<@Ciara> [Friday, February 13th, late afternoon/early evening.] <@Ciara> [Previously on Neo-Arcana...] <@Ciara> [Kyon arrived home only to find Katie missing and the living room a mess.] <@Ciara> [He called in the troops - well, some of them; some of the troops then called in the other troops - and among the group they managed to figure out where Katie was - the Waseda clock tower - and a possible reason for her diseappearance - the end of the second Council of Mysteries book.] <@Ciara> [The groups have made their ways to Waseda - Kyon, Haruko, and Taki by bike, Wataru by cab, and Kaede by whatever means of transportation isn't a pointless waste of his valuable time.] <@Ciara> [Unfortunately for Haruko, she doesn't have a student parking permit, unlike Kyon, so she's got to go find a spot. (Apparently the Waseda parking enforcement is incredibly overzealous.)] <@Ciara> [Fortunately for Kaede, he's able to get there pretty quickly.] <@Ciara> [So now we've got Kaede, Kyon, and Wataru all reaching the area near the clock tower at roughly the same time, with Haruko and Taki coming soon.] <@Ciara> [What awaits them? Who knows?] <@Ciara> [Session Start!] * Wataru has tried to keep a handle on what his intuition is telling him, as they approach the campus. Even as Satoshi sends him a sweet and concerned text message - and he replies with "I'll be careful, promise" - part of his mind is occupied with assessing whether Katie really is in the direction he's heading... <@Ciara> [Satoshi did send a text; it's true! And yes, Wataru's still got a lock on Katie, and she really is in that direction.] * Kaede heads on scene. He probably biked there and stashed it. It's still fairly well dressed though, walking quickly in his business suit and checking his phone. His head turns up as he hears other people and he adjusts his glasses. "Which way?" * Kyon stalks into the area, hands jammed in his pockets. The only change from before in his attire is that he's got the ballcap and sunglasses deal going on now. He spots Kaede, and heads over that way. * Kaede gives a quick nod to Kyon then looks at him, awaiting the answer to his question. * Wataru tips the driver generously and hurries towards the clock tower with a loping gait. If he can still sense her, at least that means she's still alive, right...? * Kyon shrugs quickly. "Don't know. Wasn't me that found the place." He scowls. * Haruko sends Kyon a text saying " Parked. @U ASAP." She's actually visible now dashing from a block or two away. * Kaede nods, then looks at his own phone. "Well, without her phone on her, it's difficult to track..." His lips narrow. "Which is probably one of the reasons she doesn't have it..." He then stares at Wataru not saying a thing, then looks at Kyon questioningly. * Taki is a few steps behind Haruko, possibly them being slightly late was Taki's insistance at following speed limits. * Wataru notices Kyon and Kaede, and speeds up, with an awkward wave. He catches up ahead of the two girls. "Hey." <@Ciara> [Hail, hail the vast majority of the gang's all here! What now?] * Kyon waves at him curtly, and then tugs out his phone, checking the message, before looking back at Wataru. "So she's here?" * Kaede puts his phone away, then looks at Wataru. "No time for that. Where?" * Wataru nods. "Far as I can tell. Up there," he points to the tower. * Kaede glances up at the tower quickly, looking it over. "Anyone with her?" * Wataru frowns. "That, I couldn't tell you. I just know where she is." * Kyon scowls. "Is she safe?" <@Ciara> [There's a fair amount of students milling around; while classes are mostly over for the day, there are still plenty of activities, students heading to the libraries, and so on.] "I don't... I don't know. She's at the very top, above the clock." * Haruko arrives, panting. She's wearing a buttoned up medium-weight Lions jacket that's a big on her but seems to be keeping her warm. * Kaede snorts, turning around, then gets a small frown. "Unless there's a field up, there's probably not going to be any instigation. Do any of you sense a field?" * Kyon shrugs quickly. "Lots of people around still. Everyone's here. Should get in the tower." * Haruko nods, still catching her breath. She goes to open the door. <@Ciara> [The door to the clock tower is locked!] * Taki arrives a few seconds later and checks her watch at the mention of fields instinctivly. "What's this about fields?" * Haruko digs into her bag. "Someone screen for me." Unless there's another door. <@Ciara> [There's the door to the main assembly hall.] * Kaede turns to Taki and just stares. Okay, *that's* someone he wasn't expecting. * Kyon shrugs quickly. "Could get into the main hall. It should connect." * Wataru stands around, and peers up at the tower. * Haruko nods. "And if that door's locked it's more subtle." * Haruko heads to the main hall. * Taki looks up. "I'd go up, but I've no idea where the floor is... and I've had enough of falling today." * Wataru hesitates a moment, then follows Haruko... * Kyon follows Haruko, as well, hands back in his pockets. "And you don't know who's up there. Doesn't have to be just her." * Taki nods and follows Kyon in. <@Ciara> [The group enters the hall via the leftmost door, the one closest to the clock tower. There's a fair amount of students inside.] <@Ciara> [Most of them seem to be in the process of being directed towards the main auditorium.] * Kaede follows Haruko and keeps a hand in his pocket and an eye out for students, adjusting his glasses. "It'd be our best chance at scouting though. Considering we're minus a scout." * Wataru closes his hand around the tarot deck in his coat pocket. "M... maybe I can see if I can figure out whether there's someone else with her?" <@Ciara> [A young woman walks up to the group. "Good evening! Are you here for the symposium?"] * Haruko is slightly startled but smiles. "Which symposium?" * Kyon pulls up aside Haruko, and lowers his sunglasses to look at the woman. * Kaede looks at Wataru with a half-glance. Let others deal with interrupting woman for now. <@Ciara> ["Oh, the annual memorial lecture on international affairs!"] * Haruko shakes her head. "We're here to prep for a smaller function in one of the side rooms. Sorry for being a distraction, we'll just get out of your way." * Kyon nods calmly. <@Ciara> [The student looks puzzled. "I don't remember there being any other functions scheduled for tonight. Please hold on for a moment and I'll go check."] * Haruko nods. "The event's tomorrow morning. It's an opportunistic meeting for some of the out of country scholars. But it's early because of some bigwig's flight out of Narita so we we have to prep tonight or be here at 5 am." * Wataru fidgets with his deck. <@Ciara> [She looks sympathetic. "There are quite a lot of people here for the lecture. Okay. Good luck with your prep work. Do you need any supplies?"] * Haruko shakes her head. "Not unless you've locked any of the rooms that are normally open." <@Ciara> ["No, they should all be open."] * Kyon pushes his sunglasses back up, and nods curtly to her, then. "Thank you." <@Ciara> ["You're very welcome." She bows to the group.] * Haruko nods and bows. "Thanks." She then glances back. "Ooh, I think that freshman is going down the wrong hall." <@Ciara> ["What? Oh no!" She hurries off to corral the wayward first-year.] * Haruko keeps going to the tower. * Wataru looks at her departing form, and at the others. "So... that's a no then?" * Kyon goes alongside Haruko, but says back over his shoulder, "How long does it take?" * Haruko stops and tilts her head. Not necessarily a bad idea. She doesn't comment * Kaede rolls his eyes slightly but then looks at the rest of the hall, just to see if there's any further interruption. "...honestly, I wasn't expecting so many people here. It's been forever since it's been like this. At least since graduation..." He then frowns off towards an empty spot. You think any of Katie's friends wouldn't come as fast as they could if they're told she's missing? * Haruko looks at Kaede, puzzled. She then looks to Taki and realizes what he meant. "Just to see if she's alone? Shouldn't take long. I'll either know or not." He tucks his shoulders in. "Gimme like a minute in a quiet place, or if it's too much trouble we can just go." Let me see if I the tower door is locked from the inside too. I'm rusty, so it'd take me a minute too. I won't go in until we've regrouped. * Kyon nods quickly. "Find a place. I'll cover Haruko." <@Ciara> [There are a few students looking your way, but since you got past one of the ones directing traffic and you seem to know what you're doing, they're not paying too much attention.] * Haruko walks off in what she thinks is the right direction, but does keep an eye towards Kyon in case she's making a mistake. * Wataru nods! And looks for a door to an unoccupied room. <@Ciara> [Wataru finds an unoccupied room and ducks in!] * Kaede pinches the bridge of his nose as he looks down. "No, that's not what I am saying, please don't mince my words, Shimiru-san. By the way, hello. How are you? Are we skipping small talk now?" <@Ciara> [The room has a table, chairs, etc. Basically a small, empty meeting room.] * Kyon would definitely steer her differently if necessary. So it's probably not. * Wataru exhales. Busy day. Okay. Okay. He sits down, takes out his tarot deck from its casing, and places the cards on the cool tabletop. * Wataru knows what he's looking for. He knows the Page of Swords is in the tower. Haruko even mentioned the Ace of Wands, earlier. And the link to Katie is still active, strong, throbbing. All he wants to know is if she's alone there. He takes a deep breath. * Taki stops and bows to Kaede. "I'm just fine, the fact that Sorata-san called me to tell me that Katie had been kidnapped and that I've already fallen out of one tall object today, have simply made everything wonderful. How have you been?" <@Ciara> [Haruko reaches the clock tower door. It is locked.] * Kaede nods, as if falling out of tall objects is just a matter of course. "Busy. I'm certain you're surprised." He's looking at the side-room now. * Kyon looks down at the door, and then turns to look off down the hall, standing in a conveniently blocking place, hands in his pockets, scowling. * Haruko gives a quick glance back and forth and then whips her hand out of her purse, pinning a lock pick on either side of her middle finger. She goes to work. * Taki nods. "Not half as surprised as I would be if you'd said you'd taken a break." * Kaede continues to talk to Taki as he looks away, in the direction that Wataru had turned away. "I *will* be forced to take a break eventually. It's called death. I'm sure you've heard of it." <@Ciara> [Wataru reaches for a card and the link in his mind *pounds*. Hard. Any sort of break in concentration is going to cause it to snap.] * Haruko is slightly startled when her phone buzzes in her purse, but she keeps to work. She's brought out a different piece, long and flat, and holds one of her first two picks between her lips as she works. "'mind me te silenze dat." * Wataru doubles over, filled with a sharp metaphysical pain. He takes a few stilling breaths, forehead cooling on the table. Then he leans back, looks at his cards, and curses loudly. * Wataru packs them back up and opens the door, sharply, not caring whether he interrupts whatever conversation may be going on outside. "No luck. We're going in blind." That's never fun, c'mon, let's see if Haruko has the door open yet. * Kyon crouches down. "Want me to silence it?" és. <@Ciara> [Also, Wataru, now you have a minor headache. Not terrible, but annoying.] <@Ciara> [Haruko has a text from Takumi. He's gathered up the money to reimburse her for the race prep. She can come pick it up tonight.] * Kyon rifles his way through Haruko's purse until he finds her phone, glances at the text, and then silences it. * Wataru has an almost Kyonlike scowl, and stalks off to where the others are huddled at the door. * Kaede nods. "Especially given there's no coming back from this one...I'd worry for my postcursor anyway." He wanders up to the two of them. "Blind is our usual really...but hold on..." * Kaede pulls up his phone and starts trying to at least pull up layouts of the hall as he paces. <@Ciara> [Haruko unlocks the door!] * Haruko collects her three lock picks between each of her four fingers on her right hand, briefly holds them in the air in triumph and then puts them back in her purse. She glances back to see if everoyne is here. * Kyon straightens again, and looks down at Haruko. "Good?" * Haruko shrugs. "In my prime, I'd have been done twenty seconds ago with only two tools." But yes, satisfactory. * Kyon smirks and rolls his eyes. "Have to keep up standards." He looks impatiently at the door. "Let's go." He opens it up! * Haruko grins, stands up, and unbuttons her coat, revealing her v-shaped halter top. Now that she's been working inside for a bit she's feeling a bit warm. "Keeping up standards is why I'm no longer in my prime at lockpicking." <@Ciara> [There is no one waiting to ambush you on the other side of the door!] * Kaede nods and then pokes at the phone, showing it to the others. At least the elevator part. "This way. It's quieter. From there, we're on our own though..." He frowns. "Figures the person who would be the most useful for sneaking up is the one who is missing..." * Kyon shrugs quickly. "We can be quiet. As long as we keep from arguing." * Haruko looks slightly offended at that and then looks at the stairs. "Right. No level surface." She accepts Kaede's assessment. * Taki just nods. * Wataru is still grumpy, but he's attentive. * Kyon leads his way in, then, and goes for the elevator. <@Ciara> [The elevator arrives! You should all be able to fit in it.] * Haruko follows along. She glances at her phone while waiting out of curiosity and smiles, noticably relaxing before remembering why she's here. She gets in the elevator. * Kyon gets in the elevator, and scowls more deeply, if anything. * Taki gets in and doesn't take up much space! * Wataru follows, the link to Katie strong and urgent. * Kaede nods at Kyon, not arguing. Can't argue with the truth. He makes his way into the elevator as well and takes it up. No history with elevators here, nope. <@Ciara> [The elevator elevates! And now you are dropped off on the floor below the clocks.] <@Ciara> [If you look out one of the windows, you'll see a neat little balcony.] * Kaede holds up a hand and goes to listen in...but also presses his fingers against the button panel before he goes... * Taki starts to go for the balcony, but stops while Kaede's got his hand up. * Kyon gets off to look for where the stairs are. * Wataru feels Katie pulling at him in no uncertain terms. Still up, closer now. * Kaede nods slightly, then listens around. He starts to open his mouth, then stops himself. Gestures to at least be on the move though. * Wataru nods. He points up. * Haruko walks forward. She removes a water bottle from her bag and unscrews the lid, dropping the top in her purse. She heads up the stairs, trying to be quiet but walking at a fairly usual pace. * Kaede goes in that direction then, wasting no time. Fingers are still in his pocket. * Taki looks out the windows at the balconies in case Katie's out there, but when she looks back everybody is moving on, so she hurries to catch up again. <@Ciara> [You go up the stairs to the clock level. Still nothing.] * Haruko looks up, seeing if there's anywhere else to climb inside the tower. * Wataru rubs his head. <@Ciara> [Not on this level.] <@Ciara> [Just the stairs.] * Haruko keeps climbing the stairs. * Taki looks to see if the clock has bells. * Wataru follows, rubbing his fingertips against his palms. It pays to be prepared. * Kyon furrows his brow, and makes his way up, as well. <@Ciara> [There are bells! They're on the level that you just reached!] <@Ciara> [The stairs don't go up any further!] * Taki looks around for Katie, hopefully she hasn't been up here for the turn of the.... * Taki checks her watch. * Haruko, for the record, had grabbed Katie's phone and some of the contents of her bag before heading out (keeping them in a second baggie procured within Kyon's kitchen). As a result, Haruko's own bag is bulging a bit. * Haruko looks up again. <@Ciara> [Haruko sees bells! Bells and a ceiling!] * Wataru points up again! face a bit surprised. * Haruko looks to Wataru as she walks around trying to get a view from different angles. She shivers slightly and wraps her arms around herself as she processes this. * Kyon blows out a breath, annoyed, and crosses over to Wataru. "So on the roof?" * Kaede tries not to snort and looks around for any likely ladders. To the roof then. <@Ciara> [There is a ladder in the corner, leading to a trap door in the ceiling.] * Haruko sees it and is relieved. <@Ciara> [This is definitely a one person at a time situation.] <@Ciara> [Who are you going to send up first?] * Wataru tries to mime about the balcony downstairs? Down? Out? Around and up? Maybe? <@Ciara> [Also it's gotten pretty dark outside by now.] <@Ciara> [Twilight-y!] * Wataru notices everyone else noticing the ladder while he is gesturing, and feels like an idiot. * Wataru stuffs his hands in his pockets. * Kaede doesn't get sent up. He goes on ahead. Come on, this is *Kaede* we're talking about. * Haruko looks around. She holds up one finger and points to Kyon. She holds up two fingers and points to Kaede. She holds up a three and then gestures between herself and Wataru and then shrugs. <@Ciara> [Kaede starts climbing the ladder, procedural discussions be damned!] * Taki keeps looking between the bells and Kaede climbing the ladder. * Haruko scowls and puts a hand on his back. "She chose Kyon." * Kaede glances down at Haruko, looking at her in confusion. "...why are you wasting time?" He said no arguing. * Wataru just kind of stares. * Kyon isn't going to force the point here. He just gestures for Kaede to go. * Kaede turns and heads on up. Kyon said so. * Taki rubs her face. <@Ciara> [Kaede reaches the trap door, and it takes him a moment to shove it open.] * Kaede puts his shoulder into it! <@Ciara> [He climbs onto the roof, which is small and flat; the view of the campus is blocked by the decorations at the top of the tower.] * Kyon will wait for Kaede to actually get out before he starts climbing up. * Haruko stands very still at the base of the ladder and breathes slowly for a moment, trying to get her emotions under control. * Kaede gets up and, to his credit, doesn't immediately murder everyone out here. Most likely cause Katie's one of the ones out here. It's a good restraint. <@Ciara> [The roof is empty. Except for a stack of crates over in the corner.] * Haruko relaxes and shakes her head slowly before smiling over to Wataru. She holds up three fingers again and then gestures back and forth between herself and him, with a curious expression. * Wataru points to himself, tentatively? * Kyon climbs up onto the roof! * Haruko betrays just a momentary look of pain before nodding confidentally at the choice. * Taki watches the hatch, no shouts that they've found Katie passed out from sound overload or a dead body, so that's good news of a sort. * Wataru gives her a sympathetic little smile, then makes his way up the ladder. * Kyon does not look pleased at the situation on the roof. <@Ciara> [Kyon sees, in the rapidly fading light, a Kaede and a stack of crates in the corner.] <@Ciara> [No ambushers. Unless they're invisible.] * Wataru pokes his head out from the trapdoor, guided by sense of Katie, and looks in the direction he feels the link drawing him to... * Kyon takes a few steps into the middle of the roof, taking off his sunglasses and squinting towards the crates. * Haruko sets down her water bottle and climbs up after Wataru. She doesn't wait for him to get off the end of the ladder, patience isn't really her strong point. <@Ciara> [Wataru, you're looking in the direction of that stack of crates.] * Kaede doesn't look pleased with it either. But he does glance in the direction of the crates, circling around. "We know you're up here..." And there's no sounds or signs of a struggle, so probably safe to say so. <@Ciara> [Kaede makes his way to where he can see behind the stack of crates.] * Wataru steps out onto the roof, feeling a bit of ground rush even if he can't see down. * Katie is sitting on the floor behind the crate, kneels curled up to her chest and her arms around them, making herself about as small as she can be. She doesn't look at him. Her eyes are instead fixed beyond the roof, at some point in the distance. In the dying light he can see that coat's on and open, despite the cold weather, and she isn't wearing her hat or gloves. * Kaede stops just at the corner of the crates, looking at the scene. He's not going to approach any further until he sees exactly what he's dealing with here. * Haruko climbs up after Wataru. She steps out and then sits on the floor of the roof. She removes the bag of Katie stuff from her purse and whispers quietly. "Haruko here. Will leave if we're too many." * Kyon sees the Kaede doing the Kaede thing, and stalks quickly around to the other side of the crates from Kaede. He looks down at Katie, and whatever else is going on, he can't help but look relieved for a moment. * Taki is the last person up the ladder and gets to see Kaede and Kyon sneaking around the boxes to reunite the Ks. * Katie doesn't look up at Kyon! She sits and looks out, blinking a couple of times. * Wataru hangs back. He might have located her, but everyone else really knows her better than he does. He lets them do their thing. * Taki closes the hatch as quietly as she can. * Kyon crouches down, elbows resting on his knees, and he reaches a hand out towards Katie slowly. He quietly says, "Hey." * Haruko thinks for a moment and then pulls out her cell phone. Keeping it quiet she texts Maki. Hey, YT @ room? * Wataru thinks. In fact.... He very quietly pulls out his phone, and texts Satoshi. "Found her. She's alive and seems physically unharmed. And was alone. Kyon and Kaede are doing the talking. I'll keep you updated. Don't text back; we're being super quiet for some reason." * Taki slowly walks around to the Kyon side of the boxes, enough to see her and confirm that we've actually found her. * Kaede nods and he settles down, crouching and looking at Kyon. His hardened expression turns to one of sympathy as he follows her gaze. "...what are we looking at?" Well, *you* really. But semantics. * Katie doesn't move away from Kyon, but she does squeeze her eyes shut as his hand comes closer. This close, he can see that she's crying. She doesn't answer Kaede, either. <@Ciara> [Haruko receives no response. Maki's probably at dinner.] * Taki edges back around to where Haruko is and asks softly. "So, do you know if this clock rings the hours?" * Haruko sees Wataru text. And then blinks and sends her own text to Satoshi. Katie @ Waseda Clocktower rftp. Letting other K's lead. * Kyon leans a bit closer, pauses for a beat, and then brushes his fingers lightly down Katie's shoulder to her elbow. * Haruko hits send and her eyes widen at Taki's comment. She digs through the Katie bag and takes out a set of earplugs. * Haruko glances at her phone time. Probably nearly a quarter after. She stands up and walks over to Kaede, whispering "Handing off earplugs to Kaede." She then says in a still soft but slightly louder voice to him. "Takeuchi-san. Here's her earplugs, for the bells." * Kaede scans the rest of the scene, glancing back at the rest. He holds his hands out for the earplugs. Silent. He nods. Then gestures to the rest of them. "She seems okay. Possibly just wanted to be alone for a while..." He doesn't sound upset. * Katie bows her head at Kyon's touch, seemingly involuntarily. She starts sobbing now: noise to go with the tears, and since it's so quiet it practically fills the roof. Should... should I go find something warm for her to eat? * Wataru is massively uncomfortable. * Haruko hands over the earplugs and looks relieved at Kaede's comment and flinches for a moment at the sobbing. She steps forward, stops herself, and then steps back to the center of the roof. * Haruko nods at Taki's comment, replying quietly, "Another good idea." * Kaede turns to glance at the massively uncomfortable Wataru then turns at Taki's question. "Don't think it'd hurt. Well, unless she throws it in your face. But I don't believe she'll do that." * Taki nods and vanishes. * Haruko slips down the ladder without explaination. * Wataru gapes at the spot Taki just left. * Kyon looks at her for a beat or two, slowly rubbing his hand up and down her arm, and then raises his eyebrows at Kaede's comment. * Kaede turns to Kyon and gives him a look back. "...what? She *could* throw it..." * Katie shakes her head, still sobbing, though it doesn't seem to be to what Kaede said. * Haruko climbs back up awkwardly carrying a water bottle in one hand. Droplets keep spilling over the side before flowing back and pooling at the top. She sets it down and then gets out on the roof again, searching through her purse to retrieve the cap. * Kyon blows out a breath. "Work on your timing," he says quietly, and then to Katie, says even more quietly, "Going to hug you. Okay?" * Kaede nods at Kyon, then looks at him, ignoring the criticism. "May I?" You're the boyfriend. You give permission here. * Katie looks up at Kyon for the first time. She stares at him for a moment, then nods. * Kyon looks back at her, face normal and cool, but he can't hide all his concern. He carefully wraps his arms around her, and looks up at Kaede past her shoulder quizzically. * Haruko smiles approvingly for a moment. She then caps the bottle and sends another text to Satoshi. KT: She seems OK. Psbly just wanted to be alone for while. * Kaede gestures at Katie without words then looks back. To approach, obviously. * Taki reappears where she left holding a bag full of hot drinks from a vending machine, there are a couple of coffees, but mostly green tea, and also bowl of vending machine ramen in one hand. <@Ciara> [When Taki poofs back in, everyone who had their cell phone out notices it immediately power down. Also, it gets a whole lot darker; you're now basically operating under the light of the moon.] * Wataru gasps, audibly. * Taki laughs. "Uh, whups. Forgot about that. Lemmie turn that back on.... Off. Whichever." * Kyon hesitates noticeably, and then nods a little bit at Kaede. * Katie sniffs noisily and leans into the hug, resting the her head against Kyon - and then Taki does that and she starts, eyes wide and alert. And then... that. She sighs. * Haruko glances at her phone and then up at Taki. * Taki flickers several times until reality and electric lights are restored. * Kaede sighs and pulls out his phone, with a brief crackle, getting a glowing screen. Checking the time at least, he glances at Taki, then goes forward, very slowly before giving Katie a hesitant, gentle touch. Far enough away from Kyon so as not to interfere. "Real." <@Ciara> [Everyone's cell phones come back on again.] * Haruko makes sure her message sent. <@Ciara> [Haruko's message to Satoshi did send, and she's got a reply from Maki to her earlier message: @dinner. 'sup?] * Katie doesn't look at Kaede. But she says, softly, "I know." * Taki sheepishly brings the bowl and the drinks over to Kyon, and softly says. "I'm really sorry about that." * Wataru ... sits down. Yeah. Sitting down is nice. <@Ciara> [Wataru sits on the roof. It's cold.] * Kaede gives a half-smile at her anyway, not moving his fingers just yet. "I know you know. But sometimes it helps just to hear it." And now he pulls away, careful. Just in case she reacts. * Katie doesn't really react. But she does say, "I'm sorry." * Haruko texts back. "Had ? re: my psych book." She then glances over at Kaede and Kyon and hears the latest comment from Katie. "Can wait til U back." * Kyon shakes his head quickly. "It's fine. If you're fine." He isn't really moving much otherwise. Hugging Katie takes energy. But he's still there. * Kaede looks quizzical for a moment. "For what?" And then glances at Kyon for anything he has to add. I don't know. I... I shouldn't have done that. <@Ciara> [Maki, having not been instructed to not return texts, replies: 'k.] * Kyon shrugs slightly against her, and instead replies, "Why here?" * Haruko walks over to Wataru and speaks quietly. "Thank you for your help. Traditionally getting a Major for this sort of thing has been a massive pain." She thinks for a moment. "Except for Heirophant, but then it's always some new quest or bad omen." * Katie leans against Kyon again. "It was away." * Kaede backs up near the crates to let Kyon and Katie have their space. Relatively speaking. * Wataru looks up at Haruko a little blankly. * Taki holds out the bowl. "Uhm, do you want some ramen, or coffee? It's kinda cold up here." * Katie doesn't respond to Taki. Maybe she doesn't notice? It's not like she can't hear her... * Kaede nods in response to Taki. "Just set them down over there. Thank you, Shimiru-san." So are lots of other places. * Haruko notices the blank look. "For good readings, I mean. Let alone good judgment and compassion." * Taki sets down the bowl and a can of coffee and tea and then looksk at Kaede. "Do you want anything?" * Haruko hears that and walks over to put her water bottle in the same place before standing by Wataru again. * Wataru nods, frowning a bit. * Haruko buttons her coat. "You okay? We can step back down if it'd help." Haruko has a distant look as she adds that comment. "The K's can call us if they need us." * Wataru shakes his head, like he's shaking off cobwebs. "I'm okay. Yeah." He stands up, wobbling a little. * Kaede then looks at the direction of where Katie was looking previously. He gestures a no-thanks for Taki. "Thank you." And then goes back to his staring where Katie was looking before. "So what are we looking at?" * Haruko nods. Looking a little relieved. * Katie licks her lips. "Nothing," she says, softly. "I was- I wasn't looking at anything." * Taki nods and goes over to where Haruko and Wataru are. "Either of you want a hot drink? I've green tea and coffee." * Haruko nods eagerly. "Green tea please." * Taki hands her a can. * Wataru looks at the coffee. "...Yeah why not. Thanks." * Kyon repositions himself, trying to get more comfortable without moving away much. "Good view from up here." * Taki hand Wataru a can of that. "Thanks for finding her." * Kaede kind of wishes he had coffee now, blowing on his hands and rubbing them. "What did you spot then? You know better than to think we wouldn't notice you noticing something, Katie Andrews..." * Kaede tries to keep the lecturing down out of his tone. Really he does. * Wataru smiles a little bit... He holds the warm can in his hands. He bows his head in polite acknowledment of her thanks. * Katie nods and follows up on Kyon's statement, without much feeling: "I've always liked the clock tower. I was- this was my first time up." She doesn't respond to Kaede, at least right now. * Kaede waits. Patiently. It is Kyon's show after all. * Haruko drinks and bows and then sends Satoshi another text. Seems like they'll talk 4 a bit. U ok w/o transcript? * Kyon shifts away enough to look at her face. "See anything interesting?" * Katie looks into the distance. "A plane," she says, after a moment. "Clouds, the moon. No birds." <@Ciara> [ Sure. Is okay to text back now?] * Wataru looks at her texting. Right, texting. He stares at his phone a bit. Then he writes to Satoshi, "She's really emotionally wrecked right now, but Kyon and Kaede are looking after her. I think the worst is over. I'll let you know when she gets down from the tower and back home safely. It's probably ok to text now." I didn't want you to find me. Like this. * Haruko looks at that for a second and then looks over at Wataru and has just the hint of a grin. She replies. Y Silenced my phn at twr base. <@Ciara> [Satoshi texts Haruko: Tell Wataru to silence his. ^_~] * Kyon shrugs quickly. "How did you want me to find you?" * Kaede snorts, looking up at the sky, just for a moment. "Seen you worse..." He reaches for the earplugs still in his hand and then leans forward, holding them out to her. "Here. Just in case the bells go off." * Haruko looks to Wataru with a full fledged grin. She says softly, "Silence your phone, silly." * Katie frowns a little. "I- I don't know." She sees the earplugs in Kaede's hand. Then she looks up at Kaede. And, slowly, she takes them from him. * Wataru frowns at Haruko. "What?" He feels the first hint of a blush. * Haruko keeps in quiet tone. "Depending on what we're doing, best to have it on vibrate or silent entirely. Never know who else might text." * Kyon nods curtly, and says, "Like this is fine. As long as we found you. We thought." He pauses, and then amends, "I thought there was an attack. So like this is fine." <@Ciara> [Satoshi texts Wataru: Thanks, Wataru. Please keep me posted. I appreciate everything.] * Wataru's blush deepens, settling on his face. "It's on silent. Dumb thing vibrates even then, when I get a text." * Taki sits down and opens a can of tea. * Katie winces at Kyon's words. "I'm sorry," she repeats. "I'm really- I-" She lets out a small sob. * Haruko nods noting the blush but not saying anything. "There's usually a setting--." She stops talking to listen for a minute. "It's just hidden away in the notification settings somewhere." * Kaede pulls himself. "I should probably leave the two of you alone. Although..." He stuffs both hands in his pockets and glances at Katie. "It's okay to have your phone with you, Katie Andrews. I won't track you if you say you don't want to be found." * Haruko sets down her tea, picks up the bag of Katie stuff which includes the Katie phone. She sets it down over with the food, coffee, and water pile. * Katie stares up at Kaede. "What? I, no- I-" And then she's crying again, doing her level best to curl as tightly as she can while Kyon's hugging her. * Kyon looks up at Kaede, annoyed again, and mouths, "Timing." * Kaede blows out a breath and turns away from Katie and Kyon. "Bad timing?" I didn't. I didn't! * Kaede deflates, looking down and away from Katie. "I know. It's okay...." * Wataru looks between the scene by the crates, to Haruko, to Taki. His blush subsides. "Thanks." He looks at his phone. "So... What now?" <@Ciara> [Satoshi texts Haruko: Thanks for everything. Think it's safe to head to sleep now?] * Katie squeezes her eyes shut, but she's starting to yell now. Actually yell. "I didn't mean to leave my phone behind! I'm sorry! I'm SORRY!" * Wataru looks over. * Taki winces. "Now we wait for Katie. I can't belive he wrote that into his book." * Haruko sits down by her tea, drinks a bit. She flinches slightly at the yelling but looks up to Wataru. "She's going to need some time to work through things. If you have stuff you need to do, go do it. You've already helped and if you burn yourself out you can't help in the future." * Wataru frowns lightly at Taki. "What book?" * Kyon settles himself more next to her, and holds her a bit more tightly, putting his forehead to her temple. He murmurs, "It's fine. Katie. It's fine. We're fine." * Haruko frowns. "Not a conversation for here." * Taki blinks. "I thought I..." She trails off after Haruko speaks. * Kaede pinches his nose, trying his best not to sound overwhelmed and exasperated. "I...I know, Katie. It's okay...." * Katie is stiff and curled into herself, and she just manages, "I- I- I-" before she gives up on talking altogether and goes back to crying again. * Wataru continues to look in the direction of the Katie Train Wreck, because he can't seem to be able to look away. * Haruko types on her phone. "Council of Mysteries Bk 2. Draws on real stuff. Too cls to home. Katie not ready to talk about it." She shows it to Wataru, making sure that Taki can see what she's showing. * Taki stands up again and starts to pace. * Wataru has his attention successfully diverted, and nods. "Gotcha." * Kaede just goes back to silence, too used to the taste of foot. He never thought he'd be deferring emotional issues to *Kyon* of all people. * Kyon just waits this one out for a bit. He's warmer than usual, particularly in the cool air up here. * Haruko glances at her phone as she clears the message and replies to Satoshi. Yes. Maybe check in mr oftn for a while. But give her space. * Wataru reads Satoshi's text again, realizing he never responded. He composes and sends a reply. "I'll let you know how it goes. Turns out this was about the second book in that series, that apparently hit too close to home. Still on roof." <@Ciara> [Satoshi replies to Wataru: ...shit. I should read the first book. Maybe I can do that on the ride down.] * Katie just cries for a while. Her tears are hot but her skin, otherwise, has been cold. She's just starting to warm up from proximity to Kyon. * Taki walks in circles with her hands shoved into her pockets, there's a great view of the campus from up here, but she's not in much of a mood to take it in. * Kyon shifts a bit after a little while, and says quietly, "You're okay. The rest of it's fine. No apologies." * Wataru writes back to Satoshi. "Maybe I should too. It feels like an intrusion, though. Like there's things you guys haven't given me permission to know. I don't really like how the idea of reading it makes me feel." * Kaede whispers, rubbing his arms, loud enough so only Katie can hear it and maybe, vaguely, Kyon. "I know...it's okay." He nods to Kyon's statement. "No apologies..." That one is loud enough. * Haruko looks over to Wataru. She looks ready to speak and then notices him texting and stays quiet. <@Ciara> [Satoshi replies to Haruko: I'll try. So. Am planning to travel to games this weekend, which means I'll be kind of out of touch... think that's okay?] K8e has ppl stndy by. My turn prbly isn't even tonight. U fine. <@Ciara> [Satoshi replies to Wataru: That's... that's the problem. The first book is already out. You can just walk into a bookstore and buy it. Granted, you'll get more out of it than a lot of people, but...] * Katie shakes her head. "I shouldn't have done it." She hiccups. "I shouldn't have run. I- I just..." * Haruko shivers a little and holds the tea with both hands, sitting on the rooftop. She leaves her phone face up so she can see any texts that come in. * Wataru glances over to the stack of crates for another moment. He replies to Satoshi, "I think I'll wait a few days and then ask the group if they think I should read it. I guess I really am kind of one of you guys now, so if people are using these books to target you, maybe I should know what we're up against. But I won't do it without permission. Doesn't feel right." * Kaede sighs. "You were scared. Or angry. We don't act at our best when we're like that. It's okay..." <@Ciara> [Satoshi replies to Haruko: Okay. I'll check in over time. Long as it doesn't look like I'm staying too much away...] * Kyon moves back slightly again, so he can look her in the face as best he can, at whatever angle is available, and adds, "And we found you. And you're safe. So it's fine." * Haruko replies. Wise. Sleep now! * Katie's eyes are open again, and she's looking just over her knees. "But it's *not*. It's not, I- it was my fault, I just. I couldn't. I-" And she stops again, trying to say something but unable to. <@Ciara> [Satoshi replies to Wataru: Whatever you're comfortable with. So. I'm gonna head off to sleep?] * Haruko looks to Wataru. "You should probably reinforce that. That is I just told Satoshi to get to sleep. He'll need it." * Kyon shakes his head with some finality. "It doesn't matter. You did what you did. We got together. We found you. And you're fine. So we're good." * Katie looks at Kyon. * Wataru frowns at her. "Are you reading my texts?" * Kaede pulls himself up, using the crates, looking off to the side. He starts to say something, and then breathes out, letting everything out. "Timing." He walks back over towards the group. * Haruko shakes her head. "Wrong Arcana. I just meant that I just told him to go to sleep and you should too." I was just assuming you were still talking. * Wataru scowls a bit, displeased by the idea of anyone looking over his shoulder at his personal communications with Satoshi. "Yeah, we are." He looks back down to his phone, and writes: "Sounds good. Haruko is telling me to tell you to sleep, anyway. I've sort of had enough of this rooftop myself. Take care, Satoshi. Let's talk soon? A lot happened today and I have new questions...' * Haruko shrugs. The priority is getting Satoshi to bed. * Katie searches Kyon's face for a moment, then she nods. "Okay." She shifts, finally trying to uncurl a bit, and one hand goes up to grip Kyon's arm. "Okay." * Haruko then looks over to Kaede. "I was wrong. You did good even as first one there." <@Ciara> [Satoshi replies to Wataru: Ha, she was telling me that herself. Will do. Talk when I get back from Boston, then? Take care of yourself, Wataru. Night!] <@Ciara> [Satoshi replies to Haruko: Okay, I get it. ^_~ Night!] * Haruko smiles and puts her phone away. Mothering success! * Kyon nods back. "Okay." He notes Kaede walking off, and then says to Katie, "You ready to go down? Or you need more time?"' * Taki sits down again next Haruko and drinks tea that starting to aproach warm instead of hot. "Urgh, I wish there was more I could do to help." I can- I can go. * Katie pauses, then says, "It's cold." * Haruko nods. "You don't exactly get used to that. But if you acknowledge your limits it makes you better at accomplishing what you can do." * Kaede takes in a breath and then looks up at Haruko. He glances back at the two of them. "I...sometimes, Kinsha-san. Sometimes." His shoulders relax, just a bit. * Kyon smirks a little. "Can help with that." He closes his eyes and concentrates a bit, and it does get warmer. He opens them and then adds, "And there's tea." * Kaede glances to Wataru now, as if noticing him for the first time, then back to Haruko. "Unexpected." He turns full towards her now. "One more for the fire, I suppose?" * Taki nods. "I guess only making things a little worse counts as an improvment, and now I've got another thing to add to our practice sessions... When it warms up again." She mock glares at Haruko. * Katie blinks, and then she notices the tea. She reaches over and picks it up, with some difficulty. "Thanks," she says to Kyon, warmth appearing in her voice as well. She cracks open the can. * Haruko smiles at Kaede's earlier comment and then looks a little confused at Kaede's follow up. "For the fire?" She then looks over at Taki and holds her hands up. "Right, right, I'll get better at respecting temperature." * Kaede gestures with his head at Wataru. * Haruko nods and lets out a breathe. "Yeah, I don't like to think of it that way, but I guess so." * Kyon shakes his head quickly. "Sure. And the tea was the Knight." He smirks. "Teamwork." * Kaede looks up at the night sky. "I'm sure there's a lot of things we don't like to think about, Kinsha-san. That doesn't mean that they don't exist." * Katie actually laughs at that. She sips the tea. * Kyon shrugs quickly, and looks at the crates. "C'mon. Let's get down." * Haruko snorts. "I don't know if being alone is any safer. But..." She thinks for a moment. "I should be more careful drawing people in. We're trouble, even as Arcana go." * Katie nods. She shifts to stand up. * Kyon unfolds himself, and stands next to her. He offers her a hand to help her up. * Katie takes it and uses it, standing, and then she doesn't let go. She blinks, looking around the roof for maybe the first time since she got there. * Haruko points to the Katie bag of stuff next to the ramen. "I brought some of your stuff Katie. Make sure you don't leave it." * Kyon holds her hand a little more tightly than usual, and says, "Good view." He nods over to Haruko. * Katie smiles shakily at Haruko. "Thanks." * Taki stands up and bows to Katie. "I'm sorry I can't help more. I hope you feel better soon." No, I- um. Thanks for the tea, Taki. You're welcome. * Haruko checks her phone. Incidentally Katie may now be noticing that Haruko is wearing a Lion's coat that's obviously too large for her. "Yikes, I need to go buy chocolates." * Kaede looks at Haruko for a moment, cleaning off his glasses. "Thoughtful. A quality I can't say I exactly expected." He lets out a small sigh. "But I suppose it's never too late." He puts his glasses back on and is not really paying attention to Katie's look around. * Haruko checks Kaede's eyes. Sorry, old habit. * Kaede then waits, soaking in Haruko's statement. "Chocolates?" He's got hazels. And come on. It's not like he *praised* you! For Ken? That's not his jacket. * Haruko blushes. "Uh, Ken's jacket is back at Kyon's -- your place. It wasn't heavy enough." She looks to Kaede. "Valentine's day tomorrow. Have boyfriend chocolates, friend chocolates, former beau chocolate. There's all these gradations." And thank you, I guess. * Haruko says that to Kaede. * Kyon smirks, and says, "I expect dark ones." You... probably shoudn't wait until the night before for that, the stores are gonna be picked over. * Katie just sips her tea. * Haruko pfts at Kyon's comments. "Like I don't know." She looks to Taki. "Well, yes. But I didn't have any money. So..." * Taki rubs her face. "If you'd let me know on Sunday when I was making mine, I coulda helped..." * Kaede blinks at Haruko. "For what, praytell?" * Kyon rolls a shoulder, and then goes to grab Katie's stuff. * Katie doesn't let go of Kyon! So when he goes, she goes, too. * Kaede then freezes up. He totally forgot the chocolates. He was doing a *valentine's shoot and totally forgot the chocolates. * Haruko gets a smile at Taki's comment. A real big smile. "Ah, well, that's something for future years then." * Kyon will hold her stuff anyway, though. Since she's drinking tea. * Haruko looks to Kaede. "You're fine. Goes the other way. And seriously, you're going to make me say this? I guess my baseline expectations for you are set such that your thoughtful comment registers as a compliment. I thank people for compliments, it's polite." * Katie thanks Kyon quietly. And then: "Can we go down now?" * Kyon nods curtly. "Yeah. C'mon." He makes for the trap door down. * Katie goes, too! It's a little hard to make out in the dark. * Taki goes around them to see if the ramen got left behind or not. * Kaede snaps out of it, thoughts of what Akemi's exactly going to do to him disappearing as he turns to Haruko. "Yes, well..." He stuffs his hands back in his pockets. "I wouldn't be myself if I did not notice you. Despite the other qualities." <@Ciara> [The ramen is still there!] * Taki picks it up and walks back. "Good night everybody, I think I'm going to make my own way home." * Haruko processes that sentence for a while. A little longer than is actually socially acceptable to be honest. "Good to know. And good night Taki." * Kyon nods quickly. "Be safe." * Kaede nods, then rubs his forehead. "Now if you'll excuse me, I believe this is a good night to sleep this off. Have a good evening, Haruko." * Haruko blinks, twice. "Good evening Kaede." <@Ciara> [And so the party went their (mostly) separate ways, for food and sleep and other things.] <@Ciara> [Session End!]