<@Grysar> [Date: Tuesday May 11th. Two days after Haruko's party and Satoshi is returning to Japan this evening.] <@Grysar> [Kaede's been gathering data about the Arcana candidates in the lead up to the long planned Akemi and Yusuke meeting.] <@Grysar> [With some finagling he's made sure the dinner happens at a time where he can talk to her on the way to the dinner, rather than meeting there.] <@Grysar> [The downside is that Yusuke picked the place. Apparently mid- range sushi but more importantly has private rooms. Akemi has been leading the way and Mimi's ready to pitch in if you get lost.] <@Grysar> [The weather is cloudy and drizzly, but the setting sun still manages to paint what of the horizon you can see through the Tokyo skyline.] <@Grysar> [Akemi is wearing a brilliant yellow jacket and matching hotpants over tights. Beneath the jacket she's got a red satin triangular top, pointed downwards with the bottom rounded off, that leaves her midrift exposted. It's attached to the shorts with short suspender buckles, one of which she's now playing with.] <@Grysar> [Start!] * Akemi hasn't quite been her normal bouyant self, though the weather doesn't help there. She converses in fits and starts, guaging Kaede's mood. * Kaede's mood is very much trying to gauge Akemi's mood, fingers trapped in his own light coat. He hasn't been worried too much about checking Mimi and has tried to keep his actual *watching* her to a minimum. Still, he's been somewhat silent on that front. "You're worried..." he finally says. After some time. * Akemi distractedly releases one buckle, though the structural integrity of the outfit is still secure. "I'm glad we're doing this, thank you. But you seem like you have one more thought than usual chasing around in your crowded head." She gently taps Kaede on the forehead as she says that to accentuate her point. * Kaede gives a little grin to her, thrusting his hands further down. "So the worry is about me...?" And then he quickly loses it, adjusting his coat as he glances away. "I'm alright. But you know I still have mixed feelings about this..." He lets out a long sigh, rubbing his nose. "The Fuyukens and I do not necessarily see eye to eye. You know this. But they're still your friends, so I should give them the benefit of the doubt..." His shoulders relax, still a tad unsettled. * Akemi's mood lifts as she navigates a puddle in her platform shoes. "You'll like some of the things we've been talking about. Yusuke-kun wanted your opinion on how we can structure the show to advertise my acting and not just my singing." * Kaede blinks, stopping just short of the puddle on that as he halts entirely, giving Akemi a ready stare. "Wait. He wants *my* opinion?" Incredulous. * Akemi has a mischievous look in her eye, "He says he's but a simple and straightforward idol that knows little of such things." * Kaede groans, rubbing his forehead. "You told him something, didn't you?" * Akemi bops Kaede's nose. "Don't underestimate me. Don't get me wrong, I think he may want something from you, but I'm just glad everyone is playing-- Oh, there it is!" <@Grysar> [Down the street, a bit past the high rises you're walking past, is the two-story Sangoku Sushi. There's something about it that jogs your memory, though it's not someplace you've gone with Akemi in at very least the past year. Perhaps she's described it after one of her long Anatoly lunches.] * Kaede gives a faint sigh. "I *don't* underestimate you..." His head tilts, looking at the woman for a moment. "So what's going on with Shika?" Ronin year. She's trying to go into medicine eventually. But it means she's pretty tired all the time. She needs to relax more. * Kaede responds. "So do *you*..." Then, after a moment. "So do I....we could *all* use that advice a bit..." Reaching out for her. "Shall we?" * Akemi takes Kaede's hand and leans up to give him a kiss on the cheek for saying that before leading him the rest of the way. Her own palm is warm to the touch. <@Grysar> [Sangoku Sushi has a wide dining room and stairs leading up to private room. The decor is traditional Japanese and the waitresses wear seasonal kimonos. Yusuke is lounging on a bench near the door. He's wearing a kilt with a crimson and scarlet pattern rather than the usual color mix of the tarten. The interior also rings a bell.] * Yusuke rises to his feet in a smooth motion. "Glad you could come Takeuchi." From his tone, he actually somewhat means that. * Kaede nods and gives the man a sharp, polite bow. Business polite, but definitely an offering of colleagual respect. "Well..." He furrows his lips. "I know things have not always been the best in the past, but I do hope those days are behind us..." A glance to Akemi. "Besides your relationship is definitely important to her..." * Akemi bounces letting her triangular top hang a bit loose, "He values my assets." * Yusuke bows in turn, "That I do, and it's been far too long since we've put on a show together." * Kaede snorts, then smiles, gesturing. "Well, let us hope it can be mutually beneficial then. Do we have a booth yet?" <@Grysar> [One of the waitresses gestures for your to come upstairs. Between Yusuke's spread legged kilt lounging and Akemi's assets, you're all attracting some attention from the first floor patrons. Some of the looks are appreciative, others judgmental, obnoxiously some are the former pretending to be the latter.] One better. We wouldn't want any details leaking and spoil the show. <@Grysar> [The second story has one hallway with paper walls and doors seperating out the individual private rooms. One door is open and you can see tatami mat floors and a low table. Based on the shadows, about half the rooms, maybe more, are occupied.] * Kaede walks on by, keeping an ear open and a curious look, but silent. Mostly to see how sound-proof these rooms really are. <@Grysar> [There's some murmurs of conversation, more when the door is open. Loud voices will still carry through but a conversational tone should be dampened. The waitress leads you to the middle right, where a room that can comfortably fit four awaits. Through the window you see the last remains of the sunset.] * Yusuke and Akemi take their seat, Yusuke laying a red leather satchel bag in the corner nearby. * Kaede settles in himself, taking a seat next to Akemi. <@Grysar> [This leaves an empty seat by Yusuke closer to the door. The two of them quickly confer on orders. There's a chef special that hits the menu's highlights while not being too calorie intensive. Tea, miso, and a small appetizer course will soon be on their way.] * Kaede is willing to follow along with the two, orderwise, then watches the door as it closes. He takes the chopsticks closer in preparation. High quality, he's assuming. "So I hear you are making a name for yourself on this Shuffle business recently...." As a conversation starter. Ahaha, it's always nice to be recognized. You're keeping at arms length, yes? At least officially. * Kaede takes the chopsticks and inspects them before setting them within easy reach. "Let's just say I am not entirely comfortable with agendas of people who decide for me what we may or may not need..." His head shifts up to look at Yusuke, maybe with a little less humor. "I only ask because I want to make certain that we are clear not to use this show as a campaigning tactic. This is for Akemi and yourself, fully outside of politics." * Yusuke makes a mmm sound as the tea arrives. Akemi is looking back and forth, quiet for now. * Kaede settles back in for tea, yes. Tea is good. He's waiting much like Yusuke is, not expecting much conversation while others are in the room. * Yusuke likewise waits and sips, gathering his throughts in the interum. "I can see why you'd want her to keep out of politics." * Akemi nods fairly emphatically at that. * Yusuke notes her reaction and continues, "I certainly wouldn't ask her to endorse from the stage, nor will I be giving any stump speeches. Though, honestly compells me to note that I do just have one public persona and some fans crossover." * Kaede rubs his fingers over his nose, pinching them. "Let me be clear on this, I am not Akemi-san's keeper. If she wishes to go into them, I fully support her in that. But I've known her long enough that I figure if she did not prefer to stay neutral on the matter, she would have told me..." * Kaede then raises up, staring over his glasses at Yusuke. "Of course. You have no control over your own fans. Only your own behavior. If there happens to be cross-over, that is unavoidable..." He pulls up his tea, masking a sigh as blowing the steam. * Akemi sips her tea, "Neutral is the best place to stay really. Everyone is friends there. Like Switzerland!" * Kaede grins at Akemi. "And chocolate." Swiss chocolate is the best. * Akemi makes a heart with her hands and then turns to Yusuke. "I always tell you he knows his stuff, and his stuff is anything I care about." And Akemi is wiser than any of us, ahaha. I accept your terms! <@Grysar> [And on that happy note, the miso arrives. Funnily enough there's four bowls being laid out. This mystery is cleared up almost immediately as Shika rounds the corner.] * Kaede lets out a little half laugh, looking up. "Not exactly terms. An understanding though. Just to place us on..." And then his eyes shift as the door opens and there's suddenly a Shika. He's definitely not drinking tea right now. * Yusuke looks surprised, "Done studying?" * Shika grumbles, "Half the group were no shows and the rest were insufficiently commited." * Akemi gives an awkward wave. "Hiiiii Shika! You remember Kaede, right?" * Kaede mouthes the words "Insufficiently committed," then turns to Akemi, giving her a confused stare. "We were actually just talking about you before, Shika-san. Saying we could all use time away from our studies..." His glance goes up to Shika. How could she forget? * Shika gives a curt bow of acknowledgment. "Couldn't forget even if I wanted to." She gives Yusuke a look and he scoots over to the seat closer to the door. She slips behind him and plops down her backpack before sitting between Yusuke and Akemi. * Kaede snorts. "At least I was willing to *talk* to you..." He brings his tea up to his lips, then more seriously. "Akemi is right though. You seem exhausted." * Yusuke's expression is non-plussed at these developments. He seems ready to say something, but pipes down when Kaede speaks. Noting the somewhat friendly topic, there's a slight look of gratitude in his eyes. * Shika sips some tea. "Shows that much?" She frowns, "I think part of the requirements might just be hazing. Make sure we can handle long shifts." No. I'm just a fellow workaholic that puts way more effort into it than is healthy. I see the signs. * Shika raises her glass to Kaede in a cheers gesture. Don't just bond over this you two. If Kaede says you're working too hard, you're working too hard. * Akemi pouts after saying that. It's unspeakably adorable. * Kaede just blinks at Akemi's expression. It *is* unspeakably adorable. That's why he's not speaking. <@Grysar [The whole room is actually briefly fascinated. Yusuke is the first to speak, "So sorry, but we were just getting to some of the boring bits. I want to make sure this event boosts Akemi's acting career, which means thinking through staging, promotion, that jazz."] <@Grysar> [Incidentally now that Shika's here, this whole place seems even more familiar. You haven't been in this four person room before, but you'd swear you've been to this place. The emotional associations, unfortunately, are not good.] * Kaede is mostly listening, waiting for Yusuke to get to any ideas he might have first, but does find himself glancing about to figure out the mystery. Strange. * Shika grunts non-commitally and settles in to enjoy her miso. <@Grysar> [And as Yusuke begins to lay out his plan, perhaps something mixed media, show something with Akemi on a big screen as part of the initial performance that then bleeds into an opening number. As he does so, it clicks, this place may be a favorite for Yusuke and Shika, but the last time you were here was an incredibly tense meal and painful argument two years ago, the day after Katie lead a raid in pursuit of Tenjirou.] * Kaede's good humor is lost, only for the moment, he seems to turn his focus back to Yusuke, listening to the plan being laid out. Trying to get a read on the whole intent of all this. He nods, when appropriate, but seems to be waiting to yield any input. <@Grysar> [Yusuke's willing to straigthforwardly follow the terms of the agreement and does genuinely want to do events with Akemi and mutually benefit each other. At the same time, the event and music and video have more of an idealistic tone. There's no campaign content per say, but, particularly if Akemi isn't going to be doing any endorsements, just being on stage with the most popular Arcana during election season is going to be a huge win for him, augmented by the positive vibes from what he's proposing.] <@Grysar> [Shika, meanwhile, is somewhat intent on the food and Akemi has scooted a little closer to you. There's something bugging his sister about what Yusuke's saying and it comes up more in the most idealistic bits, specifically, the rah rah, we can overcome problems together stuff.] * Kaede frowns at the idealistic bits, ever so slightly. "What...message are we trying to portray here?" * Yusuke waves his hand, "If I want to send a message, I'll text someone. This is just more of an upper album--" Any chance you could talk my brother out of his damn fool campaign? I do not know, and I certainly do not trust, these Shuffle people. * Yusuke has a brief flash of anger in his eyes but it disipates almost immediately. "I just think uplifting is a good fit for Akemi." * Kaede looks at Yusuke, letting out a slight sigh. "Overall, I'd agree with you, but this..." He gestures to the table. "Is bordering on fake. And one thing we've been working on is to have people fall in love with the genuine article..." He glances at Akemi for confirmation, maybe closing the gap a bit. The media is very quick to pick up on ingenuineness. Especially this day and age. * Akemi nods thoughtfully, "I've been known to get an audience to rise to attention, but there is such a thing as trying too hard." * Yusuke makes a tschk sounds out of the side of his mouth but nods. "I can ease the up lift. Use some of the more mature mater--" Mature sexy, not mature big boring themes, right?" * Yusuke puts a holds his hand to his forehead but nods again. * Shika grins a little, "I always approve of sexy Akemi-times. But you shouldn't be involved with this Conclave, or whatever, at all. Who are these people to tell us what to do?" * Kaede rubs his forehead, looking over his notes again. He's staying tremendously quiet, just letting the chips fall where they may. Unless someone asks for his opinion on the matter. <@Grysar> [No one follows up on Shika's comment immediately. The waitress stops in to drop off one special roll and one set of mixed sashimi. Shika adds an order for grilled vegetables that gets her a concerned look from Yusuke that she waves off.] * Shika lets out a breath once the waitress leaves. "C'mon Takeuchi, Akemi-chan. Back me up here. I do not trust that mangy over-belted lion or her rigamarole." * Kaede *does* look over at Shika for that, if for nothing else than to ask "Mangy, over-belted lion?" * Akemi bites her lip for a moment, processing that sentence. "Well, I dunno." * Akemi looks relieved that Kaede is also confused. Do I have to spell it out? Hi-na-ko. Well. You *did* just spell it out. My views on the Council are....complicated. To say the least. * Akemi puts a calming hand on Shika's shoulder, her look a mix of pain and concern. "She did say she didn't need you to kill any humans, and that she'd never order anyone to do what he did." * Shika scoots next to Akemi and lets her agitation go. "Yeah. Well, I'm listening." * Yusuke lets out a breath and selects his first roll. He stays quiet and gives Kaede time to speak. * Kaede's room to speak turns to his look at Akemi with a furrowed look on his face. "Wait, what did I miss?" * Akemi speaks quietly. "I spoke with her after the Opera house. And what that guy said." * Shika puts an arm around Akemi's shoulder. "I'm not sure how you convinced me to listen to her after all that." * Yusuke finishes savoring a roll. "Well, I enjoy existing, so it's just as well you did." * Akemi lights up a little, "Yeah! People should listen to me. The world you save might be your own." * Kaede goes quiet at that, his fingers clench, just for a moment as he looks at it. Seems at a loss for words at the moment. * Yusuke carefully selects another roll, taking the time to do some mental accounting about sharing. * Shika grits her teeth before slowly unclenching them. "So maybe my feelings aren't that complicated about them, but my brother is drinking their koolaid. And Akemi," Shika squeezes her shoulder, "is just way too trusting." She shakes her head, "Maybe you can talk sense into them." * Kaede reaches up to rub his head. Why him? Why is he put in this position? "What....do all of you remember about the Council of the Past anyway?" * Akemi gauges the tension in the room and decides this is also the time for some delicious sushi. With her left hand she moves a piece to her plate and pointedly another to Kaede's. My predecessor was a member for a period. * Shika frowns, "I've had a vision or two, but more like nightmares. I don't really know what they mean." I think I might have worked for them. But it's pretty confusing. I don't like thinking about it. * Kaede nods, looking up at Yusuke with curiosity, but not really judgment. "So they were entirely keen with the idea of a Council themselves...?" A nod of thanks to Akemi before he takes his chopsticks and makes sure they're properly set before reaching for his piece. "Mine was an investigator of sorts. So we all have slightly different perspectives here..." And then he frowns slightly at Akemi, but it's quick to disappear. * Kaede dips his sushi in and continues. "Anyhow. I am less than enthused on entrusting our welfare to the decisions of a select few. And I doubt enforcement will be equivalent across the board..." His frown deepens as he softens. "Plus if we get another Sho who simply refuses to play by the rules...." * Yusuke makes a face. "A Council? Yes. That Council." He holds up a hand and waves it back and forth. * Kaede glances at Yusuke, giving him a dull expression. "I fail to see there being much of a difference simply because *you* are trying to get on it...." * Shika nods. "I can protect myself and my people." She squeezes Akemi a little closer and nods to Yusuke. "I've been on the outs with cliques before. Groups of people can talk themselves into some bad ideas." She seems like she might have more to say there, but a soft foot tap from Akemi quiets her. I think elections will make for a better Council. And if there is another Sho, I'd rather be organized. I've always said there's a lot of trouble that we can avoid if we come together and talk things over over tea. * Shika snorts at that, but deoesn't comment. * Kaede ignores it. "Too true...and the pool is so small..." He snorts at Yusuke's response. "Do what you will, but I fear it will be a fool's errand. And I tell both sides that. Even the sides you would think in theory I should be supporting..." * Yusuke tilts hits head, holding his piece of sashimi in the air. "Both sides?" * Kaede gives Yusuke a look and *now* can't hesitate to suppress a groan. "Wait. You are running for candidacy and you haven't even looked at the possible candidates?" * Yusuke smiles a little, waving his piece in the air, spilling a little bit of soy sauce to his chagrin. "Oh, has Matthias-san officially declared? I hadn't noticed," he lies. * Kaede rubs a finger around the bridge of his nose, keeping his head tipped down. "....there is more to life than pentacles, but I'm impressed you'd think I'd care what Matthias has to say either..." * Akemi gives Yusuke a quick look before taking another piece of sushi and serving Kaede another one. Has to make sure her boy eats and if she has food in her mouth, nobody can ask her to make choices. * Kaede glances to Akemi and adds, with a touch of chagrin. "No offense." Mhmm hmhmm. Ah, you refer to your power couple companions. Power couple? * Akemi serves Shika a piece of sashimi with an encouraging look. "Mhmm mmmm!" Sometimes you wonder if she even needs a script in her commercials. * Kaede groans even more, then stabs at the sushi. "Of course. Of course that's how they'd be referred to outside of our little group. Why am I not surprised....?" * Shika eyes the fish, uncertainly. Something is going on here. <@Grysar> [And Shika's grilled vegetables and the last plate of rolls have arrived. The waitress glances over at Shika and Akemi for a half second but then leaves. She's not paid to notice things people don't want noticed.] * Yusuke shrugs, "Far be it from me to fault anyone for ambition. Though I have heard some skepticism, yes." No, seriously, who are the power couple? * Akemi massages Shika's shoulder, "Does it really matter? You aren't going to listen to the Council anyways." * Kaede is ignoring Shika. Whether it be on purpose or by accident is anyone's guess. "I wouldn't say necessarily *ambition*. But really...that's the problem with dealing with outsiders...everyone always thinks you are 100% united and in agreement with everything. As if you do not have a mind of your own to think for yourself...." * Shika takes a piece of fried lotus root and munches on it. "Too right," she comments, not genteelly chewing with her mouth shut in the manner of Akemi. I like to think of myself as more a conciliator than a great leader of men. But I can see how you might be vexed in the same manner that my sister is by my candidacy. * Kaede frowns. "It's not jealousy." * Shika tilts her head. "I'm not jealous of Yusuke. I don't need the affection of crowds." Her hand slips down to Akemi's side. I just meant that I am not speaking for her in this. Nor are your companions speaking for you. But all that said, I don't see why there's any need for sides. That's why your initial statement confused me. I'm happy to leave the past in the past. * Kaede tilts his head to the side. "You're reading too much into it. All I meant was that I am more than willing to tell my friends the same that those I am..." He considers his words carefully here. "...far less than close to...would. No lingering animosity, you understand, but we are hardly exactly close." He glances at Akemi, as if to punctuate his point. * Akemi notes the moved hand with a look of faint resignation, muddled somewhat by relief at the topic change. * Yusuke nods. "That's fair. We're united by common affection for our dear Shiraishi and by professionalism. A trait I do appreciate in those I work with." * Akemi does brighten as she hears this, with a pleased look she gets whenever Yusuke and Kaede are getting along. * Kaede snorts. "Laying it on a little thick?" But he does smile before he gestures Akemi over. Giving her an out. Come on. * Akemi kisses Shika on the cheek which flummoxes the girl. The model then, with an agile maneuver, slips under her arm and over to Kaede's side before slipping onto his lap. "It's never too thick when you two are honestly singing my praises." * Shika grumbles but doesn't have something immediate to complain about and takes another grilled vegetable. * Kaede blinks at the *lap* sit, but hey. His hand awkwardly goes around her. Not used to this in public. "Singing...yes...hmm..." His chin dips to consider. "That's really what we should be showcasing here. Singing talent...." * Yusuke raises an eyebrow. "Oh?" * Shika nods. "She is an amazing singer." * Kaede gives it a nod. "An amazing singer and something that's been undersold until now..." He leans forward a little, so in full business mode he forgets Akemi is sitting on him. "Perhaps something to bring your two images together..." Since Yusuke seems to tend to have more of a 'badboy' persona from what I've seen... He glances up at the man. "Still the same general category of what you were going for...but it would be far more subtle...and I think would make her shine rather than get overshadowed..." * Kaede glances at Akemi now and adds "Then perhaps, once you've got more acting under your belt, we could look at getting you into musicals..." * Yusuke raises both hands, palms up. "I am blessed even were I but a moon to her sun. Agreed, I can even recommend a coach to help bring out her voice in full. Not cheap, but the best never are." * Akemi wraps her arm around Kaede, "Musicals?! That's a fabulous idea." * Kaede smiles a little with *perhaps* the hint of embarrassment but glances, humble as ever. "Well. It's just a thought.." A calm nod back to Yusuke. "So it's agreed?" <@Grysar> [And the waitress comes back to collect empty platters before quickly vamoosing. Not before another half second review of the room. So it's one of those groups. She's heard rumors of worse in these private rooms though.] Agreed. * Shika stews and had finished her vegetables in time for the waitress to claim the platter. She then raps her fist against her forehead. "Oh, *she* is in the power couple. With, uh..." Shika tries to process which person Katie is in a relationship with. * Kaede gives a small smile, then gives Akemi a kiss on the cheek, pulling back. "Glad we could come to an arrangement..." Then more serious for a moment. "Should still pick your brain over your past experience with the Council though. I doubt many who are looking into it are really considering the past..." * Akemi slips down to by Kaede's side and grabs the dessert menu. "Would you like ice cream Shika? They have some great mochi here." * Yusuke ponders, "I don't know that I have much more to offer, but I'll share what I can." * Shika shakes her head. "This is going to be trouble. Mark my words." * Kaede frowns at Shika, turning at her. "If you mean the Council in general, I'd agree..." He sighs, rubbing his head. "I'm trying to get people to remember the problems with the *old* Council...I mean it was..." he rubs his head, deep in thought, focusing on his past. * Yusuke ponders for a moment finishing off one of the rolls as he thinks. Some of the worst problems of the old Council I think will be fixed by elections. But there is one thing I recall... <@Grysar> [And as Yusuke speaks, Kaede slips into the past.] <@Grysar> [End!]