[Evening of Monday February 23 (Japan) / Morning of Monday February 23 (Maine)] * Satoshi is checking his e-mail before class. * He reads Taki's letter to the group, and, uh, yeah. * He checks his contacts list to see who all is online... * And he sends the following message to Katie: Hey, you read Taki's e-mail? * Katie is online! She's been having a little trouble sleeping, so she's up late, finishing an assignment. There's a tiny ding from her laptop and she looks over. Oh, Satoshi. no? Let me see. It's... interesting. * Katie doesn't get that right away; she's switched over to her e-mail - hey, there's one from Taki! She reads it, and then rereads it, and all in all it's a few minutes before she responds to Satoshi. I'm confused. I am also confused. I read it a few times and I'm still not sure what she's trying to say. She's dating The Heirophant's little sister & the sister wants to meet us I think? but she's not an arcana. Why does she want to meet us? I don't know? Maybe Hinako's making her do it? She does like making people do stuff. Yep. Also I thought I explained the Council of Mysteries books last email. Maybe Taki didn't notice. Yeah, you did, so I don't know if she didn't pick up on that or what. So is it bad that my reaction to Taki dating someone is a mix of "Uh, congratulations I guess?" and "Good luck" and "Are you really sure you should be doing that?" That's pretty much my reaction to anyone dating but yeah. Especially Taki. Still it's not like it's my business. It's weird she's making it mine. I'll keep your reaction in mind. ^_~ :) But yeah, it's like... good for you, but... okay? You don't need my permission or anything. She isn't really asking permission I don't think, it's more * Katie hits enter prematurely and thinks for a few moments, then continues. It's weird she wants us to meet her at all I mean. Me especially. She's been trying to avoid me & for good reasons. Now she's actively asking me back in to meet her new love interest? And you? You, too. She's been awkward with you. That makes sense. This doesn't make sense. Arcana would make sense & I get that she's Hinako's sister but she's not Arcana and we aren't even supposed to talk about it. What's the point make things more difficult for her? Help her figure out what she really wants? Is it even to help her figure things out? Or does she just like making things more difficult for herself? Also I just... is it bad that I'm like "Good for you for finding someone, but I really don't care?" I mean, if it works out and they're happy, great. I don't want her to be unhappy and not have someone if she wants someone. But. I'm not really taking an active interest here. Then don't. She wants me to meet her, though, so I figure I can try to do that. Somehow. "Meet" her, maybe? idk it's pretty weird. I feel like we're missing a lot of info. Like I guess if she really wants to she could borrow one of you guys' webcams? Haruko's, most likely. Or it can wait until I get back in May. If it lasts that long. ...wow, that was snarky of me. Yeah, it looks like Haruko's closest to Taki. I agree on the missing information part, too. yeah so. I don't know. I guess I'll clarify the book thing which she should know already and ask her if everyone meeting her girlfriend is a good idea. I'll probably follow up later. Got midterms and practice to deal with this week. Yeah it's way too late over here. You're ready for midterms? Feeling pretty good this time, actually. Good! Straight A's! Here's hoping. ^^ And also, you know, actual studying and work. ^_~ lol. Yeah. All of those things too! And time for me to head off to class. Talk to you later! Ok. I'm going to try to sleep. Take care! * Watanabe9 has signed off. [End!]