[Grysar] The ritual diagrams and instruction all seemed fairly straightforward to Wataru's eye. The pentagram itself was a little more complex than first appearance, with double lines in the center, but even in his early days he was sometimes playing with more complicated preparations. Of course, that was probably part of the point. [The diagram: http://bacon.sandwich.net/ardweden/neoarcana/other/BangorReversedDiagram1.png ] If the Towers Reversed were prepared through complex ritual magic, it was finished over half a century ago. The meditation and Hideo's innate power as Arcana instead appeared to be the key. Based on what Wataru was reading in his books, it was actually the tarot elements here that were key. The twin Pentacles would ground both one meditating and the tower itself. While the ten candles fit naturally on the full pentagram, Wataru's books showed layouts that could easily include any number of candles. Ten was a choice. A quick review of the meaning of the Ten of Pentacles was reassuring, transcending wealth and inheritance. A creation of a prior generation passed on to this one. However, when looking back at materials Satoshi sent, that didn't fit. Hideo's plan appeared to be that he'd use one of these Towers himself and not two "generations" later. Taking a closer look at the diagram the double line in the middle stands out. It isn't the Ten that's being invoked, it's the Five, twice. That's... not good. The fives are cards of loss and conflict. The loss of the outside pentacle seems to refer to the opportunity cost, referenced in the letter choosing this Tower Reversed to the exclusion of others. That seems like a manageable cost, even if it might have made Hideo Watanabe grumpy.. The bigger deal is that second interior pentacle, which likely reflects the interior version of the card: a long dark night of the soul. Salvation may be nearby, Satoshi could come out of this knowing more about himself and with the Tower likewise recognizing him as its true owner. However, doing so will require facing his past self. The inner pentacle also isolates, even if Satoshi were not alone in that room, this would be a challenge he'd have to face on his own. Reading over the materials again and studying some other cards, he thinks that Hideo's agent did fulfill their end of the bargain, but may have chosen a method of sealing the connection that pointedly required introspection. There may also be other approaches that could work, (OOC: Akemi could have stabilized) though they would likely have involved a comparable cost, albeit perhaps in a preferable form. --- <@Grysar> [Date: Morning of Saturday the 24th in Japan. Evening of Friday the 23rd in Tokyo.] <@Grysar> [Last night, Kaede emailed out about his meeting with Yorihisa and his report on Shuffle. This has brought to the surface some thoughts that were already brewing in Wataru, ones he'd like to discuss with Kaede.] <@Grysar> [In addition, Wataru has been researching the diagram and letter that Satoshi sent over to better explain the nature of the Tower-reversed ritual. He even has some alternatives he's considering.] <@Grysar> [At what Wataru likely considers an ungodly hour, the video chat begins.] <@Grysar> [Start!] * Wataru is in his brown-and-navy striped hoodie over his PJs. He's not even trying to be completely awake here, steaming mug of genmaicha in front of him. It's a rainy morning. * @Satoshi opens the connection on the video chat. He's wearing a pale blue button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to about mid-forearm, navy blue pants (not slacks; that is not a good word), and his hair is pulled back tonight. "Hey," he says once the chat is open. "Sorry to keep making you have to get up early, but this sounded like it was urgent and I was free tonight, so." * Wataru's expression cracks into a grin. "No worries. And hey, nice look, what's the occasion? Gave a presentation in class or something?" * @Satoshi smiles back. "Oh, thanks. Academic advisor meeting, actually. I try to look studious and respectable." "I would call that a success," he says, trying not to stare at the really cute ponytail look ARGH. "Anyway, thanks for meeting up with me. I had a bunch of thoughts about the diagram." He looks down at his notes. "You're alone, yeah?" * @Satoshi nods. "Yeah. Paul's out doing a thing and I told the guys I'd be busy tonight. I locked the door, too." He reaches for something in his desk, then stops. "You think it's okay if I take notes?" * Wataru nods. "Yeah, so long as you keep them hidden wherever you hide these things," he smiles a bit. "So this diagram is actually - did you get like, a creepy vibe off of it? More than just, you know, it being a ritual diagram in a creepy Tower." * @Satoshi makes a slightly amused sound. "I'm not sure I have that much ability to distinguish between creepy vibes. I think the whole ritual diagram in the Tower thing is creepy enough to overwhelm any other vibes I might be getting." "Right," he smiles. "Anyway, well, I did. Like. Not like really bad or evil or anything, but... You have a picture of it on hand?" <@Satoshi> Yeah, sec. * @Satoshi rummages in his desk drawer and pulls out one of the photos of the diagram, holding it up to the camera to show Wataru. <@Satoshi> So what's so creepy about it specifically? "Well, so, something about the candles just struck me as... off, somehow. I mea,. okay so at first I'm seeing pentacles, I'm seeing ten candles, we're all Arcana so I think "Ten of Pentacles", right?" There's an energy in him as he gets into the topic, smoother and deeper than morning caffeine. "Which is a pretty nice card - prosperity, carryover of material wealth and attainment, etc. Inheritance. And I was like, 'Cool, that fits'. Except." * @Satoshi looks at the photo for a moment, then back at the camera. "Except?" "Well, the letter didn't really seem like it was intended for future generations, did it." * @Satoshi blinks. "No," he says quietly. "It may have ended up that way, but Hideo's plan - whatever it was - was definitely meant for him." * Wataru has a sip of tea, nodding. "So, that got me thinking. And looking at it again. And that's when the candles thing hit me. It's not really ten - it's two times five. Right?" * @Satoshi looks at the photo, this time more intently. "It *is*, isn't it? The inner and the outer. So what's *that* mean, then?" "Five of Pentacles, twice, maybe? Which... is a lot less shiny. Loss, lacks, setbacks." He frowns at his notes. "Two layers of sacrifice, maybe. That would be some pretty stong magic. Potent." * @Satoshi feels his throat go dry, and he swallows. "Sacrifice? Like... what kind of sacrifice, exactly?" * Wataru smiles a bit. "Relax, not like, the creepy altar kind. I think it's symbolic. Like," he sips tea quickly, "okay, so there's two levels. Outer, inner. Maybe outer is like, surface-level: the concrete, material stuff. So maybe, I mean you were saying that there was some implication that making one Tower Reversed stable might wipe out the other ones, right?" * @Satoshi nods, but he doesn't smile back. "Right, in the letter. That's... that's not a bad thing. At least for me. I mean, it would have pissed Hideo off, I'm sure, and maybe he would have picked differently, but..." "So, sacrifice." Wataru looks at the sketches in his notes. "One Five taken care of. And then there's the inner one. -- I have no idea if this is making any sense, but..." * @Satoshi is a little hesitant. "I think I'm getting this," he says. "I mean, I don't have anything close to your magical knowhow, but it's making sense so far." * Wataru nods. "Okay," he says. "So... Every card has a more concrete interpretation and a more like, metaphorical one, right? So maybe that's why the Five is invoked twice. I don't know. But if it is, then the inner pentacle would be about a more personal kind of sacrifice. Introspection of some kind - acceptance and loss and moving forward. But maybe I'm projecting some Hanged Man into it in spite of myself." He has a quiet half-smile. * @Satoshi sighs. "That sounds a lot less benign than the 'meditative night' in the letter. Maybe that's why whoever wrote it suggested having a second person with field skills around to help." "Meditative night sounds right, too, though. But I think what you'd end up meditating about would end up being unpleasant. Really facing yourself, you know?" * @Satoshi looks down at the photo. "Yeah," he says quietly. "That... yeah." He looks up. "Is it *me* I'd be facing, though?" * Wataru thinks about this. "If by "me" you mean "Satoshi and not... the other guys", then... I don't know. I think so. But... I'm guessing... Probably the parts of you you're not the proudest of, if that makes any sense." His voice is quiet and gentle, by the end of that. <@Satoshi> Ah. * @Satoshi is quiet for a bit, then finally, in an almost barely audible voice, says, "I think I'd almost rather face Hideo." * Wataru bites his lip, nodding softly. "Well...." he looks aside, then back up to Satoshi. "I think... Probably? Maybe? I could probably arrange that." * @Satoshi blinks. "You... what? I'm sorry, Wataru, now I really don't understand." * Wataru exhales. "Okay. So - I know this wasn't the idea, but, just looking at it, and the candles, something jumped out at me right away. Like a gut instinct. I just wanted to undo the wrongness, and make it look like this instead," he says. He lifts a clear, freehand diagram to show the camera. In it, a big circle has been drawn around the star, and all the candles around the inner pentacle have been simply moved out so that they rest on the circumference of the circle along with the other ones - ten candles, evenly spaced, circumscribing the diagram. "I can't even explain why that feels better, but it really REALLY does." * @Satoshi studies the new diagram. "Is that because it makes it ten instead of two fives? Can we even *do* that? Would it still work?" "You catch on quick," Wataru has a fast, earnest grin. "Yeah, I think so. I mean, I've never actually done anything like this, and I certainly haven't ever fucked around with someone else's magic. But this effectively gets rid of the Fives, like you said. Now we've got a different flavour of introspection completely. Upside? None of that hard self- acceptance stuff. Downside, though, is that the whole 'generational legacy' symbolism of the Ten is front and center. So in a way, you *would* be facing Hideo. Probably coming to terms with that instead of coming to terms with, you know, whatever else." Wataru looks at the diagram and frowns a little. "Hmm, I wonder if this still breaks down the other Towers, though. Or if it just does something completely different and I shouldn't be messing with it at all." He blushes, just a little. * @Satoshi shakes his head. "No, it's... I mean, I *asked* you to research this, I..." His voice trails off and he's quiet. * Wataru looks at him... "....It's like, you know when a cup or something is too close to the edge of a counter? Do you ever get that, the urge to just push it in a bit?" * @Satoshi bites his lip and doesn't say anything. "That's the same feeling that I got looking at that. Like I just want to move those candles out and go THERE, NOW IT'S FIXED. I don't know what that means, though," he admits, with a slight self-deprecating chuckle. * @Satoshi closes his eyes. "Maybe you've got better instincts for these things," he finally says, still very quiet. * Wataru wraps his hands around his cup, watching Satoshi. "...I... Yeah, maybe," he says, "but I mean... I'm also way over here where it can't touch me. If I'd have walked into that Tower with you..." He shakes his head. "I'd honestly... probably have freaked out so hard I would have noped right out of there all the way to another continent. And now I've been... kind of treating it like a puzzle, you know, when it's more than that. I lost perspective... I'm sorry." * @Satoshi opens his eyes and shakes his head rapidly. "Oh *god* no. It's not you. You don't have anything to apologize for. I mean I..." He swallows. "You're really into this, and I..." "You're -" Wataru can't help but smile a little. "Hell, I'm scared *shitless* about like, municipal politics basically, and you're the guy who got away from it all, and you're investigating creepy ritual circles in the World Reversed." * @Satoshi attempts to smile but can't pull it off. "Hey, in a few weeks I get to come back and deal with creepy municipal politics." "Hopefully we'll get to do a bunch of cool stuff that has nothing to do with politics. Or Arcana." * @Satoshi sighs. "That'd be nice." "I'll take you to the movies. Hellboy's coming out, I'm super excited," he says... "Okay?" * @Satoshi nods. "Sure," he says. "I don't know what that is, but you can explain it to me." * Wataru smiles a little, wishing he could do more to make Satoshi feel better, and not even realizing he just basically asked him out on a date and Satoshi (also probably not realizing) said yes. "It's based on a comic book, and yeah, I'll explain it to you before we go." He sighs. "It'll be nice to all be in the same place, that's for sure." * @Satoshi half-smiles. "It really will be. Facing this stuff together is so much better than facing it all alone..." * Wataru nods! "I always forget I..." He shakes his head. Sips tea - ugh, cold already... "It's gonna be all right." * @Satoshi lets out a long breath, folds his arms on the desk in front of him, and slumps down. "I don't know what to *do*, Wataru," he says, looking up at the camera. "Face the worst parts of myself or face Hideo - and they're not the same thing - or just... let this be. I feel like I should do *something*, because not doing things is something I'm getting tired of, but I don't want to do something stupidly dangerous just for the sake of doing." * Wataru does that thing that Satoshi does sometimes, where he reaches towards the camera... "I... I *was* kind of wondering why you were looking into this at all, given how much you've told me about getting away from all this Arcana weirdness and living your own life." He lets his hand rest on the desk. * @Satoshi lifts his head up and swallows. "I don't want to run away again if I can *help*. I mean, this," he motions to the room around him, "this wasn't running away, this was me doing something I really wanted, but... if doing this thing with the Tower will help you guys, or help me, or keep my friends here safe..." "I'm not sure anyone sees it as running away. I mean, I see it as running *towards*. This whole amazing hockey thing," he says, and can't keep the smile off his features. "But... God, I mean, I don't know how you feel, but I know how you feel. You guys are all something so new in my life, but I would *fight* for you. Except that I'm also fucking terrified. This whole Shuffle-Council thing is just gaining momentum like crazy and --" Wataru shakes his head. "Anyway... I don't know. The urge to help..." Wataru's voice gets quiet, and he looks away. "That I get." * @Satoshi slowly nods. "This Shuffle thing, I haven't really been paying as much attention to, but... it scares me too. I'm kind of inclined to not do anything with it until I get back home and my IP address is very obviously located in Japan and I have a chance to really *talk* to all of you about it. Hopefully I'll get that luxury." "Yeah. God." He shakes his head. "People have been busy. I don't understand half of what's going on. I'm not good for anything in this whole thing." * @Satoshi half-smiles. "I don't understand half of what's going on, either. Maybe more than half. And I'm even less good in this than you are, really." <@Satoshi> Uh. * @Satoshi frantically waves his hands. "That sounded like I was saying you weren't good and that is totally not what I meant at all! I'm sorry!" * Wataru laughs!!! "Don't sweat it," he chuckles! "I - I know what you meant. I'm a noob at this, it is true. I've got like, what, four months of experience being an Arcana. Relax." * @Satoshi looks relieved. "You help me a lot. I just hope I'm not forcing you deeper into Arcana Weirdness while I'm trying to get away from it. That... really wouldn't be fair, you know?" * Wataru sighs, and shrugs. "It's not just you. Katie, Kaede, Haruko... all of you are neck-deep in this thing that's become a new normal for you, and I don't even want to touch it, but then stuff like *this* comes up," he waves his notes, "and it's Christmas for me. So I don't even know. What am I even doing, you know?" * @Satoshi looks at Wataru. "I want you to be safe," he says quietly. "And happy." * Wataru has a big exhale. "Man. I honestly don't know if I'll ever feel that way again." * @Satoshi looks surprised for a moment, then sad. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wish there were something more I could do." * Wataru's smile is sad. "Heh... Sorry, shit got a little too real for a moment there. I mean, it's been a really long time since I felt safe and happy. But yeah, I mean..." He fidgets with his cup. "Arcana stuff sure makes me feel like that's not a state I'll have the luxury of having again. But it's not like there's anything I can do about that, huh..." He pushes the cup away. "At least I can do some good while I'm here, I guess. Sorry, I don't want to be such a downer. I'm okay, really." * @Satoshi reaches out towards the camera. "You shouldn't apologize for shit getting real. We're friends. It's what friends do. They talk about things. Good things, bad things. They care about each other." * Wataru blushes a bit, but some of the sadness leaves his smile. "Thanks, man. I..." * @Satoshi gives him a tiny smile. "I'll be home soon. Then maybe I can actually help you with this." * Wataru nibbles his lip. "Okay." * @Satoshi smiles a little bit more. "Okay." Then his smile fades and he sighs. "I... really kind of hate to ask you this, but... can you still do that reading? Is it possible for you to get more information on whether I need to do this Tower thing now as opposed to going home and finding more about the letter and stuff with you guys and then coming back to it in the fall?" "Oh, absolutely. So specifically that? Whether it has to happen now? - I would also be curious about whether my alternate diagram thing has any chance of working, so maybe I'll either try to get to that in the same reading or maybe do a separate one." * @Satoshi nods slowly. "How and when, if that's possible. So that'd cover the diagram and the timing. I mean, I don't know how readings work for people so if that's two instead of one... but those are the things I want to know the most." "Got it, boss," Wataru quirks a grin. "I can tell you're not keen on having to drag me in deeper, like you said, but this *is* the part of the whole Arcana deal that I legitimately enjoy, so." * @Satoshi laughs. "I'm not the boss here. But, okay, I was team captain at Sakuragaoka, and a good part of that is helping figure out what people's strengths are and then having them play to those strengths. So." * Wataru has another little laugh! Aaand there it is, the feeling of love welling up in his chest again. He smiles! "Much appreciated," he says. <@Satoshi> [End!]