[London August 28th 1251, 11:00 PM] [You have all returned to London after a long trip to Cumbria and have been back in town for a few days now doing whatever you do.] [Begin] [Apparently you had all agreed to meet at the abandoned farmhouse around this time to discuss your next course of action. So people could, theoretically, start heading there.] #06* Eliana is on her way to the abandoned farmhouse, which is sadly no mansion. Despite the super hot weather, she's all dressed up in winter clothes. Seems she found a new hooded cloak from somewhere, and it's even heavier than the last one. #06* Ysabeau Shows up, fashionably late, to the farmhouse wearing a new set of summer clothes, the height of style, and more comfortable shoes. #06* Moriel is there early, as is his wont, and is sitting quietly waiting when Ysabeau appears. "Good evening, Mistress Bellamy." Good evening. I hope you haven't been waiting long? #06* Moriel shrugs. "Not so very long, no." #06* Rolf rolfs his way in, as per usual, and growls a greeting to Moriel the quiet sitter when he shows up. "Hate summer," he grumbles. #06* Moriel smiles faintly. "It does constrain one's time." #06* Eliana walks up to the farmhouse and knocks on the doorframe before barging on in. "Good evening," she says generally as she makes her way to the dining table. #06* Eliana is carrying a bag heavy with books and scrolls. Short nights remind me too much 'bout my situation. Good evening, Mistress Casale. #06* Moriel glances at Rolf. "Indeed." #06* Eliana heaves the bag onto the table and starts unpacking tomes and scrolls: there's four of the first and a half dozen of the second. Someone's been abusing their Tremere library card. <@Dreol> [The farmhouse is exactly as you left it. For some reason both Cosimo and Thalaba seem to be missing. Perhaps they got distracted by something else.] #06* Moriel looks over at the books with interest. "Did your research bear fruit, then?" #01 Some. I was wondering if you would like to assist me, as time is of the essence but I've only had a few nights. #06* Moriel nods. "Of course." What did you find so far? #06* Moriel steps over to look down at the various research materials, but he doesn't touch any of them yet. He waits on further explanations/instructions from Eliana. #06* Eliana arranges the books and scrolls. "I've found no written records yet of Troile being buried anywhere, but there are remnants of a Greek civilization in northeast Britain, around Lincolnshire and Yorkshire." #01 Moloch may have been her lover, and it's rumored they fell into torpor in Carthage together. If he's woken, it's possible that would be enough to stir Troile. #06* Moriel frowns down at the tabletop, thinking. "...lovely, more trouble...but...I thought someone was orchestrating this? Though I suppose they might as well do both..." #01 It's possible and, I think, likely. But the messenger died before he could say what part, if any, he had with either releasing or attempting to stop Troile. #06* Moriel rubs at the frown lines in his forehead, then looks back up at Eliana. "What do you want me to research?" #06* Eliana gestures. "I just brought what I've found so far that would likely have some information, about the crystal dagger, Troile, Moloch, and so forth. If you'd like to get started..." #01 Most of it is in Latin. #06* Rolf groans a bit as he lumbers over. "Dustin' off the church's language, eh...?" #06* Eliana raises an eyebrow at Rolf. "We make an effort to translate as many texts as we can into Latin. It makes for a decent common language." There was a rumor in court that a traveler came from the north east of London and later traveled to France. #06* Moriel gives Rolf a sideways smile. "No dusting required." He turns to Eliana and shrugs. "Give me whichever ones you want, then, and I'll see what I can find." #06* Eliana murmurs, "That would help with the theory concerning the Lincoln and Yorkshire area." She slides a book over to Moriel, and looks to Rolf and Ysabeau expectantly. #06* Moriel picks it up, but doesn't start reading just yet. He looks up at Ysabeau. "The London court, you mean?" It's dustin' for me, wolves ain't big on Latin. #06* Ysabeau picks up the books and flips through, "Uh.. well, do you have any books in a language I might be able to read?" #01 What languages are you familiar with? #06* Eliana hands Rolf a scroll while she's at it. #06* Rolf takes it with a growled, "Thank ya," before he carefully flattens the scroll against the table so he can read it. #06* Moriel realizes Ysabeau didn't hear him, so he just opens the book and starts reading, frowning in concentration. Yes, the London court. And I can read French and English, but that is about it. I slept through most Latin tutors. #06* Eliana blinks. She doesn't seem to know what to say to that. #01 ... What? i read french, I do not read Latin. I was offered a tutor as part of my training #06* Moriel doesn't hear Ysabeau. He's reading now. The talking is just irrelevant noise. all... companions to the court, are offered studies. I'm also allowed into the library whenever I wish. My profession comes with certain, advantages. #06* Eliana blinks again. "Well." She seems something at a loss. She glances at her selection. "I don't believe I brought anything for you." #06* Eliana selects a book, herself, and starts leafing through it. #06* Eliana moves from book to scroll, and is now seated at the table and hunched over her research. "Troile certainly lives up to the new Brujah name." She sounds like someone I hope to never meet. Mm. If Thalaba's vision is true...we may not be able to avoid it. #06* Moriel tilts his head to one side. "I've never asked her...if events always occur exactly as she sees them. Hm." We probably should have asked that first. Not like she's goin' nowhere. #01 Except here. #06* Eliana shifts and points out an open passage in one of the books she looked at. "There is a note here that Troile was spotted in Britain during the Greek settlement, so somewhere between 1400 and 1200 BC." Not if we go out to meet her first. When do we leave? #06* Moriel is halfway back into the scroll he's looking at now. He mutters, "She probably just got lost in a vision and lost track of time or something..." #06* Rolf nods slightly at Eliana, before saying, "Means we've got a chance of finding her 'round here, at least." #01 Most likely. #06* Eliana looks to Ysabeau. "It would be best if we can discover what we will about that crystal dagger before charging into danger." I guess I just want to head out before I learn enough to realize how idiotic it would be to even go. #06* Eliana blinks. "It seems so." She seems slightly confused. #06* Ysabeau has been pacing this whole time, feeling useless. #06* Eliana watches Ysabeau pace, then sighs inwardly. Ugh. But. #01 You're regretting not learning Latin, aren't you. I did not realize that it would be of so much importance. #06* Rolf looks over at Ysabeau funny, then shakes his head. "So where we goin' to find out about flimsy little daggers?" #01 Jenny, perhaps. I'd *hope* through Cosimo. I can comb through the stacks a bit more and see if I can't find something. Jenny? #06* Eliana wrinkles her nose in a 'someone else please explain' sort of way. #06* Moriel 's gaze flicks upwards again. "Ragged Jenny. We stole the dagger for her in payment for a favor." She is...the leader of a large network of criminals. And runs a school for them. #06* Moriel adds, "Both human and Kindred." #06* Ysabeau blinks in surprised, "Oh, really?" Yes. #06* Eliana nods. "She's of the mind that we should not have to hide what we are." that, does not sound like a... long term plan for sustaining, well, safety. I do not see the masses embracing us. #01 No. It's a poorly thought notion, really. #06* Ysabeau looks relieved. <@Dreol> [Session End!]