[Grysar] Not long after Kyon fades from consciousness, Katie receives news of these developments from Hinako's sister. Nicola texts her: "Sorata-san was visiting my sister this afternoon and became faint; he will stay there until he is feeling better. I have advised drinking a good amount of water." Katie hasn't been to Hinako's before, and but did glean her address back when Kyon was arranging this meeting. Kyon drove over. For Katie, Hinako's easily accessible by Tokyo's mass transit system, though her apartment is in a less swanky part of Tokyo and it'll take a transfer or two and around a half hour to get there. Hinako's instructions to Kyon did include her apartment number and that the door requires buzzing in. --- [Ardweden] Katie grabbed her things and left for Hinako's apartment almost immediately after receiving Nicola's text. It wasn't a particularly fun train ride, but mass transit during busier hours is never fun, and she manages. She takes a moment to steady herself before approaching the building, checking a piece of folded notebook paper before buzzing the correct apartment. --- [Grysar] Perhaps showing the limits of her prognostication ability, a tense minute passes before Hinako's voice crackles through the intercom. "Hello?" --- [Ardweden] "This is Katie Andrews," Katie says into the intercom. "Can I come up?" --- [Grysar] Hinako replies with a terse, "Please" and buzzes you up. The building offers both older elevators and stairs as options for ascending. Her apartment is by no means a penthouse, but is on the top floor of one of the wings. --- [Ardweden] Katie enters and looks at the address again. Twelfth floor, really? She regularly climbs eight to her own, but another four floors is... She sighs and goes to glare at the elevator. It's old. Which means it's slow. But with this many floors, it's still faster than her taking the stairs. And Kyon's up there, passed out for who knows what reason. _Ugh_. Katie presses the up button. The Hierophant had better have some huge fucking windows to make living up there worth it --- [Grysar] In a small mercy, the elevator is already waiting. It's an older building and things look in reasonable repair, but it doors shudder when the doors close and it first gets moving at a fair clip. For better or worse, you have it to yourself. --- [Ardweden] Katie steps into the elevator and faces the doors, one hand clutching the strap of her bag. The doors close, and she breathes. --- [Grysar] Hinako's door has a bell in the middle but has been left ajar, propped open with a house slipper. You can't see much of the apartment itself, as the hall takes an immediate turn, but you can hear someone inside, about halfway back, in addition to recognize the familiar sound of Kyon's slow breathing, familiar from those nights when your sleep was troubled. --- [Ardweden] Katie lets out the breath she didn't really know she was holding. She pushes the door open more and looks inside, knocking on its frame. "Hello?" she calls. --- [Grysar] [The apartment has a long corridor that passes first the kitchen, then what presumably is Hinako's room, and then what looks like a place for a bathroom, another roommate, and some shared lounging and dining spaces further down the hall. Aside from the kitchen and shared space, most of these are obscured by closed doors or in the case of Hinako's room an open door but hanging strips of fabric. There's a small pile of mail, both incoming and outgoing, on one of the kitchen counters, along with more spices and dried peppers than the average Japanese kitchen. You don't see a lot of signs of the other roommate at the moment. Other potential collection opportunities include a more conventional jacket than you've typically seen Hinako wear hanging in the foyer that looks like it has some materials weighing down its pockets. From a corner peaking out, looks like a planner of some sort.] Hinako herself, by the sound of it, is enrobing herself and calls back. "Katherine Andrews?" --- [Ardweden] Katie steps fully into the apartment, looking around as she calls, "Sorry for the intrusion," and removes her shoes before sliding her feet into slippers, if they're available. Watching Kyon in action all of the time has definitely made her more polite - assuming she cares enough, which she does right now, but she's not really paying attention to any of that. Hinako's planner catches her eye, but actually flipping through it will take more time than she likely has, so she checks out the mail on the counter, looking it over as she calls, "What happened? Where is he?" --- [Grysar] Hinako's mail is a mix of routine bills and correspondence, vocational matters relating to education, the odd piece with Cyrillic that you can't understand but that doesn't look especially important. No Arcana business is obvious on the kitchen counter. Her roommate is surprisingly named . Hinako has apparently been opening and handling routine bills and urgent matters while setting aside more personal correspondence. The only thing that catches your eye there is what looks to be an invitation from one of the production companies Kaede has mentioned that Akemi works with. It's already been opened, but the letter is tucked back in the envelope for now. "Sorata Kyon said he felt light headed when he stood at the conclusion of our conversation." She stands within her room and her footsteps tread toward the hallway. "He is in my room, I have elevated his legs and taken other precautions, but perhaps he simply needs more rest." She's nearly to the hanging fabric strips. --- [Ardweden] Katie estimates how much time it would take to pull that letter from the envelope, and really, it's probably too much with Hinako already on the move. Too bad, but it's not like she can't check out the rest of the apartment. "Light headed?" she questions, moving closer to the hallway. The concern in her voice is genuine. "Fainting's not like him." --- [Grysar] Hinako is wearing her formal cloak, leaving the shimmery summer one hanging in her room, apparently deeming it tonally inappropriate. "I perhaps should have offered him a cooler drink on this summer day." Her tone reinforces the self-directed chiding. "He did not look ill when he sat, just tired. Perhaps I underestimated the toll of his candidacy atop his other commitments." --- [Ardweden] "That's not your responsibility," Katie points out, instead of agreeing or disagreeing with her. She moves into the hallway, towards Hinako. "Can I see him?" --- [Grysar] Hinako contemplates that point for a moment. "We can make our yoke to heavy by carrying duties that are not our own." She steps back and gestures for you to enter her room, following thereafter. The room is much as Kyon saw it. Hinako's view is not primarily through the curtained windows on her walls but instead the skylight, which illuminates the far half of the room's central feature: an armillary sphere. Kyon's head rests on a seating pillow, his legs are propped up with a rolled futon, and his collar and belt are notably undone, though his wardrobe are otherwise as he normally wears it. He looks as if sleeping, though the odd rapid flutter of his eyes suggests dream and not deep slumber. There's a low table that's been somewhat hastily pushed to a corner with a tea pot, a selection of bean paste filled treats. A reading might have been taking place, hard to say now, but the Page of Swords, the King of Swords, and the Nine of Wands are all face up. The room is full and clearly delineated into sections with tables and chairs. Aside a three ring binder turned to a first aid section on the floor and the furniture rearranged to support Kyon, everything seems to have a place and secrets are tucked away. That said there are some spots of interests. You are entering and Kyon is resting in the front right corner. The reading table is pushed over to the back right corner and you notice there's a small second shelf underneath that holds a notebook and a few writing implements, along with her cape rack, belt wrack, dresser, and the like. The main writing desk and an attached latched cabinet, are over in the back left accompanied by a small vanity, though it looks like she keeps her hair care products in the bathroom. A copy of the Council of Mysteries book sits on the desk. The front left quarter of the room has a multitude of small shrines, but also some photographs on display. You're at a bad angle from where you're standing though, as they're blocked by other materials. --- [Ardweden] Katie notices those details, but she hardly hesitates before she crosses the room to sink next to Kyon, placing a hand to his forehead and checking his vitals with the practiced ease of - well, of someone who had to check on people medically during some sort of undercover war. --- [Grysar] He's a little on the warm side, but not feverish. Heart beat and breathing are both in good shape. His sleep is fairly light, you could probably stir him without too much trouble if you so desired. Nicola's not wrong that he could probably use some water and Hinako has a glass in a tray on hand, but it's still full at the moment and the ice cubes have been melting while you rushed to get here. Kyon was his usual busy self of late, but he hasn't been facing exhaustion. The election hasn't seem to be on the forefront of his mind, but is the sort of thing that might be taking some background processing resources that he'd normally have free for everything else he does. (Moti, feel free to retroactively add any notes here) There's no sign of foul play here and Hinako isn't acting like this was her plan. You'd have to do a proper investigation to know for sure, but both Hinako and Kyon have been drinking the same tea, eating the same snacks, and to a quick appraisal those undigested look fine and he doesn't show any symptoms of having been drugged. Katie has seen a few people experience visions in the past year. She has some confidence that's a vision is the most likely explanation. This would be Kyon's first, which might hit him a bit harder. This isn't something Hinako could control, but she may be a willing accomplice. Something in their conversation may have raised the issue and she seems hesitant to interrupt his sleep aside from ensuring his safety. --- [Ardweden] Katie pulls away, sitting back. She turns to look at Hinako. "I think he's dreaming," she says. "What were you talking about?" --- [Grysar] Hinako seems glad to have a second opinion of that. She moves over by the shifted table, stepping past Katie. "His candidacy, some relevant history, and his investigations regarding a sensitive matter." Her tone is especially matter-of-fact for that last clause. --- [Ardweden] Katie faces Kyon again and doesn't quite focus on him, instead paying more attention to Hinako, who's in her peripheral vision. "Were you doing a reading?" --- [Grysar] Hinako sits down and begins tidying up her deck. "I'd done one beforehand." She doesn't especially disguise what cards were showing as she does so. "I am not the swiftest analyst." She does a few quick shuffles and then puts the deck over in a corner of the table. --- [Ardweden] Katie shrugs and shifts so she's sitting more comfortably on the floor. "Better than me." --- [Grysar] Hinako notes that Katie has settled in. "You're welcome to tea or a confection." She then glances at the table and realizes that there's only two teacups. "Apologies, I hadn't planned for three. Would you like anything else while I'm up?" The confections, incidentally, have various incarnations of bean paste, including mochi and anpan, both likely from a bakery. --- [Ardweden] Katie shakes her head. "Tea'd be nice, though." She makes to stand. "Do you need any help?" --- [Grysar] Hinako waves off the offer to help. "Yours has been the more harried half hour." She takes the tea pot and billows by Katie, taking care not to clip her with the cloak, and out through the hanging fabric to the kitchen. --- [Ardweden] Katie murmurs a thanks as Hinako sweeps by and out of the room. She reaches out to lightly touch the back of Kyon's covered hand, listening to Hinako's movements and trying to estimate how long the other woman will be gone. --- [Grysar] Hinako does have a device for keeping tea water available at various temperatures, but based on what remains in Kyon's cup, this is matcha so there's going to be some prep work ending in whisking. Probably at least a minute, maybe a couple, and you should have a some extra warning when she's just about done. --- [Ardweden] A few minutes with a warning might be just enough to pick up something interesting. Katie quickly and quietly moves over to Hinako's bookcase and pulls out her notebook, turning it so it naturally falls open wherever she uses it the most. She keeps an ear out. If Hinako seems anywhere near done, she's going to put this right back where she found it. --- [Grysar] [The notebook has a small bookmark ribbon attached and opens to the latest page, which is labeled for today. There's a detailed record of the reading, question she asked, various interpretations, levels of confidence. Flipping back a bit she logs and cross references her work, this is only the most recent volume of many. She also apparently goes back and grades her past interpretations on accuracy.] [She uses a lot of shorthand and at may even be deliberately obtuse in some of her character choices, though it isn't outright in a cipher, at least mostly. Her read on the election is that SK is losing but KA winning, though it's neither is locked up. The KoS strength is 1-on-1 and she'll attempt to exploit. PoS knows vulnerability of YK, but hesitates. "Mercy?" Hinako only has 3/10 confidence there.] [There also appears to be one reading in a prior volume that she keeps referencing back to and slowly unraveling various possible chains of causality and, it seems, revenge. But on one dog eared page she's worked out an elaborate network diagram with HS at the center. At the bottom of the page, she's noted "HS capable to credibly threaten on behalf of another / veto rivals." Hinako has 8/10 confidence there.] [Bit more on HS. Some of the closer in initials are scratched out sufficiently to not make them that readable, but others include FS, TK, KT, KA, KK, WH. You also are aware that you straight up don't know the last names of a good number of Arcana, so you might not have enough information to place this with information at hand, even allowing for some guessing.] [As you hear her finish her stop whisking you find a page on her 2/23 meeting with Taki, but the text is dense, resists skimming, and if you know your matcha preparation she's about to come back.] [What do you do?] --- [Ardweden] HS - Katie figures that's Sumire Himeyama? Obviously the first bit is about her and Kyon's races, but... She hears Hinako finish making the tea even as she notices the notes about Taki's meeting. There's no time for that right now, and being caught would be disastrous. Katie closes the notebook, making sure bookmarks and folded pages are properly in place, before softly sliding it back into its home on the shelf. She returns to watching Kyon, not having to fake her concern. She *is* concerned, just mostly about how he'll be when he wakes up instead of when he's asleep. --- [Grysar] Hinako returns with two fresh cups of matcha, having left the teapot behind. She spares a glance to verify that Kyon is still doing fine and then gusts over to the table only to pause for a moment as she tries to think through the best way to serve as the corner table is now a little awkward She's still a bit discombobulated though having someone else to watch Kyon is helping. --- [Ardweden] Katie notices Hinako's difficulty (how couldn't she?) and stands. "Would it help if I moved the table?" --- [Grysar] Hinako nods with a sheepish smile. "I am failing to foresee things today." She steps back giving Katie room to maneuver. --- [Ardweden] Katie grins. "It's okay." She goes to scoot the table more towards the center of the room so they can both easily sit. "How does your future sight work? If, uh, you don't mind talking about it. I remember you mentioning dreams once...?" --- [Grysar] Hinako sets down the cups and then hangs her cape and sits herself. "Some dreams, some readings, my powers let me see much as though from a great height. The broad flow can be obvious but the details and even the meaning of the flow may only become clear in hindsight, if at all." She frowns, "Before the Black Pentacle I had more certainty. Prognostication was about seeing trade offs and minimizing harm. But it's harder than that." She takes a sip of tea. "How about your abilities? I know you are most observant and can guide the wind." --- [Ardweden] Katie nods, settling in opposite Hinako. She nestles her bag nearby before wrapping her hands around the teacup. "Yeah. I think I've always been observant, but my powers help out with that. Things are sharper and clearer, and it's almost like I can focus on more than one thing at once, you know? That's not... normal. It's not something people should be able to do." She sips on her tea before adding, "The wind stuff's okay - like, I don't seem to have anywhere near the power other people do unless I'm really scared, and my control isn't as fine as I'd like." Katie offers a small smile. "But then, I knew I was Arcana for a while before I got any powers. Even now they feel more like a bonus than anything, because I've had to keep up without them." --- [Grysar] Hinako sighs at the multiple focus. "I sometimes must remind my students that most people cannot split their attention." She sips her tea again, thinking. "My dreams, my communing with the past. They came before I knew I what it means to be an Arcana. Or I suppose they taught me what it means" She gets a slight smile, "From what I know of your group, I imagine you're quite aware of just how far the sharpness goes. Would you like to share a demonstrations? We'll stay in the present and Sorata Kyon will remain in sight." --- [Ardweden] Katie blinks, then laughs. "Sure. That could be fun." --- [Grysar] Hinako sets down her cup and rests her violet eyes on Katie, a slightly disconcerting stare a bit different than the one in the mirror. "You might find the transition easier if you shut your eyes for a moment." From her tone that's clearly a choice, not a order. --- [Ardweden] Katie nods, hesitant... but she can still hear if something goes wrong. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. "Like this?" --- [Grysar] "Yes." The next sounds you hear would be quiet for a normal person but you hear first a fading of the apartment sound, an intensification of the sounds of the city and then a rapid fading all in the succession of about a second. Within the next second you hear wind, squawk of migrating birds, distant jet engines. Thankfully everything is a bit muted here but the soundscape is a largely new one to you, one only hinted at from rooftops or dampened through the glass of Tokyo Tower's observation deck. Through all this you still hear the quiet breathing of Hinako and Kyon. --- [Ardweden] Katie gasps. She didn't think that Hinako's vision from above would include other senses as well. After taking a moment to place Hinako and Kyon relative to herself in the apartment (where she almost certainly actually still is), she asks, "Should I open my eyes now?" --- [Grysar] "If you're ready." --- [Ardweden] Katie is absolutely ready. She opens her eyes. --- [Grysar] The view is not what Katie may have expected from Taki's description. You sit at the low lowest level of clouds, wisps of which flow past your legs but produce no sensation. For perhaps the first time, there is far too much to take in. The entire Tokyo metropolitan area is beneath you, indeed a large portion of Japan's main island and the Pacific ocean are within your range of vision, at least that which is not obstructed by the table, Hinako, or your slumbering partner. You doubt an ordinary person would notice it, but your eyes are sharp enough to find that the detail level is not quite consistent. Tokyo is most complete, Osaka its mere shadow and nothing else comes close. There are other points of definition here and there throughout the country, though without an atlas you'd be hard pressed to name the province. Hinako is sitting quietly for now, her mesmerizing eyes glowing. In them you can see a reflection of the armillary sphere and you might even see a faint outline of the room. That said there's an unnerving depth in her illuminated eyes and looking too closely is reminiscent of standing on the shallow short of the ocean but knowing that the deeper waters are just a step away. --- [Ardweden] Katie just... looks. She just looks for what feels like the longest time, tears pricking her eyes from the enormity of it all. She hasn't felt like this since her vision sharpened years ago. "This is _amazing_," Katie eventually breathes, and laughs, spreading her arms. "It's almost like we're flying, or sitting in the clouds. But not quite, right? We're not actually in the air; we're not even exactly seeing from this point in the air." --- [Grysar] Hinako seems bemused by the question. "The Page of Swords, even at play." She smiles, "Yes, though it is no prerecorded phantasmagorical planetarium show. Most of what I know comes from the sheep and goats that are my charge." Her voice softens, "I think humanity or our planetary home may contribute too, in their own way, but my thoughts there are half-formed mysticism." She shrugs and does not elaborate further. --- [Ardweden] "So things are sharper where there's more Arcana," Katie says. "That's why we can see so much of Tokyo, and not so much of Osaka - but it's still there. Do the Reversed also count?" She considers for a moment, then looks around, wondering if she can somehow see a section of France from where they're sitting. --- [Grysar] France is too far beyond the horizon at this altitude. "Good eyes." She frowns at the question, "I believe they do but more faintly. They are also largely strange to me. Whatever the reason, I know far fewer of them and fewer of them in turn may know me. There is much there I do not understand." --- [Ardweden] Katie nods. "That makes both of us," she admits, then sighs, leaning back on her hands. --- [Grysar] "My thoughts' attention has been closer to home." Hinako eyes drift down at Tokyo. "Where there has been no lack of mysteries." --- [Ardweden] Katie nods. "Anything in particular bothering you?" --- [Grysar] "Sorata Kyon and I reached an understanding regarding your group's legitimate grievances regarding exclusion from the Council's first round." Hinako's tone shows a trace of weariness but also relief. "Our time is fleeting, will you trust him and indulge me in speaking of a conundrum of perhaps greater interest?" --- [Ardweden] "Sure," Katie says, easily. She'd prefer something of Hinako's choosing, anyway. --- [Grysar] "With time, I have come to realize the extent I have been outmaneuvered by the World and her disciples." --- [Ardweden] Katie blinks, then leans forward slightly, her interest clear. "Oh?" --- [Grysar] Hinako looks up from Tokyo and back at Katie. "I take it you do not disagree." --- [Ardweden] Katie shakes her head. "I don't know about you and your situation. We've never really talked before. But..." She thinks for a moment. "They must have kept a low profile, back when - or kept their connection to her quiet, anyway. I don't remember hearing anything about anyone working with or for her two years ago." --- [Grysar] Hinako listens to that and processes for a moment. "I understand she had a break with Watanabe Hideo, but she never tried to recruit you? That goes a bit against pattern." --- [Ardweden] "Not as far as I know." Katie frowns, thoughtfully. "What's her pattern?" --- [Grysar] Hinako frowns, "Long time horizons. Avoid direct interaction or even showing your face with Arcana you don't trust. Build relationship over generations." She looks over to Kyon, "What I have heard is second hand from those with opinionated perspectives." --- [Ardweden] Katie nods. "And you think I fit into this pattern why?" --- [Grysar] "What I thought was a good guess, supported by weak circumstantial evidence from the prior generation." She shrugs. --- [Ardweden] Katie nods, drawing back and closing off a bit at Hinako's obfuscation. "I see." --- [Grysar] "Would you like to check my work?" The light is beginning to fade from Hinako's eyes."Some are comfortable about discussing their past, others are not, I do try to respect it either way." --- [Ardweden] Katie tilts her head. "Sure," she says, after a moment. --- [Grysar] "You may wish to close your eyes again for a moment." --- [Ardweden] Katie does so. --- [Grysar] [The process in reverse is similar to what she heard initially, with raising horns and bustles from the city growing and then restricted by the surrounding walls. There might even be enough noise to cover the sound of Hinako surreptitiously removing her notebook from the subtle shelf under the table and flipping a few pages.] "When you are ready." She then adds idly. "The remaining patterns are second hand, judge accordingly" She affects a slightly deeper voice for the first, ''Resets her age every score of years, never much past thirty five" Hinako adopts more traditional Japanese for the second. "She is in invariant spymaster that draws the lost and outcast into her web.'" --- [Ardweden] Katie opens her eyes when everything settles in and listens, then looks down at the notebook. "A forever young spymaster who recruits outcasts, huh." --- [Grysar] Hinako nods. "Allegedly." She glances flips through a few pages. "Likely candidates would be those without a known affiliation, especially not the Council, would have readings associated with scandal or behaviors disapproved of in that era, unknowns who might have reincarnated more recently are a bit more likely." She folds the notebook closed. "Given the absence of records, even with visions that's enough to shorten the list but is a circumstantial step one at best." --- [Ardweden] "You're talking about the last Page of Swords," Katie says. She glances at Kyon. --- [Grysar] [Hinako feels she's missing something important about the World and that she doesn't know enough to judge how bad a problem this is. She'd like some guidance from Katie on either and both fronts backed by some evidence.] "Yes." Hinako frowns, "I have no proof. Just that circumstantial evidence, memories of the Morikawa investigation in which the Page of Swords appeared in readings as associated but wasn't one of the known victims, and a reading that suggests that at present, you are the greatest vulnerability to Yamagata Kazuko's candidacy. That is my work and why I asked you." She picks up a bean cake, spinning it in her hand. --- [Ardweden] "She wasn't one of the victims yet," Katie corrects softly, her eyes on the bun between Hinako's fingers. "Morikawa killed her in the end." It feels better, using Saki's last name instead of her first - it makes them different people. Katie focuses on Hinako. She's not done with names yet. "What you're saying fits with what I know and remember. The last Page of Swords was loyal to her, and it could be strange that she isn't approaching me now. But I have to ask: Councilmember Arai, you say you've been outmaneuvered by The World. Do you have any idea what she wants, to make you think you're inherently opposed in your goals? What would you have me do about it?" --- [Grysar] Hinako's relaxes slightly even as she grows more somber. "My condolences, our predecessors all died, but not all deaths are the same." She reopens her notebook, mostly speaking extemporaneously but checking her memory as she flips around. "Historically, what I have been able to glean of her goals were a mix of revolutionary and eccentric, but not troubling to my modern ears. My concerns are more with methods: secret political factions, espionage that is not limited to enemies, and rumors of vigilantism that seeks to avoid the Council's attention when convenient." She takes a bite of the bun, chewing as she thinks about the rest of the questions. --- [Ardweden] "So you disagree with her methods... personally or in your capacity as a Council representative?" --- [Grysar] Hinako considers that and takes another bite. "Council representative. For all the flaws of the start, we are trying to move to a system where the exercise of power is accountable to our peers." She frowns. "Thus far, when we have observed excesses we have been able to exert some influence and I even have leeway to undertake some limited investigations. But if the elections consolidate control..." And she finishes it off. --- [Ardweden] Katie tilts her head. "Control for a specific faction, you mean? Or person?" She pauses. "You do know that your current system does nothing to prevent that. Suits are arbitrary when it comes to factions." --- [Grysar] Hinako considers the first question first. "I am not sure, I have an answer. Historically outsiders have seen the World's followers as implements of her will." The second point throws her a bit she takes a deliberately long drink, her brow furrows slightly. "The purpose of the system was to have a range of skills and temperaments. And while we are still figuring out the rituals and rules, for some purposes a quorum does need a representative of each of the Minor suits." She relaxes a bit, "The new Council would be better suited to improve on some our initial decisions, assuming no faction or person dominates." --- [Ardweden] Katie nods. "We'll see. I'm new to this whole politics thing, and there's no guarantee I'll get on the Council anyway. I just care enough to try." She picks up her tea and sips it. It's still pleasantly warm. "You said you've been outmaneuvered. Do you think she already has people involved in the Council?" --- [Grysar] "Directly? Just the obvious member and candidate. That is not even necessarily a problem. Indirect? There's only one player that's bringing resources of the level that setting up Shuffle took, and anyone with larger ambitions will notice. Likewise while I had my moment in the terrible spotlight some years back, I am no politician. I can hold my own with the present Council but that could very swiftly change when the new members join." Hinako slumps slightly. "I don't know if this all the maneuvers and candidate talks and electioneering amounts to anything, but it takes most of my available attention just to keep up." [In the hallway, Katie hears the ding of an elevator. There's at least three people disembarking along with wheels rolling and the clunk and clash of heavier objects being moved. The person guiding all this is a woman by the sound of it who speaks middling Japanese with a commanding northeastern United States accent. The words themselves are largely simple declarative instructions with excessively formal wrappers, but among what was spoken is the Hinako's apartment number.] [Hinako has been badly burned a few times as an Arcana and she has been happy to exchange equivalent amounts of information, swapping more likely won't qualitatively change your relationship. You're also can have some confidence that Kyon is the candidate she can most naturally back and that the fact that her list of concerns about the World highly overlapped with some past group activities may not have been entirely a coincidence. She bears you no ill will, but in a year it might be you as the most influential Councilmember that needs to be pulled back some. Really beginning to shift that relationship would require sharing an important secret, one that shows a vulnerability for yourself, Kazuko, or another party member (with Kyon, Taki, and Satoshi being of particular interest to Hinako), that she'd not be able to deduce otherwise. Yorihisa doesn't cut it, he's a midboss.] --- [Ardweden] Katie huffs, pretending she doesn't notice Hinako's roommate nearing the apartment. She's got a lot of practice with that. "It's only going to get worse," she warns. "The amount of power you have will become a fraction of what you've got now. More voices means you're more likely to be drowned out." She turns to look at Kyon, but keeps talking to Hinako. "I'm not like you - I'm not in this for balance. And I honestly wouldn't normally want to lead or be involved in politics at all. But we found out about your whole Council thing and we were - I was... I was _furious_." There's something kind of freeing in admitting her anger, and Katie laughs, sudden and loud. "I was so angry. I'm _still_ so angry. But I care, about more than just my little group, and that's why I'm still doing this." She looks down at her cup, briefly, then whips her head up to peer at Hinako, eyes sharp. "You're out of your depth now, but when forming this Council you did the same sort of thing you say you dislike from The World - you formed a secret political faction and and performed espionage not limited to enemies. And I get it, I really do. I'm a spy, and I guess I'm a diplomat, and as much as I fought against that, it's what I was broken and formed into. But you're going to have a hard time maintaining high ground in this when that's your history." --- [Grysar] [Hinako sits there in shock for a moment and then several moments. No drinking, no immediate comeback. How long she would have processed you'lll never know because there's a call from outside the door "Hina- chan! I have returned! " Hinako blinks. "You have use of my room until Sorata Kyon wakes, you know where the kitchen is if you need it." She stands and walks out a fast clip pausing at the door. "You have so much anger over a handicap are swiftly overcoming. You have lost the ability to trust those that sometime fail you. Until you regain it, you can never truly lead no matter how much power you earn." --- [Ardweden] Katie snorts. Hinako doesn't know her any more than she knows Hinako. Still, she turns from where she is to look at Hinako before she's through the doorway. "Thanks." Katie's voice, always raspy, is a little more so now. "For letting me stay until he's up." --- [Grysar] Hinako reflexively replies, "You are my guests." She swooshes through the curtains leaving Katie alone in her room as she moves and opens the apartment's front door. The strips, once they settle, will completely occlude the view from the hallway but are highly permeable. --- [Ardweden] Katie listens to Hinako leave, tracking her gait so she can more easily recognize her by her footsteps and listening in on the conversation she's probably going to start with her roommate. She reaches over to pick up a bun, and her eyes land on Hinako's notebook - the notebook she left, open on the table. Well, it's right *there*, and Katie wanted to look at it anyway. So she does, pulling it over and starting with what's currently displayed. --- [Grysar] Sadie is presently badgering her small cadre of helpers to accept payment, noting that she made them agree to that before she allowed them to touch her bags. There are apparently a great many bags. Hinako is opting out of the spectacle by beginning to carry them back and forth down the hall. Kyon stirs slightly. The page in question does include reading notes on the extent of the World's influence on the Council and takes Yorihisa as a given. Yumi or Yuji, but not both, may be a sympathizer (Confidence level 6). She and Norishige have apparently compared notes on readings and he feels the Council may yet need one of his specific abilities as a defender. --- [Ardweden] Katie sighs, a little. It's really too risky; as soon as Hinako realizes she left her notebook in the open, she's going to walk in. And as soon as Kyon makes a noise, she's going to walk in... and he's stirring now. Great. Katie turns the notebook and slides it back into position, leaving it where Hinako left it. She settles into eating her pastry and eyes her boyfriend, trying to be cross with him over giving her another reason not to read Hinako's Book of Secrets (seriously, why did she think this is a good idea? It's not even in cipher. This is exactly why she told Haruko not to write everything down two years ago), but she can't really manage that. With everything going on, she's mostly just relieved. Now all he has to do is not think he's Minazuki when he wakes up. --- [Grysar] [Hinako does know a good bakery and probably got these fresh this morning.] [The remainder of the room sits their, taunting Katie though now that she's settled down a little it doesn't take that much willpower to resist. Katie's notoriously already read the Council of Mysteries books and there's not anything else obviously Arcana related lying exposed. The shrines have some photos and personal affects, though Katie still lacks x-ray vision and can't get a great look from where she's sitting.] [Hinako's straining a bit on the bag she's moving now and Sadie is giving instructions about the proper unpacking and placement of her books, precise instructions losing some fidelity through the language barrier.] --- [Ardweden] Katie finishes off her bun and cup of tea, then sighs a little. She stands, stretches, and wanders over to look at the shrine while continuing to eavesdrop on Sadie and Hinako. The Hierophant must be really desperate for roommates. --- [Grysar] [The instructions were to one of the reluctantly paid helpers. But regardless this woman apparently has a lot of stuff.] [Hinako keeps her various shrines distinct and has well used holy books and some paraphernalia appropriate to each one. The monotheistic elements are a bit more prominent, though the Russian language, Japanese, Greek, and Hebrew bibles are only accompanied by a smattering of icons. There are more unlit candles present than the fire code technical allows. There are pictures of Hinako with her family near a cathedral, but not one you recognize. Another shot includes a younger Masaru and another young man with long blond hair and a fondness for red all searching through what looks like a bankruptcy sale of a theatrical troupe, though with fashion whose to say? Finally, there's a series of photos with Hinako and that other guy, younger and with shorter hair, edging up some tall metal triangular structure with only the sky behind them. The five photos looked snapped at regular increments from a fixed position, perhaps a third friend or maybe just a tripod set up in advance. In a great show of faith or remarkably poor judgment, Hinako had was blindfolded in the first shot, only removing it in the second. In the third the young gentleman, wearing a striking white jacket, is gesturing to down to whatever is in front of this triangular building (you don't see any of the ground so you aren't even sure how tall it is). In the fourth she seems to be spurning him but in the fifth they embrace, carefully, there doesn't seem to be much room up there.] [Speaking of Hinako, when she drops off her current bag in Sadie's room, and hears chatter about books, she suddenly turns on her heels and heads back to her room at a fast clip.] --- [Ardweden] The blindfold makes Katie actively uncomfortable, for some reason; she tries not to think too much about it. When Hinako pushes her way in, Katie looks over from where she's standing by the shrines. "I didn't know you were friends with Masaru." --- [Grysar] Hinako's face is a mix of relieved and chagrined to see the notebook on the table where she left it. She carefully steps around Kyon and has the courtesy to pretend to be retrieving the dirty dishes. "I spent more time around the Tower when I was younger. Before everything went wrong." --- [Ardweden] "And he was there?" Katie guesses. She looks at the picture again, giving Hinako a chance to recover her notebook if she wants. "When did it all start for you?" --- [Grysar] "Early 2000," Hinako replies, taking that chance. "We did not meet immediately, but that was where we met." --- [Ardweden] "Huh," Katie says, softly. She glances at Hinako. "He seems to be doing better." --- [Grysar] Hinako processes that and loses some of the urgency and drive in her step. "I'm glad you think so. We're planning to attend an art show sometime soon." Hinako overcomes the temptation to check her notebook. --- [Ardweden] People are making their temptation checks all over today! "That should be good. I'm glad for you." Katie laughs a little. "I ran into him not long ago. We worked on some pieces together - well, not *together*, but in the same place, at the same time. It was actually pretty fun." --- [Grysar] Hinako's eyes don't lose their wariness, but she does seem amused. "Probably better than together together, but I imagine it was enjoyable for him too. That is something I can't share with him." --- [Ardweden] "Are you sure?" Katie smiles. "Anyone can start." --- [Grysar] She shakes her head, somewhat sadly. "My pride is not conducive to dabbling. But we have found other activities to share." --- [Ardweden] "Discussing fashion?" Katie guesses, a teasing edge to her words. --- [Grysar] "Seeking fashion at least is one such hobby. Uehara Masaru and I each have our own approaches." Hinako puts diplomatically, "But the raw materials and inspiration can come from common sources." She gets a distant acquisitive look, "Some things will be easier now that my roommate has returned, she has the connections to arrange first pickings when some glamorous wardrobe downsizes for a new season." --- [Ardweden] "That's convenient." Katie smiles. "I've never really been good at fashion, myself." She gestures at her own clothes, which are... yeah, typical for hanging out at home. It's not like she dressed up after finding out Kyon collapsed somewhere. --- [Grysar] Hinako does not directly comment on Katie's self appraisal but it draws a bit of a grin. She replies "Anyone can start." --- [Ardweden] "But Hinako-san, consider my pride!" Katie says with a laugh. --- [Grysar] Hinako snorts at that. "I do not claim to be any more, and certainly not any less, of a sinner than you are, but I suspect our weaknesses are rather different." --- [Ardweden] Katie shrugs, eyes still twinkling with amusement. "That's just people being people. Do you need help with anything?" She points out the dishes that Hinako's still balancing on her notebook. "I want to be here when Kyon wakes up, but..." --- [Grysar] Hinako eyes Katie for a moment, parsing how exactly to interpret that offer. She then gets a hint of a smile and relaxes for the first time since you expressed your rage. "Hm.. I have these, but since you are kindly offering, there is something I could use your help on in your Page of Swords capacity. Would that be alright?" She doesn't immediately elaborate, though after a moment she adds, "Nothing you need to commit to in advance of course." --- [Ardweden] Katie's eyebrows go up a bit. "I'm listening." --- [Grysar] She shrugs somewhat sheepishly, holding the book and kitchenware close as she does. "Belying national stereotypes, I've never mastered any counterintelligence techniques beyond sealing my lips." She then pauses, as if considering something. "Perhaps you are right and I should worry less about who is spying on whom and be more concerned simply with who is accumulating a dominating level of power." She pauses again and relaxes slightly more, that's not an idea she's uncomfortable with. "I nonetheless should undertake measures to better protect my secrets. I was wondering if you might lend me our expert advice." --- [Ardweden] Katie considers. "The power thing is because I figured your goal is to balance power. If it's actually something else..." She trails off and shrugs. "But anyway, yeah. Sure. The Murimura Method is probably only going to get you so far. Do you want to put the dishes away real quick before we talk about it?" --- [Grysar] Hinako ponders for a moment, considering whether this may be a test. She takes a moment to appraise the state of the room. She then nods, "I'll be right back." She pulls the hanging curtains to the side for a moment calls out, "Sadie Edelman, please excuse me, I have guest to attend to." And gets a quick response of " but my baggage is not your baggage." Hinako then steps out to put things away, leaving perturbed and fluttering cloth strips in her wake. --- [Ardweden] Katie watches Hinako go, mildly amused by her roommate. She crosses back over to her spot at the table and sits again, opening her bag to get her sketchbook and a pencil, just for doodling purposes. --- [Grysar] A couple of the movers wander by in the interim. At least one of whom Katie recognized as having been hanging out on the street when she entered and another that's wearing the apron of the nearby cafe bring in another set of bags. It mostly seems down to clothing, hat boxes, and shoes at this point. Not long thereafter Hinako returns, sliding her door shut behind her. --- [Ardweden] "Your roommate doesn't pack light," Katie comments. --- [Grysar] Hinako smiles at the understatement, "I believe most of those bags and boxes were from the storage unit and not the plane. She has a transpacific career, but was away for a year and had been subleasing her room in the meantime." --- [Ardweden] Katie nods. "And I'm guessing you have to have a roommate in order to afford this place, because..." She points up, at the skylight that dominates the ceiling. --- [Grysar] "Correct. And as you'd expect, she has a connection with another Arcana. Shiraishi Akemi-san." Hinako lets out a breath. "A potential vulnerability, but I feel better a connection I know than finding out in retrospect whatever the Wheel hands me next." --- [Ardweden] "You're not fully relying on your ability to tell the future. That's smart." Sadie knows Akemi, huh? Katie files that one away; maybe she can ask Kaede about her sometime. "And I don't think Akemi would willingly hurt anybody if she can help it." --- [Grysar] "Same industry, different job." Hinako elaborates. She shakes her head at the prospect of Akemi hurting anyone, glancing down for a moment. --- [Ardweden] Katie tilts her head. "What is it?" --- [Grysar] "Live by the sword, die the sword was largely not the rule during those troubled times. Most of those that suffered, with notable exceptions, were exploited or collateral damage." She wanders over to her shrines. "Which undercuts the case against picking up the sword." --- [Ardweden] "No kidding," Katie agrees, bitterly. She stays seated and watches Hinako. "I tried." --- [Grysar] Hinako answers quietly, "I know." --- [Ardweden] Katie nods, sharply. "But I'm here now. I did what I had to. You don't get to judge me for that." The anger from before simmers under her words, along with a fair amount of hurt. Katie winces - she's losing control - and takes a deep breath before loosing her grip on her pencil with difficulty. "Sorry, I'm- I-" --- [Grysar] Hinako turns swiftly to face Katie and then with a few short but deliberate steps navigates the room and kneels down on the floor a half a meter away from her. "Katherine Andrews, I do not judge myself to be a better person than you. I was regrettably slow in discerning your initial plight. I sent Sorata Kyon to collect the sword you wielded. I have no confusion about the order of those events." --- [Ardweden] Katie flinches and swallows her initial response because it's too honest and will leave her too raw and vulnerable. She looks down at the table and takes another deep breath. "" she says, after a moment. "" --- [Grysar] Hinako shakes her head "" --- [Ardweden] Katie looks up at the other girl. "" There's no real bite there, all of her anger suddenly gone. "" --- [Grysar] Hinako's English accent is a bit stilted but clear. " No, the mourning and the guilt of someone who led from the back means little next to your pain." She takes a few slow breaths. " As you anticipate, the Council is little glory and much work even to one that would lead. " --- [Ardweden] Katie breathes, and breathes some more. "Well," she says, shakily and in Japanese, "At least you're in it for the right reasons." --- [Grysar] Hinako shrugs. Not unhappy to hear it but not feeling especially accomplished either. "It is too easy to speak of general sin. I owe you penance for my part in the delay. It was unjust to allow some malcontent to set the terms of your entry and the framing added an insulting equivalence." --- [Ardweden] "Who was the malcontent?" Katie asks. She's pretty sure she knows, but the same story from multiple sources helps. "Yorihisa?" --- [Grysar] Hinako shakes her head. "Not so directly, though from what I have gleaned, I believe he was discriminatory in the manner in which he eventually lifted it. He didn't argue that your group must be excluded, but that given the risk of reignited feuds shown in the cards, the safest thing to do would be be to consolidate the Council first then announce to the larger community." She makes a face. "I have come to view that reading with greater skepticism, but even so, by malcontent I meant any that would act the violent spoiler if the nascent Council was not a fait accompli." --- [Ardweden] Katie listens, her mind tripping over some of the more obscure words Hinako's throwing out. She thinks she gets the gist of it, at least. "Yeah. Okay. I don't know why he's got such a problem with us in particular, he-" Her fingers curl inward, and she forces them to relax. "We saved his life, once," she blurts. "He didn't even say thank you." --- [Grysar] Hinako thinks about this and notes Katie's confusion. She reaches over to grab her deck and quickly flips through it, stopping to stare at the Six of Pentacles. Her brow furrows for a moment. "" She shakes her head. "" --- [Ardweden] "" Katie agrees. "" She checks her hands; they're steadier now, which is nice. --- [Grysar] Hinako snorts but shakes her head. " Uh." She ponders. "" Hinako scowls in frustration and switches back to Japanese. "Your spying, Takeuchi Kaede's computer mastery, your collective ability to hold your group together, and if there is anyone the World sees as a dangerous peer it is likely Watanabe Hideo." That came out rather faster, Hinako takes a breath and finishes in English. "" --- [Ardweden] "" Katie says, softly. She blinks at her hands, focusing on that, and steadies herself further. Moving shenanigans doubtless continue outside of the room, and she turns her attention up to Hinako. "" --- [Grysar] The corner of Hinako's mouth quirks up. "" --- [Ardweden] Katie laughs at that. She picks up another pastry and checks on Kyon before turning her attention back to the Hierophant. "" --- [Grysar] "" Indeed, Sadie has slowly been dismissing her helpers and is presently convincing the last one that she can handle what's left on her own, thank you. --- [Ardweden] "Hm." Katie considers. "" --- [Grysar] Hinako hesitates for a moment and then nods. "" She slowly rises to her feet and glances down at Kyon who seemed to be stirring more while the two of you were distracted. "" --- [Ardweden] "" Katie agrees, her eyes now on Kyon. --- [Grysar] [Hinako contemplates a reply. There is a quick succession of three small thuds from the other room. "Hina-chan, my book collection is unbalanced." One more soft thud. "" The Heirophant casts an apologetic glance and sails out of the room.] [Perhaps it was Hinako's hurried footsteps or perhaps the time had simply come, but Kyon stirs and opens his eyes. While the light-headedness had been sudden, the forced nap left him refreshed and not confused as to his identity. That said, waking up is still hard, and Katie may well have a chance to react before he's properly sitting up and speaking.] --- [Ardweden] Katie scoots to Kyon's side as soon as Hinako's out the door. "Kyon?" she asks, one hand hovering over his arm. She's not sure if he knows who he is, or if he can deal with being touched right now. --- [Capfox] Kyon shifts against the floor and stretches his feet up, but doesn't really move to get up or away from Katie or anything. Just finding himself here. "Yeah. Huh." He clears his throat. "That was something." --- [Ardweden] Katie smiles, relieved. "You looked like you were dreaming." --- [Capfox] "Yeah." He squints and looks up at the ceiling. "Not this me, though. Past me. The old lady. Although before she was old." --- [Ardweden] Katie nods. "I figured. Nicola texted me about you passing out at her sister's place." She shifts. "Are you... okay?" --- [Capfox] "Yeah. Wasn't too much. I know where I am, and who." He blows out a breath. "Could've had better timing. But it was somewhere safe enough." --- [Ardweden] "Whatever you were talking about probably triggered it somehow." Katie sighs, bringing a hand up to rub at her eyes. "It's been happening lately, not just to you." --- [Capfox] "Yeah, I know. Should've figured it'd be my turn soon enough." He finally moves up to a sitting position, looking around the space once more. Nothing too different here. --- [Ardweden] Katie scoots back to the table and pours a glass of water, which she hands to Kyon. "You wanna talk about it here, or later?" --- [Grysar] There's been no other book crashes from the other room in the past few minutes, but you do hear the two active over there still. Hinako has mostly been quiet, aside from the a grunt or two, but even Kyon can here a measured but urgent. "Sadie Edelman!" Followed by Sadie responding, "Okay, okay, books on the stable shelf first, right order second." That said, they're speaking notably more loudly than you two are. --- [Capfox] Kyon takes a sip of water, then twists his lips to the side. "She probably knows what kind of dream that was." --- [Ardweden] Katie nods. "Yeah. But she wouldn't know the details." --- [Capfox] Kyon nods, closing his eyes for a moment. "So let's wait. Not like it's something urgent to work on right now." --- [Ardweden] Katie smiles, sitting back. "Okay." She pauses for a second, then adds, more quietly, "I was worried about you." --- [Grysar] After a succession of books can be heard to be moved around in the next room, Sadie quietly says to herself, "" There's a few footsteps back followed by her saying in a louder voice that even Kyon can easily hear: "All done Hina-chan, you can let go." There's a pregnant quiet from the room down the hall which is not followed by any further books dropping or shelves falling. Katie can hear twinned signs of relief followed by Hinako noting the importance of anchoring shelves in an earthquake prone area. --- [Capfox] Kyon nods sharply, and frowns slightly, before answering quietly. "Right. I would've been, too." He pauses, and then adds, "Sorry." --- [Ardweden] Katie shakes her head with a small smile. "It's not really your fault." She cocks her head. "And I think Hinako will be coming back soon." --- [Grysar] Hinako indeed has finished her conversation and is headed back up the hall towards her room. --- [Capfox] Kyon smirks. "I'll put a strong face on it." --- [Ardweden] Katie snerks. "I bet." She waits for Hinako to step into the room before she turns to see her. --- [Grysar] Hinako emerges through the curtain and as she sees the upright Kyon, she visibly relaxes. She glances about to verify that there is food and water are available for her guests before inquiring, "How fare you Kyon Sorata?" Meanwhile Katie can hear Sadie yawns in the other room and then more furniture moving. Not long after she plops her weight down on some cushioned surface. --- [Capfox] Kyon turns a bit where he's sitting and nods to her. "Better. Thanks for watching over me. And letting Katie know. Just came over me." His lips thin out. --- [Grysar] Hinako sits down on a nearby cushion. "I did no more than my duty. In prior generations, Arcana would be guided in learning of our past, but even then they were hard to predict and outside our control." She glances back at her shrine for a moment before looking back to the two of you. "Visions came to me before I understood what I was. It was quite frightening to me then, so I am glad to tell you that I do know that fainting spells are rare." She pauses a moment looking to Katie and then back to Kyon. "Is there anything you feel you should share?" --- [Ardweden] Katie looks to Kyon. It's his dream. --- [Capfox] Kyon thinks for a minute, and says slower than usual, "Seemed a lot younger than I remember her being. Must've been from earlier in my lady's life than what I'd heard." --- [Grysar] Hinako listens intently, her purple eyes fixed on Kyon. She fidgits with the notebook she'd earlier retrieved, holding out vertical and spinning it slowly in her hands. "All are young at least once and visions can come from the breadth of their life. Or at least back to when their powers begin to manifest." She smiles. "But Yamako Minazuki was a master at cultivating a venerable image." She looks at Kyon expectedly, having lost all interest in her other guest for the time being. --- [Capfox] Kyon smirks slightly, face still fairly wan. "Definitely already had the attitude, yeah." --- [Grysar] Hinako chuckles. "My predecessor would not have had the chance to see that, but I can imagine." She pauses for a moment looking wistful. "She was a power player even early in her life. There are even greater limits to what I know of the time before Arcana gathered in Japan, but Yamako Minazuki had made her name before she gained, as you might say, home field advantage. Who was the recipient of her attitude this time?" * Kyon thinks for a beat, and then says tersely, "The World." * @Hinako's eyes widen. She seems to have a question on the tip of her tongue but holds it back. She quietly comments, almost envious, "That must have been remarkable." * Katie watches Hinako carefully. * Kyon smirks slightly, his expression somewhat tired underneath his regular movement. "She didn't think so. Minazuki. Didn't seem to, anyway." * @Hinako holds out her hands, fingers splayed slightly. "I'd imagine that despite her long life, the number of time she was visibly impressed." She ponders and then lowers four fingers before raising one. "Could certainly be counted on two hands. What did they discuss?" * Kyon purses his lips now, mostly closing his eyes. "There wasn't that much context. Didn't feel like I was gone for that long. Mostly about what their goals were and with who. But not really that clear." * @Hinako wrinkles her nose slightly. "What their goals were and with who?" * Kyon nods curtly. "Right." He frowns now. "Need to think about it more." Why is it so important? * @Hinako looks to Katie tongue in her cheek for a moment as she prepares an answer. "I have never seen her myself, not even masked. I do not consider her an enemy, but she appears to be one of the main sponsors of shuffle. To understand her present intentions, I would hope to better know her past." * Kyon nods. "And we can share that. But I want to recover first. And think through it more. It was." He stops, and searches for a word for a beat. "Powerful." * @Hinako gives a heavy nod. "Arcana all too often neglect contemplation." She slowly stands. "Katie Andrews does make a convincing case that many of her tactics are not so different than what I find acceptable for myself." She frowns. "Nonethless, there is a contradiction in her actions or her followers that I have been unable to divine." <@Hinako> If you can find something I am getting wrong, Katherine Andrews knows my further thoughts, I may be able to do the same for you. But for now, would you like to stay here and if not can I send you on your way with anything? * Kyon presses himself up a bit further. "We can let you know once I've had time to recover and think things through. I'm at your service, for your help today. But we should go. Be better to regroup back at my place." * Katie stands at that, gathering the things she brought. * @Hinako nods and gives you some time to gather yourselves before unhurriedly escorting you both outside her apartment. * Katie turns to Hinako before they leave. "Let me know when you want to get together so we can talk security, okay?" * @Hinako drops her chin slightly. "Thank you. Any homework for me until then?" * Kyon looks at Katie for this one. He's too out of sorts to think out the angles here. * Katie thinks for a second. "Do you use a code?" She knows the answer, but Hinako doesn't know that. * @Hinako shakes her head. Maybe do a little research on that. I will too, and we can talk about it next time? That way even if somebody does find your notes, they'll have to work to figure them out. * @Hinako voice is steady and low pitched. "My archives will take some time and should await training, but my new notes will be occluded when next we meet." * Kyon nods back curtly and approvingly. * Katie smiles a little. "Sounds good." * @Hinako gives a slow smile as she bids you farewell and closes the door. Her roommate can be heard snoring further back in the apartment. [End!]