<@Ciara> [Date: Monday, January 12, 2004] <@Ciara> [Time: Late Afternoon] <@Ciara> [Behold, it is Coming of Age Day, as has been previously established. And as has also been previously established, today there are two ceremonies, due to popular demand. Kyon has chosen to attend the afternoon ceremony, in order to also have his parents be able to attend. And so they are!] <@Ciara> [Before the ceremony, Haruko stopped by briefly to offer congratulations and good luck wishes before having to hurry off somewhere else in typical Haruko fashion.] <@Ciara> [Now the ceremony has concluded, the speeches and giving of small gifts having gone quite well.] <@Ciara> [Kyon has subsequently reunited with Katie and his parents. What will happen now?] <@Ciara> [Session Start!] 06* Tomoe is in a straight-lined teal dress that goes down to mid-calf, a soft black coat that stops above the knee, expensive white gloves and a matching hat, perfectly placed on her head with a tasteful brooch on it. She wears tasteful pumps and a string of pearls, but the latter are hidden under a discreet scarf. It is winter, after all! Even if it's positively balmy compared to Aomori. 06* Kyon stands quietly near one of the gates. He's wearing a charcoal grey tailored suit, a just off-white button down shirt, and a black and orange striped tie. Also, an Arisugawa brewery tie clip, and citrine cufflinks. He's draped a black overcoat over one arm while they're waiting. 06* Nozomu is wearing a men's kimono in black with a silver fan pattern and a haori over it. He's looking quite formal, if a bit cold. 06* Katie is there! She's even wearing a dress, because it's Kyon's big day. It's a dark blue and stops just above her knee. She has black leggings on underneath (because it's *cold*, okay), half-inch heels, and her gray, wool coat. She's wearing her normal pair of sky blue gloves and scarf. But she's not wearing the hat! Look at her, her ears are red. Her earplugs-disguised-as-hearing-aids are not. 06* Tomoe tries not to beam too brightly at her little boy. Man! Her grown-up man. Boy. Aah. 06* Kyon rocks back on his heels, and looks around the area, surveying for other people that are not his family or girlfriend who might be looking at him. <@Ciara> [There's probably the occasional curious glance. You are an attractive gentleman, Sorata-san!] 06* Katie walked-not-ran to Kyon. "Congratulations!" she tells him with a smile. "Does this mean you're a real grown up now?" 06* Kyon smirks. "It's official." 06* Nozomu walks slower thank Katie. He is in no hurry today. "That it is. I have a few things to say on the subject, but not while we're standing in the middle of a road." 06* Tomoe shuffles up behind him, beaming the beams at her grown-up son. BEAMS 06* Kyon nods quickly, and looks down at him. "Shouldn't just wait out here," he agrees. 06* Katie looks around at the grown ups talking (because she isn't one). 06* Nozomu looks at Tomoe. "Wasn't there a tea house you liked near here?" 06* Tomoe takes a brief pause from beaming at her son to beam at her husband instead. "Yes there was! It's a short walk, or should we take the car?" 06* Katie takes a tiny side step closer to Kyon while Tomoe is distracted, because he practically radiates heat and she's cold. 06* Nozomu snorts. "By the time we found another place to park, it would be time to return home." 06* Kyon nods quickly. "Walking's fine. We can warm up that way." "A walk would be nice," Tomoe agrees. 06* Nozomu nods. "Then lead on, dear." 06* Tomoe does so, delightedly! But not before giving Katie a friendly smile! 06* Katie smiles back, a little tentatively, and starts walking. She wonders about taking Kyon's hand but um, maybe not... she really doesn't know. Still. Walking! Going to a place! 06* Kyon does walk at Katie's side, but he's not going to take any hands. 06* Tomoe is certainly not taking anyone's hand. But she's going to walk with her husband in companionable proximity! "It was a very nice ceremony," she says. 06* Kyon tugs on the overcoat; it's easier for walking that way. "None of the speeches were that bad. Or too long." He smirks. "Which is why it's outdoors." 06* Katie rubs at her ears. "I can't really blame them." 06* Nozomu nods. "It is a different experience as a parent then as a new adult. Although mostly I remember wishing that the mayor would speak faster so we could get out of the snow." 06* Kyon looks up at the sky. "Least that didn't happen. Wouldn't've been good for the suit." 06* Katie blows into her hands to get heat on her face. Of course it's a different experience, she doesn't say. That doesn't actually mean anything. 06* Tomoe tuts. "You wouldn't want that," she says, referring to the suit. "I think we were quite lucky with the weather! But you get good weather in Tokyo." 01 There was snow on Christmas. <@Ciara> [The party walks! After a little bit, you reach the teahouse, which isn't very crowded at all, as most of the newly-declared adults are off drinking booze! (But there's considerable amounts of Arisugawa booze in there, so it's all okay.) You are met by a young lady in a kimono and shown to a table, where another young lady waits to take your coats.] <@Ciara> [There are elegantly lettered menus on the table, offering various tea sets - usually one sort of tea and some sort of sweet or other snack.] 06* Katie is robbed of her coat and other winter things! She maintains control of her purse, though. The scar on her throat is visible for a bit before she manages to arrange a flimsier but nicer scarf over it. 06* Tomoe removes her coat, and the pearls are revealed! They are quite nice, simple and classic, and she seems to be a little proud of them, in her body language. 06* Kyon passes off his coat. He's not any more or less bare-throated than previously. 06* Nozomu lets his haori get taken, and goes down several steps in the formality of clothing. He's still way too serious for his own good. 06* Kyon settles into a seat, folding in his legs under the table, and takes up a menu, passing one up to Katie. 06* Tomoe eyes the menu, but really, she already knows what she wants. She also casts sidelong glances at the Young People at her table. 06* Katie sits next to Kyon. "Thanks," she says, taking the menu. Tomoe's eyeing her. Man. 06* Kyon nods in answer without really looking up. Tea picking is hard. 06* Katie lets out a little sigh through her nose and looks at the menu herself, her heart not really in it. <@Ciara> [After an appropriate amount of time, one of the young ladies returns to take your orders. There is then further exchanging of pleasantries and discussion of the ceremony and the weather and the like. Then the tea and snacks are brought out, and the attendant remains at a polite distance, out of earshot, allowing you to relax, enjoy your tea, and discuss whatever else you might like.] 06* Katie is there, and she's been pretty quiet (holding her tongue when the internal snark gets too high). She's twisting the ring on her right ring finger with a kind of aimless energy. 06* Tomoe is perhaps deliberately calm and composed, taking dainty sips of tea with an unreadable expression on her face... Could it be amusement? 06* Kyon sips some tea, talks about the tea and the sweets, and waits. No use trying to rush what's coming. 06* Nozomu drinks his tea and mostly watches his son, sometimes looking at Katie or Tomoe. 06* Katie is bordering on defiant, though, and upon maybe the fifteenth time a parent eyes her with amusement or otherwise, she just goes, "What?" Thinking about the future. Actually this is as good a time as any. 06* Nozomu takes a small wooden box out from his sleeve and sets it on the table in front of him. 06* Kyon looks at it curiously. "What's that?" 06* Nozomu looks his son straight on. "Sorata Kyon, for two hundred years it was traditional for the firstborn Sorata to be given his official first full time job at Arisugawa on his coming of age day. In the earliest days, the entire brewery was passed on. There is even..." 06* Nozomu opens the box holds up a small scroll, “a traditional speech and a blessing for it.” You are an adult now, but what it means to be an adult has changed since those days. At twenty you are still in college, have your baseball, and even your writing. You have never been one to hide from responsibility. Your determination to educate yourself, your dedication to baseball, and the trust that your friends put in you will all serve you well in life, and prepare you for the challenges ahead. 06* Nozomu puts the scroll back in its box. “This speech, and I, will wait until you are ready to come home, and that is your call to make, as an adult.” 06* Tomoe clutches her hands together under the table, and there is visible emotion in her face, like, it is pouring out. She looks with glowing pride at her husband, for a moment, before returning the gaze to her sweet baby boy. It is an emotional day. 06* Katie is blinking, and relaxing a little. She just watches. 06* Kyon actually looks rather taken aback at this. "I thought." He shakes his head quickly. "You didn't take over when Grandfather died? That's not how it works?" You are correct, but I spent most of my twentieth year making sure sacks of grain were all accounted for. It taught me a great deal, but I do not think you need that lesson. 06* Tomoe looks down, smirking. She picks up her tea to hide the smirk. And your great-grandfather had the audacity to retire. 06* Kyon nods quickly, but still looks more surprised than anything else. "He was a rebel. Remade the refinery. Brought in more Western equipment." 06* Nozomu sips tea. "He is the reason we can compete today. I hope you will be the reason we can in the future." 06* Katie watches attentively and notes details about the brewery and this whole inheritance thing. She's stopped twisting that ring of hers. 06* Tomoe puts down her teacup with a faint clink. Punctuation. 06* Kyon still looks surprised, but it's fading to looking more moved. "Father. That should be well in the future. You're still well. Nothing in the past couple of years. Right?" 06* Nozomu nods and puts the box away. "I am still in fine health and you will have time for all of your baseball career and leaning the details of running the business before I'll even think of handing it to you. I'm not done yet." 06* Tomoe smiles, privately. 06* Kyon nods again, and watches where the box went. "What should I do now? From here?" Now? Drink your tea. Tonight, enjoy being an adult. Tomorrow, suffer for being an adult. 06* Kyon snorts at that. "Tomorrow's the suffering? That early?" "This would depend on how much you enjoy tonight," Tomoe chirps, in a rare bit of coy humour! 06* Kyon smirks. "Doubt it'll be so much tomorrow'll be bad." Then you are either worse at planning or better at moderation than I was at your age. We'll find out which it is come dawn. 06* Tomoe hides her face in her tea again. La ~ 06* Katie can't help it; she totally cracks a smile at this. And picks up her tea. 06* Kyon shakes his head, amused, and sips at his tea. "We will. I'll send you a report." 01 If he can't for some reason, I can send it. 06* Nozomu nods after a moment and drinks tea. "How good of you, dear," Tomoe smiles in approval. 06* Kyon sips his tea, and then sets down the cup. "Does this mean you didn't make reservations for dinner?" 06* Katie grins at Kyon's mother. "We thought you children should have some time for yourselves," Tomoe turns the smile to Kyon. "Today is about you, after all." 06* Katie points out with mock seriousness, "Kyon's an adult, not a child. That's the whole point." We will have to get used to that. "We certainly will!" It's been coming. Been time to adjust already. 06* Kyon cocks his head slightly. "So what are you doing, then?" We have reservations for both dinner and the theater tonight. 06* Kyon nods, and drinks his tea. "So we'll see you tomorrow, then." "I was going to visit the Isetan tomorrow," Tomoe says. "But we could meet for lunch, or dinner perhaps. Oh! Katie, you should come with me!" 06* Kyon glances at Katie cautiously at that one. "Dinner should work." 06* Katie blinks in surprise at Tomoe's suggestion. "What?" She looks at Kyon. What? 06* Kyon shrugs quickly, and says nothing. "It'll be nice! We can get a pick-up lunch at the food hall, and see what new things they have in store." Dinner would be fine. 06* Katie looks back at Kyon's mother, considering, then asks, "Is 1:30 okay? I have class, and then I'd need to get there." Plus it avoids lunch hour crowds. 06* Kyon nods quickly, and then makes a suggestion for a dinner place. 06* Tomoe seems victorious, and smiles at Katie. "Lovely, yes." 06* Katie smiles back, a little nervously. <@Ciara> [And so the afternoon passed, and the group finished their tea, and the older and younger adults prepared to part ways. They are now standing outside the teahouse, with cold-weather gear back on.] 06* Kyon looks about, and sticks on a hat out of habit. 06* Katie is just finishing putting her gloves on, yup! She's feeling much warmer with the tea. 06* Nozomu adjusts the collar on his haori. "And this is where we part ways. I look forward to hearing a report in the morning." 06* Kyon nods quickly. "We will. I won't disappoint on that." 06* Katie can't really hide her amusement, especially when she starts thinking about Kyon actually making a report. "Oh! And Katie, you and Kyon spent Christmas with your parents, didn't you?" Tomoe adjusts her scarf. "It would be lovely to meet them, some time." 06* Kyon nods curtly and looks fairly poker-faced at that one. 06* Katie's eyes widen slightly, but she composes herself quickly. "Maybe that can happen, yeah. My dad works a lot..." She glances at Kyon. 06* Kyon nods quickly. "But we can try to arrange it." 06* Katie smiles. "Yeah." 06* Tomoe is pleased! Mission accomplished, time for date night with Nozomu. 06* Kyon nods quickly. "Enjoy the play." 06* Nozomu casts summon car, material components, one cell phone. <@Ciara> [And so the elder Soratas headed off for the evening, leaving Katie and Kyon to wander by themselves.] 06* Katie , once the car is around a corner, takes Kyon's hand and lets out the longest sigh fucking ever. "My parents? Really?" 06* Kyon gives her hand a light squeeze, as they walk. "It's tradition. Surprised they haven't asked already." 01 Who came up with that tradition? That's a dumb tradition. 06* Katie walks along, the tips of her ears already pink again from the cold. 06* Kyon shrugs quickly. "Need to know the family. You're living with me." 06* Katie mutters, "I'm pretty sure your mom and my mom would get along. If they don't try to kill each other first." 01 With smiles and endearments meant to injure. 06* Kyon nods quickly, and smirks. "Maybe she's free tomorrow. She can go shopping with you." 06* Katie snortlaughs, and she pushes Kyon's arm lightly and playfully with her free hand. "Don't even!" 06* Kyon moves away slightly, and says, amused, "Don't think she'd like it?" 01 Surprise! You wanted to meet my mother, so I brought her with me! 06* Katie then mimics Kyon's mother. "Oh, but this isn't proper-" And then her own. "But Katie, dear, I thought we were just going to the bookstore. Who is this?" Never said you should lie about what would happen. She'd need to prepare. 01 She wouldn't go on such short notice if I didn't lie. 06* Katie pauses, then adds, "Probably." 06* Kyon nods, and then shrugs quickly. "Probably." <@Ciara> [As Katie and Kyon pass by a noisy izakaya, a frazzled-looking figure with a cell phone pressed to his ear darts out, not really paying attention to where he's going and bumping straight into Kyon. The figure half-mumbles a clumsy apology, and then... oh, hey, look who just ran into each other!] 06* Katie asks, "Are you okay?" before really getting a good look at who it is. 06* Kyon starts, and then scowls, looking down at the other figure. "Watch where you're going." 06* Wataru nods at the girl's question, dismissively, since he's about to get his aunt on the phone and there is some kind of crisis, why would she be texting him if there wasn't a crisis. Then he looks up, and sees Katie. And Kyon. And he *glares* at Kyon. REALLY? THIS, NOW? 06* Kyon just looks back coolly, adjusting his coat so it's hanging right again. <@Ciara> [Meanwhile, Wataru's phone call goes through! But the reception is really bad:] 06* Katie grips Kyon's hand more tightly. <@Ciara> ["Wataru? ...waiting... train... call back... later... okay?" And Aunt Midori hangs up, leaving it totally ambiguous as to whether or not he's supposed to call her back or she'll call him back.] 06* Kyon doesn't pull away or anything. He just waits there, and then tugs on her hand slightly. Might as well go inside. No need to eavesdrop on the guy. "What? Aunt Midori, you're breaking up... What's going on, you want me to call back?" Dammit.... 06* Katie is tugged, and she starts to be led away a bit, but at Wataru's words she stops (so unless Kyon gives her a really good tug, she's not going). "Are you okay?" she asks him again. 06* Kyon waits, not looking super patient. 06* Wataru sighs, noticing she hung up. He grips the phone, looks at Katie. Then at Kyon, who is also in a suit. A better suit. And are those *cufflinks*? Who even wears those, seriously. "I'm... It's fine." Wataru rubs a hand over his hair, which is shorter and slightly more tamed than it was yesterday. "I'm fine." 06* Katie says, more concerned than anything else, "You don't *look* fine." 06* Kyon moves back away from the door a step, and frowns. 06* Wataru clenches his jaw. "I appreciate your concern, but the situation is under control." He blinks at Kyon. "Congratulations," he says. Because, you know. Today and all. 06* Kyon nods back at him curtly, and echoes, "Congratulations. Now we can be adults." 06* Katie nods at Kyon. "Yeah." And then she looks at Wataru, her eyes hard. "Because you're doing such a good job at that. Look, *you* ran into *him*, and I was just concerned. You're worried about your aunt. I get it. But taking your bad day out on us is just unfair." "I'm very sorry if my 'bad day' became your problem, but I didn't intend it to. Sorata-san, I apologize for running into you. I'm not taking anything out on anyone, but honestly, you don't... need to be concerned. This isn't anything you need to worry about." I hope. 06* Wataru has a brief glance at Katie. You're like, 16 years old, you don't get to call me out on not being an adult. 06* Kyon nods curtly at the apology, but he's not following up on it. 06* Katie pinches her nose. "" she says in English. "" 06* Wataru spreads his hands. "" He replies in the same language. "" These people!! Wataru puts his phone away, takes a breath. "It's probably fine," he resumes, in Japanese. 06* Wataru "You need to know? Fine. She texted me, wanting to talk, but now her phone is breaking up because she's waiting for a train or something." He looks at Katie. "" <@Ciara> [Wataru's phone rings again!] "" Wataru says. He picks up. "Hello?" 06* Katie puts one gloved hand to her forehead, running her fingers through her bangs, because Wataru was just *acting* like it's probably the end of the world. <@Ciara> [It is, in fact, Aunt Midori. "Wataru?" she says. "I'm sorry about earlier. I thought I had much better reception than I actually did. At any rate... I didn't mean to worry you, or interrupt your celebration with your friends. I just wanted to ask you about this notification I received today about a large usage of bandwidth on your internet account."] 06* Kyon looks down at Katie with an eyebrow raised. As if to say, can we just go in now? "I got a webcam, and I was chatting with a friend in America. Oh man, was the bill through the roof? I'll pay for it, I didn't think this through, and we got carried away. I'm sorry, Aunt Midori!" [Aunt Midori sighs. "Thank you, Wataru. I appreciate it. However... in the future, please take care to avoid this sort of thing. You should be working on proper management of your time."] 06* Katie looks up at Kyon and nods. "Yeah." Wataru thinks about this. "Okay, Aunt Midori. Time management." ["You're an adult, after all. Goodbye, Wataru. Enjoy the rest of your day."] 06* Kyon opens the door for Katie, then. 06* Wataru smiles a bit. "Absolutely. Thank you! I'll talk with you soon." He shuts the phone and looks at Katie! The smile isn't gone, either. 06* Katie glances back at Wataru, then steps in, looking around. [Someone comes up to Kyon, apologetically saying that all the tables are full right now.] 06* Kyon scowls at this person and asks how long the wait is supposed to be. 06* Katie murmurs to Kyon that she'll wait outside (while he deals with this). She edges back out. [The hostess apologizes and says that because of the Coming of Age Day celebration, they're far more crowded than usual and wait times are very hard to estimate right now. Perhaps twenty minutes to half an hour? They seem uninclined to turn away customers already there given that they're all eating, drinking, and being merry.] 06* Wataru is edging back in as Katie is edging out! 06* Katie narrowly avoids running into him in her not-too-obvious haste to get out, and she says, "I'm glad your aunt's okay." It seems genuine, at least. 06* Wataru has a small and equally sincere, if somewhat strained, little smile at Katie, and thanks her before heading in. 06* Kyon looks over the crowd, and then tugs his hat off and looks down at her. "Just for two. No space anywhere here?" 06* Wataru scoots by Kyon on the way to his table, that table over there that he has, while Kyon has no table. [The hostess' eyes widen and she bows deeply and stammers an apology that they really, truly are full, although there was a gentleman who had a table in the back and he went outside for a while... oh, no wait, there he is. Sorry, it is full. But perhaps someone will be leaving soon.] 01 [Izumi looks up from her now full mug of beer. That's because she got another one! "Wataru!" she cries, both hands going up towards the ceiling. "You came back!"] 06* Katie, meanwhile, stands outside and breathes. 06* Kyon shrugs quickly. "Put us down. And we'll see." Then he goes outside to Katie. "I did," he grins to Izumi. "Man... She just wanted to chew me out about my internet bill," he laughs, pulling back his chair and taking a seat. 01 ["Wooooow," Izumi says. "She got it that fast? That's really fast." Izumi pushes Wataru's mug at him. "I changed my mind. Beer is awesome. This Arisugawa stuff is really good."] "They CALLED HER. Because of my bandwidth. Ah, the cost of happiness." He smiles, and is clearly really relieved! "Tough. I won't stop talking with Satoshi, but I'll find another way." 06* Katie looks up at Kyon and smiles weakly. "Sorry." 01 [Izumi hmmmms, trying to think through Wataru's puzzle, but she's got nothing. "Carrier pigeon?"] "Internet cafe," he grins. "And, shorter chats, at home. Just not HOURS." He picks up his beer, and drinks a whole bunch of it, because Izumi's way ahead of him now. "And emails. And more cell phone pictures!" He snaps one of the izakaya, pointed towards the door - maybe he can snag a glimpse of Kyon's stupid hair? 06* Kyon shrugs quickly. "Not your fault. More his." He smirks. "He did the ramming." 06* Katie nods. "Yeah... are we waiting, or?" 01 [Izumi gives Wataru a thumbs up. "It's a plan! An adult plan!"] "Speaking of adult plans - YOU said you had a guy for me?" he grins! [End!]