<@Grysar> [Date: March 24, 2004. The day is windy but clear, pleasant in the sun, but chilly otherwise.] <@Grysar> [Satoshi is getting back from class a bit early. There was a test that he did fairly well on and the class was dismissed there after. Even stopping by the library to get some English canon books recommended by his advisor didn't delay him much. He's back at his dorm, standing outside the closed door to his room.] <@Grysar> [Start!] * @Satoshi pulls his keys out of his pocket so he can unlock his door. He's happy that he was able to grab those books, because he wants something to read on the ride to Albany. For the first game of the NCAA tournament. He cannot help but grin as he turns the knob and opens the door. Well of course you had a fight, you've got to be supportive first, then try to problem solve. * Paul sighs, "I know man, but the principal is practically blackmailing her." <@Grysar> [The two are sitting over on Paul's bed, they don't seem to have noticed Satoshi yet.] * @Satoshi steps in. "Hey, guys. Uh, do you want me to come back later so you can have some privacy?" Right, so acknowledge the position she's in and remember it's a different country. Your experience as a newspaper-- * Grant shrugs and looks to Paul. * Paul kind of sighs. "I don't know. I mean I'm not sworn to secrecy, but feels a little weird." * @Satoshi blinks. "Wait, is this about..." Then he stops himself. "Sorry. I shouldn't pry." <@Satoshi> Unless you want to talk about it, in which case... * @Satoshi is still standing in the doorway, although he's let the door shut behind him. He's still got his jacket and shoes on. * Paul's sort of got that processing expression he sometimes gets when he's practicing Japanese with Satoshi and his roommate breaks out something harder or tenses not favored in the 1980s era Japanese of Paul's textbooks. Actual Japan experience not from slice of life anime or that series where mystic lesbians battle school authorities would probably help here. * @Satoshi takes off his shoes, goes over to his desk to put his bag and jacket on the chair, then sits on his bed, facing the other two. "So, what's up? Is this about Shizaru?" * Paul makes a face and nods. "That said, I think she's intentionally talking with me and not Shimiru-san about this." I don't want you to have to keep secrets from your friend on my account. * @Satoshi shakes his head. "It's fine. Although... she's literally about to graduate, isn't she?" His eyes get a distant expression for a moment. "Both of them, actually." He makes an amused sound. "Guess I'm not going to be making it. I should send a congratulatory e-mail or something." Then he blinks. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to get distracted there." * Paul nods. "Door is closed, right?" <@Satoshi> Yep. Want me to lock it? * Grant laughs. "Closed will probably do. There are limits to a Tokyo principal's reach." * @Satoshi chuckles. "Yep." Then he sobers a bit. "Okay, so...?" * Paul shoots Grant a slightly miffed look but nods. "Graduation is actually the problem. Apparently on of Shizaru-chan's duties is to crack down hard on a freshman that's standing up for herself." * @Satoshi frowns. "Incoming or about to be a second-year?" Hey, stick up for your girl here. This freshman apparently is a total wa-ru-ga-ki, which I think means bitch. About to be a second-year. And no, not exactly. * @Satoshi does not comment on Grant's vocabulary. "What's the principal threatening Shizaru with? She's already got her university plans, right?" But yeah, she's an upstart and is looking to stick up for first year rights, but she's doing it by trying to pressure Shizaru-chan in a way that is unfair. * Paul nods. "That is what I said, but apparently he'll rescind her letter of recommendation. I don't think you can do that. * Grant taps his chin. "Maybe not, but don't dismiss her judgment. If she says it's a problem, she's probably right. <@Satoshi> From what you've told me of Shizaru, she's pretty level-headed. What's this first-year doing, exactly? She first tried to rally the clubs against the, uh, age heirarchy system, I forget the word. She was angry about not having a spot on the tennis team. That apparently fell through and now she's trying to get the first years to collectively boycott helping out with graduation related duties. * Grant grins. "I do have to admit, that is one ambitious freshman. Not the tactic I'd take exactly." * @Satoshi ponders. "That *is* pretty ambitious, especially given she's about to become a second-year." He looks over at Grant. "We've had to do some dues- paying, and there's been some mild hazing, but at least we get to play." Yeah, which is something, particularly when you're playing back-up to a guy that's been drafted to the NHL already. Whoa, really? Well, the upperclassmen are not of that caliber apparently. Shizaru-chan said she actually did speak with them, but they thought that this was their last chance to actually win a championship and they weren't going to lose their slots to some annoying freshman. * @Satoshi raises an eyebrow. "She's *that* good?" Right, so I appreciate the drive, particularly given what Sato said. But if you want to take a shot at the king, you best not miss. She needs allies, maybe Japanese students right organization or JCLU or something. * Paul nods. "Shizaru's first attempt to resolve it was just to tell them to actually run some challenging try outs. She came out on top." * Paul sighs and looks annoyed with himself. "Shizaru-chan I mean. Still working on honorifics." * @Satoshi frowns. "Her timing is weird, though. I mean, why get everyone up in arms now when the school year's about to end?" <@Satoshi> Does she really care that much about incoming students? Maybe leverage? They need the first years to help out? I'm not really sure. Shizaru-chan is really annoyed with her, but this girl might figure that she's not going to get a better audience. Also, I think it may be personal for her, Shizaru-chan hinted something about an older sister that got in a fight over reporting some story. * Grant shakes his head and laughs. "Ah, that's why your so sympathetic to the girl hassling your girlfriend. Journalist solidarity. Did she uncover some big conspiracy--" Grant suddenly stops speaking when the doorknob unexpectedly jangles and then turns. This time, he notices it. * @Satoshi looks at Paul. "Were you expecting someone?" Then he looks at Grant. "Or is it Liam, come to drag us off for another team-building exercise?" <@Grysar> [In walks a blond gentleman, but not the one you were expecting. He wears black jeans and a LA Kings jersey that Satoshi had written off as lost long ago. His hair remains tied back in a single pony tail.] Hi. * Grant and Paul look over and stare. * @Satoshi gapes. Surely, he is hallucinating. He thinks. Okay, he's not sure. He finally regains enough composure to let out a very confused "Jin? What are you *doing* here?" * Jin thinks. "Uh... I have a message. A warning." His tone is timid as ever. * Grant looks over at Paul with a new respect. This goes deep. * @Satoshi was completely expecting Jin to say that he's not sure, so this is totally and utterly surprising. He feels his heart sink a little at the mention of a warning. "I, um... it's not that the dining hall is out of chicken, is it?" He casts a brief glance in Grant and Paul's direction and mouths "I'll explain in a minute." * Jin frowns and his voice drops off a little. "No chicken?" * Paul has that processing expression again. * @Satoshi cannot help but let out a laugh. "Okay, I have to admit that I missed you, Jin." He looks over at Grant and Paul again. "Jin's a friend of mine from back home. He, uh, travels around a lot. And has this uncanny ability to just show up places. Kind of like Joshua, in a way. And he really likes chicken." * Grant stands up and introduces himself. "Well, a friend of Sato is a friend of mine." He offers a handshake but Jin bows instead. * Paul follows suit introducing himself. Jin sticks out his hand to shake but Paul is already bowing instead. * @Satoshi smiles a little bit. He really did miss Jin. "So, um, this warning... actually, maybe we'd better go to the dorm lounge or something, if that's okay?" Uh... sure. * @Satoshi gives Grant and Paul an apologetic glance. "I'll be back soon. Sorry to interrupt our discussion." * Grant and Paul look on and don't stop Satoshi. As he leaves he can hear an exchanges, So is this an anime thing? Maybe? I'm not sure what genre, and I don't think that's good for Shizaru-chan. <@Grysar> [Jin is in fact speaking english, he has a slight British accent. * @Satoshi puts his shoes back on as he leaves. "Okay, just follow me. We'll see if anyone's in the lounge." <@Grysar> [Jin accompanies uneventfully and the lounge is indeed empty.] * @Satoshi lets out a sigh of relief and ushers Jin in, closing the door behind them. He goes ahead and has a seat on the couch. Then he smiles a little. "I know you came here for a reason, but I just wanted to say first... I'd been worried about you. Nobody'd seen you since that night when we all fought Sho. I, um... I missed you." He sighs. "So now that I've gotten all that out, you're probably going to tell me something awful." * Jin sits down next to Satoshi. He doesn't say anything, but he puts an arm around the hockey player's broad shoulders. * @Satoshi looks surprised for a moment, then gives him a brief hug before letting go. "Is it bad? It's not your grandfather, is it?" * Jin lets go too and crinkles his brow. "No." * @Satoshi lets out another relieved breath. "Good. I'll, um, I'll ask you how he's doing after you've told me whatever it is you've come to tell me. I should... I should stop distracting you." He swallows. God, he's nervous. Nervous and oddly emotional. * Jin nods and focuses. "The warning... I...." His brow furrows again and his ears rise slightly as he thinks. "... don't know." * @Satoshi blinks. "You don't? But you came all this way..." <@Satoshi> I mean, for you it's not so hard, but... <@Satoshi> I'm sorry, I'm babbling all over the place. * Jin nods. "It was a long walk." * @Satoshi tilts his head slightly as he looks at Jin. "Do you remember anything about it?" The King of Swords... it was not about her. * Jin seems proud of that answer. One down. <@Satoshi> Huh. I don't think we ever met the King of Swords. I didn't even know she was a she. * @Satoshi files this away. We could walk there. * @Satoshi shakes his head very quickly. "No, that's okay. I don't need to meet her right now. Do you remember her name?" No. I thought they knew. * Jin shakes his head. "But not walking to her, walking to the message." * @Satoshi blinks. "Walking to the message? What?" * Jin shrugs, "I'm pretty sure." * @Satoshi makes a dubious face. "Where is this message?" * Jin furrows his brow again and then speaks with surprising certainty. "Southwest." * @Satoshi is not convinced. "Where southwest? There's a lot of southwest from here." Not nearly as far as it was here. * @Satoshi frowns. "I'm not sure, Jin." * Jin nods, saddened. "We could eat instead." * @Satoshi takes a deep breath. "I... do you promise to bring me back here right after we hear the message?" * Jin shakes his head. "I'm not sure either. But I won't leave." * @Satoshi swallows again, his nerves never having fully gone away. "It's important, isn't it? So we should go." He tries to tamp down the voice at the back of his mind that says he should stay. It's Arcana weirdness. The tournament is *this weekend*. He shouldn't be taking chances. "But I promised I wouldn't run away," he says softly, not even realizing that he's spoken out loud. "Everyone else is doing things... so." He nods. "Take me to the message and then please please try your best to come back here." * Jin doesn't respond but he does put his arm around your shoulder again for a moment before standing up and heading out of the lounge. Grant and Paul are waiting in the doorway of your room, watching expectantly. * @Satoshi is so very confused now. "Uh, Jin, I thought you wanted to go ... somewhere?" * Jin walks towards the stairs, Paul and Grant tag along. * Jin has a focused look and doesn't reply to Satoshi's question. * @Satoshi looks at Grant and Paul. "I'm not sure where he wants to go. Uh, maybe it's better if I go by myself?" * @Satoshi really does not want his friends dragged halfway around the world on Arcana business. Or any business, really. I got you into this mess, maybe. I'm a bit unclear. Hey, whatever it is, we've got your back. * @Satoshi shakes his head rapidly. "No, I'm pretty sure that this doesn't have anything to do with Shizaru, and it's not... it's... look, please just trust me on this and I'll explain later? I'll let you know when we're done and we can all get dinner?" * Grant puts a hand on Paul's shoulder. "Alright. We'll hold you to that." * @Satoshi gives both of them an incredibly relieved smile. "Thank you. I should be back soon. My treat for dinner." <@Satoshi> If we're not doing dining hall, that is. <@Grysar> [It's dusk when you arrive, although you can only tell by the position of the sun. The slanted street has a good number of buildings on both sides including a tan brick seven story building that passes for a Maine skyscraper. Shorter buildings of brick and stone surround you in this town or rather this city. The street is lined with trees that are showing springtime buds.] * @Satoshi blinks and looks around for a sign as to where they are. <@Grysar> [You see a street sign, Park street. The first car you see has Pennsylvania plates, but the next several all show Maine.] <@Grysar> ( https://www.google.com/maps/@44.8033496,- 68.7697053,3a,75y,85.83h,86.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGx0- YMmIVrbikYK3TG2qDw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 ) * @Satoshi lets out a relieved breath. "Oh good, we're still in Maine. This even looks a little familiar..." <@Satoshi> ...oh god, we're still in Maine. It's *here*? <@Grysar> [You quickly enough recognize Bangor, although you haven't been to this part of it before. The building in front of you looks like it has some history, probably pre-WWII. It towers over the surrounding store front and the top floor is notably above even the steeple of a church about a half block up.] I think so. * @Satoshi stretches. Well, worst-case scenario, he can walk back to campus. "So, which building? This one?" * Jin looks at Satoshi for a moment. Were you really expecting a definitive answer there? * @Satoshi wasn't, but he figured it couldn't hurt. * @Satoshi walks up to the door and tries to open it. Jin wouldn't knowingly lead him into a trap. Unfortunately, the key word here is "knowingly..." <@Grysar> [The door is unlocked. Off to the left is the a bank of glass doors leading into some sort of communications company. The lobby is small but ornate with warm light from hanging frosted cylndrical chandeliers. There's two brass door elevators to your right. A single wooden button sits between them, oddly offering down as a direction.] <@Satoshi> Oh my god, please tell me that there isn't a Bangor branch of the Tower Reversed, because that would just be *too* weird. * Jin nods. "I won't tell you." * @Satoshi eyes Jin. "That doesn't mean there isn't." * Jin thinks for a moment and nods. * @Satoshi walks over to the elevators. "Maybe this place just has a basement. A basement that I am apparently going to check out for no reason other than I apparently gave up on being sane a long time ago." * @Satoshi reaches his right index finger out towards the button and hesistates for a moment. * Jin waits patiently, although his stomach rumbles. * @Satoshi inhales shakily and then reaches out and jabs the button before he can have second thoughts. Well, third thoughts, really. <@Grysar> [The left elevator opens after a moment. They are a bit smaller than those of Tokyo tower and nicely apportioned, although a bit dim as at least one of the overhead lightbulbs is out.] * @Satoshi steps into the elevator. Well, at least Sho wasn't in it. <@Grysar> [After a short journey, you are deposited back in the lobby, except the door to the street now instead shows Bangor stretching out beneath you and the Penobscot river in the distance.] <@Grysar> [Jin looks down at the reversed landscape, slowly bending his neck and then back to the side to get his bearings.] * @Satoshi looks out and then staggers back to the elevators, leaning against the wall and screwing his eyes shut. "No no no no no no no this isn't real this can't be this isn't happening!" * @Satoshi opens his eyes. Bangor is still Reversed. He sits down heavily, leaning against the wall. * Jin looks to Satoshi and snaps his fingers. "The warning is this place." <@Satoshi> Jin... Jin... what is this place? How does it exist? WHY IS THERE BANGOR REVERSED? * @Satoshi screams that last part. * @Satoshi swallows but he can feel that his breathing is ragged. He's shaking. He hugs his knees to his chest. * Jin winces at that. "Grandfather said this place is an echo." His accent gets a bit stronger. "A small outpost in the World Reversed." * @Satoshi manages to get out, through chattering teeth, "Sorry, I... I..." He sniffles. "Did I make this? Is this here because of me?" <@Grysar> I don't think so. Not exactly. <@Satoshi> Then why is it here? Who made it? <@Grysar> [As you regain your bearings, the furniture of this room is a bit different than that of the original lobby. There's a large futon mattress lying towards the front of the lobby and two folding tables, one long and one snack table side set up near chairs. Those chairs mirror ones you saw in the lobby and are plush with red backs.] * @Satoshi looks around again. "Wait... is someone living here?" <@Grysar> [A notepad sits on the long table. A basin of water and a tolietries kit sit on the smaller table along with a hand mirror. There's also a recycling bin and trash can.] * @Satoshi pushes himself upright, his legs unsteady. Slowly, he walks over to the table to look at the notepad. * Jin walks over to the futon, laying his hand on it. "I don't think so. Not now." <@Grysar> [The notepad looks similar to the ones you see at the University bookstore, but there's no logo so it's hard to say for sure. There's nothing written on the top sheet, although it looks as if at least a two or three pages have been torn off.] <@Satoshi> But someone *was* living here? * @Satoshi leans down to see if he can make out any impressions on the remaining pages. <@Grysar> [Satoshi does notice there are some faint marks on the top sheet, it does look some of the marks from whatever was written above does carry through, although he doesn't have Katie eyes, so he can't read it immediately.] * @Satoshi reaches out to carefully tear off the top sheet. <@Grysar> [He's got it.] * @Satoshi folds it up and puts it in his pocket. Then he walks over to look in the hand mirror just to make sure he hasn't suddenly turned into Hideo or something. He doesn't pick it up, though, just angles his head so he can look in it. <@Grysar> [Looking around, the items all seem fairly new, if slightly dusty with lack of use. He just looks like his normal self, if a little pale, although he does notice that both the shampoo and conditioner are out of the bag in the tolietries kit, as well as the fingernail clippers and nail file. They were left atop the table with the basin.] <@Satoshi> Craaaaaaaaaaaaap. Someone's been here recently. *How* recently, though? * @Satoshi is not expecting Jin to have an answer, but if he does, more power to him! Next he goes to check out the trash can and recycling bin. <@Grysar> [There's a International Herald Tribune in the recycle bin. Date Monday, February 16, 2004.] <@Grysar> [The trash can looks to have been emptied out, although it looks like there may be some bits of detritus at the bottom, semi-translucent/white on one side, red on the other.] <@Satoshi> ...okay, there's my answer. That's last month. * @Satoshi reaches into the pockets of his... crap, he's not wearing his coat. Why didn't he bring his coat with him? * @Satoshi finds a used kleenex in his jeans. Okay, kinda gross, but... he uses it to pick up the thing at the bottom of the trash can, trying not to touch it with his hands. <@Grysar> [Looks like nail clippings on closer inspection.] * @Satoshi drops the nail clippings back in the trash can, accidentally dropping the kleenex as well before retrieving it with suddenly shaking hands. Frantically, he tries to remember if his mom wore red nail polish. <@Grysar> [His memory actually does come through for him. No. He remembers watching her hands on a steering wheel. Her nails were always perfect, but the polish was typically transparent.] * @Satoshi backs away from the trash can, casting another glance towards the toiletries. He wonders if Temperence wears red nail polish. <@Grysar> [He can't remember for sure on that front, but she did take care of her appearance, he remembers her business attire.] * Satoshi's resolve is finally broken with that one last thought. <@Satoshi> Jin! We need to go! * @Satoshi runs for the elevator. * Jin runs too! * @Satoshi pushes the button! * @Satoshi pushes it again! * @Satoshi pushes that button until the doors open, as if by sheer number of presses he can make it arrive faster. <@Grysar> [The elevator door opens, there are no sudden movements in the room that you are leaving, just the slow movement of shadows as the last rays of the reversed sunset fade away.] * @Satoshi gets into the elevator and pulls Jin in after him, mashing his finger against the door close button once Jin's clear. <@Grysar> [Neither brother Shinjo is in the elevator!] <@Grysar> [The trip down is straightforward if disconcerting. Jin does seem to be trying to lead Satoshi back home, but ultimately just takes him to the bus stop for the campus shuttle.] * @Satoshi is okay with taking a bus. He is *very* okay with this. He boards the shuttle and then pulls his cell phone out once he's got a seat. He tries starting an e-mail to the Arcana crew but he just cannot even right now. His fingers are still shaking and he has no idea where to start. * Jin doesn't know where to start either, but his stomach is grumbling again. * @Satoshi does manage a text to Grant and Paul saying he'll be on campus in ~20 minutes and where do they want to have dinner? * @Satoshi slumps in his seat. God, that's so weird to be sending such a normal message after... after everything. <@Grysar> [Paul replies that he'll get a table for four at the Rock Cellar. Grant says he'll have to cancel skating practice with Ju-Yin but she'll understand and he wouldn't miss this.] * @Satoshi spends the ride home alternating between reassuring Jin that there will be food soon and that yes, they have chicken where they're going, and trying to figure out what the hell he's going to even *say* to his friends once he gets there. <@Grysar> [About twenty minutes later, you're there. There's already a large plate of chicken drumettes waiting on the table, along with Paul and Grant.] * Jin's eyes light up. * @Satoshi basically explains over the course of dinner that they went down to Bangor (hey, they were gone for a couple of hours; that's plenty of time to have gone down in a normal manner) and Jin showed him this place that reminded him of somewhere they'd been in Japan but he's not entirely sure they were supposed to have been there so he's not sure about going back. * @Satoshi silently prays that the explanation will sufficiently fly. It's pretty close to the truth. <@Grysar> [Grant and Paul accept this. Though Paul glumly notes that he was sort of hoping he'd be enlightened about what to tell Shizaru-chan and Grant is curious about what the warning was about.] * Jin notes that he also does not know what to tell Shizaru-chan. * @Satoshi will attempt a reasonable explanation after his player is less sleepy and has had a chance to review the logs to see what he's told people about his mom! [Later that night...] <@Grysar> [When Satoshi scans the piece of paper, he's able to play with the contrast and levels until a good amount of the original text shows up. It appears to be an itemized list primarily of the contents of the room. There's the Japanese punctuation of an interrobang next to the futon price amount. Also included is a car rental out of Bangor airport (Enterprise).] <@Grysar> [Also include on the receipt is a takeout order for Kobe Ninja Steak House.] <@Grysar> [The receipt for the list of items is signed as approved by one Mamiya Kanae. The requestor is listed only as #1910] <@Grysar> [End!]