<@Grysar> [Date: Monday, April 12th.] <@Grysar> [Kaede and Akemi are able to watch the finale, and despite the language and unfamiliarity border they are able to see some great places but also be quite clear that the game did not go the way Satoshi wanted. The freshmen did get some time on the ice, which was exciting, but not enough to save the day.] <@Grysar> [Kaede was also able to secure the ability to display either of the last two games of the season back in Japan. He's got a massive digital file, which wouldn't normally be available in '04, but Kaede has his ways.] <@Grysar> [On the way back, Paul and Ji-yun offered to give a ride to Bangor, though they could also have taken the bus. If he goes with car option, Ji-yun has promised that she's found a paper through the school databases on Island Trade Empires, merchantalism in Great Britain and Japan, that may help with the history, as she's pretty sure she gave the wrong answer on Sakoku once she looked it up, that policy isn'tcomparable to the Boston tea party.] <@Grysar> [In brief, what way do you choose to get back to campus while Satoshi and his teammates ride the sad bus home?] <@Grysar> [The paper is in Japanese, to clarify. She had Paul help with the abstract translation.] * Kaede is more than willing to go by car. Especially if there's enough room for Akemi as well, if she wants more Satoshi time. After all, not good to use Satoshi as a crutch. <@Grysar> [Akemi spends a good chunk of the ride in an excited conversation with Paul. Somehow, he managed to track down a Japanese language tourbook to the North Eastern United States and she's been going through marking it up with what would be a rather aggressive schedule of visits.] <@Grysar> [Ji-yun is a bit chatty, but if Kaede settles into his laptop or the like, she's happy enough to leave him alone and get pulled into Akemi's chatter, as she has a gravity of her own.] <@Grysar> [Some campus tours and hanging out later, it's time to actually head to Bangor. Satoshi, what's the plan?] * Kaede actually, strangely enough, doesn't mind the conversation. Especially since Akemi's doing good by it. He checked his email last night anyways. His english, also, surprisingly seems to have improved overnight. This is totally not an effect of an ongoing communication with Mimi in his pocket linked to translation sites. * @Satoshi has finished up his classes for the day, and so the best plan is probably to take the shuttle from campus to downtown, get off a few blocks away from the building, and then walk over. * @Satoshi figures they can tour Bangor later. He wants to just get this part over with. * Kaede does his best to be "passably struggling foreigner" though. Which is relatively easy, given the effectiveness of most translation sites. <@Grysar> * Akemi tags along as you head out. "Do you want me to come soon? The guide book doesn't really say much about Bangor." She gives a frustrated frown, her day trip plans from campus haven't gone well, though she then brightens. "But one of the three monarchs of American fiction lives there!" * @Satoshi seems notably subdued as they're leaving for the bus, though he cracks a smile at that. "Is that a '' pun?" <@Satoshi> "And you can come with us to the tower if you want." <@Grysar> * Akemi ponders. " pun? OOoh." She laughs and the world seems just a little brighter for the moment. * Kaede turns back to look at Akemi. "Three monarchs of American fiction?" He looks confused. He's not the literature expert. <@Grysar> [As she begins to explain, the bus arrives. Before long you're there. The building does stand out in the city skyline, particularly as it is located partway up a hill.] <@Grysar> ( https://www.google.com/maps/@44.8033496,- 68.7697053,3a,75y,85.83h,86.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGx0- YMmIVrbikYK3TG2qDw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 ) * @Satoshi remarks during that earlier conversation that he probably should start getting more familiar with notable American writers. As they get closer to the city, he gets more and more quiet. By the time they get off the bus, he's visibly nervous. <@Grysar> [The ornate entrance stands open. There's a older building manager, judging by her name tag, tidying up in the lobby. The communication company is open today, although most of the activity is on the inside rather than people wandering in and out regularly.] <@Grysar> * Akemi stops for a moment and admires the art deco facade. She's not especially eager either, by the look of it. <@Grysar> [Kaede does indeed note that Satoshi isn't too big on this magic and fate stuff.] * @Satoshi says, quietly, "I don't know if there are any security cameras, but you may want to check that out." * Kaede draws up closer to Satoshi and gives him a slight glance, looking him over, frowning, but staying a little distant. As if he can't quite get a read on him. "I...sure. Can do that..." He turns his head, looking for a security panel or anything he can touch. See if he can see the network? <@Grysar> * Akemi puts a hand on one of the facades. * @Satoshi shoves his hands into the pockets of his jacket and watches them both. <@Grysar> [Kaede will have to go in to do it, but he does find a security camera that's been incorporated into the closed circuit TV system of the building. It's a bit of a kludge, so there's some exposed hardware equipment that's happy to talk to him even if it doesn't normally offer an interface to people.] * Kaede will actually see about making a polite request that it look the other way, if it's not too much trouble. That's a good camera, isn't it? <@Grysar> [The camera is happy to do that, nice change of pace. Honestly no one ever really talks to it.] * Kaede knows what that's like. No one ever talks to the cameras. He turns back to Satoshi, then gestures. "It's your lead. You've been here before." <@Grysar> [There is indeed both a wooden button leading up and down on the console between the two elevators.] * @Satoshi nods, takes a breath, and pushes the down button. <@Grysar> [The building manager gave Kaede a slightly longer than usual glance when he entered, but ultimately looked elsewhere. Satoshi though, he merits a closer look. As Akemi quietly comments, post push, that this feels like the Tower, she stops before elaborating as the manager walks over.] * @Satoshi is about to say something when the manager walks over and he freezes. <@Grysar> Well, I never, is it really you? * @Satoshi swallows. "" <@Grysar> * Akemi glances worriedly between Satoshi and Akemi for a moment before putting on her happy fan face. * @Satoshi blinks. "" <@Grysar> * Manager sighs and looks disappointed. She thinks for a moment. <@Grysar> * Manager plods off at a surprisingly spry pace for someone in her 7th decade. Her grey curled hair sticks close to her head as she goes, the perm still holding. <@Grysar> [The elevator has now arrived.] * @Satoshi looks at Akemi and Kaede. "She's... going to get a photograph? I guess I should stay? You could go ahead if you wanted. I don't know if anything's waiting there, though. I haven't been back since... since Jin showed it to me a few weeks ago." <@Grysar> * Manager talks to herself as she slips into a side office. "" <@Grysar> * Akemi isn't too excited about any of the options here. * Kaede looks at Satoshi for a moment then over at Akemi. He'll frown at that one. "We'll wait. I kind of want to see this..." He frowns now. "I have some suspicions...none of them good..." <@Grysar> [Manager returns a moment later. She has a yellow letter sized envelope, sealed with a twinned pair of tiny metal tabs at the top. There's some dust affixed to one side.] <@Grysar> * Manager turns to the others as she tries to get the tabs open. <@Grysar> * Akemi seems comforted by the tone and responds with a smiling . * Kaede is continuing to watch Akemi, though he speaks to the manager. "" * @Satoshi is quiet, watching her open the envelope. <@Grysar> [Akemi knows this is important to both Satoshi and Kaede, but she's been obliquely querying about various travel possibilities or other ideas that would comfort Satoshi while taking him nowhere near Bangor. She's also wondered aloud what we might find in the building that can help. She seems to be feeling something new since she approached the building, based on her subdued behavior. It seems to be something may only want to talk about if she's feeling very safe.] <@Grysar> [Based on the way she spoke about Bangor, she'd be perfectly happy to just leave immediately and go the authors house, have a nice dinner, and leave, but that's probably not in the cards.] <@Grysar> * Manager pulls out a faded black and white photograph which she holds gingerly. A gentleman bearing a striking resemblence to Satoshi in a fine suit stands by a ship that by a sign that says "Daietsu Kaisha" (Daietsu Shipping Line). "" <@Grysar> [The manilla envelope also contains another smaller sealed envelope. Or rather, a resealed one, it looks to have been opened at somepoint and resealed with scotch tape.] * @Satoshi looks at the picture and swallows again. "" He looks at the woman, then at the picture, then at the woman again. " <@Grysar> * Akemi looks at the photograph intently. <@Grysar> * Kaede does look at the photo and holds out his hand for it, giving every impression of a tourist that has just met his best friend's mother and she took out the photo album. "" <@Grysar> She carefuly hands the photograph to Kaede. * @Satoshi manages to nod slowly. He feels... detached from himself somehow, like someone else is making him nod and be calm and polite when all he wants to do is run screaming somewhere. "" * Kaede takes a step back, overtly backing up to show her the photo, but subtly reaching for her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. As he looks at the photo, turning it a little, he tips the photo a bit. "" He points to the Shipping Line name. <@Grysar> She stops and looks over to Kaede. <@Grysar> * Akemi looks comforted in the meantime, though until she really sees what's up there, she's going to be uneasy. * Kaede glances apologetically at the Manager. "" <@Grysar> * Manager frowns. She then looks to Satoshi. * Satoshi clenches his hands, digging his nails into his palms. "" * Kaede sends a quick mental link to Satoshi, at least if it's open. ~Breathe~ <@Satoshi> ~Trying. I'm trying. I hate that I'm stumbling over all my words.~ * @Satoshi takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. Kaede> ~Breathe. I'm here. Just follow my lead. We'll get through this.~ <@Grysar> She then gestures to the photo. * @Satoshi lets out a shaky laugh and looks at the picture again. " * Kaede turns the photo back up to himself and frowns. "" He admits. Back to the Manager. "<...you said honor bound. So there was a promise then. By whom?>" <@Grysar> * Akemi picks up a little on that. She looks at the photo. "Yeah, he looks suaaave." She glances over at Satoshi somewhat sheepishly. <@Satoshi> ~I can't believe this is happening. How is this even possible?~ ~*Watanabe-kun*. Don't overthink it! There's no time for overthinking it right now! We'll think about it together! Later! While we're alone! Right now, we need to keep focused!~ <@Grysar> * Manager nods sympathetically, giving Satoshi a perhaps undesired hug if he doesn't actively resist. " 'Global Services.' " * @Satoshi jumps a little at the force of Kaede's response. If the bulding manager notices, she'd probably attribute it to her attempt to hug him. "" he manages to get out. * Kaede's head snaps up and he gets a hard gaze at the name, but fortunately manages to pull it out of his gaze and recover before it filters too much into his voice. "Global Services?" <@Satoshi> ~I shouldn't be surprised she's been at this for so long. I shouldn't. But I am.~ * Kaede's brainspace is dead silent. He may not even hear it. Full, cold focus on the woman before him. No mental space to save for Satoshis. <@Grysar> * Manager nods. <@Grysar> * Manager looks over to Kaede, somewhat offput by the intensity. "" <@Satoshi> "" <@Satoshi> "" <@Grysar> * Manager nods. * Kaede holds it, breaking for a moment to push up his glasses. "" <@Grysar> * Manager nods. "" <@Satoshi> ~Should I show her my student ID? Just to confirm my name? Is it bad for her to know it?~ ~It's not as if she doubts it... I mean... it's more believeable than the reality...~ * @Satoshi tries to smile at her. "" <@Grysar> [She'll show you the room. It's off the manager's office, although there's a direct door. There are a series of boxes there, that she offers to move out if you need it. A thorough examination finds little of interest and she mentions that as long as she's been here, which is decades, it's been a storage room.] <@Satoshi> "" * @Satoshi looks at them. Are there any that seem relevant? Is there anything else in the room? <@Grysar> [Nope, basically a prefunctory space. Manager explains that since it could be claimed at any time, they didn't want to put any special equipment in there or the like.] * Kaede gives a nod, doesn't seem to be looking through many of the boxes. He just nods. "" <@Grysar> * Manager nods. She hands over the key chain and the resealed letter, as well as guide to the buildings rules for tenants and the wifi password. Apparently the communications company is running a network for a slight discount on the leaser. * @Satoshi takes the keys and the letter, clutching them tightly, then bows. "" <@Grysar> [After a bit more by way of pleasantries, and some pleasant but mutually confusing conversation with Akemi, she closes down the lobby. Most of the communications company workers have headed off, though there's some night shift people.] * Kaede is equal in the pleasantries and then looks around, letting out a breath. His shoulders shift as he sticks a hand in his pocket, looking at Satoshi. "You ready to give this place a look?" * @Satoshi nods. "As ready as I'm going to be." * Kaede heads for the elevator, not sure if Akemi has left his side or not at this point, but this is as good a time as any. When he's sure there's no one around, he goes about to do elevator things. <@Grysar> * Akemi squeezes Kaede's free hand. She then lets go and walks over to the elevator and hits the button. * @Satoshi follows them to the elevator, making sure to lock the door to the storage room/secret Hideo lair before going. <@Grysar> [The elevator returns. This time, no one distracts you.] <@Grysar> * Akemi steadies herself on a railing during the ride down. "This place feels different than Tokyo." She closes her eyes for a moment. "Unbuckled. Do you feel it too?" * @Satoshi closes his eyes and takes a breath, trying to sense if it really *does* feel different. He didn't notice last time, but he was overwhelmed then. Not that he isn't now, but... * Kaede frowns as Akemi says that, taking in her hand more. "I don't know...I can't say I *feel* it...not saying you're wrong..." His frown deepens. "If the World..." and at that, he goes silent. <@Grysar> * Kaede notes that Akemi is putting on a brave face, but her instincts seem to be telling her that her abilities are helpful here. That's a common enough of situation when they're doing business together, but here they aren't acting or modeling instincts, but instead ones more associated with being an Arcana. She seems willing to face it and thinks this is important, but she doesn't like it at all. Her current approach seems to be pushing through and carrying on. <@Grysar> [Meanwhile, on Satoshi's second trip down, he actually does feel what Akemi is feeling. He's been a fair number of different fields in his day, and this one is a bit worn around the edges. Incomplete. Like being on the ice with loose skates. Not so bad as some of the more disasterous ones, but lacking the firm foundation of the Tower or World Reversed.] * @Satoshi opens his eyes. "It... it does feel kind of... kind of loose somehow. Ungrounded." <@Satoshi> I didn't notice it before, and I'm not sure if that was because I was so overwhelmed by finding it or if it's gotten worse... <@Grysar> [And the doors open. The scene is unchanged from the last time Satoshi saw it. Notably he was feeling deeply out of sorts when he first came here. So it's entirely plausible if it was just how overwhelmed he felt that first time. Hard to say either way.] <@Grysar> [The room beyond the doors is the lobby, except the door to the street now instead shows Bangor stretching out beneath you and the Penobscot river in the distance.] <@Grysar> [The furniture of this room is a bit different than that of the original lobby. There's a large futon mattress lying towards the front of the lobby and two folding tables, one long and one snack table side set up near chairs. Those chairs mirror ones you saw in the lobby and are plush with red backs.] * @Satoshi waits for the others to get out of the elevator, then steps out. He avoids looking at the world outside. "Okay, so I guess the first thing to do is check and see if it looks like anyone's been here since I came." <@Grysar> [[A notepad sits on the long table, Satoshi removed the top page last time, but that's not really noticable. A basin of water and a tolietries kit sit on the smaller table along with a hand mirror. There's also a recycling bin and trash can.] <@Grysar> [Other than a bit more dust, everything is as Satoshi left it.] * @Satoshi steps around the room carefully, looking at various things. "It doesn't seem like it..." * Kaede steps out as he can, looking at the surroundings, voice cautious. "...we don't really know the powers of the World entirely, do we...?" * @Satoshi looks over at him. "Aside from... from age reduction... no..." <@Grysar> [You now have the key to the outside door. That said, while it's a much shorter drop than Tokyo Tower, it still doesn't feel like a good idea at all. Similarly, while the room and a few side rooms feel solid, the stairs and other entry and exit point lack a sense of firmament. So you could get to the equivalent storage/rental room, but the only real way out of here is back down the elevator.] <@Satoshi> Maybe we should check the storage room. * Kaede gestures to the Tower. "What if she sets up pockets of The World? Like...the Literal World. The foundation for the World Reversed..." He stops himself for a moment. "Just a thought." And when Satoshi says that, he nods again. "That was exactly why I wanted to know where it was. I'm suspecting we'll find a lot more on *this* side of things there..." * @Satoshi pulls out the key and heads for the door. "So you think *she* made this? That would... that would actually possibly fit with what Jin said the first time, when he brought me here. I asked if I made it, and if it was here because of me, and he said he didn't think so to the first, and not exactly to the second." <@Satoshi> Maybe... <@Grysar> * Akemi nods, although she's a little hesitant. Kaede gets the sense that she's probably looking here for certainty, firm plans, a sense that her manager has this and has arranged for various contigencies. Whatever must be done though, she doesn't want to be here longer than she has to be. "Well, does Jin consider you and Hideo to be the same person? Because, you're both cute, but I don't think of it that way." They're not. * Kaede is already getting out his laptop and setting up shop here. But the answer comes out quick, self-assured, and leaving little room for doubt. * @Satoshi puts the key in the lock and avoids looking at Akemi. "I think he considers me to be me. And please don't say Hideo was cute. He was *horrible*." <@Grysar> * Akemi looks at the carpet, "I didn't mean it that way. He's..." She is quiet for the moment. * Kaede sends a little spark to his computer and then reaches for the wifi password. Just doing some testing. If it doesn't work, he'll try it upside down. Whatever. "He was. But just dismissing it as that isn't going to tell us much about the man. He had *motivations*. And ties. And not looking into those is no good way to go about it..." * Kaede then turns up and frowns up at Akemi. Not frowning *at* her. But for her. A bit of worry on his lips. * @Satoshi turns the lock and opens the door, then looks back at Akemi. "I'm sorry. He's just... he's very hard for me to deal with." * @Satoshi steps into the storage room, reaching instinctively for a light switch and then feeling very stupid. <@Grysar> [The storage room is quite dark. There are all the boxes of the lower level, but also, scattered here and there in between, candles, burned halfway down. There seems to be no pattern to their placement, some are atop stacks of boxes, some are fallen down on the floor. Hard to say their number, you see three and the chalk pieces, they only stand out because you searched the downstairs room pretty thoroughly.] <@Satoshi> Uh. Guys? You, um, you should probably come take a look at this... <@Grysar> [Kaede can indeed power his laptop without any trouble. The wifi signal can be faintly felt beyond the boundaries of this room. He feels he might be able to work together with his laptop to actually break through, but he doesn't know what that would mean or how it could be fixed. If he had all of his workshop's equipment, that may be different, but he's just operating with an upside down laptop at the moment.] <@Grysar> * Akemi comes over, saying softly, "Please don't be blood, please don't be blood." <@Satoshi> It's not. Just... weird arcane ritual stuff. * Kaede calls out. "Will be there in a moment. Have to check something." He's *kind* of his laptop's private battery here, Satoshi. He has to concentrate. * @Satoshi waits, though he does peer in and wished he'd thought to bring a flashlight with him. <@Grysar> * Akemi looks. "Huh. These look super old. But the boxes look new." * @Satoshi says, almost to himself, "Huh, then if stuff happens in the real world, it keeps getting reflected in the World Reversed? I wonder when the boxes were put in..." <@Grysar> [Kaede works for a while. He's going to need some time to really secure this, but he's actually able to find enough of a hole in the firmament of reversed-reality to actually access a weak signal. Enough for emails or phone texts or even a slightly staticky VOIP. He does also have a feel that he's going to have a hard time reaching through this with his powers, just getting wifi alone is pretty amazing.] <@Grysar> * Akemi takes out a little penlight and tries to use it. Nothing. She then takes out a packet of matches with a bold pink and white logo on a black background. "These help?" * Kaede calls over his shoulder. "What did you find?" Seriously. You *can* wait for your walking battery pack to come back into the room with you later. He's busy typing away though. * @Satoshi takes the matches. "Yeah, thanks." He looks back at Kaede. "Boxes like upstairs, but with some candles and chalk diagrams scattered in there, too. Older than the boxes, Akemi says. Do you want us to wait for you?" * Kaede replies with a bit of "If you want better light for that, Watanabe- san. You're not Kyon." He types again. "Come help me out here. I'm trying to find more information on this Daitetsu Kaisha..." <@Grysar> * Akemi picks up a candle. "Aside from the dust, the wax is a bit shaved. It looks like these might once have been in a candlestick, but not now." She lets out a breath as she hears Kaede's request. "Do we have to do that here?" To know what we might be *looking* for here, yes. * @Satoshi looks back at Kaede. "Did you just access the Internet Reversed?" * Kaede stops himself and looks up at Satoshi, as if just realizing it. He blinks. "Yes." He looks back at his computer, slightly confused. "...yes, I did. ....huh." * @Satoshi leans against the doorframe to the storage room, peering at the candle Akemi picked up. "...we evolve over time, don't we. Our powers, they change and grow to fit the world around us. You wouldn't have anything like this in a different age..." <@Grysar> * Akemi stands behind him. Her expression wry, "And now we're lost without it." * Kaede tilts his head back to look at Akemi. "...how are you holding up, Shiraishi-san?" He glances at Satoshi. "Watanabe-san. I...if we're going to look into the Council, we're going to have to look into everyone." His chin drops to focus back on the screen. "Including Hideo. I know the World had a part in killing Yamamoto-sensei..." His fingers shake, just for a moment as he says the name, but he manages to still it pretty quick..." <@Grysar> * Akemi bites her lip. "Uh, if you're sure what you're doing. I trust you." She then glances over at the boxes. "These aren't too big. I could try to clear them our while you two talk and go online." She flexes an arm, adorably. "But you have to tell me how great my muscles are afterwards." * @Satoshi steps out of the doorway, still holding the matchbook. "I don't think Hideo was... I don't think he was all that involved with the Council. It's the impression that I got." <@Satoshi> I don't think you could make Hideo do anything he didn't want to. * Kaede still focuses. "Then why..." He stops the question and just goes into typing. "...what *do* you remember? Anything you think may be relevant here..." * @Satoshi looks over at Akemi. "Sure you don't want me to get them?" <@Satoshi> And you think it's okay to disturb them? <@Grysar> [Akemi begins transfering boxes to the main lobby. One at a time. She is actually very careful about bending with her knees, though she still getting her outfit a bit sweaty and dirty a she goes. Every now and then she looks it one, but she never seems to fine much of use. She waves Satoshi off.] Shiraishi-san is amazing, Watanabe-san. She's got this. * Kaede adds, in the mental link. ~She probably needs something to focus on while she's here, Satoshi. Let her do this...please.~ <@Grysar> * Akemi nods with a bit of pride, "Well, there's like hotel stuff all around here and it didn't do anything. I'd like to be done here. So let's each do what we have to do to leave." She makes a heart, "Go get the internet, boys." * Kaede rolls his head back to look at Akemi with a half-glance. "Dinner at Yusuke's when we get back, right?" <@Satoshi> ~Okay.~ <@Grysar> * Akemi oofs as she sets down a box. "Right." * @Satoshi goes over to where Kaede is and sits in a chair. "I don't remember much of anything about his life, really. *Taki* might remember more. I just... all I really have is the vision from when Saki and I went to get the Cup. He... had a driver? Someone who called him sir? And he dressed really well, apparently. So... well-to-do, I guess?" * Kaede pushes his glasses up and adds, a pause in his typing. "...Shimiru- san....of course..." * Kaede goes back to typing again without a word. <@Satoshi> The World had Hideo taken out of Hiroshima. <@Satoshi> ...wait. <@Grysar> [Kaede is able to actually get into the files of Daietsu Kaisha. They're operated as a somewhat independent entity, apparently seperate from Global Services (which has a Global Personnel Services devision) though under the same parent family. Working backwards, you do find that the company was really made into a player by Hideo Watanabe, who was the Chairman of the board until his disappearance at the end of WWII. The company nearly went into bankrupcy with damaged caused to Hiroshima, but the ties it built to shipping to the United States in the pre-war years helped it recover.] <@Grysar> [There is an internal archive of some of the chairman's affects. Primarily those in other offices around the country that survived various bombings. Included in that is one of the few documents that actually mention Bangor...] * Kaede frowns. Satoshi is probably watching as he goes. But he definitely clicks on that. It's too juicy not to. <@Satoshi> How on earth are you even *getting* that? <@Grysar> [The report is actually a list of the tallest buildings in each state on the Western and Eastern seaboard and their ownership. A variety are marked with various company names, apparently owners. Those owned by other shipping companies are crossed out. The listing of Bangor is caveated as being inland and unavaible for ocean transportation, but the options in Maine during the year this report was generated were pretty sprarse. With a bit of cross verification about when things were constructed, it looks like it was created sometime in the 30s.] * Kaede holds up his finger. Trade secret. Then frowns as the screen flickers. Right. Right. Hands on the laptop. Okay. Okay. <@Grysar> [The document is also CCed to the Los Angeles office of the company and marked corporate sensitive.] * Kaede makes sure to make note of the *name* of the follow-up chairman. And people it was CCed too. Never hurts. <@Satoshi> Wait, the Los Angeles office is *real*? * Kaede turns back to Satoshi and raises an eyebrow. Waiting for him to fill in the details here. <@Satoshi> I mean, my dad was supposed to have worked in LA, and then he turned out to not have been real, so I assumed the whole LA thing wasn't real, but apparently it is? I guess the most believable stories have some grounding in reality... <@Grysar> [This document was Hideo's eyes only. The Los Angeles agent name wasn't listed, apparently the item was only for a select few he gave a code word.] * Kaede frowns, considering. "Code Word sensitive..." He looks at Satoshi for a moment. Meaningfully. "What next?" <@Satoshi> I don't know. You do. <@Satoshi> Wait. <@Satoshi> My dad's name. <@Satoshi> Takeshi Watanabe. <@Satoshi> Try that. * Kaede nods and turns back to try that. * @Satoshi resists the urge to start pacing around the room. <@Grysar> [Satoshi notes a different document in the archives, namely the instruction for creation. The project to digitize the Chairman's notes had apparently been a multi-decade project, first archiving, then eventually scanning them in. Allusions to complaints that it's a massive boondoogle. Apparently Global Personnel Services hires were brought in to take over the process and see it through to completion. The digitizing and optical character recognition work was actually done fairly early in the digital aid, so it must of cost a ton. The standard response apparently is that it is important for the future of the company to have full insight into the founder's thoughts.] * @Satoshi points at the document. "Look at that." <@Satoshi> What was Hideo *doing*? Or The World? Or...? * Kaede scowls a bit. "Patience! I know it's a lead on things and it's bringing more questions but I doubt we're going to get it all in just one search. Hold on, hold on..." He glances over at Akemi, seeing how she's doing before going to the document. <@Grysar> [Takeshi Watanabe actually did do work with the shipping company. He did travel to several of the cities mentioned on the West Coast and once to New York. However, the documentation of his activities, despite being more recent and in a era not affected by bombing, is just dramatically lower. There's largely positive write-ups from various mentors, although they do note that he does still tend to be a "Young Turk" at time and buck authority.] <@Grysar> [Over the past half hour or so, Akemi has created a quarter ziggurat in one corner of the room. She's looking tired but accomplished.] * @Satoshi suddenly gets a horrible suspicion. "Kaede... is there a picture of Takeshi Watanabe anywhere?" * Kaede frowns and hesitates. "Satoshi...I don't have long on this connection...we have to focus..." But it's not as forceful as it *could* be...there's a bit of waiver to it. <@Satoshi> Please, Kaede. <@Satoshi> I have to know something. * Kaede lets out a sigh and hesitates. But then does the search. Probably the last thing they'll be able to find. Who knows? <@Grysar> [With ample searching, you're able to find a couple pictures. One of them is a class of young prospective executives taking a semester abroad at UCLA in the late 1960s. Takeshi's hair is a little shorter than Satoshi, although he actually pulls off a whispy beard. Apparently Joshua might have been right, Satoshi wasn't trying hard enough for playoff stubble.] <@Grysar> [The other requires a pretty impressive reverse image search plus some de-aging. There's a tween Satoshi standing with a larger group of VIPs from the various members of the family of companies that included the shipping company. They are taking a tour of Tokyo Tower prior to the completion of construction. There's a few women there, one standing near Takeshi, but between the tall young man and a conveniently placed parasol, her face is not visible.] * @Satoshi swallows. "Well. Winston said I was de-aged twice. I'd never really given much thought as to what I was doing in between being Hideo and being me. Hideo kind of overshadowed everything." <@Grysar> [After that search, Kaede's friendly computers within the network report that intrusion detection procedures are activating and the archive is rapidly going online. At the same time, the wifi connection seems to be fading and there's a bit of an ozone smell from a router in the corner. There is one remaining archive folder that you'd wanted to check out, and this may be your last chance to do it. But the connection is clearly bleeding, and you don't know what will happen if you keep it punching through, what do you do?] * Kaede sighs, hand going to the top of the computer. At the alarm, he curses, quickly goes to save the thing to favorites and shut the whole thing down. "No no no..." <@Grysar> [So grab the files first?] <@Grysar> [As Kaede shuts down quickly, the wifi booster in the corner catches fire. Upside, a bit more light in the room. Downside, Akemi's rapidly calling his name as he slams shut the connection to the outside bfore non- reversed reality risks breaking through.] * @Satoshi grabs something to smother the fire with! <@Grysar> [Satoshi's able to grab the futon and just bat it out hard with mass. There's an bit of a burnt smell that remains and the futon has scorched corner, but crisis averted.] * @Satoshi thinks that this would be a great time to have Taki. Or Katie. Or Kyon, if he can control fire? Can he control fire? Probably not Haruko, though... oh, good, he got it out. <@Grysar> * Akemi is hyperventilating and sits down on one of the boxes. <@Grysar> [For the record, it's probably now been around an hour since you've first arrived in the reversed lobby, about fifteen minutes exploring and setting up the connection, and another fifteen with the shift in focus.] * Kaede stands up quickly, tossing the laptop down to the side, trying to minimize the damage. Hopefully. "AKEMI!" Running over quickly, he goes to just hold her shoulders. "Are you alright?!" <@Grysar> * Akemi looks up, eyes wide. "Water?" * @Satoshi sets the futon back down, trying to hide the scorched corner as best he can. "I'll go see if there's a bathroom." <@Grysar> [There is one, you even have an afterhours key, meant to keep out the homeless.] * @Satoshi grabs the wash basin, takes it the the bathroom, gives it a quick rinse, and returns with it full of water. "Here." <@Grysar> * Akemi raises it to her lips, drinking quickly and spilling water down on to her top. She pauses with a quick succession of hacked coughs, which honestly aren't cute even from Akemi, but after a moment she recovers and drinks again, more slowly this time. She's looking a bit red in the face after the box moving but her breathing is at a managable pace and Kaede holding her shoulders seems to help. * Kaede does actually move to rub her shoulders, then brings her into a hug. "It's okay, it's okay..." The laptop may not have survived though. <@Grysar> [Indeed, Kaede prioritized getting to her rather than protecting it. He can scavenge for parts, save the hard drive, and will be ready for action again once he's back home, but he's going to be running off his phone for the rest of this trip.] * @Satoshi goes to get some more water. <@Grysar> [With two men she's rather fond of tending to her, she recovers to before too long, although she's obviously tired.] <@Grysar> So, I got everything. There were ten candles I found and a few more broken pieces of chalk. * @Satoshi attempts a smile. "Thanks, Akemi. Was there something drawn with it in there, or was it too dark to tell?" <@Grysar> * Akemi makes face. "Something geometrical. I think a Pentacle." She gives a wane smile. "But maybe I'm biased." * Kaede looks over at the place over there. "I...I can see if we can get some light in the room now..." He glances at Satoshi. "Are...are we alright?" <@Satoshi> I think so? I got the fire out and... things still feel okay. <@Grysar> [The room still does feel stable to Satoshi and Akemi, although looking back at it, that may have been a near thing there. Kaede is able to turn on the light in the room and Akemi's guess was correct, a Pentacle is on the floor with missing sections. There are wax drippings at some of the interesction points.] <@Grysar> * Akemi smiles a little more, she looks over to Kaede, "Go pentacles?!" She tries to make a pentagram symbol with her fingers and is more successful than you might expect, but only a little. * Kaede fills in with his own fingers and mimics. "Go Pentacles..." He sighs and then looks down at her shoulder. "Sorry...I brought you into this. You shouldn't have needed to come..." <@Grysar> [The pentacle is fairly large, the center pentagon in the star is a bit ore than a metere in diameter. A person could sit in there if they wren't too large and folded their legs.] <@Grysar> We can talk about that later. * @Satoshi looks at Kaede. "Can you get a picture of that?" * Kaede sighs, slowly taking out his phone and running the charge through, back of his hand lighting up a bit as he works to take a picture. With flash. He's not moving much from Akemi if he can help it though. <@Grysar> [He's able to get a good enough shot.] <@Satoshi> Thank you. I'm sorry that this turned so messy. <@Grysar> * Akemi nods, quietly. * Kaede breathes and he tilts his head now before answering. "...why?" * @Satoshi shakes his head. "Never mind." He sticks his hands into the pocket of his jacket out of habit, then feels something crinkle. He pulls out the letter that the building manager gave him earlier. <@Grysar> [The envelope has Hideo's name in English on the front, perhaps for the benefit of the holders. Romanization was a bit different back then, but close enough. * Kaede squeezes Akemi's shoulder as he answers anyway. "I chose to come. I chose to be here. We've gotten further information on all that's going on than we would have if we had run away and hid. I'd say it was highly successful..." He takes in the room now, glancing at Satoshi with the letter. * Kaede focuses on the letter, then adds, clear as day. "You are not Hideo. You know that, right?" * @Satoshi looks at Kaede. "Well, mostly it was just that I wasn't expecting things to catch on fire. I'm not sorry we got the information. That was worth it." Then he looks at the letter. "I was Hideo, though. And I was apparently Takeshi Watanabe, too. But I'm not either of them now. That having been said... I still want to know what's in this." He opens the letter. Things catch on fire. This is a thing that happens. Ask Kyon. <@Grysar> * Akemi rolls her eyes a that. * Kaede blinks and looks at Akemi. "What? They do?" He squeezes and lets her go, walking over to Satoshi and then putting a hand on his. "...you don't have to read it *now*, Watanabe-kun. The letter is going nowhere." * @Satoshi looks up. "Yeah, but if I don't do it now, I might not want to later, and maybe you guys should know what's in it, too." * Kaede closes his eyes. Slowly. "We still exist. Even when we're not in front of you or in the same country. We still exist..." <@Grysar> [The letter is brief, oblique, unsigned, and surprisingly sarcastic. The requested service is now completed and one building in each of the listed states is available for your purposes. Only ones you settle near for months will be stable enough. Since you insisted on one per state, Portland would have been preferable, but your commercial competitors saw to it that you would not have a permanent foothold there. If you are reading this, I hope you enjoy the winters as much as I did.] * @Satoshi drops the letter. <@Satoshi> Holy shit. Hideo set up a network of Towers Reversed. * Kaede blinks, then looks at the letter now, reaching down for it to pick it up. ....why? <@Satoshi> I don't *know*. *Each* of them? He... <@Satoshi> That is a *lot*. That is a whole *lot*. * Kaede frowns, then looks over at him. "Was this when Takeshi..." * @Satoshi shakes his head. "The letter was addressed to Hideo, so I think it was just his. And some of those buildings may not exist any more." <@Grysar> [The letter continues. The candlelit preparations in your leased room are complete, if the room is remodeled or otherwise significantly disupted, than so are the preparation. To attune this space and stable it, after having lived nearby, follow the outline I laid out downstairs. It will function best if you have a compatriot to field (the word is underlined) the problem. However, a meditative night may serve the same function, if not as pleasantly. I make no promises that the other buildings will remain available once you have attuned one. My debt is paid, farewell.] * Kaede curses a little, then looks over at his computer. "...if the information is still salvageable..." He sighs a little, running fingers through his hair. "Watanabe-san. Do you feel like sending the email informing the others? It...it would probably be best coming from you..." * @Satoshi nods. "Yeah. I can do it." He looks over at the door to the room. "So we could... we could stabilize the pocket of the World Reversed here?" * Kaede nods. "So it would appear..." His hand goes to Satoshi's shoulder, suddenly seeming tired. "Let's...not. At least not make the decision right now. We..." He glances at Akemi out of the side of his eyes. "We should...spend the rest of our time. See the sights. Plan a big party for when we have to go away. Not...worry about Arcana things. Not for a while...." * @Satoshi lets out a breath. "Yeah. I can totally get behind that. We can talk to the others about it. Later." <@Grysar> * Akemi looks to Satoshi. "I don't think I want to come back here this trip. It does feel unfinished to me. If you want to me to do it now, I'll try. But, I don't want to sacrifice Broadway for this." * @Satoshi shakes his head. "You don't have to sacrifice Broadway. It sounds like I should be able to do it myself if I feel like spending a night here." <@Satoshi> And that's if we decide whether that this is even a good idea. <@Grysar> * Akemi kisses Satoshi on the cheek. "Let's get dinner." * @Satoshi is surprised that he's even considering this. Why is he even considering this? <@Grysar> * Akemi then walks over to the elevators, taking a hand of each of her two companions. * @Satoshi blinks, startled, then blushes. "I will buy you the nicest of dinners," he says. <@Grysar> * Akemi smiles. "I know." * Kaede nods and hands back the letter before he gets an Akemi hand and starts getting pulled. "Hey! We can both buy dinners!" And then he rethinks that. "Not what I meant!" * @Satoshi puts the letter back in his pocket. "Akemi's been working really hard today, Kaede. I think she's earned two dinners if she wants them." He's also surprised that despite, well, pretty much everything that happened today, he's feeling all right. Having someone else here with him makes a lot of difference. * Kaede snorts. "Desserts, Satoshi. She's earned *desserts.*" * Akemi nods. "And over dinner, we can decide between or , and make sure we have tickets for the big lady with the torch." * Kaede moves to pick up the burnt out, charred reminants of his laptop and holds it in both hands, giving a head drooping sigh. Man... <@Grysar> [End!]