[Rowyn] Date: Morning of Sunday April 4, 2004 (Japan) From: Kaede Takeuchi To: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net Subject: Needing Advice Cardinaux-san, Do you have any advice for someone planning to travel abroad? -Kaede Takeuchi --- [Grysar] Date: Afternoon of Wednesday April 7, 2004 (Japan) From: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net To: Kaede Takeuchi Subject: Needing Advice Good to hear from you , Be sure you have your passport in order and keep it close. A phrase book, which helped me write this email, can help but will not save you. A good map book is vital, if the country is sometimes confusing or has historic cities. For important matters, do not allow others to talk past you because of language, take the time and demand clarity. Hope all is well with you and your sister. Living with and has been quite a change, but far better than the alternative. --- [Rowyn] Date: Afternoon of Wednesday April 7, 2004 (Japan) From: Kaede Takeuchi To: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net Subject: Re: Needing Advice Thanks. I'm frankly surprised you didn't get on me for not staying in touch more often. Things here have been hectic enough. As usual, I am juggling many things. So I apologize for the lateness of my outreach. Things in those days were fairly chaotic, it was good to be with someone who had a good head on their shoulders, especially outside our own group. Things tended to become too...insular, if that makes sense? I've never been all too good with words. Speaking of which, some new developments have come out of the woodwork. Someone from your old school in fact. One Yamada Wataru. Did you know him at all? -Kaede Takeuchi --- [Grysar] Date: Near midnight, evening of Wednesday April 7, 2004 (Japan) From: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net To: Kaede Takeuchi Subject: Re: Needing Advice You have not left any emails unanswered, so there is no need to apologize. , I am afraid I am uncertain how to translate "insular," but based on your past actions I think I know your meaning. I do not know him. I am afraid both names are common. I might recognize a photograph or word picture. Was he of our year? --- [Rowyn] He is, of course, up this late. And squinting at the email reply. Alright then. Date: Near midnight, evening of Wednesday April 7, 2004 (Japan) From: Kaede Takeuchi To: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net Subject: Re: Needing Advice You always were too easy going. But...insular. Caught up their own things. Their own ideas. Without seeking outside input. Which is why having people like you is good. We worked well together. At least...well. I thought so. I'd like to think so. A photograph. I may have one. He's....stand offish. Glasses. Somewhat curly hair? Dark. I'm not certain what he would have looked like back then. But he would have been an upperclassman. About a year ahead I think? Apparently he was more involved than we thought. Total mystery. I'm going to need some help in this...If you can provide any. -Kaede Takeuchi (Entice roll to re-engage a partnership with an alliance long grown cold. Results: http://orokos.com/roll/404403 - Kaede rolls a 9.) --- [Grysar] (Take a string on Soleil) Date: Around 1 am, morning of Thursday April 8, 2004 (Japan) From: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net To: Kaede Takeuchi Subject: Re: Needing Advice You have made me smile, , I think that is the first time in years I have been called easy going. And despite the tragedies, we had some victories of no small import. I perhaps would say instead of "insular," as at times there was no end of talking. But I should confess my father liked to apply that term to myself and , so I should perhaps not use it myself. As for this upperclassman, I can not say for certain, there is one person that might fit your description that stands out. I do not think we ever talked, perhaps he was standoffish, I could not say. He hung out with another upperclassman named Izumi. We had some time together in the fall a year and a half ago, although we did not speak about him. We did not stay in touch, I can't even recall her last name to my shame. But if you do find her, please involve her no more than you must. She's borne enough. --- [Rowyn] Date: Around 1 am, morning of Thursday April 8, 2004 (Japan) From: Kaede Takeuchi To: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net Subject: Re: Needing Advice Izumi Motobuchi, yes. It's doubtful she could be of much help. She's hardly related to any of this. He has a card related, but went largely under the radar. Which somewhat makes me wonder why, after all. So many came out of the woodwork in those days, so why would we have one sneak under the table like that? Mostly I am just curious if there are any motives we should worry about... There are always motives. As you are aware... You would think after all these years, my suspicion would go down.... You are...very lucky to be with your family. -Kaede Takeuchi. --- [Grysar] Date: Around 1 am, morning of Thursday April 8, 2004 (Japan) From: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net To: Kaede Takeuchi Subject: Re: Needing Advice Why would someone stay hidden? You should reverse this question I think. Instead ask what forced most of us to get involved. We are the aberration. The answer is often a threat to ourselves or a cared for one, but more than that, the sense that we could help. I do not know his circumstance, but my logic would say that to stay out is normal. I do not judge your suspicion, but I suggest you ask why he is involved now, not why he tried to avoid the madness then. Just take care that your fears do not become self-fulfilling. Finally, I have come to appreciate more during my sojourn to your nation. I will take to heart your admonition to value our circumstance. I think perhaps I am also lucky to not be near my father, having left him in your country. I still benefit from his support, but for that I thank only the to which he pays tribute lest he no longer be able to conduct business in my country. --- [Rowyn] Date: Around 1 am, morning of Thursday April 8, 2004 (Japan) From: Kaede Takeuchi To: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net Subject: Re: Needing Advice That wasn't in question, though that is something to be thoughtful of. Hmm. My wonder was less of "why" and more of "how." It isn't, as you said, as if some of us did not try. It simply was not an option for many drawn into it. Especially as we are speaking of a Major here. Being allowed to remain neutral seems a strange option. But you are right. It makes me wonder as to the motives of others to seek some out and not others. Mothers...fathers...odd creatures all. Not sure I could ever fully understand it. Or their motives. Your insight is well appreciated. It....ugh. It sounds corny and ridiculous, I can't say it... -Kaede Takeuchi --- [Grysar] Date: Around 2 am, morning of Thursday April 8, 2004 (Japan) From: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net To: Kaede Takeuchi Subject: Re: Needing Advice Oh, the motives you were seeking out are not his, but of those around him. Perhaps it is my training at speaking, but the Athenian empire, as cited by Thucydides, would disagree regarding the strangeness of major neutrality. Roughly translated "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must." It is not the weakness of Switzerland that enables their neutrality, it is the defensibility of their mountains. I certainly confess that even after our investigations, I was often befuddled by what we found. I do not have a grand unified theory of majors and minors. But this puzzle of Wataru, it eats at you. Perhaps the answer is that you underestimate his abilities or the reputation of his office. And Kaede, my curiousity is piqued. I would normally respect your reticence. But this is an email and not a spoken conversation. If you did not wish me to inquire, you would simply have cut it out. So please do go on. --- [Rowyn] Date: Around 2 am, morning of Thursday April 8, 2004 (Japan) From: Kaede Takeuchi To: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net Subject: Re: Needing Advice It's...well it's both, really. Though on his end, I'd suspect it more being a how than a why. You are right, the desire to hide is understandable and normal. There were times when I did not want to be involved, certainly. Sigh. I get too involved as it is, as you know. But I'm not sure I could do anything else.... I...I'm afraid I don't know a lot about philosophy. So I can't really.... It's not...I don't work that way. I don't really...well...edit my work, per se. So things get in that I'm not proud of. It's not the best, but it just....I've worked hard enough to not have a filter on most things. Sometimes that gets me in trouble. But no. Really. What did you mean by that? -Kaede Takeuchi ======================= The email is sent. Then shortly after, an addendum email is added in quick succession. ======================= Date: Around 2 am, morning of Thursday April 8, 2004 (Japan) From: Kaede Takeuchi To: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net Subject: Gah Gah! I sent that off before really answering your question. I...you've got me pretty frazzled right now. Alright. Alright. I was going to say "This has been illuminating." And then with your name and your card...it was stupid. I should have deleted it, you're right. I'm not sure why I included it. Ugh. -No signature- --- [Grysar] Date: Around 3 am, morning of Thursday April 8, 2004 (Japan) To: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net From: Kaede Takeuchi Subject: Re; Gah You have made me smile, and I am sorry for to make flustered someone who takes such care to be rooted. Thucydides is a historian, not a philosopher. He was describing the actions and diplomacy of the Athenian empire in the Peloponnesian War, if not necessarily their exact words. They were explaining why they were invading the neutral island of Melos. I have found the full quote online in English and it is part of a larger Melian dialogue, there may be a translated book in your school library if you are curious. My point is that Melos was not able to enforce neutrality because it was seen as weak. If others thought that Wataru was strong, but uninvolved, they may have chosen to go after easier targets or actual enemies. The strong may feel more temptation to intervene, but they also have more choice to remain neutral. Wataru may have methods that may have made this easier, but there even if he did not there is no paradox here. Could you have done anything else? I do not know. You had factors I do not. Likewise, you and I are not satisfied with the answer that "right is a matter between the strong," but is that enough? What I do know is that I do not think it is just this new one in isolation that troubling you. P.S. Kaede , I just checked time zones. If you are still awake to read this, go to sleep. It is time for my light to leave your horizon until daybreak. --- [Rowyn] Date: Around 3 am, morning of Thursday April 8, 2004 (Japan) To: soleil.sungirl47@laposte.net From: Kaede Takeuchi Subject: Re; Gah That's...a rather frustrating answer, but probably true. Perception of strength does tend to push people off. It happened with Katie, as you're aware. Preying on the weak. Ugh. You're right, you're right. I should sleep. But thank you. We really should talk more. I apologize for my busy-ness and radio silence in the meantime. What is it? I had to look it up. But I felt it was appropriate. I'll have to look up that Melos fellow you were referring to. -Kaede Takeuchi P.S. What is this you keep referring to? I keep seeing you refer to it. [End!]