<@Grysar> [Thursday March 11, 2004. Bar Harbor, Maine. Dawn.] <@Grysar> [Liam and Satoshi walked by streetlight to the jetty leading out to Bar Island. The streets were quiet and misty, although there was one early morning stroller with a notably fiesty scotty.] <@Grysar> [The way the tides and the schedule worked, this was their only chance to make the crossing on foot to the island. And sure enough there is a thin patch of alternate sand and shells leading allowing passage across this portion of the harbor.] <@Grysar> [The sun has burnt of enough of the mist that you can see quiet clearly that there are no other figures between yourself and the island.] <@Grysar> [Start!] * @Satoshi looks out towards the island. The morning is quiet and still, and it's warmer than it has been. Which is good, because it's still very early morning in mid-March in Maine. He's bundled up in a heavy jacket, his blue and black checkered scarf, and a dark blue knit cap, plus thick jeans and hiking boots. <@Satoshi> This is pretty nice. Kind of crazy, but nice. * @Liam trots off the jetty downslope to the ground, taking some care to avoid the shallow tidal pools. He's wearing a heavy wool coat and scarf, but has chosen to venture out without a cap today. He's got a lighter set of hiking shoes, but one that offers good traction. * @Liam laughs. "Not that crazy Sato. We're already trained to get up early to practice, may as well use that to get the most out of trips." * @Satoshi chuckles. "True, but some people would probably question the sanity of using that training in trying to get to an island that's only accessible at certain times of the day." * @Liam shrugs in a manner indicating his feelings on those sorts of people. The two of you get a bit further in and the ground underfoot turns to shells that reward those wearing shoes. <@Liam> So how are you doing Sato? You're definitely there on the ice, but you seem like you're wrestling with something in your downtime. * @Satoshi sighs, keeping his sights on the island. "Spring break's been odd." <@Liam> Certainly quiet. * @Satoshi adjusts his gloves. "Very quiet. I'm not used to it being so quiet on campus. I mean, I'm happy to get a break from classes, but I miss having people around in general. Thanksgiving wasn't so bad since it was only a weekend, but two weeks on a mostly-empty campus is strange." He glances over at Liam. "At least we got a chance to do this." * @Liam nods. "True. Empty and a long way from home. Well, at least American Thanksgiving next year won't be quiet at all." * @Satoshi laughs. "Nope. Grant was very emphatic on how his parents were not pleased that he didn't invite his friends to come back with him. So we've got a date at the Fisher household next year." He lets out a small sigh after this, almost inaudible. <@Liam> It'll be an interesting cultural study. Also, it might require some early morning runs to make sure we aren't cracking the ice once we get home. * @Satoshi looks over at Liam and grins. "You know, if Grant's really going to specialize in international relations, he's doing a pretty good job already." * @Liam snorts. "We had an argument the other day about his Secretary of State... bah, don't really want to repeat that." * @Satoshi makes an amused sound. "I'll take your word for it." His mind drifts a bit, though, to the whole Shuffle thing and the woman who's connected to the LDP. Liam obviously can't trace his thought processes - even if he were Arcana, it's Satoshi who would have to intitate it - but he might be able to notice Satoshi's distant look. * @Liam gives Satoshi a bit. The two of them have to navigate around a large eddy with some drift wood slightly complicating the path. "So, there's loneliness and a bit of homesickness, but..." * @Satoshi gives Liam a slightly puzzled look. "But?" <@Liam> It seems like there's something more. * @Satoshi makes a "mmmm" sound and is quiet for a few moments. "I do like it here," he says, motioning to the bay and the island in front of them. "But I miss home. You're right. And I miss my friends back home. We... went through a lot together. And now there's... more stuff going on, and I'm not sure how much I can help." * @Liam frowns a bit. "It's hard. I think you've done a better job than I have of keeping touch. And neither of us are Joshua with his ICQ mastery." <@Satoshi> Yeah, I don't quite understand how he manages to keep track of so many people. * @Satoshi looks over at Liam. "Do you miss your friends from back home? Or your family?" <@Liam> Yeah. And a little more this past month. * @Liam had not been spending quite as much time with Elise even before she went home for break. * @Satoshi gives Liam a slightly sad smile. "I'm really happy that our team is so awesome and I understand the sacrifices we have to make, but I was disappointed when I found out we had games over spring break. I was looking forward to going home for even a week." * @Liam steps up on a piece of driftwood and balances for a few steps before leaping off. "Yeah. I knew it was coming and it's helped me get ahead of my classwork, but it still isn't quite the same." * @Satoshi nods. "Yeah, I've gotten a lot of stuff in order. I'm doing a lot better this semester. And I think I told you about how I'm probably going to declare a major, right?" <@Liam> English, right? Yeah. I still feel like it's slightly... ironic? But it's not like people don't major in other languages, so. * @Liam shrugs. "It's logical. Takes advantage of being here." * @Satoshi stuffs his hands in his pockets. "I guess it does." <@Liam> Even if your plan B or C is going back to Japan, it should be useful there. I do worry a about what I might be missing doing pre-law outside of Canada, but... <@Liam> I suppose it's the liberal education that really matters. <@Liam> [You're getting close to the island now, and the exposed land spreads out. Liam keeps his eye on the trail head that's straight ahead.] * @Satoshi half-smiles. "That and the hockey." He looks at the island. "How long can we stay before we have to head back? I really don't want to have to explain to the rest of the guys that we got stuck on an island." * @Liam checks his watch. "About a half hour." <@Satoshi> Okay, that gives us a little time to wander. * @Satoshi smiles. "For all that I miss home, I really do like it here." <@Liam> You should see the Bay of Fundy greatest tidal shift in the world. * @Satoshi looks over at Liam. "Yeah? Isn't that kind of near here? It sounds sort of familiar and I think I've seen it on maps." * @Liam takes this opportunity to grab a stick and does a quick outline of maritime canada. "It actually does touch Maine I think, but primarily it's between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. * @Satoshi studies the map in the sand. "Huh, it looks like you could even a boat out of here and make it to there and it wouldn't be that hard." He looks up. "I mean, you'd have to take the tides into account and all, but it seems doable. Do people do that?" <@Liam> Yeah, there's even ferries. <@Liam> I'd say summer trip, but you're going home for that, right? * @Satoshi nods. "Yeah. Unless something really weird happens-" He stops abruptly. * @Liam stops as well. "Sato?" * @Satoshi shakes his head. "I'm probably worrying too much again." <@Liam> About your friends back home? * @Satoshi nods. Kaede's bit about "or you being here is irrelevant and we all end up dying" has suddenly sprung to mind, followed by Wataru's "You *earned* getting away... if something happened to you because you came here to help... How do you think we'd all feel?" <@Satoshi> I'm afraid something bad will happen if I'm not there... but I'm a little afraid something bad will happen if I am there. * @Liam folds his arms and looks at his friend. "But for different reasons?" * @Satoshi thinks for a moment. "I don't want to not be there if there's something I can do to help. But I want to come back here after the summer, and there's a part of me that's afraid that some weird thing is going to happen to keep me from coming back." * @Liam smiles. "Well, we can put together a rescue mission if it comes to that. Joshua probably has been preparing to lead a dramatic rescue since he learned to tie his own skates." * @Satoshi laughs. "What, he's going to make you guys be the world's first superhero hockey team?" * @Liam nods sadly. "The '94 Canucks were all too mortal." <@Liam> But we've even got an international relations specialist like you said. <@Satoshi> Should I work out a secret distress call for you guys in case I need you to swoop in and save the day? * @Liam gets walking again. Time's a wasting. "Works well enough on the ice." He then thinks, "So I get that you don't want to talk specifics. But how real is this fear? Normally family is what would do that, but after your father passed away it sounds like your duty is more to your friends." * @Satoshi starts walking. "It's not entirely unrelated to family. My mom is... kind of around again." * @Liam's eyes widen for a second. "Oh. What's the age of majority in Japan?" <@Satoshi> 20. * @Liam frowns but keeps walking. "You might want to talk to a lawyer." * @Satoshi nods. "That's not a bad idea." <@Liam> Family law is its own field. The school may have some resources to help, but there are limits there. I can help you figure out some things to bring to the meeting, but it may ultimately take an expert. * @Satoshi looks at Liam. "That'd be... that'd be helpful. I mean, I really hope it doesn't need to come to that, but... doesn't hurt to be prepared in whatever ways I can." He half-smiles. "I like being a legal adult here in America." * @Liam gives a confident nod. "We'll work it after the trip." He looks a little rueful. "It's actually 19 in British Columbia, as my brother enjoys reminding me." * @Satoshi tilts his head. "I thought that was just for drinking?" <@Liam> It actually varies by province. It's 18 in New Brunswick. <@Liam> And Quebec, as Elise likes to remind me when she wishes to assert maturity. * @Liam makes the climb up to Bar Island. It's a bit of an assent, but still definitely a trail and not a scramble. * @Satoshi follows him up the trail, which is a bit slick and snow-covered in spots. "Guess I get to be immature longer than the rest of you." He chuckles. "Did you know we have a Coming of Age ceremony every year for all the people who either just turned twenty or are about to?" * @Liam snorts at that first comment and then shakes his head. "No, so is it like a graduation ceremony except not tied to your school?" <@Satoshi> Kind of? The ceremonies are held at different sites and there are speeches and small gifts and stuff. Mainly it's an excuse for people to dress up in suits or a fancy kimono or what have you and then go party afterwards. <@Satoshi> A couple of my friends had theirs this year. * @Liam nods. "Let's see, that's Wataru and the guy you don't talk about that much, right?" * @Liam keeps up a good pace now that you're into the woods. He does take a wrong step here and there but easily relies on the surrounding trees and rocks when he needs a recovery. * @Satoshi feels himself blush a tiny bit, though he's not really sure why. "Yeah. Well, of course you'd remember Wataru, since he's the one who's a Canucks fan and grew up kind of near you. The other guy's Kyon Sorata, who's an actual major league pitcher." He smiles a tiny bit. "Our group in high school had two really good athletes. I wonder if we violated some sort of quota requirement." <@Liam> Geez, gone pro at 20? Pressure's on. * @Satoshi manages to keep his balance fairly easily. "Especially for a pitcher. But, I mean, it's not like guys don't get drafted and go to the NHL pretty early, too, right?" <@Liam> Yeah, it's true. Hard to manage while completing college though. * @Satoshi nods. "And I do want to finish college. I'm going to play as hard as I can, but it's good to have a fallback plan, like you said earlier." * @Liam nods and keeps moving for a bit. The trail winds up a hill and he does take the fork that will lead you back quicker. "Want some unsolicited advice Sato?" His tone is remarkably level, he's not really trying to turn on the charm. <@Satoshi> Sure. <@Liam> I'm not one of those people that thinks that sports are a metaphor everything. But ultimately on the rink or in the courtroom, the side that's better prepared physically, mentally, and emotionally tends to do better, right? * @Satoshi nods again. "Right, it makes sense." <@Liam> The same's probably true for some of the other things you're worried about. You spend a fair amount of time worrying, you'll probably feel better and perform better if you figure out what you want to be prepared for in the summer and focus on that. * @Satoshi does not say that he wants to be prepared for potentially facing people with superpowers and oh by the way, he's got them, too. Or weird social media conspiracies. Instead he says, "Yeah, figuring out where I want to go from here regarding things back home is a good idea." * @Liam nods. "And some of that means figuring out the things that are out of your control." He grimaces for a fraction of a second but continues not long there after. "Which isn't a fun process, but being the best you can be requires knowing what you can't do too." * @Satoshi happens to be looking over at Liam during that pause and grimace and is curious. "Hey, something wrong? You feeling okay?" * @Liam grins for a second. "You reading minds now Sato?" He then loses it and sighs. "Somethings been bugging Elise ever since Valentine's day I think. Some of her friendship seems more like rivalries now and she's trying to work through something but... Best I can do is make comforting noises. She just gets frustrated when we try to talk it through." * @Satoshi cannot help but smile a tiny bit at the mind-reading comment, really, especially since Liam was grinning, too, but his smile fades almost as quickly as Liam's does. "That's ... not good, if she can't even talk it through. I wonder if she got some bad news or something, and she just can't figure out a way to tell you. Or other people. Has she talked to you any over the break?" * @Liam looks a bit skeptical but doesn't disagree. "Yeah, mostly about being back home. That's a help for her. I don't want to make too big a deal about it, she needs space to figure stuff out. But... I feel like she may not know what's bothering her. If that makes sense." * @Satoshi nods. "It does. Sometimes you really don't know what's bothering you, just that something's off." He lets out a breath. "I haven't really seen her all that much in the past month, so I can't offer too much more than that." <@Liam> Thanks. And yeah, think it's one of those areas where not much I can do from the outside. * @Liam keeps walking in silence for a bit. You reach a nice viewpoint and can see a few more people venturing out back on the bar, though none in earshot yet. * @Satoshi reaches out and tentatively puts a hand on Liam's shoulder. "I hope that things go well for her, and for both of you, but... regardless of what happens, I'll be here if you need me. At least for the rest of the semseter." * @Liam nods in appreciation and just looks out over the harbor and the city for a minute or two without speaking. * @Satoshi is quiet, too. * @Liam sighs. "I guess we should head back." * @Satoshi nods. "Yep. Don't want to get stranded." He turns to go. "This really is nice, though. We should do it again someday." * @Satoshi looks back at Liam. "So, what next?" <@Liam> Oh, sublimating stress and uncertainty into drive for the play offs and not getting walloped by my excessive courseload.. * @Satoshi nods. "I hear you. Man, do I ever." He smiles a little. "But you know? I've got a really good feeling about the playoffs." Then his smile turns wry. "Or maybe I've just jinxed us, but... we've got a really solid team. And I'll bet everyone's stressed and unceratain about something. You know I am. But I'm excited, too." * @Liam returns the wry smile. "Jinx just means letting hopes for the future get in the way of hard work. Jog back to town?" * @Satoshi nods. "Outrun the tide!" <@Liam> [End!]