<@Dreol> [London June 16th 1230, 9:30 PM] <@Dreol> [When we last left off, the group had met with Ragged Jenny and were given a "task" to acquire a crystal dagger in the possession of Baron William de Aubert, who is staying in The Tower. In exchange, Jenny will leave Billingsgate alone. While the rest of the group was meeting with Ragged Jenny and striking this deal, Cosimo joined her school and his first task was to steal a letter from a wealthy horseman that she says will help locate the whereabouts of said dagger. He managed to convince Jenny to let him accompany the group on their task, and then he, too, went to bed.] <@Dreol> [It is now the next night and the accommodations have been suitable. Each of you has his or her own room, which is relatively barebones with stone walls, no windows, and a coffin. If you check, Jenny was true to her word and none of your possessions are missing. All of your rooms are off of the same corridor, and that corridor attaches to the large meeting room where Jenny met with all of you.] <@Dreol> [Begin!] 06* Moriel combs his fingers through his hair and ties it back, as at least a minimum level of grooming he can manage before he walks out into the corridor. He stands in the doorway to his room and looks around to see if any of the others are up and around yet. 06* Eliana does, unsurprisingly, check. And then tries to straighten herself out, but given she has no brush, that's pretty difficult. Plus, girdles, ugh. Still, she does an admirable job... except for the hair, which she gives up on and simply pins out of her face as best she can before stepping out of her room - and stopping when she spots Moriel across the way. 06* Cosimo arises and begins to arm himself... drawing each blade and looking it over closely before securing it in its customary location on his person. once satisfied, he ties his sash about his waist, adjusts the knot to the proper angle, draws his hood lower over his face and leaves the room. 06* Moriel nods at Eliana, relief hidden behind cordiality. "Good evening, my lady." 06* Eliana nods to Moriel. "Evening." One hand goes up to her hair, and she frowns. 01 I didn't plan on sleeping out. 06* Moriel turns and - doesn't nod to Cosimo, since he is under cover. Nor did any of us, I'm sure. 06* Cosimo spies his cohorts, nods slightly towards them, and walks down the corridor towards the meeting room. 06* Moriel bows and smiles. "You remain lovely nevertheless." 06* Eliana smiles slightly. "Your words are sweet. Did you sleep well?" 06* Thalaba steps out of her room, yawning as she does. Her hair, which last night was pulled up into a fashionable hairstyle but now her hair is pulled back in a simple braid down her back. Her clothing is slightly rumpled but not too bad. Seeing Eliana and Moriel she waves to them "Evening..." 06* Moriel grimaces faintly, but then wipes the expression away. "Well enough. As you say, I did not plan on sleeping away from my own haven." 06* Moriel gives Thalaba a shallow bow. "Good evening, my lady." 06* Eliana nods, then looks at the newcomer. "Evening, Thalaba." 01 You wouldn't have a comb, would you? 06* Thalaba nods with a smile "I do!" She digs in her purse and pulls out a comb, offering it to Eliana. 06* Eliana blinks, then gingerly reaches out to take the comb. "Thank you." 06* Rolf slugs his way out of his room, looking tired and... pretty much like he did yesterday. Gangrels aren't known for looking fresh. He lets out a low growl as he looks around the standing people. 06* Moriel inclines his head to Rolf. "Good evening." 06* Eliana starts to untangle the mess that is her hair, much less gingerly than she took the comb. It frankly looks like it hurts, but she doesn't seem to mind. "Rolf," she greets as she rips the comb through some curls. 06* Rolf lets out another low growl and then says, "So now what." 06* Moriel shrugs. "We go find a way to steal a crystal dagger." 06* Eliana gets the comb stuck in a knot and starts unraveling it with her fingers. I'm not sure if we should try to find our fifth member before we depart... 01 There's no telling exactly what happened to him. We can just trust he knows what he's doing. 06* Eliana shrugs slightly. "Or assume he was killed and be pleasantly surprised if proven wrong." 06* Rolf say-growls, "And if not, at least he'll hang with the rest of us." 06* Moriel nods, then makes a noise that might have been a choke if he'd been in mid-word. 06* Moriel recovers and makes a broad gesture towards the main room and the exit they came through last night. "Shall we away, then?" 06* Eliana raises an eyebrow at Moriel briefly, her hands still combing her hair. It's becoming less bird's nest and more curly hair. "Go ahead. I'll catch up." 06* Rolf growls in affirmation and tromps down the hallway. 06* Thalaba follows after Rolf in the direction Moriel gestured.. "You know.. I may think we look guilty.. but I would prefer not to hang..." 06* Moriel cocks his head to one side, then looks after Rolf and Thalaba. "Ah. We'll await you in the main room, I suppose." And he slips down the hall, leaving Eliana to her grooming. 06* Eliana does groom! All alone! She may even brood! <( rofl )> <@Dreol> [As everyone exits out into the main room, they see several of what appear to be humans training, just as the previous night. Additionally, some vampires are exiting the various corridors and into the main room and then prompty leaving through one of the many exits (probably because they need to feed).] <@Dreol> [Jenny has not yet arrived, or at least she is not visible] 06* Thalaba looks around the main room, seeing the ones that are leaving. Finding a place to sit, she sinks down into a nearby seat. "Do we have any information to go on about this thing we need to find?" She asks the two companions that are there with her. 06* Moriel shrugs. "Not I." 06* Rolf shakes his head slightly. "Not that I heard." Jenny did tell us its owner was staying in the Tower, but I didn't recognize his name. 06* Eliana walks in after a few minutes, her hair still a mess, but now more controlled. She hands Thalaba her comb. "Thank you again," she says. 06* Moriel pulls the length of black ribbon from his hair and offers it to Eliana wordlessly. 06* Thalaba takes the comb from her and smiles "You're welcome" Turning back to Moriel she responds "I am horrible with names..." <@Dreol> [A few moments later, Jenny suddenly bursts into the room from a back door. Her head jerks suddenly from side to side as she surveys the area. She is dressed in a white dress that may have been pretty, except it is slightly tattered and covered in both dirt and blood (which also covers several of her always-visible teeth). She makes her way up to her throne, swaying slightly as she does so. She finally climbs up to her throne, looks at the five of you and cackles wickedly. "Well... good evening my lovely guests. I have a very ... " She leans forward as if she is going to whisper a secret ... from 50 feet away "...very special surprise for you. You see! This fine young gentleman..." She points one talon at Cosimo "has recovered a document that will make your job oh so much easier." She holds up a letter that is now opened. "And he will also be accompanying you... Isn't that just splendid?" She seems pleased.] 06* Eliana stares at the ribbon, then at Moriel, then the ribbon. She doesn't seem to know what to do. She reaches out for it... and Ragged Jenny enters. 06* Cosimo pushes himself off the wall with a foot and walks unhurried and wordlessly towards the group. 06* Eliana looks over to her and then Cosimo, narrowing her eyes slightly. Her gloved hand is *still* about an inch from taking the ribbon. 06* Moriel is not at all in the right mindset to deal with Jenny, but he turns towards her and says quietly, "Splendid indeed." "Anything that makes our job easier is splendid!" 06* Cosimo doesn't look at any of them, only towards the throne. He crosses his arms and stands emotionless. 06* Moriel glances at the guy who is Cosimo, then back to Jenny. His hand drops slightly, but he's still discreetly holding the ribbon out to Eliana, if she wants to take it. <@Dreol> [Ragged Jenny nods in agreement. "Yes. You see.. this is a letter of announcement for Baron de Aubert from King Henry. He visited the King last evening and arrived back at the tower quite late, when that gentleman acquired this letter from him. Presumably, he was able to gain access to the tower without it... BUT! This means that we know that he is to be staying in Lanthorn Tower, which narrows down the search considerably once you get into The Tower proper."] 06* Moriel nods. "And...this gentleman?" He gestures in Cosimo's direction. <@Dreol> [Ragged Jenny tilts her head and shrugs. "He did not give his name. What is your name, my biscuit?" She chuckles.] 06* Eliana murmurs in Latin, and so quietly only those closest can hear, "<'Biscuit' sounds fine.>" Sabri 03* Cosimo is now known as Sabri 06* Moriel stops himself from laughing by sheer force of will - but he's suddenly smiling again. <@Dreol> [Jenny nods. "Sabri it is, then. But you all had better get going. You will need to acquire the dagger and return it to me tonight. of course."] 06* Sabri nods. "it will be done." 06* Eliana glances at Moriel. She studies him for a brief moment before nodding once to him, taking the ribbon and winding it around one gloved finger. 06* Moriel isn't looking at Eliana, but as he feels the ribbon slip through his fingers he drops his hand and bows to Jenny, smiling widely. "Of course." 06* Thalaba does actually snicker softly but she makes a point not to look directly at Jenny as she does. 06* Eliana nods to her. "The night is short," she says, and makes to leave without acknowledging Sabri. 06* Eliana 's hands fly up to her hair, and she starts working the ribbon through to tie it back as she walks. 06* Moriel turns on his heel and follows Eliana. He can wait to examine Sabri until they're on their way. 06* Thalaba rises from her seat and follows after the two, looking at Sabri as she passes. 06* Rolf slouches off with them, lowly growling the whole way. 06* Sabri nods respectfully to Jenny, turns, and follows the group out of the meeting room. <@Dreol> [Outside, you find yourselves back on the docks, with no one else around. As the night is still early and none of the footpads have gone out working yet, and the vampires are all still hunting.] 06* Thalaba turns to Sabri once they are outside and looks him over with a smile "Very impressive!" 06* Eliana glances at Thalaba, then raises an eyebrow at Sabri. 06* Sabri smiles. "here is not the place to talk... the jackals will soon emerge to hunt" 06* Eliana stares at him for a moment, then snorts. "Right. Can't have that." 01 Speaking of - do any of you need to be a jackal, or can we get directly on this? 06* Moriel blinks at Thalaba, then at Sabri, and looks at him more closely. "...right. I suppose we can discuss matters on the way to the Tower." indeed... after you... 06* Sabri gestures towards an alley leading off in the direction of the tower. 06* Eliana lifts her skirts slightly, then, and starts walking for the Tower. 06* Thalaba sighs and starts walking down the alley, picking her skirts up once she begins walking, just as she had the night before "Well it is a great disguse.." She mutters to herself.. and anyone close enough to hear. 06* Sabri bows slightly to Thalaba. "thank you, m'lady." when he rises, he smiles 06* Eliana lets one of her hands drop off her skirt once they're out of the messiness that is the docks, and she extracts a sealed letter from under the back of her corset. 06* Eliana hands it to Sabri without a word. 03* Sabri is now known as Cosimo 06* Cosimo takes the letter from Eliana. 06* Moriel murmurs to Cosimo, "It seems you were successful." indeed. i know who our mark is, as well Ah, good. "So you were very successful!" She shakes her foot as she steps in something she'd rather not examine too closely and pulls her skirts up a little higher. "That will make this night easier then it would be otherwise" mid thirties... dresses well... not really concerned about being alone at night... favors his right hand, but did not carry a visible weapon. 06* Eliana smiles a touch. "Good to know." And we know what tower he is in...but not where in the tower he is. 06* Rolf growls, "I'm sure we'll find him. We've got all night." Yes. We need to avoid getting caught, as well. "Not getting caught would be a good thing" 06* Moriel eyes Eliana and Thalaba. "I wonder if you would find it easier to get in, dressed as you are." It would be simpler if we did not all have to make our way in by stealth. 01 Possible, but we have no formal letter of summons. 06* Cosimo slips the letter into his sash. "the first trick is likely going to be getting across the drawbridge as im pretty sure we're not going to be climbing the walls" 06* Rolf growls, "Maybe you can't." 06* Cosimo frowns and gestures to the ladies in dresses. 06* Moriel says dryly, "Well, we shall hardly leave you to search on your own. The rest of must find some way in as well." i doubt it proper for them to scale walls in those The Baron entered even without his letter; perhaps we can as well. 06* Eliana frowns, but she doesn't comment. <@Dreol> [Several minutes later you find yourselves standing in front of the draw bridge to The Tower. On the other side of the drawbridge is a gatehouse with a large wooden door behind a metal gate, but no gate guards, at least not that are visible. The walls are quite high and made of stone.] 06* Thalaba studies the gatehouse and the bridge "I think we could make our way in. " 01 Then by all means. 06* Moriel glances around. "It might be easier if Master Rolf climbed his way in after all. And...perhaps if Master Castelletti made himself...unobtrusive. We three would be simpler, I believe." 06* Eliana nods. 06* Moriel waits for the other gentlemen to make themselves scarcer, then starts walking towards the gate. 06* Thalaba nods "Agreed. " She turns to smile at Eliana and Moriel " The main thing is to walk in there looking like we belong. Just walk right in.. if they stop us.. look put out.. annoyed " 01 Understood. 06* Eliana heads after Moriel. 06* Moriel gives Thalaba a faint, cool smile. "I've been well-schooled, I can assure you." 06* Cosimo nods. "i prefer annoyed... makes things easier for me." 06* Thalaba chuckles as she follows after the two "As have I.." 06* Cosimo slips into the shadows and skulks after the group. 06* Rolf walks around to the side of the Tower a bit, his claws growing out in what would be a terrifying fashion if anyone else were paying attention, and then he just digs them right into the cracks in the wall. He's a big man, so it's not the fastest going, but it's steady progress all the way up. You can imagine it now. "Rolf. *tink* Rolf. *tink* Rolf." <@Dreol> [Once at the top of the wall, Rolf has a great vantage point of the rest of "The Tower," which really appears to be a fortress. He can also see that on the other side of the gate are two guards, who are currently moving towards the door to the gatehouse because...] 06* Moriel shouts once the others are clear. "Halloo the gate!" 06* Eliana is behind Moriel and Thalaba, more likely than not. She's looking cold and bitchy. It's easy, because she is typically both of those things. 06* Cosimo watches patiently from the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to make his move. <@Dreol> [One of the guards pulls open the wooden door and looks out through the metal gate. "Who are you there? What do you want at this time of night?" Rolf can also see that the mechanism for raising the gate is, naturally, on this side of the door. There is a sort of courtyard area and then there are entrances to several of the towers within The Tower. At night, this place would seem incredibly ominous to, you know, people who don't spend their days sleeping in coffins.] 06* Moriel concentrates as he walks forward and a flush of living blood colors his skin. When he gets close enough, he rolls his eyes and drawls, "Oh, *come* now. We want to come in so we can get into a proper *bed* at this time of night." 06* Thalaba leaves the talking to Moriel but murmurs to Eliana "if this doesn't work.. we could try the father thing again" 06* Eliana clenches her hands into fists briefly in concentration, and her skin also colors. She nods to Thalaba. <@Dreol> [The guard on the right shakes his head. "Cannot do that, miss. Not unless you have a letter of announcement. These rooms are reserved for noble guests of his majesty."] 06* Moriel 's face twists with rage. He grabs the gate and snarls through it, "_Excuse me? Miss?_" <@Dreol> [That particular guard jumps back. "I'm very sorry, sir. It's very dark out tonight and I did not look closely. Are you expected by one of the residents here?"] 06* Moriel sets his teeth and bites out, "We have business with the baron." 06* Eliana looks the lead guard in the eye. "I'm certain you can [agree] to allow us through." 06* Thalaba looks over the edge of the drawbridge into the dark depths of the water as Moriel and Eliana are doing their thing. <@Dreol> [That guard nods and his eyes glass over slightly. "Yes, of course." He pulls the lever to raise the gate, which does alert the other guard who turns around shocked. "Edward! What are you doing!?"] 01 He is allowing us through, obviously. We have business with Baron William d'Aubert. 06* Cosimo capitalizes on the sudden chaos, springing from his hiding spot and making for the gate, being careful to interpose his associates between himself and the guards. When the second guard turns to face the one called Edward, Cosimo dives slips in under the metal gate, through the door and into the shadows on the other side. 06* Moriel looks down his nose at the second guard, which is a trick, since he's several inches shorter. He says coolly, "His job." 06* Thalaba tears her gaze away from the water when she hears the gate open. She gives the guard a disapproving look, saying out loud "All this talking has made us late." <@Dreol> [The guard nods to Eliana. "Oh alright, but if I hear any disruption, I am coming after you."] 06* Eliana nods to the guard. "You will not. Thank you." And she steps through, now that the gate is high enough, and starts heading for the proper tower. <@Dreol> [After everyone has gotten past the gate, the guard who is not Edward (his name is Phillipe, but you wouldn't know that, having not asked) closes the gate and door and returns to his post.] 06* Moriel sails through the gate with his nose in the air, completely ignoring the guards. Once they're past, he lets the tension of the false rage drain out of his frame, and chuckles. "Well done, my lady. I would not have been able to convince them without you." 06* Eliana murmurs as she removes her gloves, "It was my pleasure, believe me." Pause. "I assume you have pockets?" Indeed I do. 06* Eliana holds her gloves out to Moriel, extended so he can take them without touching her hand. "If you wouldn't mind?" 06* Thalaba walks with the two, listening to the exchange. "That was impressive" 06* Moriel takes the gloves and tucks them away, looking up and around for Rolf and Cosimo. "Not at all." 06* Cosimo waits until the group is out of sight of the guardhouse and rejoins the party. "nicely done" 06* Eliana nods to Cosimo, then scans the area for Rolf. 06* Rolf thuds down to the ground right next to the group and stands, sharp claws still on his hands. He stands up and curls his hands back, so as to conceal the claws behind big meaty fists, and then looks down at Eliana. "Made it." 06* Eliana looks (way) up at Rolf. "So you did. Nice work." 06* Eliana proceeds to continue to the tower! 06* Moriel says cheerfully, "Excellent. To Lanthorn Tower." <@Dreol> [Ahead of the group is the entrance to a large hall that is central to the Tower itself. On the other side of that hall can be seen Lanthorn Tower.] <@Dreol> [There is a door, this one appears unguarded.] 06* Cosimo looks at each of his associates and then closes his eyes, focusing inward. in a moment, he is completely still... and the sounds of the night are as well. 06* Cosimo opens his eyes and motions his companions forward. 06* Eliana nods and moves, trying to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. <@Dreol> [As you get closer to the hall, one of the guards on patrol on the wall walks past and looks down into the courtyard below, but he seems to glance over you all and continues on his rounds.] 06* Moriel 's eyebrows rise, but he's quick to head towards the door. He ghosts along like rather solid shadow in his dark clothes. 06* Thalaba moves along silently with the others, keeping her head down as she walks. 06* Cosimo slinks along in the shadows, making sure to keep himself in the center of the group to ensure that the peaceful silence blankets the party <@Dreol> [The door to the hall, once opened, reveals a wide well-lit corridor leading north towards the White Tower, as well as a more narrow corridor which leads to Lanthorn Tower, where this Baron is supposedly staying. Yet another guard walks by on the path to the White Tower, he pauses as a torch makes Eliana's shadow flicker in front of him, but upon looking, he fails to notice the group sneaking by.] 06* Eliana glances back at the guard in relief. <@Dreol> [As you continue on, you find yourselves inside Lanthorn tower, which is an expansive tower. Even the entry room you are standing in seems very large. There are two doors one on either side, as well as a spiral staircase leading up. Eliana notices that there is the flag of Bedford county over one of the doors, and, in fact, on the door itself is the d'Aubert coat of arms.] 06* Eliana looks around, then points out the coat of arms and nods. She probably can't talk, what with the quietus thing. 06* Moriel catches Eliana's pointing and looks enlightened, though he also doesn't speak. He heads towards the door but doesn't make any attempt to open it yet. 06* Cosimo nods to Eliana and then looks around quickly and then gives a go- ahead signal to Moriel 06* Moriel very carefully tries the door. If it isn't locked, he'll open it just a crack to try to see if anyone is moving inside. 06* Thalaba looks towards the coat of arms when Eliana points and nods that she understands that's where they need to go. <@Dreol> [It is, unfortunately, locked.] 06* Moriel shakes his head at Cosimo and gestures him towards the door. 06* Cosimo nods and approaches the door, pulling something out of a small fold in his cloak 06* Cosimo picks the lock with seemingly little trouble and opens the door slightly as he replaces the small silver lockpick and steps out of the way. <@Dreol> [The door opens, and behind it is an elaborately decorated room. Well- made tapestries hang on the walls, and the room even includes a Turkish rug (perhaps taken during a crusade, perhaps purchased), a wardrobe, a side table and a nice bed, on which lays the man that Cosimo stole from the night previous. On the table is several documents on both paper and parchment and an elaborately ornamented box, which has a lock.] <@Dreol> [The only light in the room is coming from the moonlight outside and the torches in the outer room. The candle in the bedroom is out.] 06* Eliana raises an eyebrow, then moves silently - because of Cosimo - over to the table. She points out the box before trying to make heads or tails of the documents. 06* Moriel steps inside quickly, the better to not be standing conspicuously in the hall. Opening locks is clearly not in his purview, so he takes himself to a corner out of the way and disappears - literally - into the shadows. <@Dreol> [The documents include various political documents and letters. They are written in French and describe mostly the goings on in Bedford. Some are written from a steward by the name of Gerard to d'Aubert, and there is at least one being written back that d'Aubert hasn't finished.] 06* Eliana nods to herself. She leaves the letters where they are, moving to stand outside with Rolf. Cosimo can dagger get; it is probably in that box, after all. 06* Thalaba raises a brow when Eliana returns to the outer room but of course remains quiet. 06* Cosimo approaches the box and examines the lock. 06* Cosimo takes out his lockpick again. <@Dreol> [It's locked. That is pretty clear.] 06* Moriel moves back towards the door as well, wavering between standing conspicuously in the hall and standing somewhat less conspicuously in a baron's bedroom. He's still silent, at least. <@Dreol> [After a few seconds of fiddling, Cosimo manages to pick the lock. He can feel a *click* and the lid lifts easily, revealing a beautiful green crystal dagger with a golden hilt adorned with rubies and sapphires. It is sitting on a red velvet cushion within the box.] 06* Cosimo gently removes the dagger from the box and hands it to Moriel. 06* Cosimo closes the box, locks it back, and replaces it exactly where it was on the table. he then motions to leave the room so he can relock the outer door. 06* Moriel tucks the dagger away and swiftly leaves the room. 06* Cosimo exits the room and relocks the door. he looks to his companions, smiles and points towards the exit. <@Dreol> [Session End]