respond to people concerning various events and shoots and commercials they want to cover... dealing with spill over from yesterday is important, and worrying about Katie Andrews or this Council of Mysteries Business may presently be a waste of his valuable time anyway.] <@Ardweden> [So here we open, in the afternoon! Akemi's out; she left late that morning after making him breakfast (Akemi's such an awful cook, but Kaede probably ate it anyway), saying that she was going to see Yusuke and a few other people, and she'll be back soon! Call if he needs her! <3] <@Ardweden> [Start!] * Kaede 's busy sitting on the bed. He's not looking at his copy of Council of Mysteries but it’s on the bed as well. As well as the strewn pictures of the shoot. Akemi's got a way of catching the cameras eye that you *know* she's looking at you in half of them but really some of this shoot is all over. * Kaede holds one up to the light and inspects it carefully, quietly uttering "I'm still not really sure how she can stand so much *pink*..." <@Ardweden> [Akemi does love pink! It's one of her favorite colors!] * Kaede continues to squint at the bikini shoot. Which parts of it were ridiculous anyway. Who wears a bikini in February? Okay, so some of this was more lingerie and fur coats, but still... <@Ardweden> [One is even a bikini under a fur coat, which makes no sense at all, but Akemi certainly seems to love it in the shoot. She's never mastered the typical model look of "don't make an expression; let the clothes speak for themselves".] * Kaede is working on that with her, he swears. Maybe he should call up her modelling coach at some time. Or fire that modelling coach since Akemi seems to have him wrapped around her little finger. <@Ardweden> [While Kaede ponders firing Akemi's modeling coach (seriously, maybe he should talk to her about it first, she *seems* to like him), he hears the front door shut in the distance, followed by Akemi calling, "Tadaima!" Hey, he could talk to her about it right now, if he wants!] * Kaede lets out the traditional "Okaeri" but still sounds distracted. Except it takes him a moment to process Akemi being home. He glances up. "You're home a little earlier than I expected." <@Ardweden> [He can't see Akemi yet; she's still in the entryway, but with his door open she can probably hear him. And she confirms this when she says, "Matthias was pretty busy. Yusuke spent some time with me, but he had to get going to a party, and Antoly wanted to spend *all* of his time with me, but you know how he is..." He can hear her shuffling through the apartment. "Too bad it's the weekend; I'm going to have to give my classmates their chocolates on Monday."] * Kaede does know how it is with Antoly. He wishes he didn't. "How many does that make?" <@Ardweden> ["How many what?" Akemi pokes her head into Kaede's room.] * Kaede turns his hand around. "Chocolates..." He gestures to the photos on the bed. "You know I can tell the ones Antoly stepped in to try and direct, right?" <@Ardweden> [Akemi laughs. "Of course you can! He's got a certain style to him, doesn't he?" She heads over, the bed bouncing slightly on the bed when she sits next to him to look at the pictures. "If I knew you wanted me in bed with you all day, I could've stayed home..."] * Kaede 's expression shows all of what he tends to think of the "certain style." He's probably amazed it doesn't have *more* glitter all over it. "...wait, what?" <@Ardweden> [Akemi giggles, and she kisses Kaede on the cheek. "You're adorable," she says, because he is.] * Kaede fusses a bit at that, but at least it's a better reaction than when he was fussing at Katie. But he's got that distant thoughtful look he wears so well. <@Ardweden> [Akemi sees that look, and she tilts her head, waiting to see if Kaede will tell her what he's thinking.] * Kaede tries not to look at the head tilt, then almost bumps into Akemi as he's...wait, when'd she get so close? Oh right. When she kissed his cheek. "It's..." He turns away. "Sorry. Was just thinking about Nanami." <@Ardweden> [She blinks. "What about Nanami?" That wasn't the girl she expected to hear.] * Kaede looks up at that and knows that look. "You were expecting me to say Katie Andrews, weren't you?" <@Ardweden> ["She *did* run away yesterday," Akemi points out.] * Kaede shrugs and sits up further on the bed. "She has Kyon. There's better things to do than have me worry about her." Even as he says it, it's apparent he doesn't *fully* believe it, but he picks up one of the pictures to look at it. <@Ardweden> ["Are you sure?" Akemi asks. "Because you don't *sound* that sure."] * Kaede gets up, showing her the furry bikini suit. "What are your thoughts on this one?" <@Ardweden> [Akemi barely glances at it. "Would've been better if you were around for it. So what's going on?"] * Kaede frowns at that, sighs and then leans forward, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You're upset..." It's half a guess, half a statement. <@Ardweden> ["Of course I'm upset! You forgot it's Valentine's Day! I wished you a happy Valentine's Day this morning, and you didn't even notice; I could probably give you your chocolates *right now* and the only reason you realized I was doing it is because I just told you why I'm upset!"] * Kaede looks at her awkwardly, confused. "It's just a *day*, Shiraishi- san! I mean...couldn't..." He looks away awkwardly. "Couldn't we make *any* day special...?" <@Ardweden> [Akemi huffs. "*Obviously*." And she stands, grabbing Kaede by his hand. "Come on."] * Kaede blinks as she takes him by the hand, looking down as if he'd just been grappled by an octopus. "...what?" <@Ardweden> ["What do you mean what?" Akemi frowns at Kaede. Even her frown is cute.] * Kaede doesn't let go of the hand or the cute frown. "...I'm fairly certain I mean what? Like...where are we going?" <@Ardweden> ["To the *living room*." Tug. Tug tug.] * Kaede can't argue with those asterix of emphasis. Okay, okay! He's coming! Don't have to pull his arm off! <@Ardweden> [SHE WILL TOO. Akemi pulls Kaede over to the living room, and pushes him gently into sitting on the couch.] * Kaede sits and looks up, astonished, up at Akemi. What. <@Ardweden> ["You're going to tell me *exactly* what's on going on. And then I'm going to give you chocolate. And your other admirer's chocolates, too. Did you know you had some waiting for you?"] * Kaede blinks. "Other admirer?" <@Ardweden> ["Two!" Akemi says cheerfully, and then goes, "Oh, heck," and goes to get them. BECAUSE IT'S EXCITING.] * Kaede turns in a direction to watch Akemi go and then catches himself looking and turns away. Not because she's not pleasant to look at. But she teases him mercilessly when she catches him. <@Ardweden> [He gets teased mercilessly anyway. What's the point?] <@Ardweden> [Akemi returns with two boxes. The first is small and wrapped in gold foil, with a white envelope; the second a slightly larger box with plain brown paper and a green envelope. She hands them to him before sitting on the couch, too, a big smile on her face and hands folded in her lap.] * Kaede looks at the boxes and the demure pose that's specifically not in *his* lap. Which means she's more playful than impish. He takes one of them closer, and starts unravelling. "Say, Akemi?" <@Ardweden> ["Yes?" she asks. Hand still in her lap!] * Kaede looks at the hands in her lap. She's keeping them to herself. That's never a good sign. It means she's building up the reserve energy for when it matters. "Uh...what would you think to Nanami moving in with us?" Subject change, ahoy. <@Ardweden> [Akemi blinks. "What?" Yeah, she didn't see that coming!] * Kaede turns his look up to her. "It's just...what I was thinking about. You asked. Katie...things go wrong with her, but she has Kyon to know if something's going to happen, but Nanami has no one right now...." <@Ardweden> [Akemi nods, settling slightly. "But she's been living on her own for a while now. This wasn't a problem when we moved in together."] * Kaede leans back and goes back to opening the chocolates with a breath. "...I don't mean to make it a *problem*, Shiraishi-san. It's not a problem. I mean...it's not your..." He leans forward, rubbing his nose. "I don't know what exactly I mean..." <@Ardweden> ["Yup! You're a mess!" Akemi smiles, and she reaches over to place one hand lightly on Kaede's. "How about you celebrate Valentine's Day with me," she says, "and let *me* take care of *you*. And then we can talk about this with Nanami and work something out together?"] * Kaede rolls his eyes, though he turns to look at Akemi. "Gee. You sure you want me to go through that torment? I'm not sure I can handle that." The hardest of bargains. He does pull up the card and opens it to look. <@Ardweden> [It's actually a small note, on Haruko's temple's stationery, predictably from Haruko. She wishes him and Akemi-chan a happy Valentine's Day.] <@Ardweden> [Akemi looks over. "Aww, chocolate from Haruko! You guys are friends again!"] * Kaede snorts. "Again? When was the first time?" He does sigh though and hands her the card. <@Ardweden> [Akemi takes the card. "And they're for me, too!" she cries upon looking at the note. Sure they are, Akemi.] * Kaede nods, then casually slides her the box, placing it on her lap. "There you are then." He looks down at the other box, pausing before tackling this monumental task. Valentine's takes so much out of him. <@Ardweden> [Akemi removes foil wrap, in the meantime.] * Kaede will open this box too! <@Ardweden> [There is also an envelope with Kaede's name on it!] <@Ardweden> [Meanwhile, Akemi makes out a noise. "Look, they're little clocks! These are so cute."] * Kaede turns the envelope a couple of times, then looks at the box. This one he'll open the box first. Never got chocolate. <@Ardweden> [Inside the box is a small assortment of square, giri chocolates, some with nuts and some without. They're pretty high quality.] * Kaede turns over the card. "Alright, Akemi. Deal." <@Ardweden> [Akemi beams! And then she oohs at the card. "Why the hesitation? Is this a secret admirer? Do you not want to know her name?!"] * Kaede almost drops the card and just *stares* at Akemi now. "*WHAT*?" <@Ardweden> [She looks innocent. "What?" Hands in her lap!] * Kaede looks suspiciously at those hands. That was quick. "I...you know I don't pull secret admirers." But now he looks at the envelope suspiciously. It *could* be from Remi, you never know... <@Ardweden> [Akemi pshes, "You *so do*." She leans forward and is about to say something when there's a knocking on the door. And she looks over. "There's one now!"] * Kaede looks up at Akemi. "It can't be a secret if they're coming over, Akemi..." Now he's just turning the envelope, over and over again. <@Ardweden> ["Maybe it was a secret and now it's not going to be anymore. Or! A courier!" Akemi gets to her feet. "Coming!" she calls (maybe the person outside can hear her?) before bouncing over to the front door and opening it.] * Kaede knows Akemi's good at bouncing but this is just ridiculous. Alright, now he'll open the envelope. * Taki isn't a courier yet, although it is an aspect of her card! "Hey Kae... Oh, hi Akemi! I should have expected you to be here. I hope I'm not interupting anything." <@Ardweden> ["Not at all!" Akemi chrips. "Come in! Are you here to see Kaede?" She moves aside so Taki can enter.] <@Ardweden> [In the envelope is a small piece of heavy paper, folded up to make something like a card. The front says, "Kaede." Inside is an inked over pencil sketch of a badger with glasses, chin on a computer keyboard as it stares up at a monitor. "Happy Valentine's Day," it says above. Below the picture, in less neat handwriting, is "Thank you." And then Katie's name.] * Kaede hrrms as he looks at the card for a little while, expression neutral and unreadable. * Taki walks in and starts to take her shoes off. "Yep, I've friend chocolates to deliver. And uh, ordinary giri if you want some. Sorry." <@Ardweden> [Akemi laughs. "I love being an ordinary girl! Come on, come on." She takes Taki's hand and pulls her into the living room. "Kaede, Taki's here to give you chocolate!"] * Taki lets out a small eep and gets dragged. "Uh, hi Kaede, happy Valintines." * Kaede looks up at Taki for a moment, curious. "Um...why?" Because this year we're friends again. Or more than coworkers or... I don't know it just felt wrong not to. * Kaede looks at the chocolates, still seeming just as confused as the first time he got chocolates, but he'll take them. Because that's what you do on Valentine's. "I...well...coworkers?" * Taki shrugs. "Fellow Arcana? I can't think of any good words for it." * Kaede nods. "Yes, well. You kind of have been off the radar for a while..." He slips the chocolate box off his lap. Is he supposed to open it right here with you here? <@Ardweden> [Akemi has since let go of Taki's hand! She's hanging out near the entryway, beaming.] * Taki hand Kaede a box and then turns to Akemi. "So, since I wasn't expecting you, you get a choice of: White, milk, dark, darker, and Somehow Kyon Eats This." * Kaede has to interject at that one with a deadpan, non-looking "Somehow that has natto in it, doesn't it?" * Taki makes a face. "Nah, more like 92% cocoa, I tried to get it purer, but then there wasn't enough milkfat to hold together and it was just powder." <@Ardweden> ["Dark, please."] * Kaede decides if Taki's going to stick around, he might as well open this up. "He probably lights a fire in his throat, like a dragon. By the time it reaches his stomach, it's molten. It's the only way science can explain it." He adjusts his glasses at that and opens the lid. * Taki opens her bag and takes out a pair of cubes wrapped in cellophane with green ribbons. "Here you go." * Taki turns back to Kaede and smiles. "That's as likely as anything I've come up with." <@Ardweden> [Akemi oohs. "Thank you!" she hugs Taki right when she turns back to talk to Kaede.] * Taki blushes. "Y. You're welcome." * Kaede glances up at Taki, then looks at Akemi, then looks at Taki's blush, then goes back to focusing on the chocolates. "So we probably shouldn't share the latest shoot photos then..." <@Ardweden> ["Oh no, we definitely should! They're for the world to see!"] I'll leave that up to the two of you, really it's fine either way. <@Ardweden> ["Hmmm." Akemi peers at Kaede. "Maaaaybe some other time." She smiles at Taki. "Don't be a stranger, okay? I still remember that time we spent together."] * Taki blushes deeper. * Kaede looks up at Akemi in all curiosity but doesn't ask questions. "Well....I suppose they'll be out eventually anyway..." Most of them at any rate. Like Akemi said, for the world to see. <@Ardweden> ["Yeah, like the one with the fur coat and the bikini!"] * Taki blinks. "That sounds either way too warm, or waaay too cold, depending on the weather." <@Ardweden> ["Therefore just right!"] * Kaede shuffles through the chocolates, inspecting them. "Even *lingerie* would make more sense. Bikinis are just silly...you did that one after I left." <@Ardweden> [Akemi just grins.] * Taki attempt to extract herself and not think about Akemi in a bikini, the first one is much easier. "I've, uh, got more deliveries to make. So... uhm..." <@Ardweden> [Akemi nods. "You've got a date, right? Go, go! Good luck!"] Thanks! Bye! * Taki scampers to the doorway and is gone as soon as she picks up her shoes. * Kaede looks up at Akemi, curiously and almost half amazed Taki didn't just blip out. Turning to Akemi, "So do we, don't we?" <@Ardweden> [Akemi smiles at Kaede. "Yup!"] <@Grysar> [After Taki went out the door, Akemi slipped out immediately behind her, photo in hand.] <@Grysar> * Akemi hands Taki picture of herself with the bikini and the furs. "Kaede objects to this one on logical grounds. You can take it with you, I'm always grateful to receive a chocolates from a fan." * Taki accepts it. "Thanks. I, uhm, I'll... actually I have no idea what I'll do with it. I'll find somewhere for it." She looks at the picture of Akemi in a bikini and a fur coat. <@Grysar> [Akemi's face falls for a moment, adorably concerned that she hasn't done enough for Taki. "Yeah. It's not the same as chocolates back... I know! You can come to a future shoot and we can all hang out afterwards. We haven't really talked in forever, but I promise I won't forget."] * Taki 's face is trying to match her bangs and is making her scars stand out starkly white. "Tha... That's too much, I'm sure I'd just get in the way." <@Grysar> ["Don't be silly. There's always room for a few fans behind the line for Anatoly and Kaede to fuss about. Keeps them from feeling idle."] <@Grysar> [Akemi seems to have taken no notice of Taki's blanched state, or at least she pretends not to. She actually probably gets this a lot.] I...if you insist, and Kaede's alright with it. <@Grysar> [Akemi laughs at that. "He'll manage somehow. Well, thanks again for visiting and for dark chocolate!" She gives Taki a quick wave before heading back into the apartment. As she slips in the door she calls out, "And good luck on your date!" <@Grysar> [End!]