[Paris July 16th 1251, 11:00 PM] [You have recently been hired... well more like forced, by Matriarch Salianna to find some sort of ancient tomb or some sort of location where a mysterious tablet came from which warns of the awakening of a powerful creature, which was sealed away. The tablet was delivered by a traveler who came from somewhere in Britain. You have now spent the day sleeping in the Matriarch's Grand haven and awaken to find that Matriarch Salianna is awaiting your presence in her grand hall. Mithras seems to be missing this time, but standing next to her is a well-dressed scholarly looking gentleman. He is holding a book and seems to be awaiting Salianna's announcement of him. She motions towards the man. "This is my personal historian, Pierre de Fontaine, he will assist you with any questions I could not personally answer." Pierre nods and bows, stepping forward and waiting for you all to address him.] [Begin] 06* Ysabeau bows deeply, smiles, maybe even bats her lashes but makes it charming and graceful not cheesy M'lord, we are honored to receive any help you can give us. 06* Moriel glances around to see if anyone else has anything to ask first, then asks, "Do you have any idea what kind of creature that tablet might be referring to?" 06* Eliana is there. She goes through the requisite curtseys and then Moriel takes the floor. 06* Cosimo nods his head in recognition of the scholar, but remains in place. He glances sideways as Moriel poses his question, then shifts his gaze back to the historian. 06* Ysabeau watches her new team quizzically than smiles at the historian expectantly [Pierre turns to Moriel and shakes his head. "I do not. Our research suggests that whatever the creature is, it must be immortal. Which means, it is likely a Kindred or something created by a Kindred... I do, however, know someone who might have a better idea. But you may not want to speak to her."] 06* Eliana eyebrow raises, because she's good at that. "Who?" 06* Thalaba is late.. though not as bad as she normally is. But she is dressed and her hair is fixed. She was in time for the introductions though and just remained quiet in the background, responding when it was appropriate 06* Moriel cocks his head to one side, but Eliana beats him to it. 06* Ysabeau raises a delicate eyebrow Her? 06* Cosimo frowns. "Is the person who can answer our questions nearby? i was hopeful that your scholarly knowledge would be of use tonight." 06* Ysabeau cringe We just thought nothing escaped your understanding m'lord 06* Ysabeau addressed to the scholar, not Cosimo 06* Ysabeau gives Cosimo a small frown [Pierre nods. to Ysabeau and then shakes his head to Cosimo "She is a bit... eccentric. She lives in Britain. In Cumbria there is a mountain called Helvellyn. She lives in a tower on top of that mountain."] 01 Does "she" have a name? 06* Rolf chuckles to himself. "Always think that's funny. She drag all the stones for that tower up there herself?" 06* Ysabeau rubs a spot above her right eyebrow as if rubbing away a headache I trust this won't be the party's first experience with eccentricity. 06* Moriel gives Ysabeau an extremely dry look, but doesn't actually laugh or say anything, since they are in an audience. [Pierre smiles. "Her name is Belit-Sheri."] 06* Eliana nods. "This tomb," she says, changing the subject, "it's in Britain, correct?" [Pierre shrugs. "We assume so. The traveler came from Britain."] 06* Ysabeau smiles "well then at least the eccentric is on our way" 01 So to speak. How is she eccentric? 06* Moriel frowns at the name, as if trying to remember something. His expression clears abruptly - at least, if suddenly looking worried can be called "clearing". 06* Eliana doesn't look worried. She doesn't look different at all, in fact. [Pierre chuckles. "Well she has been alive for a very long time and she is somewhat obsessed with time. She likes to test her visitors, to make sure they have a suitable understanding and respect for time to bother with."] How difficult is it to reach this expert? If her mountainside home is part of her eccentric ways? Also, what sort of "tests" is she fond of? 06* Thalaba doesn't seem too concerned about this conversation though she doesn't let it show outwardly. In her vision they were in a tomb.. so she just assumed this all works out and they find it. [Pierre shrugs. "It is the second tallest mountain in Britain. So it may take some effort. She changes the tests periodically. I cannot help you. I have only managed to visit her once."] 06* Cosimo frowns and shakes his head. 06* Ysabeau smiles a little too tightly At least it isn't the tallest, right? 06* Rolf snorts and says, "Eh, a climb'll do you good." 06* Eliana murmurs, "Fortunate you survived." If the next thing you suggest is it will put hair on my chest, I will pass. [Pierre nods. "I suppose that is true." Matriarch Salianna stands at that. "We are somewhat pressed for time, I am afraid. You will have to leave immediately."] 06* Cosimo speaks softly. "if the mountain will not come to mohammad, mohammad will go to the mountain." The words seem to soothe him slightly. 06* Ysabeau visibly deflates Immediately. Okay. 06* Moriel glances up. "Before we go, one last question for you, sir. Can you tell us anything about the stone itself? Where it came from, who might have carved it?" [He shakes his head. "I assume it came from this tomb that we are searching for. It was presumably carved by those that imprisoned the creature. What I can tell you, is that the stone has some magical remnants, which means the creature was most likely imprisoned by a Mage.] 06* Moriel nods and files the information away. 06* Eliana is frowning, what with the "immediately" order. Moriel does manage to ask his question, however, and so she asks one more: "This messenger, have you made any progress at all as to who he was and who or what poisoned him?" 06* Ysabeau sort of shuffles and addresses her ladyship, "So, what means of travel will we have?" [Pierre shakes his head. "He was either assassinated, or was suffering from the lasting effects of a trap within the tomb. My opinion is that he was attacked by whoever is working to release this creature."] 06* Cosimo 's eyebrows raise. "assassinated?" [Salianna shakes her head. "We can provide you with horses and a discreet boat once you arrive at the channel, once in Britain, we can no longer offer you assistance."] Except the horses. We can keep the horses? [The matriarch shakes her head. "I cannot arrange for a boat large enough to transport the horses."] 06* Ysabeau manages a nod 06* Eliana smirks at Ysabeau. "I'm sure your new Prince will take good care of you." 06* Ysabeau throws her blonde hair over her should and grins wide-eyed at Eliana "Yes, after I've accomplished what we've been assigned, I have the promise of future comfort. After I climb the mountain." 01 It should be no trouble at all. 06* Eliana curtseys to the matriarch and Pierre, as appropriate. "By your leave," she says, before turning and walking out. Immediately happened a while ago. 06* Moriel figures they're done now and bows to the Matriarch. "Thank you for your assistance, Matriarch, sir." And he follows Eliana out. [Matriarch Salianna nods. "Good luck to you." She turns and walks out of the room, and Pierre also leaves.] 06* Ysabeau bows and follows out her new teammates 06* Cosimo closes his eyes, letting all annoyance fade from his mannerisms. He nods at the historian and the retreating figure of the Matriarch, bows with his arms outstreched and palms face up, and then follows his associates. 06* Rolf just nods slightly at them all and tromps his way out. Climbin' mountains, now that's an easy night. 06* Thalaba joins the others as they file out. [Cumbria, Helvellyn August 6th 1251, 12:00 AM] [You have been traveling for the better part of a month and have finally reached the massive mountain that stands in front of you. It is so far north and so tall that even in summer, the peaks of the mountain are covered in snow.] [There is a path leading up the mountain, which seems to be mostly barren and rocky. There are still a few hours before dawn.] 06* Rolf 's eyes glow red, as they have pretty much the entire time they've been out here, and he seems to have no problem leading. He growls out, with slight amusement, "Hey, you don't even have to climb it with your soft little hands yet." He's definitely back to his normal scruffy self. 06* Ysabeau clothed for mountain climbing "I do hope to avoid hand over hand climbing for as long as possible" 06* Eliana is there and seems to be ready for cold weather in the middle of August, as she's wearing a heavy cloak and leather gloves, along with a tunic, leggings, and boots (it seems even she will ditch the scholar's robes when necessary). She has a bag slung over one shoulder. 06* Thalaba follows up behind everyone. She has changed her clothing to more acceptable gear for the climb though still fashionable in a way (rofl is that is possible) 06* Eliana pulls her glove off her left hand, tucking it away, before concentrating. A flame flickers onto her bare palm, lighting the area. 06* Moriel looks up the rocky path and lets out a silent breath. He adjusts the coil of rope he's carrying slung across his body, then starts climbing up after Rolf. 06* Eliana starts up the path, after Moriel and Rolf, probably. Hey, she can see now! 06* Ysabeau quietly "So what is the plan once we reach the top? Is someone planning to take the lead in these tests?" 06* Cosimo pulls his hooded cloak further down over his eyes, checks his weapons, and begins up the path 06* Ysabeau looks up to see someone on fire "Uh, Eliana?" 06* Eliana doesn't look back. "Yes?" i guess it will depend on the test Well, you seem to have caught, something there, dear. 06* Moriel glances back at Ysabeau and says shortly, "Hard to say until we know what they are." He's saving most of his attention for not tripping in the flickering light of Eliana's palmful of fire. 06* Eliana glances at her palm. "So I have." Then looks back to Ysabeau. "I could share if you like." 06* Ysabeau is graceful, but very very careful, walking with both arms ready to catch anything if she trips 06* Ysabeau raises both of her hands to protect her face "No, thank you, not friends with fire." 06* Cosimo gracefully makes his way along the path, seemingly more concerned with what could be lurking in the shadows ahead than the climb itself. As such, he is constantly looking around. 06* Eliana actually laughs a little, then offers, "Don't worry." 01 As long as it's in my palm, it won't hurt anyone. 06* Ysabeau raises an eyebrow are you suggesting I... pet it? 06* Moriel snorts involuntarily at that. 06* Rolf growls out, "Not unless you want ta catch yourself alight." That was what I was afraid. Thank you, but no thank you. I will take my chances with the path. So, is there an order to this band of adventurers? you will need your hands free for balance. and to catch yourself if you fall. i would avoid scalding them One of you who takes the lead? Starts the conversations with the random mountain folk? Ain't no such thing as 'random mountain folk'. All right god-fearin' sort's asleep. True, but we are climbing up the side of a rock to meet with a very very old kindred and I was just hoping that maybe we'd have a plan? 06* Moriel glances back at Ysabeau and shrugs. "Thusfar, it has largely been myself or Mistress Casale that has done that sort of thing." the current plan is to make our way up the mountain without being ambushed before daylight 06* Eliana snorts. "Difficult to plan when we don't even know what kinds of tests she'll throw at us - your former court historian was maddeningly vague." 06* Cosimo grins as he climbs gracefully over a loose rock. "and i thought i was the only one who was annoyed" And as much as I like this plan I am a little nervous about the fate of my delicate skin once we reach our destination. I can multitask. I am very very good at multitasking. What the hell's 'multitaskin'? 06* Rolf looks over. "That like goofin' off?" 01 Yes. 06* Thalaba is putting one foot in front of the other, making sure she doesn't fall on her way up. She zones in just in time to hear Rolf and calls out "Rolf you shouldn't be goofing off while climbing the mountain!" Everything is play if you’re willing, but I am talking more business right now. 06* Eliana starts laughing at Thalaba's words. She can't help it. 06* Cosimo chuckles softly to himself as he jumps off a rock he had been standing on to survey the path behind them. [After traveling for some time up the mountain path it comes to an end at a cliff with a nice view of all of cumbria, and the lands beyond, but you have still not reached the peak. It seems at this point that you will need to climb.] 06* Cosimo looks up at the cliff, mentally picking his path. 06* Ysabeau runs a gloved hand over the rock face 06* Eliana frowns slightly, looking up. Great. She reaches up with her unlit hand to pull her hood down, shaking her curly hair free, and then moves the flame so it's... on her *head*? Freaky as hell, but there it is, dancing in her hair just as she did to a Brujah only a couple of decades before. 06* Rolf cracks his neck and then lets out a long prolonged growl as claws grow out from his hands, and then he says, "I can climb this just fine." 06* Rolf looks around at the rest of them. "You all just need me to drag you up?" 06* Eliana shrugs with one shoulder, then says, "If you would be so kind.” 06* Moriel eyes the cliff. Then he unslings the rope from around his torso and holds it out to Rolf. "Can you carry this up with you? If there's a place to secure it you could drop it down for the rest of us." 06* Eliana takes a moment to put her other glove back on. 06* Rolf takes the rope and looks at it a few moments, so he knows how long it is, then slings it around his neck. "Alright, I'm off." 06* Rolf gets to climbing. It's nothing like getting to burning. 06* Ysabeau paces and looks up with big blue eyes "this looks kind of dangerous" And scary. This looks scary. I really only like social climbing. 06* Moriel glances over at Eliana and notices the flame burning in her hair. He twitches instinctively, then realizes what's going on and smiles. 06* Thalaba can't help but agree with Ysabeau as she too looks up and watches Rolf climb. "He's a really fast climber.." Yeah he is. 06* Cosimo approaches the cliff face and begins to free climb. 06* Eliana smirks back at Moriel. It looks a touch mischievous. 06* Ysabeau looks at Thalaba "So, we are both waiting for the rope then?" 06* Eliana calls after Cosimo, "Do you have rope?" 06* Thalaba grins at Ysabeau "Well there is no way I'd be able to climb unassisted." 06* Cosimo pauses briefly and looks down at Eliana. "yes." 06* Rolf gets to the top and tosses the rope down, well, as far as it'll toss down, then he ties it off while still holding onto it. 06* Rolf then calls down over the edge, "There's your rope, misses." 06* Cosimo resumes his climb, his hand brushing past his cloak to show the coil of rope slung like a sash across his chest as he reaches for his next handhold. Might want to tie yourself to it if ya can! 06* Ysabeau offers rope to Thalba first 06* Moriel snags the end of the rope and gestures an invitation to Thalaba. 06* Thalaba smiles at them both and steps forward and takes the rope. "Thank you.. " 06* Ysabeau looks at second rope and then at Moriel (hold that thought!) 06* Cosimo gets to the top, unslings his rope from his shoulder, secures it and lowers the end. (and see above! ;) ) 06* Moriel neatly grabs the end of that one, too, and offers it to Ysabeau with a smile and a bow. "Ladies first." 06* Eliana snorts, but she also gestures for Ysabeau to take the rope. 06* Ysabeau takes the rope and ties it around herself and approaches the rock face with a little fear in her eyes 06* Moriel smiles at Ysabeau. "You'll be fine. Master Rolf can pull you up if need be, and with the rope you won't get hurt if you fall." 01 Cosimo Castelleti, actually. 06* Ysabeau smiles back at Moriel 06* Moriel shrugs. "Either. Just because it is Master Castelletti's rope does not mean he must do the pulling." I'm still learning, but am beginning to see why you were the heroes at the feast. 06* Moriel 's expression sours at that, but he steps back to give Ysabeau room to climb. 06* Eliana rolls her eyes. "We're 'heroes' because we were framed." I'm afraid I didn't hear the whole story then. Time for that later. Up you go. 06* Eliana also gives Ysabeau room, murmuring after she starts climbing to Moriel, "It is more likely Cosimo would be available to pull Ysabeau up, though. And he does seem interested in her." Ah. True. 06* Ysabeau for once looks completely graceless and out of her element climbing up the side of the mountain. 01 That said, I agree Rolf is far more likely to altruistically aid someone in need. 06* Eliana watches Ysabeau climb, taking mental notes. Her own climb, as a result, goes far more smoothly. 06* Moriel reaches the top and eyes the tower while untying the rope from around his waist. [Everyone manages to make it to the top of the mountain. You are in a large valley and in the center of the valley stands a towering... well... tower. It is pure black and made of stone. It is also exceedingly tall.] 06* Ysabeau looks up at the tower, impressed "well, if she were male I'd be concerned." 06* Rolf growls out, "I'm still wonderin' why she dragged all this stone up here." And how. [Upon closer examination, the tower appears to have no door. It has a doorway that leads into a large circular room, but no door to close behind you. Within that large circular room is a heavy stone door with no obvious means of opening it.] [There is, for the record, snow. The ground is covered in snow and ice.] 06* Eliana looks around. The flame is back in her naked hand, and she holds it up and walks to the wall, trailing gloved fingers over it. Do we call for her hair at this point? 06* Eliana also looks up, because she's not a total idiot. [The wall is completely smooth. There is no obvious way to open it.] [The ceiling is about twelve feet above you, but it is a smooth, stone ceiling.] Well. Perhaps this is the test. 06* Cosimo frowns. "perhaps" [The sun, for the record, should be rising in about half an hour.] [And the doorway is pointed east.] "A test we need to take quickly.. Sun is coming quick.." 06* Ysabeau moves as far away from the edge as possible, and is distracted with keeping an eye on the edge. 06* Moriel glances eastward. "Yes." 06* Rolf looks at the arch, frowns, then walks over to the door and pushes on one of the stones, which is oddly placed. "Kinda weird to have one outta place, when this place is so smooth." 01 Hm? 06* Eliana moves to look at whatever it is Rolf is poking. Can you... I don't know, jiggle it? 06* Cosimo frowns. "it could be a trap" This whole place is already a trap. okay. it could be ANOTHER trap Agreed. This wasn't set up to host guests. 06* Rolf pokes it and says, "These two ain't set together." [Nothing happens when Rolf pokes it.] Can ya see it, hothead? 06* Moriel smiles faintly. "It's quite an elegant one, though. It wouldn't be...fitting...to put another within it." 06* Rolf chuckles to himself. "Hothead..." [Sun will be rising in approximately 15 minutes, though.] 06* Moriel slips over to try to see what Rolf is pointing at. 06* Eliana looks about to say something, then Rolf says that and she frowns. She tries to focus on the task at hand, however. 06* Ysabeau steps over to the group, but keeps looking around for cover if they can't get in. [Cover can be found. At least temporarily. It is a circular room with no windows. If you stand against one of the walls near the door, you will be safe for a little while from the sun.] 06* Moriel cocks his head to one side. "Well, we might as well try to put something in the space and see what happens. I hardly know what else we can do if pushing on it does nothing." 06* Eliana hesitates, and she looks *really* torn for a moment, before she opens her bag and pulls a book out from it. "" she mutters in Italian before opening to the first page and ripping it from the binding. 06* Eliana hands it to Moriel, not looking at him. The stone looks like it's been moved look, it's scraped 06* Cosimo turns away from looking out of the doorway for a doorshaped object and looks towards the stone in question It looks like it has been moved recently 06* Moriel opens his mouth as Eliana tears out the page, then just stares at her for a moment. He takes the paper, though. Then he glances at Ysabeau, then at the stone, trying to figure out which way things moved. 06* Ysabeau takes off her gloves and touches around the stone. she stands off to the side enough to allow paper to be put into the slot. 06* Moriel goes ahead and slips the paper into the gap. Please work...if only so Eliana didn't ruin her book for nothing... 06* Eliana pulls her hood over her head and moves to the side of the room as she hugs her book to her chest, maybe to think, certainly to take shelter from the sun. Her flame's long since winked out. [It seems like the stone has moved both ways.] 06* Cosimo watches Eliana walk away from the group. 06* Ysabeau tries to recreate what might have made the scrapes. 06* Ysabeau points out the right to left scrapes this has been moved, maybe as recently as last night 06* Ysabeau starts trying to slide the stone. "someone want to help me?" [It won't move, and the sun is about the rise.] 06* Moriel glances towards the eastern, open doorway at the lightening sky and darts towards a wall. Specifically, towards Eliana. He murmurs softly, "I'll replace it." 06* Ysabeau backs off into the shadows, defeated 06* Eliana doesn't look at Moriel. Or up from the floor, which she's staring at. She does say, not raising her voice in any way, "The sun's going to rise any moment." 06* Thalaba backs away from the door, pressing herself against the wall 06* Eliana is pressed to the wall, at one side, close to the back door (which may as well be part of the wall). 06* Moriel smiles faintly. "Then either it will open the door, or we will stand here all day, and try again when the sun moves." 06* Ysabeau Every muscle is tense as she wonders if she is fast enough to dash for shelter. Stays with the group in the shadows. 06* Rolf steps back from the doorway out of the way of the sun, and growls slightly. "Well, that's gonna be quite the problem..." 06* Cosimo presses himself against the wall. He closes his eyes, steeling his nerves. In seconds, he is at peace. [After everyone gets inside, the sun begins to rise about a minute later, and as soon as the first light touches the tower, the stone slides to the right, scraping against the doorway and closing you all in complete darkness.] 06* Moriel sighs. "Should have expected that earlier. Too elegant." 06* Eliana flexes her fingers, and the flame reappears in her palm. She looks at the back door - open now? [Nope. Still closed.] Just because one tower shifts with the sun doesn't mean I'm not going to try and rip open the next stone door. [You are all now in a completely closed in tower. However, there is one thing that is different. The back of the front door has writing on it.] Well, shall we try to open this door? Or does anyone have anything else in mind. 06* Eliana 's eyes light up upon seeing the writing. She hurries over, holding the flame up so she can look at it. 06* Ysabeau smirk 06* Cosimo frowns. "patience. very funny" 06* Moriel laughs aloud. Hmm... a sarcastic tower 06* Eliana continues to peer at the word for a while, as if verifying Cosimo's work, then nods. So, we have a little time to kill... 06* Eliana walks back to where she was before, sits down, and opens her book, flipping to where she probably left off - which fortunately enough wasn't the first page. 06* Cosimo walks over to where Eliana is sitting, reaches into his sash with one hand and pulls out a few coins which he sets next to her. "this will cover a new book" [As it turns out, there is quite a bit of time for waiting. All day, in fact, and then after you all wake up (assuming you slept) you notice the front door is once again open, but the back door still hasn't moved. This is the case until literally mid-night. As in half way between dusk and dawn when the back door finally grinds open, revealing to you another room.] 06* Ysabeau wakes up, stretches and yawns. 06* Thalaba made herself as comfortable as she could for the day and when night came and the door opened she peeks out curiously. 06* Ysabeau most certainly slept most of the day. Cuddled if anyone wanted to cuddle. <( awww )> 06* Rolf slept like a giant log-bear. Or bear-log. Who can really tell. He doesn't seem to have the patience thing down, but whittling is whittling. He's thrown and/or given away a lot of random wooden objects. 06* Cosimo spent the night resting with his back against the wall between the two doors. When the second door opens, he lifts his head from his knees and looks into the room beyond. He then glances at the rest of his party. [The next room is still not lit. The moonlight coming in from outside, though, reveals a rather large circular room.] 06* Eliana closes her book - she spent almost the entire time reading - and stands, finally picking up the coin purse. The flame is on her shoulder now. She walks over to Cosimo, dropping the money back in hand. "" she tells him in Italian. 06* Moriel waited with every appearance of patience, sitting crosslegged with his eyes closed. Perhaps he's meditating. In any case, he looks up when the door opens, then walks over to look inside. 06* Cosimo nods. "" 06* Eliana doesn't respond; she turns and heads into the next room. [Moriel notices in addition to the room being round, it is actually domed, and the only opening seems to be at the very top of the dome, which is about thirty feet above you.] 06* Cosimo returns the money to his sash. [Everyone enters the room, and then about fifteen minutes after the door opened, it slides to a close, once again trapping you in total darkness. But you hear a slight tap echo through the room, and then another tap, and then a few more taps in quick succession.] 06* Moriel murmurs, "Mistress Casale? If you please?" 06* Eliana shifts, moving the flame off her shoulder and holding it up above her head to illuminate as much of the area as possible. [Eliana's light reveals small pieces of sand falling from the hole in the ceiling. And almost immediately after that discovery the sand turns into a solid stream, falling from the ceiling and beginning to slowly fill the room.] [Session End]