<@Ardweden> [Saturday, January 24, 2004. Early Afternoon.] <@Ardweden> [Haruko and Maki are about town, and by "about town" I mean in the shopping district near Asakusa Sennoji Temple! Coming of Age Day has come and gone, and they're looking for some bargain prices on furisodes while the stores are still clearing their inventory.] <@Ardweden> [The air is cold, the streets are busy but not packed, and the sky is a clear, crisp blue.] <@Ardweden> [Start!] * Haruko is wearing her white and red winter coat and a simple cotton skirt. * Maki is wearing a pink button-down blouse and jeans under a heavy winter coat. * Haruko glances over the variety of merchandise as they walk. "So I'm not a champion shopper for this sort of thing, but there are supposed to be good discount options. I've got a few other places we can bike too if this doesn't pan out." * Maki nods. "Part of me still thinks it's a little crazy to be doing this almost a year in advance, but then another part of me was overhearing people complain about last-minute price gouging a few weeks ago. That part wins." * Haruko nods and smiles. "Remember, this is traditional garb. I suspect that long ago that ordering would often be done well in advance." She waves her hand at a discount electronic shop. "There are trends, but furisodes don't go out of date in a year or two." Yeah. I still can't believe I let you talk me into this. * Haruko taps her gloved fingers together. "I am a master of manipulation." She then points out a shop. "It looks like they actually have a good selection in back." * Maki shakes her head, but she's smiling. "Let's check it out, then." * Haruko walks in, smiling at the cashier before heading to the back. She starts a somewhat methodical search, trying to figure out which section has the best balance of price and quality. * Maki just follows along, because unlike Haruko, she shops more like a typical engineer: detailed lists and attempts at maximum efficiency. What is this browsing thing? She does not understand. * Haruko comments in a slightly distant, deeper, tone. "I have always been fond of kimonos, even though my path turned away from traditions. For those that could afford them, it was chance to show what's beautiful about them." She quickly determines that one shelf is of interested for furisodes that have been tried on, but not actually sold, another still is within wrappings but shows a fair amount of diversity, perhaps having been scrounged from the remnents of several stores. * Maki looks at Haruko a bit oddly, but then says, "Yeah, well, I mean... I've never even worn one. Like, ever. Except for one time when my parents dressed me up in one when I was little and I don't even remember it. I've just seen the pictures. So I guess if I'm ever going to do it, this would be my chance." * Haruko drags one out that's a red and black mix with slightly simpler flowers at the bottom and shows it to Maki (http://mirelakaulitz.deviantart.com/art/Furisode-2-303910557 the fifth from the left, top row). "Would you prefer something on the simpler end? Some of these get really elaborate patterns, though that doesn't always match the cost. Simple can be very elegant." * Maki eyes it critically. "Huh. That's actually a really nice color scheme. I like the black. Very dramatic. So... maybe?" She pulls out a small notepad and pen from her purse. "Does it have a tag number or inventory code or anything like that?" She starts writing down "red and black with red and white flowers, [Shop Name]." * Haruko finds the tag. "It does, although I don't think online shopping is that good yet for these." She points carefully puts it back, making sure Maki sees the price. "I had more chances. I mean aside from my white haori, I didn't really own any fancy new kimonos. But father sometimes would be invited to really nice places as a priest, and mom and I would get to dress up with rentals or ones that had been in the family for some time." * Maki writes the information down. "Well, I think I'd need to take it to a shop for a fitting anyway? That's how this works, right? So I might as well actually get it from a shop in the first place." She sighs. "Even if online would be easier in some ways." * Haruko nods. "Right. So, what did you do on special occassions when you were younger?" * Maki - in the meantime - looks at one with a black and pink pattern that, when she unfolds it, has lots of pink and white flowers (bottom left one at the link above). "Nope, too much pink," she mutters. "I am making my peace with pink but that's not it." Then she looks at Haruko. "Mostly skirts and dresses. Even on New Year's. Just easier to get everyone together and out the door." * Haruko laughs at the pink comment and then roots a bit more, finding one that had been a rental and is marked with an extra 30% off. "Times have do change, things are faster now." Her tone briefly held and then lost, the deeper inflection. "So does this one also appeal on a color scheme criteria? It's more black and while, a bit fancier, but not overwhelming." (fourth from the left, top column, link above) * Maki looks concerned for a moment. "Are you coming down with something? Your voice seems a bit odd." She considers the furisode. "Hm. It's nice, but... I don't know. On the one hand, I like the black and white. It looks almost like the Milky Way or something. On the other, not sure I'm big on the orange." She sighs. "Am I being too picky? I feel like I'm being too picky." * Haruko tilts her head for a moment. "I don't think so, although my coat doesn't keep the cold out quite as well as I'd hoped, I may have to work on the seams." She then shakes her head. "No, no. You're making notes already and you've only looked at a few. And even discounted these aren't cheap, you should love the one you buy." Hmm. What kind are you looking for? * Haruko thinks and poses with a hand on her waist, holding a not that remarkable blue one before her. "Something a bit glamorous without being ostentatious or too pricey. I do like seasonal designs. Also anything that has a good sense of, I don't know, I suppose the word might be flow. More a river than a giant pile of flower petals." * Haruko grins as she puts her current one away. "It's still too far out to worry about it matching the boy." * Haruko reconsiders. "Way too far out for that really." * Maki snerks. "Yeah, I'm not even going to think about that. So, I take it Hibiki may not be a long-term prospect?" * Haruko smiles a little whistfully. "Maki, I wouldn't know what a long- term prospect would look like even if he showed up my door with flowers and keys to my first car." * Maki laughs. "Man, even I might be slightly tempted by that. Slightly. But seriously... we've kind of not been awake in the same place all that much this past week. Or awake and in the same place that didn't involve engine testing. How did things go?" * Haruko thinks. "Let's talk as we walk, unless you have anything else you want to see here. I saw a few more places of this style, but since you're newer at this I should take you to a further off the main arcade place so you get a feel for the range of options." Okay, sounds good. I've got the information on the one so if I decide that's it, we'll know exactly where to come back. * Haruko leads on, pushing through crowds to smaller streets. "So, I told you we were going to the ice rink, right? He was going to help me learn to skate better while not letting me do foolish things and hurt myself." She chuckles in amusement at that comment, but in fairness to Hibiki-san, she doesn't seem injured at all this time. * Maki snorts. "I still think your friend who's trying to become a *professional hockey player* should have been able to do a better job." Satoshi indulges me. Sometimes. Also, he's in America. Hence our rush in the first place. * Maki doesn't seem all that convinced. "Yeah, well. It's true, though; you didn't seem hurt after your date on Sunday, so props to Hibiki, I guess." * Haruko does smile a bit. "Also, you should have seen Satoshi on the ice that day. He can actually spin and his hair flutters behind him when he's not wearing all that hockey stuff. Although Hibiki, he's another sort of appeal entirely." * Maki rolls her eyes. "Please, Haruko, like I'm going to be swayed by flowing locks or something. Guy needs a haircut." * Haruko shakes her head. "Sometimes I don't understand you at all Maki." * Maki smirks. "I like my guys with short hair. What's so hard to understand about that?" * Haruko points out the new place (http://cdn6.cheapoguides.com/wp- content/uploads/sites/2/2014/05/2586191268_5c2a8812b1_b.jpg), after one half-block false start. (Unlike the picture it is daylight and no boxes.) Ah, right, like Kyon's. I can see why you would like short and controlled, after... Well, like Kyon's. * Maki laughs a little bit. "Nice range of examples there. But yes. Good hair. Not like certain other people we can but will not name. Anyhow! Hibiki. You were saying." Well, it was fun. He was a good demanding teacher but wasn't jerky about it. I still can't twirl, but I can do a fairly tight figure eight. * Maki walks alongside Haruko. "He wasn't a jerk? Are we sure we're talking about the same guy here?" * Haruko returns a quick bow from the proprietor as she enters. She heads to the back where furisodes and other kimonos are stacked such that each is visible on fabric covered tables. More expensive selections are hung on the wall behind. Well brusque, sure, but complimentary when I got things right and he gave useful suggestions. I mean, he's still Hibiki. But... * Maki eyes the wall display. "But?" * Haruko's tone change as she examines the tables. A bit of maneuvering is required, as the aisles are tight and there's another woman, a wholesaler by the look of it, competing for space. Her tone shifts again. "Men I date tend to get hurt. Even if they choose to be the one that ends it, it's often because they see that my heart is not what they thought it was. Hibiki is not so easily bruised." * Maki shifts herself out of the way of the other woman and a bit closer to Haruko. "He's tough. And stubborn. I'll give him that. And, okay, yeah, he's not bad-looking. But still. He's frequently a jerk. Not a malicious jerk, but a jerk." * Haruko finds a largely monocolored blue furisode with detailed sleeves and trail. She carefully unfolds it (upper left: http://www.ichiroya.com/item/search.php?sritem=002 ). "Hm... perhaps too on the nose." She then looks back to Maki. "I don't deny that, but he did on a few occassions, stand by a friend of mine in moments of grave peril. It's not really my story to tell, but our high school has a nasty way of revealing people's true character." * Maki frowns. "It did. Seriously, sometimes I just look back and go 'what kind of screwed-up shit was that?'" She looks down at her feet and says, quietly, "Never did figure out who it was." * Haruko turns, setting down the kimono before resting her hands on Maki's shoulder and speaking in a quiet, deeper, but compasionate tone. "You were robbed of justice. However, since then you've shown your strength and are building a life based on your desires. The universe can be cruel and can deny us satisfaction, but where others bend or break you've overcome. That's deeply admirable." * Haruko tends never to fully dry her hair after a shower, yet somehow it always seems to behave. Though for a moment, despite this being a cold clear day, it seems to curl as if affected by humidity and adopting a wavy, masculine cut. The moment is gone, and it wouldn't be Maki's preferred style anyways. * Maki looks at Haruko, swallowing. She looked like she might have been close to crying as her eyes are a bit moist. That totally explains the hair thing. Just blurry vision for a moment. "Thanks, Haruko. I... I really appreciate that." She gives her a quick hug before stepping back and wiping at her eyes a bit. "And okay. If you say that Hibiki's good people then I should believe that. You've apparently seen a side of him that I haven't. I just... you're my friend and I want someone really great for you." * Haruko smiles and hugs her back, hair reverting. "Thank you Maki. I don't know if he's right for me, but somehow knowing for sure what he is just makes him safe but, I don't know, real I suppose at the same time." Also, from our time on the ice, I think he's a good dancer. Not to be underestimated, that. * Maki nods. "Okay. I give you my provisional roommate blessing. But if he starts giving you crap, let me know and he and I will have *words.*" Also, now that the other woman, the one who was probably the wholesaler, seems to have moved out of the way, something on one of the shelves catches Maki's eye. "Huh, is there a black one at the bottom of that pile over there?" * Haruko picks up the one she had seen previously. "Maybe, go check it out." She glances at the other woman. "Best to move fast, this can be a competition." * Maki walks over to the shelf and slides it out. Then she literally gasps. Because it looks like this: http://mirelakaulitz.deviantart.com/art/Furisode-426-303924232 Oh my god... is this real? * Haruko then unfolds the blue furisode again, contemplating it. "Anyhow, when he moves on, as is stastically likely despite what Katie says, you can trash talk him and I'll -- Oooh." She then says in a hushed tone. "Don't act too impressed, you want to make sure you get the discount you're entitled too." * Maki coaxes Haruko over so she can whisper to her. "Haruko, this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen that wasn't an actual picture of a galaxy. Can you look at the price tag for me? I'm kind of scared to." * Haruko grins and nods eagerly and then comments in a stage whisper. "A bit modern, but yes, I can see it being the right kind of modern." She then checks the price. <@Ardweden> [Haruko checks the price, and it's just short of what she would consider full price for a furisode of this quality. At the same time, she doesn't see any discount markings: no additional or crossed out prices that litter the other furisode tags at this shop.] Well? * Haruko frowns. "It's not overpriced, but it isn't actually discounted at the moment either." She thinks. "Okay, let me do the talking and let's find a possible one for me too." * Maki bites her lip and nods. "Okay. Okay. You totally get to take the lead here." * Maki carefully folds it back up and does not let it go. * Haruko checks the section and looks at the discount on other ones in that immediate area. "Let me know what you think of that one on the table." * Maki takes a good look at the furisode Haruko pointed out and then walks back over to her so they can speak quietly. "Well, it definitely has the river effect. And I'd say that shade of blue is *definitely* one of your colors. And there are flowers on it without being too, well, flowery. So I like it, and I think it'd look good on you, but by the same token if you want to keep on looking I'm completely fine with that." She gently runs her fingers along the furisode she's currently holding. Her precious. * Haruko comments quietly. "If they're otherwise discounted, we've got an chance." <@Ardweden> [The kimono Haruko's been looking at is marked at fifty percent off.] * Haruko smiles and licks her lips. "Why play against type?" She searches around for a bit to find a different furisode with a sale price below what the galaxy would cost even marke down, "That modern one is nice, but you do know how your father likes tradition. This is still your colors, but--" Haruko switches her voice deeper though somehow not sounding as natural as she was a few moments ago, "It fits well in the continuum of Japanese tradition, dating back thousands of years." * Haruko seems oddly practiced at her imitation of "Maki's" father. * Maki attempts to look solemn. Yes. *Her* father. (http://www.ichiroya.com/item/list2/287951/) Yes. That would be more traditional. And more in keeping with his wishes. And the purple and red are nice together. * Haruko tries to get the attention of the proprietor, wanting to make sure that he sees where she's getting the galaxy dress from even if we walk over to talk to him. <@Ardweden> [The proprietor looks up from (re)pricing furisodes from where he is and nods to Haruko.] * Haruko shows her pick and the fake pick for Maki, makes clear that they *probably* can't commit right now, verifies the price, engages in a bit of shopping ritual until the time is right and she looks at the galaxy. "A shame that one isn't discounted like the other ones around it, isn't it?" She gives Maki an appraising look. "Given there's no returns, this might be the safer pick." * Haruko gestures to the definitely cheaper but more traditional red and purple one with the cart when she says that. * Maki just nods and lets Haruko do her thing. * Haruko taps her chin. "Though we could always put both of these back, finish our rounds and ask your father tonight. Permission rather than forgiveness might work for once." She goes to put them back. <@Ardweden> [The proprietor - a somewhat overweight man with thin hair and a friendly smile - trundles over to the girls. "May I help you?" he asks with a bow. "Did you find something you would like?"] * Haruko nods. "We would only be getting two, I am pondering this blue one." She then gestures to Maki, "And she was looking at this red and purple or the modern one." She then frowns. "Although I'm not sure we can commit right now." <@Ardweden> ["Ah! May I see?" The proprietor takes both kimono and holds them up to Maki. "Hmm," he says, "Yes, they'd both be lovely on you, but I think..." He holds up the galaxy furisode. "This one is more your style, yes? Modern but girlish. It's important to pick a furisode that reflects your inner beauty."] * Maki blushes a tiny bit and looks over at Haruko. "Do you think Father...?" Her voice trails off. * Haruko looks at the proprietor, looks at Maki, and then back at the proprietor. "If it was discounted like those others around it, perhaps we could buy it now. But unless a mistake was made and you hadn't gotten to it, we'd *have* to ask first." She gives a broad, fake, smile. "Maybe this time, you could convince him on modernity. He is a priest, but they do appreciate the stars, right?" Her tone doesn't show much hope though. * Maki sighs. "Yeah, but... not too many opportunities to appreciate the stars nowadays. Too much light, he says, and too much noise..." What noise has to do with appreciating the stars, Maki doesn't know, but it sounds right! <@Ardweden> [The proprietor tuts. "I doubt your father would have much of an issue with a furisode as beautiful as this, and I can attest to its quality. Concerning the discounts... ah, those in that area should be... yes. This is mislabeled. My deepest apologies." He bows. "Let me just..." He pulls a pen from behind his ear and crosses out the tag, marking it for about thirty-five percent off.] * Maki steals a quick glance at Haruko. Yes? This is good, yes? She tries to keep the excitement off her face. * Haruko nods solemnly. "It does reflect her inner beauty, as you say. She can likely make a more convincing case holding it." Haruko puts the red and purple kimono back before he tries to upsell us. <@Ardweden> ["If I may, then?" the proprietor says, offering to package both furisodes up for the girls.] * Maki looks at Haruko again. "Yes? I think we can convince him?" * Haruko hands it over. She winces slightly at even the reduced price for Maki's, but her roommate seems to think she can handle it. "I think so." And it looks like we can go on to our next errand by daylight, I had another few places, but it appears we won't need them. * Maki nods. "Fantastic. And I can go to the library this evening and get a start on my dynamics research." * Haruko grins. "Furisodes, bike part gathering, and dynamics. A good day." <@Ardweden> [And so, the girls buy a couple of recently discounted furisodes and leave to go gather parts for a motorcycle for Maki! Fittings and accessories can be handled some other day - THEY got some sweet discounts on this one.] <@Ardweden> [End!]