01 [Cumbria, Helvellyn August 6th 1251, 4:00 AM] 01 [Our protagonists climbed the second tallest mountain in Britain, looking for one Belit-Sheri, who supposedly can tell them about a tomb or a monster or *something* involving a rock and an inscription - well, bad things are coming, and they need her help in any case. They reached her tower, and after a few minutes of panic and Eliana ripping a page from her book, literally, the sunlight came to meet them.] 01 [Instead of dying, however, the domed room they were in closed in on itself, leaving them in near total darkness - the only exceptions being Rolf's glowing red eyes and Eliana's flame. One word is written where the doorway in was, in an ancient script: "Patience".] 01 [And so, everyone has just settled down, kind of, in their own ways when Ysabeau said, "So, we have a little time to kill..."] 01 [Mini Start.] 06* Ysabeau tried to reach an arm around Eliana 06* Moriel settles down crosslegged with his back to the wall, near Eliana but not too near. Unfortunately, he doesn't notice what Ysabeau is doing until too late... 06* Eliana is sitting in her !corner, because there are no corners, trying to read a book and ignore whatever's being said. As Yeabeau tries to reach an arm around, she realizes that Eliana is *cold* - like, she leeches heat out from around her cold - which doesn't stop a very hot palmful flame from darting up her sleeve and to her shoulder. 06* Ysabeau celerity! dashes faster than anything should be able, to the other side of the tiny room. Whoa! Well, I've never caused anyone to ignite quite like that before. 06* Moriel looks up sharply, then sighs. "Mistress Bellamy. Do you recall what Mistress Casale said to you in Paris?" 06* Thalaba looks up at Ysabeau's fast movement from one side of the room to the other and raises a curious brow, realizing she missed something 06* Cosimo walks around the room, carefully stepping over and around his companions, running the fingers of his left hand along the wall somewhat absentmindedly. He looks to be in thought, or perhaps a meditative state. 06* Eliana turns a page, now reading by the light on her shoulder. Well... I may not have paid as close attention as I should have in light of, current campfires. 06* Moriel says dryly, "Touch her and you will not enjoy the consequences." 06* Rolf holds the wall up by leaning against it, growling lowly. The spark of fire makes him sit upright a moment, then he goes back to leaning. "Well, 'course she won't, she's got fire on her." I tend to enjoy a little heat, but of a different nature. 06* Moriel snorts, but decides to just bypass commenting on that. After a pause, he says, "You wished to hear the tale of how we came to be called heroes, and why we are not?" Yes, please, that sounds a little safer. 06* Moriel smiles faintly and tilts his head in an invitation to sit beside him - on the side away from Eliana. 06* Ysabeau smiles again and gladly accepts, keeping an uncharacteristic respectful distance 06* Cosimo pauses in his circular walk. He turns to look at Moriel and Ysabeau, shakes his head, and then resumes. 06* Moriel smiles wider at that. Unexpected benefits. He spends a moment considering where to begin, then, "On the night he died, Monsieur Renier approached each of us individually." He seemed quite frightened, constantly looking over his shoulder. He told us our lives were in danger, and said he had to speak to us. Midnight in the courtyard, he told us. 06* Moriel shrugs. "We all got there to find his corpse waiting for us. We'd barely had time to notice it before someone started screaming murder from one of the nearby windows." 06* Ysabeau looks appropriately shocked Of course, that brought Prince Mithras and his guards...and there were we five standing over his body. 06* Cosimo mutters. "as if we would be that sloppy" 06* Ysabeau smiles at Cosimo 06* Moriel laughs softly. "I cannot say I have much experience with murder, Master Castelletti. I might have been, if I had done it." not murder. Assassination, then. I have even less experience of that. I have little experience with either myself. murders are crimes of passion passion is hardly perfection but anyway, continue your narrative. 06* Ysabeau smiles "but it is so much fun!" 06* Rolf snorts, then says, "'course murder's passion to you." 06* Eliana turns another page. Passion is SO much more, but Cosimo is right, we should continue our story. 06* Moriel decides not to argue about the definition of murder with Cosimo. After a pause, he continues. "In any case, we said we had not done it. Prince Mithras gave us a year to find who did, or he would execute us." 06* Cosimo says softly. "there is no passion in execution either" 06* Moriel shrugs. "So you see, we did it to save our own lives. Un- lives. Little heroism in that." Oh, I see. But you still found the real killer. 01 Doubtful. 06* Moriel glances at Eliana. "Ah, you've thought that as well?" The end result was still the same, and really that all that matters for anyone in court. If you looked at their motives over the results they would be less... well, less. 06* Cosimo abruptly stops circumnavigating the room and looks at Eliana. "does it matter?" 'course it matters. Means that the people that were tryin' to ruin us are still 'round. 06* Moriel nods. 06* Ysabeau grins at the sudden thought of intrigue 06* Eliana looks up at Cosimo, but then Rolf speaks, and she goes back to reading. Who would want to frame you? No offense, but if you really are not heroes or noble as you claim than why would you be framed? 06* Cosimo shakes his head. "this entire society is grounded on the fact that everyone is trying to ruin everyone else." 06* Eliana rolls her eyes, closing her book. It seems she's given up on reading. 06* Moriel laughs. "Too true." Word was people were mad 'bout the strength of our blood. High clan types. 06* Moriel nods in Rolf's direction. such is the way... to put yourself ahead of the others, you must make sure that they fall behind you and should they not fall according to your plan, you find someone who will help them to do so 06* Ysabeau clears her throat at the high blood comment 06* Moriel shrugs. "Or you plan so that either way you gain something." Well, you don't always get to choose your clan. Or sire. indeed 06* Rolf doesn't seem to notice the clearing her throat, but does say, "Well, that's God for ya. Funny way of teachin' you a lesson." Or, apparently, country or owner. 06* Eliana snorts, though at what comment, it's hard to tell. She's opened her book back up. 06* Moriel 's eyes flash at Rolf's comment, but then he glances at Ysabeau. "Owner?" 06* Ysabeau scrunches her nose at the God comment men find god behind any motive that suits him 06* Ysabeau realizes she said that last part out loud Oh, just, I didn't know I was exchanging hands until we were all at that little party. I mean, I needed to leave Paris, but I was hoping I had more of a say as to where I would go. 06* Moriel cocks his head to one side. "Why did you need to leave Paris?" If you don't mind my asking. 06* Ysabeau Shifts a little and bites her lower lip 06* Moriel raises an eyebrow. "You don't have to say. It isn't my business. Or any of the rest of ours." 06* Eliana glances up at Ysabeau when the question isn't immediately answered. She raises one eyebrow. Well, my presence at court was causing too much... tension. I may have displeased my Sire a little. 01 Disobeyed an order? Loved someone else. Who wasn't very pleased that he wasn't the one to embrace me. My embrace was not ideal, it caused a lot of waves at court, which didn't make me the Matriarch's favorite. I believe she has finally removed one thorn from her side. 06* Eliana tilts her head slightly, still paying attention to Ysabeau with her book open on her lap. 01 What made you so desirable? Toreadors love their shiny objects. I was something they considered shiny. 06* Moriel laughs. 06* Eliana lets out a vague 'huh', like she genuinely doesn't see it somehow, then goes back to reading. 06* Ysabeau looks hurt Well, all of that is in another country. freedom is an illusion... what you think makes you free binds you in ways you have not discovered. at least in my experience Freedom is not a state I have ever experienced, so I wouldn’t know if it were real. 06* Moriel raises an eyebrow at Cosimo, but declines comment. Apparently he's done being talkative for now. 06* Ysabeau smiles at Moriel "Thank you for the story. I think I needed to know most of that. It is nice to know a little more about what I am committed to." 06* Cosimo closes his eyes and resumes his meditative walk around the room, gracefully dodging the others when he comes to them having pretty much done the circuit enough times to know it. 06* Moriel nods at Ysabeau and says quietly, "Your servant, my lady." Then he folds his hands in his lap and tilts his head back to rest against the wall. He still keeps an eye on Ysabeau out of the corner of his eye, though, even if she does seem to have learned her lesson about bothering Eliana. 06* Ysabeau starts getting jittery again. Looking for someone to cuddle on. 01 [Ysabeau's cuddling options: Eliana - reading, frosty, on fire. Moriel - next to her, slight, polite. Cosimo - pacing, Arabic, deadly. Thalaba - quiet, fashionable, across the room. Rolf - huge, dirty, rolf.] (rolf) 06* Ysabeau takes in the room, and zeros in on Thalaba "You hair is quite lovely! Do you ever allow anyone to braid it?" 06* Thalaba takes a moment to realize that Ysabeau is speaking to her, her eyes, which had previously been glazing off into nothing, focus's and turns to look at Ysabeau. "My hair?" Yes it is lovely! I could put it into a french braid, it would be pretty and practical. 06* Cosimo hears the Ysabeau and Thalaba and stops, notices the change in locations of the people in the room, and then resumes his stroll. 06* Ysabeau holds up her hands and smiles winningly "Please? I feel jittery, it would be calming for us both." 06* Thalaba reaches up to touch her hair with her fingertips as if the suggestion was made because her hair looked out of place or disorganized in some way. " Alright.." She says after a moment of thought. "Just not too tight ok? No need to make the visions even more painful by having my scalp pulled too tightly." I will be very careful, I have been told I am quite skilled. And if you have headaches I know a head massage the eases them. "Not headaches.." She corrects as she shifts from where she's sitting so Ysabeau can reach the back of her head. "...Visions." 06* Moriel notes that no one is paying attention to him or Eliana any more, and he slides just a little closer to her. Quietly, he pulls the torn page of her book from inside his cloak and slips it over to her along the floor. "Really? Of the future?" 06* Cosimo dodges the space where Moriel had recently been. "Yes the future.. It would be kind of silly to have visions of the past.. there is no way to change what has already happened." 06* Eliana picks the page up from the floor, smoothing it out over her open book. Her eyes soften as she looks at it in the flickering, dim light. 06* Moriel doesn't look at her. He says softly, "I don't have the skill to repair it. I'm sorry." Do you see only major events, or do you sometimes see little things, like the good day of an individual? 06* Cosimo stops, hearing Moriel's voice from somewhere he didn't expect it. He opens his eyes to confirm this. Like, can you see an artist who finishes a work he knows will be his best? 06* Eliana replies, just as softly, "I expected as much." She places the page between early pages, near the front of her book. 06* Ysabeau glances at Eliana "What, that I'd want to know what it was like to create a masterpiece?" "I could... Though I have no control over what or when I am shown. Like.." She thinks for a moment. "Like.. as an example. I knew we would find absolution for ourselves when we were thought to be murders.. because I had a vision that involved the guilty parties burning for their crimes.” 06* Cosimo observes Moriel and Eliana for a moment. He raises his eyebrows inquisitively, but says nothing. 06* Eliana looks up, actually startled. "I'm sorry?" she asks, clearly directed at Ysabeau this time. 06* Moriel looks up too, as he hadn't previously realized Ysabeau wasn't talking to Thalaba that time. You said you expected as much when I mentioned my wish to experience an artist's joy. A joy at looking at something done well. Why? Don't we all wish to be able to know we've done well? 06* Ysabeau still had heightened senses up, can hear all the things. 06* Eliana looks at Ysabeau coldly. She does cold quite well. 06* Cosimo chuckles softly to himself, and then resumes his walk. 01 If you were *paying attention*, you would have realized I was speaking to Moriel MacRae. 06* Ysabeau blinks twice, smiles, "Oh, okay then!" goes back to hair braiding of course... typically, whenever "Mistress Casale" speaks, it is to Moriel 06* Ysabeau Looks at the two of them. "Hmm... well, there is a connection there huh?" 06* Moriel gives Cosimo a Look, and then...Ysabeau says that, and his brain completely freezes. 06* Cosimo grins as he continues around the room. 06* Ysabeau Goes back to hair braiding and humming quietly and happily to herself. 06* Eliana responds coldly: "I find him intelligent and his conversation interesting. More than I can say for the rest of this room the majority of the time." 06* Ysabeau looks back over and squints. "That ice is protecting something. You were not treated nicely as a child were you?" most of the time you don't bother to engage any of us in conversation. nor do i, but i don't try to pass it off as something other than it really is 06* Eliana snorts. "Who was?" 06* Rolf continues holding up the wall. i was 06* Cosimo stops. are you really interested? 06* Ysabeau Frowns in sympathy for Cosimo. "I am interested, if you are willing to talk about it." 06* Eliana goes back to reading, wishing she could be out of this tower already. Ugh, people. 06* Moriel finally gets over his brain freeze and sideglances a little worriedly at Eliana. Please just leave her alone already, people. if you have questions, i will answer them. but i do not speak freely without cause. it tends to cause people discomfort. and other people to wish to live out their role as the heroic protector of damsels in distress 06* Cosimo turns and looks at Moriel and smiles. 06* Ysabeau grins, "You protect damsels?" 06* Moriel rolls his eyes at Cosimo. If he likes to think so... Moriel just closes his eyes and leans back to rest his head against the wall. 06* Rolf snorts. "Don't see no lady's favor on his sleeve." So, Cosimo, where did you grow up? Sicily. Oooh, twenty questions, we place this in court. How do you feel about where you grew up? it was nice. pleasant. peaceful, even. Hmm, peaceful, so when did it stop being peaceful? it didnt So when was the moment you knew you'd begin your particular trade? when i was old enough to understand the family i started training when i was five or six 06* Ysabeau impressed maybe younger. i don't really remember Were your advisors kind in your training? 06* Rolf nods and growls, "Sounds like a right good age." i am not certain how you would define kind. they were fair. Hmm, fair isn't always kind. When did you leave your country? Are you working with this family still or on your own? i first left when i was twelve. i had a job. it took me to Spain. when i was finished, i returned. until the next time i had to leave as for working with my family, my brothers are welcomes amongst this society, the same as you. Hmm... Interesting. 06* Cosimo nods. He stops between the doors and sits down with his back against the wall, a spot which conveniently places the group in front of him. He looks at Ysabeau and apparently waiting for her next question. 06* Ysabeau finishes the braid, and smiles at her work. "I think it looks lovely" Well, can I continue this game after a quick nap? I feel the need to rest a little. 06* Thalaba reaches up to feel the braid "Thank you." You're welcome, thank you for allowing me the pleasure. 06* Ysabeau stretches, "So, does anyone care for the comfort of companionship for sleep?" 06* Thalaba offers a smile before she settles back against the wall. 06* Moriel could well already be asleep, for all the response he offers to that. 06* Eliana isn't asleep. She's reading! you are kind in offering, though i am quite certain that you will be more comfortable with one of the others. few tend to willingly sleep next to vipers 06* Ysabeau smiled "A viper only needs to be charmed" the snake charmer takes his life in his hands any time he takes his eyes off the snake when you can rest with your eyes open, you may begin to trust me. few others do. Eyes are but one way to pay attention, the sense of touch can be just as telling, and I am very good at giving my full attention even with my eyes closed. 06* Cosimo nods, conceding the point. "perhaps. though i have not yet decided if you are a snake as well." 06* Ysabeau giggles "Then you are a wise, wise man. I will be here if you figure that out." 06* Ysabeau curls up and closes her eyes. 01 [Mini End.]