[Currently on Those Far Beyond...] [We join the scene at Public School 073. Exciting name, isn't it? Just a little slice of the Bronx lifestyle. Today is Monday, November 29th. Thanksgiving has come and gone and it's another typical day in New York...] [The days are getting colder, but not *quite* snowy days just yet, though they're on the horizon. The every crowded hallways start to fill as people get ready to go to the cafeteria for lunch, since the bell just rung! The food line is awaiting! Best get to it!] [Session Start!] 06* Meri darts through the hallways on the way to lunch, only bumping into one or two people. "Sorry, excuse me!" Lunch is so her favorite time at school, and she half-runs into the cafeteria, gunning straight for the main line. *Chris and Devon attempt to stake out their usual table, bag lunches from home giving them an advantage over a lot of the other kids while Tyler and Jesus amble into the lunch line. Terry isn't there yet. 06* Meri bounces in line, looking around. She spots Tyler and Jesus, and willingly drops back a few places so they enter line next to her. "Hi!" * Jesus waves. "Hey!" Tyler just nods. [The line is churning with activity. Lots of people wanting to pick up and get their lunch. And yet, it seems to be getting longer? No, that's just people cutting. Granted *most* of them are patient, but in the world of first come, first serve, some people want to be first more eager than others.] [Today is tacos, of course. To celebrate the hispanic heritage of some of the members of the school. By totally having tacos that are more americanized than authentic. Ah, the traditional New York experience.] Man, you'd think it was pizza day, what's going on up there? * Tyler shrugs, clearly distracted by something. 01 You okay, Tyler? I bombed a history test. Dad's gonna murder me and ground me and take my cards away. 01 ... Oh. 06* Meri isn't sure what else to say to that, beyond give Tyler a hug, and that'd be... um... she stands on her toes and looks ahead, trying to see what's holding up the line. Cheer up man, it's gonna be three days man before Mr. Triz gives us another one of his pop quizes, and you'll ace all over it and your dad'll be parading it around. [Meri sees a couple of psuedo-familiar students pushing their way into line, but they're probably too far ahead to do much ahead. Depends on how strongly her impressions of the first couple of days still are. It's not like they’re the only ones though. Soon enough though, they get up near the front of the line. And the smell. Mmmm, tacooooos. Or nachos if you want to go wild. Maybe even a taco salad!] 06* Meri gets to the end, and she gleefully goes for a taco-nacho salad thing with no meat. 06* Terry finally shows up and joins at the end of the line looking kinda frazzled. [The lunch lady at this point has gotten used to Meri not asking her for meat. Although she does give her a slight look at it every once and a while. No wonder that girl is so skinny!] 06* Meri is skinny because she's a rapidly growing girl, thank you! * Jesus and Tyler both get tacos with meat and cheese and everything. [The lunch lady gives everyone their food! Plenty of empty tables over yonder in the back. Kids have already lost themselves in their own conversations, game playing, or whatever they choose to do during lunch.] 06* Meri has a taco-nacho salad of meatless awesomeness! She even got extra tomatoes and olives and lettuce. And a chocolate milk and a regular one! She heads towards the tables in back. [We join the card game in session where Chris's rainbow deck has managed to work for once and Devon's hoping to topdeck some artifact distruction before he runs out of chump blockers.] [As Meri makes her way towards the tables, a massive bulk of a kid "bumps" into her. You know the type of bumps. The type of "bump" that all the kids around (who bother to pay attention and not keep their heads down in their food) know isn't really a bump but also the type of "bump" that can't be proven to adults to not be a bump. This bulk looks rather familiar too. African American, built to be the toughest guy in the school, with a don't mess with me attitude. Meri interrupted! *His* tray doesn't budge as his elbow jams into her tray arm and foot knocks hers. Far less awesome.] 06* Meri yelps in surprise, and she trips forwards as her food going flying - taco-nacho salady goodness sailing through the air and splattering all over the ground and possibly anyone nearby. The milk is thankfully still in cartons, but it doesn't entirely survive collision with the floor, either. 06* Meri, herself, can't entirely maintain her balance but does manage to catch herself with her knees and hands, so at least she doesn't faceplant. [That milk may have survived, but it's still dented and the outside covered in nacho cheese. The kid in question (yes, it's Tyrone) looks down at her with a look and tone that's not at all sorry as he says, "Sorry. Should watch where you're going, Stick."] * Jesus hands his tray to Tyler and keeps an eye Tyrone while he offers Meri a hand up. "You okay?" [Tyrone isn't doing nothing. Just standing there like the brick house that he is. Some of the kids around are pointedly not paying attention to the scenario. The other half are sniggering. And *trying* to look like they're just enjoying their milk.] 06* Meri takes the hand. "Yeah, thanks." She gets to her feet, revealing a small tear in her pants - right over a new scrape on her knee - but she doesn't seem to care. Instead, she turns to face Tyrone, meeting the bigger kid eye to eye. "I was watching where I was going." * Jesus takes a step back and raises his hands. "Hey, hey let's not start nothing." 06* Meri looks at Jesus. "I'm not starting anything! He tripped me!" [Tyrone gets a big toothy grin to his face. Chipped tooth and all. A couple of the kids around him are ready to get up too. Or at least watching more pointedly, hands gripping the edge of the tables. "Should watch *better* then." Some more sniggering. Ah Junior High. Pinnacle of maturity.] [A voice off to the side calls out. "I didn't see nothin'!" Another "Yeah, new girl's just a little clumsy. That's all..." Another few laughs echo, not too loud in response, though the background talking doesn't stop.] 06* Meri looks around, trying to identify what people are saying and who's saying it. "I- I-" Her fingers curl into fists. * Jesus starts looking around. "Aw, man, no. Look we'll get you another lunch, or he'll turn you inta lunch." [Tyrone looks down cooly at Meri. Or over if she's stood up at this point. His smile is lost, but he doesn't seem bothered by the fist. "We done here?" Almost *waiting* for Meri to make a move.] [A voice off to the side calls out, unknown. "Man, Tyrone. Cool it a little, will ya?" Tyrone's gaze snaps to him. "What, you gonna side with Wall Street here?" Obviously talking to Meri. The guy doesn't comment back.] 06* Meri looks towards the voice, and she smiles in that direction just a little bit before focusing on Tyrone. "Do you hit girls?" she asks. It's almost conversational. [Tyrone's face goes blank. He *was* looking at his teammate. Hispanic kid in a ponytail. Sports jersey, shorts. But now he looks off to the side at Meri. "Whatcha gettin' at, Wall Street?"] 01 I thought I was Stick. I've never been to Wall Street. Anyway, I was just wondering. Because you kinda hit me, but you didn't really *hit* me. 06* Meri keeps going, almost babbling, but there are words in her chest and they have to get out. "Some guys don't hit girls because they think they really shouldn't, right? Because you're not supposed to hit girls, because we're weaker or something stupid. I bet *you* don't hit girls 'cause you're afraid they'll hit back." [Tyrone's face turns into a scowl, tray still held off to the side. "You *want* me to hit you? Cause I ain't afraid to hit you. Ain't nobody callin' me pussy." Some jeers in the crowd egg Tyrone on. Yeah! Yeah! Nobody talks that way to Tyrone!] [*Now* the room goes a little more quiet. And is calling the attention of the cafeteria monitors. *That* kind of talk draws attention from *adults*.] 06* Meri takes a breath, watching what the people around her are doing through sounds nobody else can hear. "I don't want you to hit me," she says. "That'd be stupid. But I still think I'm right." * Jesus is just kinda staring at Meri like she's insane. 06* Meri is kind of insane! She is also totally ready to defend herself if Tyrone actually tries it. [Tyrone quickly sets down the tray and is totally oblivious to the adult attention. Cause he suddenly lunges forward and *shoves* Meri back, pushing at the shoulders. "You wanna try something? Then try something. Show me ya ain't all talk." His scowl is *trained* on her. People are already moving forward to break them up.] *Tyler bobbles his trays as the crowd starts to move, but so far nobody else as lost a lunch. Jesus looks like he wants to be anywhere but where he is. 06* Meri expected something like that, and this time she steps in, blocking half his shove with her left forearm while punching Tyrone neatly in the stomach with her right. [Tyrone almost doubles at the punch and scowls before rushing forward to tackle Meri and take her down to the ground. He doesn't *get* very far with it before the adults are separating the two of them. He yells and points at her. "This ain't over, Twig! Not by a *long* shot!" as he's pulled off her.] [Meri has her own adult monitor pulling her up roughly and giving her a stern look. She *did* throw the first punch. Everyone saw it!] 06* Meri yells back, "I thought I was Stick!" and then she pulls away from the hall monitor. "I'm not gonna hit him!" Followed by mumbling: "He started it." [The hall monitor looks down coldly at her. "I don't wanna hear it." And then roughly pulls again. "Come with me." She *may* get a lunch in the principal's office. Maybe.] * Jesus says to Meri. "Holy crap! Are you crazy?" 06* Meri says to Jesus as she gets pulled away, "Guess so. Thanks for trying to help." 06* Terry just looks dejected as Meri gets pulled passed him, and he's holding a lunch tray with a meatless taco salad on it. [The hall monitor *does* at least let go so Meri can get a new lunch. Aww. He really *does* care. The expectation to come with is clear though.] 06* Meri is let go, and she heads for the line or whatever. Maybe Terry intercepts? 06* Terry does, in fact hand her his tray. "Man, I can't believe you did that! I mean, it was awesome, but now he's gonna be after you forever." 06* Meri takes it. "He already was." She looks at the salad. "Is this for me?" she asks, surprise evident in her voice. 06* Terry nods. "Yeah, I was still in line when it started and you were gonna need a new lunch, an well..." 06* Meri smiles at Terry. "Thanks. Can you get your own lunch?" 06* Terry laughs a bit. "I can get a little more." 01 Okay. [Hall Monitor patience is wearing thin. You can almost see the patience gauge deteriorating over his head. Better hurry, Meri.] 06* Meri glances back at the hall monitor. "Guess I gotta go. See you later!" She heads out, salad in hands. 06* Terry waves. "Good luck! See ya when you get back." [Meri spends some time in the principal's office. Quietly. The principal barely talks to her. I mean, trouble kids rarely listen anyway. Plus she's an orphan, which means he can't even talk to her parents. Meri gets to serve her first detention. Didn't take too long.] [The orphanage has already been called, but too many kids, too busy. Can't pick her up. Meri's still expected to walk home. And soon enough, it's the end of the school day! Suspended for the next couple of days, of course. For both of them.] 06* Meri is let out late, because detention, and starts walking back to the orphanage. She adjusts her backpack before sticking her hands in her jacket pockets. 06* Christian is leaning against a building around the corner, all full of Ash vibe. Which means the baseball cap is pulled down and the jean jacket pulled tight, foot against the chipped brick corner. His eyes turn over slowly as she approaches. "Hey, kid." 06* Christian is totally offering her candy. Obviously. 06* Meri looks at Christian, and her face falls a little bit. "Hi Ash." She continues on her way to the orphanage. 06* Christian twists his cap, hands going into his pockets, sliding up right next to her. His expression doesn't betray whether he knows what happened or not. "Ain't like ya ta just pass on by like that. What gives?" 06* Meri shrugs. "You know. I got in a fight today." 06* Christian looks at Meri. And pauses. Not sure what to say. He stops for a second, hands jamming firmer in his pocket before reaching up to rub his chin, glancing away. "Surprised it took so *long* really..." 01 We were off for Thanksgiving break, remember? So it's really only, um, three days. 06* Christian almost gives her an "I meant what I said" look before watching her over for a moment. Pausing. Thinking of what to say. Before finally giving her a "Ya give 'em better than y'got?" 06* Meri blinks and looks at Christian. "Huh?" 06* Christian looks back at Meri and then scratches the back of his head. Really no good with kids here. "Uh. Exactly what I said? Did ya give 'em better than ya got?" 01 You mean... did I hit him harder than he hit me? 06* Christian blinks at Meri, confused. Of *course* he means that. "Uh...yeah. I mean. If you're gonna get into a fight, ya gotta be sure ta end it, yeah?" 01 Or something. Hall monitors ended it for us. 06* Meri kicks at the sidewalk. "Anyway, yeah, I guess. He tripped me, and later when I told him that I thought he was a coward he tried to shove me, so I blocked him and punched him in the stomach." 01 Then he tried to tackle me, but the hall monitors were on us before that happened. 06* Christian nods, taking out a cigarette as his eyes turn to her. "Yeah. I remember the hall monitors bein' jerks too...." He thumbs over behind him, one hand still in his pocket. "Was thinking of grabbin' a bite to eat. Ya wanna come with?" 06* Meri blinks. "Won't I get in trouble for getting back late?" 06* Christian grins at her and nudges his nose with his knuckle, rubbing it. "What? Ya can't blame it on your big, bad nasty cousin who insisted on takin' ya out for a bite ta eat?" 06* Meri giggles. "Okay, but *you* talk to them. I'm already in a lotta trouble today." 06* Christian gives her a nod, still grinning. "Bah. They ain't gonna kick ya out over somethin' like *that*. I mean...they like ya otherwise, right?" 01 Yeah... maybe. I just... you'll talk to them, right? 06* Christian puts his hands back in his pocket, now that his cigarette is smoldering nicely and gives her a brief nod, talking out of the side of his mouth. "Yeah, I'll talk ta 'em..." 06* Meri smiles. "Okay!" Some of the skip returns to her step. "Where are we going?" 06* Christian starts wandering. "Sandwich place." He slows his walk so that Meri can surely keep up. "Makes a good pastrami on rye." 06* Meri does keep up! She can walk pretty quickly, thanks to near- endless energy. "Like every place in New York makes a good pastrami on rye." 06* Christian gives Meri an incredulous look. "Only people who ain't had a good pastrami on rye say that every place makes a good pastrami on rye." 06* Meri blinks at Christian. "Pastrami's gross," she says, matter of factly. 06* Christian pauses, and looks about ready to argue, before "...yeah. It kind of is, really." Maybe egg salad? 06* Meri bumps Christian with her arm/shoulder. "It's okay if you like it." 06* Christian scratches his hair, looking unsure. "I don't really. Just seems like the thing to say. Kind of think people *expect* me to like pastrami on rye." 01 Then why'd you say it? 06* Christian jams his hand back into his pocket irritatedly before walking off with a slight huff. Not that he really *looks* mad. "Cause everyone 'spects ya to say that when talking 'bout a sandwich place, y'know? It's kinna like a fuckin' acid test for having a fuckin' piece of meat between two slices of bread." 01 ... *That's* why every place has good pastrami on rye. 06* Meri keeps up with Christian, even though he is a little huffy! 06* Christian is only minorly huffy! An adorable little punk-rock Hufflepuff. Pretty soon, they get to a small, Italian delicatessen. That does serve pastrami on rye on their menu. Among other things! 06* Meri pushes her way in and ooohs at the menu, looking at it and what's behind the glass. 06* Christian snerks at Meri's nose pressed up to the glass then goes up to the owner, a small Italian woman, tough as nails behind the hood though kindly to see. So you know it's good. He's gonna get something with prosciutto and genoa salami obviously. Rest can be whatever, but *those* are staples. 06* Meri looks up when it's her turn. "Oh! I'll have, um... spinach... and mushrooms, and onion, and tomatoes, and asiago cheese, annnnnd olives! And pickles. And salt and pepper and mustard, please! On that bread." She points and smiles. "And can I get another pickle, too, like one of the big ones?" [Meri gets her sandwich of doooooom. There's even a third pickle on the side! And fresh made chips. Mmmm. There's also sodas if she wants!] 01 Can you, uh... 06* Meri pushes the plate back on the counter. "Excuse me? Can you put this on a plate with no chips? Please?" 06* Christian watches. Curious. As the plate is taken back, not sure what to think. "Uh, don't like 'em? I could just eat 'em for ya if ya want, y'know..." 01 Nooooo. I'm sure they taste fine, I just... 06* Meri busies herself getting a Coke. Apparently cola is fine for the pickiest eater ever. 01 I'm allergic to potatoes. Like *really super* allergic. 06* Christian tilts his head at her. Super allergic? Huh. "Like, uh....*how* allergic?" 01 Like *really* allergic, like I could maybe die allergic. 06* Meri 's plate comes back. "Thanks!" she chirps cheerfully as she gets a sandwich and pickle. 06* Christian looks up and grins at Meri slightly, picking up his pickle spear and waggling it at her. "So it's yer kryptonite then." 06* Meri carries the plate and soda over to a table once Christian pays. "Yeah, 'cept everyone *actually* has it, except just the bad guys." 06* Christian keeps waggling his pickle at her, chin up like a professor. This is clearly a teaching moment. "Probably your arch-nemesis then. Professor Potato. Shootin' fuckin' eye beams all over the place." 06* Meri's eyes widen. "*Potato* eye beams?" 06* Christian nods calmly, crunching the end of the pickle. "Potato eye beams." He's very serious here. Look at his serious face. 06* Meri huffs. "Man. I can't let *anyone* know about my allergy." 01 What if the bad guys find out! 06* Meri waves her hands in the air. What if! They might! 06* Christian nods, uncaring. He's the best support. And he has this delicious sandwich that he's going to devour right now. "Ever heard a fuckin' potato gun go off? Bet they'd all come equip with those fuckin' things..." 06* Meri makes a face, then says, "Well, you're not allergic to potatoes." 01 You'll just have to protect me. 06* Christian should have got some soup! He could dip the sandwich in it right now. Still not looking at Meri. "What am I? Your fuckin' sidekick?" 01 Nope! I'm pretty sure I'd be *your* sidekick. You're older an' stuff. 06* Meri finally bites into her sandwich and makes with the happy- delicious-food noises. 06* Christian hmms, tapping his chin as he thinks about that. "I dunno. Think a sidekick shouldn't need to be protected really. Ain't no sidekick of mine who ain't able ta handle their own..." 01 Aw, come on! It's my *secret weakness*! If you go about it like that, not even Superman could be your sidekick, and that's just unfair. 06* Christian turns to look at her and shrugs. "Sidekicks are supposed to help out their partners, not so much other way around. That's how it fuckin' works, isn't it?" 06* Meri blinks. "No? They help each other." 06* Christian picks up a chip, waving it in the air. "Yeah, maybe. But they can each take care of themselves really." 01 [And so they chat about superheroes and... things?] 01 [The End! OR IS IT?]