[Ardweden] (It's an e-mail to everybody! EVERYBODY. And I finally name that nameless classmate of Katie's.) (Encrypted e-mail.) Date: Evening February 15, 2004 (Japan) / Early Morning February 15, 2004 (Maine) Subject: Aka Uehara's an Asshole To: Kyon Sorata, Kaede Takeuchi, Haruko Kinsha, Satoshi Watanabe, Taki Shimiru, Wataru Yamada Wataru met with me and Kyon today about the Council of Mysteries books and Masaru & Aka Uehara. We didn't come to any conclusions but we've got some plans & I wanted to bring everyone up to speed. Also to bring everyone up to speed: Council of Mysteries, vol 2, by Aka Uehara (pen name Yukio Akatsuki). It's not out yet but I think everyone should read it. If you don't have a copy I've pieced together the one I kind of destroyed & can make a copy for you. Anyway, the idea came up that Masaru's still giving Aka information. I don't think that's necessarily the case but he did walk in on Wataru when he was doing a reading on the Council of Mysteries books. Also Masaru isn't immune to emotional manipulation even though he is wise to it. & it took some arm twisting to get him to agree to read those books and also help us. He didn't seem to like his brother when I met him, so if he is still helping Aka I don't think he knows he is. Regardless we do know that Aka's been getting information on us. He recognized Haruko when she went to the book signing on Christmas Eve. He got information about us out of Noboru Kagome who's an art dept classmate who went to Sakuragaoka. I think that's where a lot of vol 2 came from. Now the guy doesn't remember anything about the hotel incident & other stuff, but he's doing art for the Council of Mysteries books & also some sort of social media project. Also worth thinking about is the fact that Aka manages to publish these books at all. I know Temperance has always been bad at erasing anything but memories, which is how Arisu Senada & others manage to get by, but that he reaches as wide an audience as he does with such a thinly veiled story is a problem. Kaede, can we talk about the social media thing tomorrow? Naoki's been looking into it but you're better at computer stuff than either of us. It looks like a pretty big project. Naoki said she'll try to get me info on the hard materials. They have a couple of classes together & he leaves his stuff lying around sometimes. Kyon's probably going to try to follow up on Aka's editor & find out about him and the books through that. I can contact Masaru if we need to. I want to at least get his reaction when he reads those books. I think he'll avoid it as much as possible, but he feels like he owes me. We should meet and talk about what we find soon. Also the books. Let me know what times are good. Another thing: Wataru and I both had Arcana dreams. His was last night and mine was two nights ago. It sounds like the last Hanged Man was part of the Council, also looked after the Page of Cups, the Seven of Swords, and the Sun who were all younger. I found out that the last Page of Swords gave the World information on Hideo and Isao at least once. So that's all stuff. idk if any of it's important at least yet, stuff happened and it's done, but if two of us are getting dreams back to back maybe there's a reason. Also, I'm sorry about what happened a couple of days ago. I didn't mean to make anyone think I was attacked or kidnapped or going off to do something stupid. Even though I did do that last one. So I'm really sorry about that. And thanks for looking for me. I was in a pretty bad state. So thanks, really. Let me know when people can meet & if you want/need a copy of vol 2. Katie --- [Grysar] (Encrypted) Date: Late Evening February 15, 2004 (Japan) / Morning February 15, 2004 (Maine) Subject: Re: Aka Uehara's an Asshole To: Kyon Sorata, Kaede Takeuchi, Katie Andrews, Satoshi Watanabe, Taki Shimiru, Wataru Yamada Katie, Thank you for the updates. Your analysis makes sense to me. I would like a copy of the book, though I'll have a pretty full calendar this week. I've already got a Hibiki date to reschedule and my classes are ramping up. [She lists some scatter times that she might be available.] Grabbing the book copy shouldn't be a problem, but I can't promise anything more. I'd also like to update you on some silly social things, but I'll save that for a separate email so I don't bore/scandalize the rest of you. I don't think I have any special talents to put towards the book research yet. I've been trying to get a feel for how ordinary people respond to the book at my book club, but all I have from that is impressions and speculation, none worth yet repeating. I think I'm the only one we're sure he recognizes and so I am comfortable being the group's face if need be, if only to minimize exposure for others. I did have a dream with Isao-sama some weeks back after the first, but I believe I've already described that one. I was hoping for his insight after reading and discussing the first book, so I don't know if that fits the pattern. Sincerely, Kinsha --- [Grysar] (Encrypted) Date: Late Evening February 15, 2004 (Japan) / Morning February 15, 2004 (Maine) Subject: Re: Aka Uehara's an Asshole To: Katie Andrews I of course accept your apology and am glad we were able to take care of you. I certainly make my fair share of mistakes, more than my share some might say. On that note, your advice on Kaede-san appears to be paying off. My shields have been down and the bridge of the ship that is Haruko has taken nothing more than a few camera shaking blows. I've been working to interpret his word in the most positive light, which he had ask of me sometime ago but i'd forgotten. He does seem to appreciate the gesture. I suspect it will not always be that easy, I know the two of you excel at high stakes play and that even you get hurt sometimes despite your being one of his favorite people. However, I'm a tough girl and if he hurts my feelings I'll live and have people I can go to make me feel better. With that segue, it's well past time I brief you on how things are going with Hibiki. We should get together some time for that discussion at a place of your choosing. Short version, I'm a little confused. It's nice, very nice, and when we dance it feels different somehow than the other guys I've dated recently. But we still need to have our "You do realized I'm a magical girl and you are too? (magical boy, w/e)" talk. I'm trying to figure out how to ease him into it but probably there's no easy way. The other part that's troubling me is that while it all feels easy, I sort of feel in his debt. I try not to have my relationships be too much of a constant bargain, but I feel like I owe him in some ways. It's not even like he's pushing too fast for sex or making a big point about not doing so. Maybe it's just my imagination. Finally, happy belated Valentines day! When I come over I can give you some friend chocolates if you like. Really the leftovers from my making hand/magic gathered sea salt chocolates for Ken. I think they're pretty good, but I've got a bunch that didn't come out looking the way I wanted. That said Taki was too busy to help me at the last minute, so don't gets your hopes too high. Peace, Haruko (Side note: Haruko did order chocolates by mail for Satoshi that should probably arrive on within a day or two of his return from his away game. She didn't have chocolates for Taki but did give her an omamori for luck with new love from Tokyo Daijingu http://injapan.gaijinpot.com/play/travel/2012/07/06/tokyos-love-shrines/) --- [Rowyn] (Encrypted) From: Kaede Takeuchi Date: Late Evening February 15, 2004 (Japan) / Morning February 15, 2004 (Maine) Subject: Re: Aka Uehara's an Asshole To: Kyon Sorata, Katie Andrews, Haruko Kinsha, Satoshi Watanabe, Taki Shimiru, Wataru Yamada So we're including everyone in these e-mails now? Well. Alright then. First off all, Katie Andrews, you should apologize less. Secondly, Kinsha-san, I think you sell yourself short. If nothing else, your special talent is the fact that you are in the book club itself and got a reaction from the author. Eventually, that will probably come to a head and nerves will snap and he'll be pushed to react, so I think it is a good move. We should just be prepared for when it does and things become desperate. I will, however, completely ignore the fact that you mentioned a date with Ken Hibiki. Furthermore, I think you are in a good position if we require more outside viewpoints. I am fairly certain we are not the only ones who might have noticed and further still not the only one among those who would be confused as to why Temperance has not shut it down. If need be, you would probably be in the best position to check with the what's left of the Band, presuming you still stay in contact with them. I admire our desire to keep this investigation underwraps but I can't imagine it has not garnered other attention to pay mindfulness to. I myself could probably check in with Shika and Yusuke to see their reaction to the book as well. The Priestess and the Ten are still on the outskirts of things trying not to become involved so no doubt they'd balk at anything drawing attention to us as a whole. I hesitate to inform the Star. She's too tangled up with other things which could end badly and regardless, while we are more friendly, I'm not certain we can be really sure of her sid. The social media piece...I'm rather busy. Maybe we could set aside as much of our lunch times as we can to that. I definitely would like to follow up on this, it's simply something that takes time. Any other time I can fit, I'll see what I can do. I've already started skimming what I have seen of Book 2 but I'll forgo Judgement until I've had a chance to read it in its entirety. Takeuchi out. --- [Ciara] (Encrypted e-mail) Date: Morning of Monday, February 16 (Japan) / Evening of Sunday, February 15 (Maine) Subject: Re: Aka Uehara's an Asshole To: Kaede Takeuchi, Haruko Kinsha, Katie Andrews, Kyon Sorata, Taki Shimiru, Wataru Yamada Okay, so, thanks for keeping me in the loop, everyone. I seriously, seriously appreciate it. I know I probably don't even need to say it, but I'm saying it anyway. If there's a way to get me a copy of the second book, I'd appreciate that too, but only if it can be done safely and securely. In the meantime, I'll work on reading the first one. (Okay, I admit that I was putting it off. I'm sorry.) Should I ask Paul or his anime club friends if any of them have ever heard it? Sometimes people do unofficial translations and put them online, though I seriously hope that's not the case. I've always been kind of uncomfortable around Masaru, but I think that's the Ace of Wands thing. Like we're really pretty different, I think, but apparently we're similar enough in some way that I could pose as the Ace? Maybe I'm being unfair to him, but he's not really the kind of person that I want to be compared to. Or with. But honestly, I suspect that's all it is. ...I wonder what would happen if I drew a second card after my normal one. Would it come up as the Ace? It's kind of a silly thing to wonder about, I guess. Next time I see one of you guys I'll try it. Or I suppose I could finally break down and get my own deck. Sorry, I'm rambling. I'm also curious about the dreams but I think I'll just talk to you both individually about those. Anyway, sounds like you guys have a pretty good game plan going regarding the book club and social media and the like. I also know that I don't need to tell you all to be careful, but I'm going to do that anyway, too. Please keep letting me know what you've found. Also, very funny, Kaede. Satoshi --- [Ardweden] (Encrypted) Date: Afternoon Monday, February 16 (Japan) / Middle of the Night Monday, February 16 (Maine) Subject: Re: Aka Uehara's an Asshole To: Kyon Sorata, Kaede Takeuchi, Haruko Kinsha, Satoshi Watanabe, Taki Shimiru, Wataru Yamada I'll apologize as much as I want, Mr. Takeuchi. Got Kaede a copy of book 2 when we met for lunch today. Haruko, I think I can make some of those times. If you're busy, is it okay if I leave it with Maki? & Satoshi, I can probably scan a copy for you. Would need to stay after hours to use art dept. resources during quiet times, but it should be easy. The Ace of Wands thing was never really sorted out was it. Like we know that it happened but we don't really know how or why. Masaru mentioned that Aka's annoyed he's never shown any powers. I wonder if that's related. Also Kaede, I still can't believe you can be in the same room as Shika and Yusuke without punching them in the face. But if you can get their reactions & maybe get them on a parallel side go for it. Shika's always been best used as a very emo but angry threat full of teeth and exploding faces. Also away from me. Katie --- [Ardweden] (Encrypted, timestamped half an hour later than the previous one) Date: Afternoon Monday, February 16 (Japan) Subject: Magical Boys To: Haruko Kinsha I'm really glad my advice is working! Yeah, Kaede is a pretty emotional guy because he's a person and we're all pretty emotional, but he likes to pretend he isn't. He keeps them locked down & isn't that good with words. Just keep an eye on what he says and also what he means. It takes practice but I think you'll get there. You sound like you're trying hard enough. I agree re: Ken, he confused me kind of too which is why I only went on the one date with him. I guess we could have talked about that, but it seemed to be something you wanted? I really didn't want to go through the trouble of explaining Arcana stuff, esp right then with everything going on. Anyway I think he's a decent guy in all the ways that really count & maybe that's what's throwing you off. It sounds like he's been good to you otherwise. He hasn't stalked or cheated on you or anything, or even hurt your feelings. If he's still calling you by your last name, I think it could be pretty smooth sailing. Except the Arcana stuff. Do you plan on explaining? It sounds like you are. Do you want to talk about this later? If you do plan on explaining, you can use the picture I attached. I drew one of Satoshi a few weeks back too. Maybe it'll distract him enough that the whole "oh by the way at some point someone might try to eat you" bit won't sink in as much. If you do show him, I want a picture of his expression. Katie [Attachment: magical_hibiki.jpg (pencil sketch of Ken Hibiki as a magical girl, complete with Sailor Moon-esque pose with determined expression, ruffly skirt and bow, high boots, and a wand with a pentacle at the end)] --- [Grysar] (Encrypted email) Date: Evening Monday, February 16 (Japan) Subject: Re: Magical Boys To: Katie Andrews If my calculations are correct, you've already heard my squeeing from your apartment. I really want to share this with Maki, but I'd need to come up with some excuse for context, so maybe I won't. On the other hand, making fun of Hibiki is probably excuse enough, it typically is with me. I may offer to show it to him, but I'd have to get expression photographing permission before I showed anything , you're a gutsier photographer than I. Don't worry about not telling me all that stuff. Aside from any red flags and such, it's not your job to give me a walkthrough to guys you once dated. If I'm honest with myself, even if you had told me in just those words in advance, I wouldn't have understood until I started dating him. I am planning on explaining and I would like to talk to you on that. Takeuchi-san did chastise me for sometimes being unthinking in involving people in our affairs, but as long as we're dating anyways I don't think ignorance does Hibiki any favors. Dropping off the book with Maki is fine, just tell her it's so I don't have to rush for the book club. That just leaves a silly, stupid, request. Could I get a magical girl/young woman Haruko drawing some time? I actually doodled a little back in high school with my miko outfit, but I have not talent for drawing, let alone fashion design. (I didn't burn those or anything, but I think that sort of thing is just embarrassing, not a clue that would make people realize what I really am). I'm not sure what to offer in exchange, but it could wait until this semester is over and I *hope* to have your new motorcycle helmet done by then. No promises though, there were some weird feedback issues that made the first prototype a lot harder than I expected. However, if you'd like something else as a reward, name your price. Shamelessly, Kinsha (Haruko chooses try to acquire Katie's services) --- [RDMgryphon] From: Taki Shimiru Date: Evening Monday, Feb 16 (Japan) Subject: Re: Aka Uehara’s an Asshole To: Katie Andrews, Kyon Sorata, Kaede Takeuchi, Haruko Kinsha, Satoshi Watanabe, Wataru Yamada ACK MY INBOX, is it like this every day? --- [Rowyn] From: Kaede Takeuchi Date: Evening Monday, Feb 16 (Japan) Subject: Re: Aka Uehara’s an Asshole To: Katie Andrews, Kyon Sorata, Taki Shimiru, Haruko Kinsha, Satoshi Watanabe, Wataru Yamada > ACK MY INBOX, is it like this every day? Welcome back to the team to you too, Shimiru-san. --- [Jihatsu] (Encrypted e-mail) Date: Evening of Monday, February 16 (Japan) / Morning of Monday, February 16 (Maine) Subject: Re: Re: Aka Uehara's an Asshole To: Kaede Takeuchi, Haruko Kinsha, Katie Andrews, Kyon Sorata, Taki Shimiru, Satoshi Watanabe Shimiru-san, I was thinking something similar! :) Everybody else: I don't know most of the names you're mentioning, but I'm glad I can help with working this out. I know I wasn't around when the book stuff was actually happening, but I'm around now, so I feel implicated. Let me know if you want my input on anything. While I'm emailing you all, I might as well ask the thing I had been wanting to ask separately. Since I wasn't around during that time, and I still don't know most of what you all went through, I feel kind of weird reading the book - like, it's none of my business, you know? But Katie- san said I should, so I might as well see what the rest of you feel as well. I think Katie's reasoning is that if I'm involved in this I might as well know what I'm dealing with. Which makes sense, but, you know. Let me know. Anyway, I look forward to meeting up with some of you later this week! Hope everybody has a good week. Thanks, Wataru --- [Ardweden] (Encrypted) Date: Morning Tuesday, February 17 (Japan) Subject: Re: Magical Boys To: Haruko Kinsha I'm glad you like the picture. idk about one of you. For some reason I think it won't be as funny. Really though, if you're getting that helmet ready for me it's the l can do. So yeah I'll work on a Magical Girl Haruko-chan picture sometime. Do you want a miko-inspired costume? Get me any details you want included. Some more thoughts: Ken not knowing he's an Arcana yet probably says as much about his trouble with things he doesn't understand right away as it does about his luck in not being a target. So that might be a challenge, & I don't know how he'll react. But I agree that it's probably better to tell him because the danger's always there and it's better for him to learn from a good source than breaking to a sudden arcana attack. I'll drop a copy of vol 2 off at your place once I finish getting it ready. Maki's okay & I figure it'll be better for you to get it earlier than later. But we should get together sometime. If you want Kyon out of the apt we can arrange it during an away game. Katie --- [Ciara] (Encrypted e-mail) Date: Morning of Tuesday, February 17 (Japan) / Evening of Monday, February 16 (Maine) Subject: RE: Aka Uehara's An Asshole To: Wataru Yamada, Kaede Takeuchi, Taki Shimiru, Katie Andrews, Haruko Kinsha, Kyon Sorata Katie: Yeah, I would appreciate a copy when you get a chance. Thanks! Wataru: I mean, it's out there already, so... as far as I'm concerned, there's no reason not to. Admittedly I'm just starting it now (is the Student Council President's speech really cheesy, or is it just me?) so I can't say much about how well it speaks to our experiences. Haven't talked to Paul yet about whether or not it's known outside of Japan. Figure it's safe for me to do some looking online from over here? Satoshi --- [Grysar] Haruko responses, these will close out things for me for this thread. (Encrypted) From: Haruko Kinsha Date: Afternoon Tuesday February 17, 2004 (Japan) Subject: Re: Aka Uehara's an Asshole To: Kaede Takeuchi, Kyon Sorata, Katie Andrews, Satoshi Watanabe, Taki Shimiru, Wataru Yamada Takeuchi-san, good suggestion on reaching out to the Band. In practice, this means Takeo-san and Sumire-san. I'll probably also text to Matthias- san to save Kyon the trouble, unless he has his own plans. I have usual list beyond that. Your list makes sense too. Oh, and I'll see if I have the Heirophant's number somewhere, if this slipped by Temperence this may slip past her. I don't expect I'll hear back much, but once I've finished the second book, I'll follow up, with special attention to anyone that seems particularly reflected in the story. Based on past experience, it may take a while to get meaningful responses, I'll report back next month. Kinsha p.s. Ignoring Hibiki's name is probably the logical approach. Rest assured a range of sensible concerns has been raised by others. Unless, of course, you've met some male opposite number for Akemi (if only in personality, looks is a bit much to ask) in which case, please advise me on the terrible mistake I'm making. --- [Grysar] (Encrypted) Date: Afternoon Tuesday, February 17 (Japan) Subject: Re: Magical Boys To: Katie Andrews Hmm.. Thank you so much for honoring my frivolous request! I have enough respect for the artistic process that I'll step back that specific request. I think I would like a portrait of some sort. One that's true about me, if not necessarily realistic if that distinction makes sense, but that I can actually display around normal people. They don't have to understand it of course. Funny is fine but don't force it. Is that enough direction? As I said before, I don't mind waiting until sometime after the academic year is over. I've attached some old patterns I used for sewing my robes, but not sure they'll be appropriate. Otherwise, this week is pretty bad but let's get something on the calendar within a few weeks. If Kyon is actually there, that isn't really a problem. It'll give him something amusing to eavesdrop on between busy Kyon business and [Haruko rewrites this sentence several times before deciding to completely excise even oblique references to Aka's authorial habits] who knows, maybe he can put on his novelist hat and give me a word of sage advice or something. Haruko --- [RDMgryphon] (Encrypted) From: Taki Shimiru Date: Evening Tuesday February 17, 2004 (Japan) Subject: Re: Re: Aka Uehara’s an Asshole To: Haruko Kinsha, Kaede Takeuchi, Kyon Sorata, Katie Andrews, Satoshi Wantanabe, Wataru Yamada Horray, I figured out how to get the encryption thing working again. I’m actually going to be visiting The Heirophant in a couple of days, but I can give you her number if you don’t have it. Or, if you’ve already called never mind. Taki Shimiru --- [Rowyn] (Encrypted) From: Kaede Takeuchi Date: Evening Tuesday February 17, 2004 (Japan) Subject: Re: Aka Uehara's an Asshole To: Wataru Yamada, Satoshi Watanabe That is a rather difficult question, Yamada-san. To answer your question... I admit to being torn on this front. On one hand, the book itself is public knowledge. On the other, without knowing the exact context.... I feel it is possibly worse, realizing that it is not exactly a story and yet not knowing the context that does not make it so. Partial context, in some ways, is worse than no context at all. However...it seems as if I'm to be outvoted. It is not as if there is any way any of us could physically prevent you from doing so. It simply may lead to some uncomfortable questions. The actual choice on how to handle this is up to you. I simply wanted to follow up on this. As you posed the question. Takeuchi out. [End!]