<@Grysar> [Start!] * Taki is drying her hands off after scrubbing the frying pan, technically that's a Mikage chore, but taking care of her own tools feels more comfortable, hopefully she'll grow out of this by the time she's got her own resturaunt. * Kyon dials up Taki's phone, reclining in the chair in his office area at home, tapping a pen against the edge of the desk. * Taki glares at her phone, why do people always call when her hands are ... dry, wait, what? She puts down the towel and checks callID before answering. "Moshi moshi?" * Kyon sets the pen down on the desk, and says, "Hey. Got your cookies and your message. Thanks." I'm more confident about the cookies than the people, but I've been talking to Akari today, and got a few suggestions, even if I think some of them are just what she'd find funny. * Kyon raises an eyebrow. "Yeah? You still need someone, then?" Ne... Oh, right! Yes, absolutly, I wasn't even talking about that problem. Too many different things happening today. Please tell me you know somebody who can go to that party in my place. * Kyon pauses a beat, and then says, "Yeah. Got an idea. Haven't called him yet, but he should be a good fit." Horray. Mostly. I kinda want to come back and meet him with Nicola before the party, but Tokyo's so far away. What's he like? * Kyon twists his lips to the side, and then says, "He works at my publisher. Looks good, but not too good. Well-dressed, likes networking, good talker. But all in a bland way. Not flashy or too exciting." That's amaizing! I hope he's willing to go along with this. * Kyon nods quickly. "Should be. I'll owe him a small favor for it. So that should help. It's an event he'd want to go for anyway." That's even better, well, not the part where you owe favors for doing me favors, but I'm glad it's the sort of thing he wants to go to. * Kyon shrugs. "Can be a good way to get the relationship going more. And it won't be too much he can ask for. So it's a fair deal." * Taki nods. "That sounds like a good deal for everybody then, I'll let Nicola know when he makes a decision and I get a name, hopefully he doesn't have some other publishing event already planned out." * Kyon nods quickly. "I'll have him call you. Probably the easiest way from here." Okay. I kinda want to tell you about the other stuff that's been going on through email so I can have it all in front of me and make sure I don't accidentally leave things out. ... Uhm. What did you think of the cookies? They wern't too dry after being shipped, were they? * Kyon shakes his head quickly. "Had them with some tea. They were good." * Taki lets out a breath of air. "Glad to hear it." * Kyon smirks. "That worried?" It's a kind of cooking I don't have much experience with and I've only made them once before in class. Paistries are a lot more stressfull than I thought because you have to make them look good, not just taste good. Turned out fine. Sent it fast enough that they didn't get stale. Worked well with the tea. Thanks for the feedback. <@Grysar> [And they wrapped up the conversations, with plans laid for Taki to talk to this mysterious median male. End!]