<@Grysar> [Date: May 22, 2004. The temperature is pleasant and the morning has been prone to intermittent showers.] <@Grysar> [Kyon arranged a meeting with the Heirophant who invited him to a meeting at apartment shortly after school is lets out.] <@Grysar> [He's a little early and her door is closed, though he can hear a flurry of activity in the depth of the apartment.] <@Grysar> [Start!] * Kyon is in a long-sleeve dark grey button-down shirt and black pants, with his regular plain grey baseball cap / armwarmers / sunglasses combo. He checks the time, and then leans against the wall opposite the door to wait until it's the time they arranged. <@Grysar> [Time passes and the interior of the apartment quiets down. Just about time now.] * Kyon straightens his sleeves and rings the bell right as the clock ticks over! * @Hinako opens the door and is belted out in her full regalia. "Welcome Kyon Sorata. Your timeliness is appreciated." * Kyon bows back to her, taking in her state as he does. "Of course." He waits to be invited in. * @Hinako is wearing shimmery summer cloak, her arms are bare though her neckline is higher. Her shirt leaves a small gap with her stomach, criss- crossed by belts that traverse shirt and jeans. "Come. We have much to discuss." * @Hinako turns on her heels, cloak swishing behind her. There's a small corner section of the hallway with a shoe rack which turns into a longer hallway past the kitchen. * Kyon nods back to her, and makes his way in, taking his shoes off at the door, and peeking into the space, trying to get a feel for it. "Pardon the intrusion," he remarks politely. <@Hinako> [The apartment, from shoe rack to kitchen, to the multiple doors at the end of the hallway suggests the presence of a roommate, though you don't hear anyone else at the moment. Hinako is opening the sliding door to her room, an entryway secondarily marked by a series of hanging fabric strips. The kitchen is fairly well appointed, though small, suggesting at least one resident puts some effort into their cooking.] <@Hinako> [In particularly, there is a hanging set of dried small peppers.] * Kyon drops his shoes off by the shoe rack and makes his way down the hallway towards her room, eyes looking around and taking in the space, making sure things feel safe, before stepping into her room. <@Hinako> [There's no immediate threats, aside from some oddaments that could be used as weapons. Hinako's room itself draws its noonday light from above rather than the curtains, which illuminates a column around the armillary sphere. There's a low table with a tea pot, a selection of bean paste filled treats, and scattered array of cards among which Kyon can't help but notice his own, the Page of <@Hinako> Swords, the King of Swords, and the Nine of Wands. There's a shrine set up in one corner that pays homage to a mix of religions.] * Kyon comes into the room cautiously, and then nods to her once more. "Nice place." * @Hinako sits and gestures to a cushion on the far side of the small table. "Thank you, I am glad you were able to meet me here." * Kyon settles in at the seat. "Thank you for hosting me. It makes it easier to discuss." He looks down at the cards on the table. "See you were already at work before I came." * @Hinako picks up a the tea pot while replying, "My duties keep me busy." She then looks at him inquisitively. * Kyon nods quickly, and looks over the cards. "Can I ask what you were trying to read here?" <@Hinako> I follow the election with some interest. And you're trying to predict the outcome? * @Hinako mmms as she pours matcha for Kyon. "The consequences are of greater concern to me than the outcome, and neither are set in stone." * Kyon nods his thanks to her, and wraps his hand around the cup. "Consequences for who ends up on the council?" <@Hinako> And what they do to get there. * @Hinako pours tea for herself and sets the pot down. * Kyon smirks. "People are definitely getting up to some tricks." * @Hinako mmhmms quietly and gestures at the treats. She leaves him room to elaborate as to what he seeks. * @Hinako's purple eyes are probing, and would be disconcerting in their intensity if Kyon lived with someone else. * Kyon takes a sip of the tea, and makes an approving noise, before setting it down. "Do you know who you're thinking to support?" * @Hinako undoes her cloak, reaching back to hang it adjacent to a heavier cousin. "You are not the first to ask, but I have yet to give my answer." * Kyon inclines his head. "As a candidat, I have to ask what I could do to get you on our side." He smirks. "My campaign manager wouldn't have it otherwise." * @Hinako sips her tea for a moment, contemplative but not particularly charmed my the smirk. * Kyon cocks his head after a beat, and twists the cup around. "If you're following the election, you know what I've put out there. But maybe there's something more you'd want to see." * @Hinako's tone is sharp but calm. "Your assignment is tardy and worse is incomplete. You have considerable resources at your disposal but have yet to demonstrate the decisive leadership that your campaign promises. Your opponent has no such hesitation and by my count has no small lead on you." She idly reaches down to pick up a sweet, never taking her eyes off Kyon. * Kyon frowns in response, taking it in for a beat, and says, "We came to it late, so we've been playing catchup. But we've been building. If I didn't think we could get there, I wouldn't have entered. Soratas don't play games we can't win." He takes his tea and sips it, watching her still. "Also, with your status, you likel yknow, having the resources doesn't mean they're inexhaustible. Still need to be careful how to deploy them." * @Hinako takes a bite and contemplates his retort. After she finishes chewing she nods. "True, I accepted the shroud of ignorance around your group as a means of keeping the peace." She takes another bite chewing for a moment as she contemplates her next words. * Kyon raises his eyebrows. "You didn't think we'd find out in the end?" * @Hinako forehead scrunches for a moment. "If the veil were not temporary, I'd never have allowed it." * Kyon leans forward slightly, setting the teacup back down. "But what's gained from not giving us the same ground as the others? Just leaves us scrambling. Can't do our best for the community if we don't know there's something organizing." * @Hinako tilts her head. "The cards warned of a risk of violence. But, I did not fear would come from you." <@Hinako> So yes, you are scrambling. But by starting small, old conflicts were reoriented and old scabs left unpicked. <@Hinako> I believe in you, you will have my support, but you will need to make bold choices. * Kyon nods back to her, slower than usual. "I can handle that. But you think the situation is better now. Or at least less likely to boil over." * @Hinako nods. "I do." * Kyon takes a beat on that front, looking down at the selection of sweets to go with the tea. "But you know that people are taking risks on that front now, too." * @Hinako takes another bite, finishing her sweet roll. She nods again. <@Hinako> [She's laid out both mochi and anpan. Likely from a bakery by the look of them, but fresh.] * Kyon sets his hand next to the rightmost mochi, tapping a finger next to it. "There's been some movement there. People sending things to us. A few documents." <@Hinako> Ah. You had mentioned knowing of some tricks. * Kyon nods back quickly. "Yeah. Both on what the documents are. And for who shared them with us. All sorts of tricks." <@Hinako> Do tell. * Kyon takes up the mochi, keeping his gaze slanted up at her as he does. "Biggest thing is that they went through our Knight in Osaka, rather than any of us here. You know her." <@Hinako> You have a flair for understatement. So you know she's trying to be less involved. Which makes it a strange choice, to put it through her. * @Hinako nods. "A noteworthy choice, yes." <@Hinako> What is your assessment of the documents themselves? * Kyon frowns. "Accurate. The info we've checked so far from them's been right." <@Hinako> Is my help needed in this matter? * Kyon thins his lips. "Maybe, but probably not. Trying to work out who exactly sent them our way. Got it narrowed down. But we have to work out the last steps." He takes a bite of the mochi, leaning back from the table and relaxing into a posture that leaves a bit more freedom to move. <@Hinako> [The mochi is cool to the touch and quite good.] <@Hinako> Ah. If the information is good, why is the sender your primary concern? Because of the frame of it. And the route they took to get it to us. Trying to work out their motives. They know a lot, and there's some insider info included. So we should find who sent it our way. * @Hinako listens. "Understandable." She picks up her tea and takes a sip. "This matter has previously been brought to my attention. If it is any help, my read of the situation is that the sender is genuine in seeking to but also afraid and seeking to protect themselves." * Kyon nods back to her slowly. "So you know who it is, then." * @Hinako shrugs. "I am not all knowing." * Kyon raises an eyebrow. "But to know that about the situation enough to make that read with any confidence, you'd need to know who's involved. Too many variables otherwise." * @Hinako takes another long sip. "Have you ever considered that the reason Taki Shimiru-chan was chosen was not for one of her weaknesses?" * Kyon tries to cover looking momentarily struck by that with a snort of laughter. "Not what jumped to mind, no." <@Hinako> Do you respect her desire to be less involved? * Kyon nods quickly. "If she can get out, and she wants out, then no reason to keep her in. Just want her to be aware of what's around. Need to be prepared if she's not going to get dragged back in." <@Hinako> We are agreed. Right. But then why her? <@Hinako> That question has layers. Let me restate my last question. What strengths does she have that might inspire a ? * Kyon thinks for a couple of beats on that one. "She's loyal. If she cares about you, she's on your side, whatever you got involved with." * @Hinako smiles a little. "Full marks, Kyon Sorata." So, someone who figures they've got her enough on their side for whatever happens. * Kyon drinks some tea and thinks for a beat. * @Hinako mms and lets Kyon think. <@Hinako> And do remember, Queen of Wands, not everyone thinks of goals and human resources in the same manner that your line does. Experience bends things, whatever your card is. We have people from all lines, and we've all changed. Converged more, to survive to where we are now. * @Hinako nods. "True. We lack the many voices of experience they heard, but I would not trade our fresh start for that." * Kyon sets his cup down. "Can understand that. And I get becoming involved with something and not understanding totally what it is. Then you know that you need someone to approach who's with you unimpeachably. And who could help." * @Hinako nods. "And for those whose hearts are not yet made of stone, loyalty can inspire loyalty in return." * Kyon nods quickly. "I understand loyalty, too. Check my track record. I've been there and done everything I can for the people on my side or under my care. I keep my commitments." * @Hinako grits her teeth in frustration before continuing. "And yet at some point you forgot that we have always been on the same side and that I have taken risks for you just as you have for me. Take care that you follow your own words and do not follow Yameko Minazuki in this." * Kyon looks chastened for a beat, frowning. "Right. I'll keep that in mind. I'll be more formal. You say I have your support. So you have mine." * @Hinako nods and the room lightens suddenly, perhaps because of a passing cloud, the reflection is stronger off the armillary sphere in the center and glints off her eyes. "I am sworn to not reveal the name, but I can say that it is none of my family and that your deductions are otherwise true. Is that enough?" * Kyon blinks once, and then nods curtly. "It is, yes." <@Hinako> [And as the meeting concludes and fine points are wrapped, here and there Kyon hears snatches of another bargaining ceremoy or maybe just remembers one in the back of his mind. When he stands to go, he feels lightheaded. He could perhaps brave the street or linger in the lair of the Heirophant. What do you do?] * Kyon figures that after this conversation about loyalty, better to stay here for a bit than go out and be set upon by fans. So he opts to stay in Hierophantopia! <@Hinako> [Hinako's eyes go wide. He must look worse than he realizes as she pulls out her rolled up futon for him to lean back against and she rushes to get him water. Kyon closes his eyes for a moment...] <@Hinako> [And when she reopens them a pair of sliding doors stand before her. A voice to her right says sternly. "Your request for an audience is granted Minazuki-chan. But you must face the World alone." The doors open.] <@Hinako> [End!]