[Date: September 15th, 2002] [Wataru has settled down after his life after his third year and had a *relatively* peaceful summer. Already set and ready to go onto the Waseda Campus, classes all taken care of, signed up for. Some down time from all that....*weird* stuff with the cards really. It's nice. His aunt hasn't bothered him all that much lately either, since he moved to be prepared for the rigors of campus life and independence and all that good stuff.] [But this scene doesn't take place there. No. It's one of the last games of the Nippon Professional Baseball season! And it just so happened Wataru's best friend Izumi scored tickets to one of the last games! Sure it's not the Championship season yet, but it's a *real life game*! And so, of course, she had to drag him along.] [Today's line-up? The Seibu Lions are taking on the Osaka Kintetsu Buffaloes! Everyone seems to be in agreement that it hopes to be quite a game. And the stands are *packed*. And crowded. And a little stiffling, honestly. But at least Izumi got some pretty decent seats out of the deal!] [She's pulling you along, Wataru. Excited as can be. What do you do?] [Session Start.] * Wataru is actively excited about this. Who knew he'd find someone who's as much into watching sports and eating junk food as him? It's almost enough to forgive and forget the fact that their first social outing was to a terribly ill-fated Arcana concert..... * Wataru and Izumi spent a fantastic week of their holidays having a post-graduation trip to Okinawa together, which involved tons of beach and tons of spam and tropical fruit... not to mention some revelations that it felt incredibly good for Wataru to get off his chest. He really feels like he has a comrade, now, an accomplice. She's probably the best friend he's ever had and YEAH BASEBALL. * Izumi is SO FULL of YEAH BASEBALL! She's got a baseball cap on and tickets in her hands and is ready to make some noise! Once they find their seats. "I think we're up this way? Are we up this way? Oh!" She spots another way up. "This way!" And then it's off to the races! Bases? Baseballs. She finds the right pair of seats, or at least what she thinks is the right pair of seats, and grabs the one on the left. This is going to be great! This guy from Sakuragaoka is on the Lions. Seriously! I met him last year, before... anyway. He's really cute. I didn't know he got into a professional team until I saw his name on the roster! * Wataru makes sure they have hot dogs and churros and giant sodas! Pretty awesome that both America and Japan are into the baseballs! "Oh yeah? Sakuragaoka, huh." HMM. *That* school. * Izumi has a soda that's bigger than her head. It's that giant. She's sipping it while filling the air with exclamation points. "Yeah, bunch of assholes mostly," she agrees. THAT school. And then a bite of churro. "But I guess they can't be *all* assholes. He got me a tomato and cheese ramen!" Wataru would know, of course, that tomato and cheese ramen is effectively Izumi's favorite food. [The music starts to play as some of the fans settle down. *Some* of them. It's FUCK YEAH BASEBALL season. They're not going to fully settle down. Players start to come out on the field. The announcer's really getting into it. As are the fans.] "What, wait, this baseball guy? Got you ramen?" Seriously! It was after- you know- I was- [As if on cue, the announcer calls out "NUMBER 12! SORATAAAAAAA KYOOOOOOON~"] * Izumi gives up on trying to explain and yells, "THAT'S HIM!" She points! Point point point! * Wataru stands up to PEER. Who's this shmuck who's getting his best friend ramen behind his back? Wow, he does look pretty..uh...... striking. * Kyon races out onto the field towards the mound. He gives a curt wave to the crowd on either side, and when he gets there, he bows, as is proper. He tucks his mitt against his chest. "So that's him, huh? He bought you ramen?" Yeah! Just the one time. But I only saw him the one time, so! * Izumi cheers with everyone else! [The crowd both cheers and boos, depending on which side you're on. The star pitcher of the Lions has many rivals. Either way, there seems to be a lot of baseball fervor.] * Kyon starts warming up! "So you're not like, dating him or whatever." Wataru's face is all serious, but there may be some humour hiding in his voice. * Izumi snort-laughs. "Like I'd start dating a professional baseball player and not tell you." * Wataru smirks. "Good point," he admits. * Kyon has a pretty compact wind-up, with a vicious release that almost has his fingers scrape the ground. [The first batter comes up to the plate, ready for the first swing. The Buffaloes have been pretty decent this year. May not be geared towards the Championship games, but still a good matchup for the Lions. He sights down Kyon and awaits for the pitch.] Nah, at the *time* I thought, well maybe, you know? Never know unless you go for it! But this girl told me that he was dating her friend, and then, oh man, what did she say... 'Don't even *think* of hurting either of them.' It was kind of scary, so I backed off. I mean, I didn't let them know I was scared, but... who does that? I just met her! "Whoa. Okay, staying away from Sakuragaoka people, man. Usually good advice." * Izumi ughs. "Right?" She sips more soda. * Wataru nods. * Kyon glares in for the sign, and throws in a hard slider to start the game. * Wataru watches. God, but that Sorata is hot. Those *stupid* uniforms, man. Wataru is fairly convinced that whoever invented baseball uniforms was gay, and suggests something to that effect into Izumi's ear. [The game goes off without a hitch. The Lions narrowly squeak out victory with a close game, 7-6. A lot of those exiting comment a lot about how it was down to the Lions pitching that game. Also, Izumi *almost* caught a game ball, but it was snatched by a fan just *two* seats next to her! Drat!] * Izumi is *squealing* at the end of the game and the story she repeats twice before they even leave about having almost caught the ball seems to make her almost happier than actually having caught a ball! Not that Wataru could know for sure. She didn't catch it. But it was SUCH A CLOSE GAME OMG IT WAS SO GOOD. [Wataru and Izumi *may* notice Kyon sticking around to chat up a few fans while he finishes cleaning things up. Or Wataru might not care! Hmmph. Stupid, sexy Kyon.] * Wataru very deliberately chooses not to care, although, seriously, what is up with that hair. Look! Maybe I can get him to autograph something! * Izumi turns to Wataru. "Does my hair look okay?!" She starts messing with her bangs. Stop it, Izumi, you'll just make it worse. * Wataru rolls his eyes, BUT, who can deny such cuteness? He puts his hands on her hands, on her head. "Stop. You look fine." He takes his hands back. "Sure, go get 'im." * Kyon does indeed sign a couple of autographs. Pretty closefacedly, but still. * Izumi beams! And bounds down the steps as fast as her little legs can carry her. Wataru knows that's pretty fast - why she didn't get a track scholarship to somewhere, he has no idea. A bit belatedly, he decides to follow her. Just in case, you know, she gets caught in a crush of people and asphyxiates, or something. [Because that honor went to Chikako with all that practice she got delivering newspapers at top speed, obviously.] * Izumi is a way better best friend than that Chikako girl! For one, she went to Sakuragaoka, so probably secretly an asshole. * Kyon signs a couple of more autographs, and then it turns out to be Izumi's turn! He's not looking up yet, though. * Wataru is close enough to get a good look at the guy, now. Man... Guys that good-looking are almost always bad news. He finds himself kind of glad he only bought her ramen that one time. Multiple times would have been very dangerous indeed. * Izumi smiles. "Hi! Sorata-san!" She tries to think of something to say that isn't stupid. "You, um, you bought me tomato and cheese ramen once!" Yup. Ramen words. Out of her mouth. * Kyon blinks once, and looks up again, regarding her for a beat before recognition hits. "Motobuchi-san. Thanks for coming to the game," he says formally. Shit, he remembered her name, Wataru thinks. Bad, bad news. * Izumi 's eyes widen, and she smiles with delight. "You remembered me! Here, um. It was a really great game. Really close... your pitching was awesome!" She scrambles about, looking for something for Kyon to sign, then comes up with her ticket. "Would you mind? Please?" * Kyon nods curtly. "Of course." He takes it from her, scrawling on it with his Sharpie, and handing it back. It's a close, clean signature, with his number nestled at the bottom. "Must have come a long way. End of the line here, Shunyo's pretty far off." * Izumi blows on the ticket in an attempt to dry it. "We got a good deal. It's my first professional baseball game! I was really excited when I found out you were in it." * Wataru juuuust watches. * Kyon nods back. "We appreciate your support. Thanks for coming." He finishes with a short bow, and turns to the next person waiting there. * Izumi beams, stands there for a moment, then realizes Kyon moved on. She goes back the short ways to Wataru and half-whispers excitedly, "He *remembered* me!" "Yeah, that was pretty impressive," Wataru admits. "When was this ramen incident, again?" Last year. March. Before... * Izumi trails off again, then says, "Sakuragaoka had the best ramen stand outside of it. Didn't I ever take you there? No, you were always going to cram school... we should check it out!" She's already heading out of the park. "Hey, that cram school is the only reason I got into Waseda, straight up." ^^ [And Wataru and Izumi head off! To maybe get some of Ramen Guy's special ramen!] (I CAN BUY YOU RAMEN TOO, IZUMI) (YAY TOMATO AND CHEESE PLEASE) [Date: January 7th, 2003] [Coming back to school after winter break has been rough. Ugh, why are winter breaks always so *short*? Anyway, school's getting back in session again and the semester is ready to start up all over again.] [Wataru's got *Sociology* class to get to though! Is he late though? Or has he gotten adjusted to campus life by this point?] [New Scene!] Definitely adjusted! Except... He's been up late every night on his gamecube, playing this AMAZING game called The Wind Waker that just came out and that he was so freaking lucky to snag a copy of!! So he's a bit on the sleepy side, this morning, as he makes his way to class, muffin and latte in hand. If he was a girl, he would so be wearing uggs. Thank goodness he is not. [On his way to morning class, he overhears two female students chatting "So I hear Kyon Sorata goes to this school." "No *way*! The famous pitcher?!"] * Wataru listens. Hmmm. Mr Ramen. [The two of them are oblivious to all eavesdroppers. Holding their books in front of them, their conversation still echoes. They're not really trying to hide it. "Yeah, that guy." "I sure would want him to autograph *me*." "Hikaru! *beat* Besides, I'm pretty sure he doesn't like...you know...."] * Wataru is still listening! He sips his latte. [One of the girls turn to the other. "Really? Cause I heard he's got a girlfriend he moved in with." "Nah. That's just a cover anyway. You know how it is." "What*ever*, Hikaru. *another beat* Did you know he's a writer too?"] ["Really?! That's so neat!" "Well, they say he is. Don't know how true it is. You know how they say things..." And at this point, they've wandered out of hearing distance.] * Wataru tries to not get flustered. There's no way Kyon is... I mean, he has a girlfriend! They just said so. -- wait what, a writer, too? [Wataru should probably get flustered. He's going to be late for class! Well, maybe there's time for one more coffee.] He gets to class! Class is gotten to! He looks for a seat. Even if it's pretty full, by now... [The class *is* pretty full! There's only a couple seats left, and they're filling quick. The professor is looking sternly at the students just coming in the door now. *Be on time better, you jerks.*] * Wataru finds a spot a couple rows from the front, near one side! He sidles past a few seated students with apologies, and settles in. * Kyon is sitting quietly in the row behind him, looking down at his notebook and wearing a dark blue ballcap to cover his orange hair. Much less obvious that way. [The teacher seems to be looking *extra* hard at Wataru at this point. But it only lasts for a moment. "Now class. As you remember, before the break, we mentioned were going to have presentations this year. This year's topic? Foreign affairs and Japan's role. It will be up to you to determine the specific topic, but I expect *full* research and documentation to be turned in."] * Wataru semi-audibly sighs. Great, public speaking. * Kyon just notes this down quickly, doing his best not to look around much. [The teacher continues. "To do this project, we are going to be pairing off. It is best to get used to working with your compatriots in this endeavour. Team work is an essential part of..." Oh god, he's doing the teamwork speech again. He probably won't be done for several minutes here now.] Session Time: Sat Oct 25 00:00:00 2014 * Wataru doodles in his notebook. It's pretty abstract, and not especially good or anything. * Kyon flips to a different page, half-listens in case he says something of interest or different than usual, and works on a pitch chart. [Wataru gets in the middle of a pretty intricate squiggle pattern. It almost looks like a dragon! Or a hanged man. If you squint at it properly. So much so that he almost misses his name being called for the pairings. "Yameda Sorata." Then the teacher goes on to finish up the other pairings.] [And this time, yes, he *does* get the last name wrong.] * Wataru glances up with something almost resembling a glare. COME ON, it's just like, the most popular name in the damned country or something. He keeps his mouth shut, though. * Kyon glances up sharply, as well. Who's Yameda? That's a weird name. [The professor doesn't answer, because he's fully into lecture mode now. And it drags on. Oh lord, does it drag on. But eventually it's over. A lot of the other students exit to chat. Some of them meet up with their partners to start talking about the upcoming project and such.] * Wataru is so annoyed about the name thing... that he doesn't really realize until much later that Sorata is *Sorata*. THAT guy. He sighs... Glances over at him. * Kyon tucks his stuff away, and doesn't head off yet, checking a couple of things on his phone. He's not really sure if his partner's still here, but they can work that out, right? Well, whatever. Wataru does go up to him. "Hey." * Kyon blinks, and flips his phone shut with an audible thwack before looking up. "Hey." "Uh, you're Sorata, right?" Wataru stands a bit awkwardly. "I think we're, uh, we're working together, I think." * Kyon cocks his head to the side. "So. Yamada?" He smirks. "Yameda's not even a name." * Wataru sighs and nods, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yamada. I don't even know." * Kyon nods quickly. "Right. So. Partners, huh?" He pushes his cap back slightly, showing a sliver of hair. "Where you want to work?" "Wherever? I go to the Tully's a bunch, or, like, library's good." That hair, so gaudy. He thought baseball players were all weird and shaved their heads like monks. * Kyon nods back again, thinking. "Could try either. If it gets too annoying, could try my office. But library's good. Quiet and neutral." ~Office~. Jeez. Man, everything about this buttwad rubs him the wrong way. "Sure, let's try the library." He hoists his bookbag! "So, got any favourite topics?" * Kyon unfolds himself from the chair, and rolls his pitching shoulder, before picking up his bag. "On foreign affairs and Japan? Trade agreements. Or with China or the US. Or both, for positioning. You?" * Wataru may or may not make a face. "Uhh, I mean, the whole contested islands thing is pretty complex and interesting. Public opinion about it, especially. But, I mean, I'm cool with learning more about whatever." * Kyon nods quickly. "Right. Could do that. Both sides, multiple angles. Good diplomatic and financial implications." Man, this guy sure seems to like finances a lot. "All right. I guess, we can library it and find a few sources, see if it comes together?" * Kyon shrugs his bag's weight more to mid-back, and then stuffs a hand in one pocket. "Yeah. Good plan." [And off they head to the library. Will this rivalry be continued? Or will it end here? Will it continue to be as one-sided as all this?] [Only time will tell! Until later!] [End for now.]